chapter 6 applied counseling

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Client observation skills are important in paraphrasing because

. ​nonverbal patterns of behavior may change the meaning of the client's words. b. ​examples of movement synchrony may show when you hear the client accurately. c. ​repeating patterns of client language may be observed.

All your clients like to be listened to accurately. If your client is culturally different from you, it may be more difficult for the client to trust you to hear him or her correctly. Which of the following would NOT be helpful to establish the necessary trust?

Accurately following the specified treatment plan designated for your client's observed ethnic group

Which of the following is a key interviewer behavior when working with children?

Allow them to play with clay or draw to expend excess energy.

​As an interviewer you may help alleviate the occurrence of accumulated stress or posttraumatic stress responses in clients by your careful listening and support. Which of the following is an example of accumulated stress?

Being teased and excluded by classmates b. ​Experiencing discrimination and prejudice in the community c. ​Continuing harassment in the workplace

Which of the following is TRUE of an accurate paraphrase?

Clients have an opportunity to correct inaccurate interviewer perceptions. Avoid parroting the client; capture the essence of client talk. ​Use key words used by the client.

Change that happens without warmth and empathy is more effective and lasts a longer time.


Working with children uses only some of the microskills.


Which is NOT an effective way to gain better understanding of those who are culturally different from you?

Informing your clients that you will need to learn about their culture from them during the interview.

Which of the following might be useful for the interviewer who wishes to work with bilingual clients, even though he or she is not particularly skilled in the language of the client?

Learning a few key words in the client's language Suggesting that the client talk about especially important issues in his or her own language and then translating them for the interviewer ​Becoming competent and knowledgeable in key aspects of a cultur

Client: "There's this group of girls who make fun of me and call me names, and I feel sad. They keep making fun of my shoes, just 'cause I don't have name-brand shoes. I try to ignore them, but still the feeling inside me just hurts." Counselor: "They keep making fun of your shoes?" ​


An accurate paraphrase usually consists of which of the following four dimensions?

Sentence stem, key words, essence of what the client has said, and a check-out

Which of the following lists the four dimensions of an accurate paraphrase?

Sentence stem, key words, essence of what the client has said, and a check-out

All clients have a need to know they have been heard.


The sight of a person showing intense disgust turns on the observer's brain areas associated with the feeling of disgust.


​Bilingual clients, according to Azara Santiago-Rivera, are ____.


​Summarizing is primarily used to ___

begin or end an interview

​If you use an encourager correctly, you may anticipate that the client

elaborate on the topic that has been encouraged

Positive facial expressions, minimum verbal utterances, and head nods are effective demonstrations of ____.


If you use summarizing correctly, you may anticipate that the client will ____.

feel heard and learn how parts of important stories are integrat

​If you use paraphrases effectively, you may anticipate that the client will ____.

give more detail without repeating exactly the same story

A proficient demonstration of active listening requires the interviewer to ____.

listen intently, with a nonjudgmental attitude, and clarify what clients have to say

​When the counselor intentionally uses a(n)_________________, he or she can expect the client will feel heard. They will tend to go on further and not repeat the same story again.


Client: There's this group of girls who make fun of me and call me names, and I feel sad. They keep making fun of my shoes, just 'cause I don't have name-brand shoes. I try to ignore them, but still the feeling inside me just hurts. Counselor: Demaris, it sounds like it hurts when they make fun of your shoes.

paraphrasing noting emotions

Cumulative stress is:

repeated and repeating "minor" insults and stressors received by a client.

When the counselor repeats short statements, two or more words, exactly as used by the client, this is known as a ____.


​Client: There's this group of girls that make fun of me and call me names, and I feel sad. They keep making fun of my shoes, just 'cause I don't have name brand shoes. I try to ignore them, but still the feeling inside me just hurts. ​ Counselor: You are having trouble at school. Some girls call you names, make fun of your shoes, and it feels hurtful inside.


​Client: There's this group of girls who make fun of me and call me names, and I feel sad. They keep making fun of my shoes, just 'cause I don't have name-brand shoes. I try to ignore them, but still the feeling inside me just hurts. Counselor: You are having trouble at school. Some girls call you names, make fun of your shoes, and it feels hurtful inside. ​


All of the following are encouragers EXCEPT ____.

well-phrased open questions

Which of the following openings would be useful to draw out a child's story?

​"Nelson, where were you when the fight started?"

A check-out at the end of a paraphrase may take all EXCEPT which of the following forms?

​A head nod indicating agreement. b. ​A closed question ("Is that right?"). c. ​A raised vocal tone at the end that almost turns the paraphrase i

Which of the following statements is TRUE of active listening?

​Active listening demands that the interviewer fully participate in the interview by encouraging, paraphrasing, or summarizing. b. ​Active listening demands serious attention to empathy. c. ​Active listening enables the interviewer to see the client's worldview more completely.

​Which of the following is basic to empathic understanding?

​Encouraging ​Paraphrasing ​Summarizing

​An accurate paraphrase usually consists of which of the following four dimensions?

​Sentence stem, key words, essence of what the client has said, and a check-out

Discrimination and prejudice are examples of:

​a historical legacy of oppression. b. ​the result of institutional racism. c. ​a major cause of cumulative stress.

Summarizing encompasses a longer period of conversation and is used to ____.

​begin or end an interview

Encouraging, paraphrasing, and summarizing ____.

​clarify for the client what he or she has said b. ​help clients to talk in more detail about issues of concern c. ​communicate to the client what he or she said

​Silence, minimum verbal utterances, and head nods are effective ways of:


Your warmth may be described as the __________ that holds empathy and the possibility of positive change together.


The checkout is also called a:​

​perception check.

When the interviewer opens a session, "Let's see, last time we discussed...," he/she is most likely ____.


Paraphrasing and summarizing communicate to clients ____.

​that they have been listened to

The most important function of summarizations is that:

​they bring together the things a client has been saying in an organized fashion.

Counseling children requires ______________.

​using more concrete language

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