Chapter 6 china

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Farmers with small farms.

Wadi, central, confusianism

The Han Dynasty's Emperor ______ took power in 140 BC, and he wanted a strong _________ government. Under him, ____________ became China's official government philosophy (all government officials were expected to practice this ).


The ideas of Confucius.


Weather and temperature patterns vary widely across China. The _____________ is cold and dry, winter temperatures dropping below 0 F and rivers a Frozen for more than half the year.

Shi Huangdi

founder of the Qin dynasty and China's first emperor.

Liu Bang

A Peasant who founded the Han dynasty.


A device that uses the position of shadows cast by the sun to tell time. Ex: the first clock

Dynastic Cycle

A dynasty receives the Mandate of Heaven, maintains peace, but loses the mandate through mismanagement or natural disasters. The rise and fall of dynasties.

Silk road

A network of routes between China and the Mediterranean Sea.


A new idea, method or device.


A philosophy founded by Confucius, importance of order to achieve harmony by living ethnically. No important work. Main ideas be respectful and loyal to family members, leaders should be kind and lead by example, learning is a process that never ends and expect people to behave well and act morally.


A philosophy founded by Lao Tzu, the importance of nature where harmony was achieved through living naturally. Important works is the way and it's power. The main ideas are the Dao was the guiding force of reality it gave birth to the universe and all things in it; the universe is a balance of opposites; and wanted less government in people's lives.


A philosophy that has no founder and its importance of unity and efficiency. No important work. Main ideas are people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled, political philosophy only dealt with government and social control, society needed strict laws and wanted appointed officials to rule.


A prediction by a wise person

Great Wall

A system of fortified walls with a roadway along the top, constructed as a defense for China against the nomads of the region. Ex.


An early Chinese belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled.


An early Chinese belief that stressed living in harmony with the universe.

Shi Humangdi

First emperor of Qin Dynasty.

Confuciusism , Buddhism. Arts. Sima Qin.

In China _______ and _________ we're both worshipped. The _______ and learning grew under the Han. The Historical Records was written by _____ _______.

Individual states, peasants, family

In the Zhou dynasty more power was given to _______ ________ (nobles). Most people were _________. High value is on _________ relationships.

Centralized, currency, irrigation.

Qin Dynasty other achievements are a ____________ of government, standard laws, standard __________, Terracotta Soldiers and an __________ system that increased good farmland. This allowed China to develop a common identity and become more unified.

Rivers, plains, plateaus

The important characteristics of China's physical boundaries are _________, __________, ________.


The most famous Daoist teacher. Ex: teacher of Daoism.

Mountains, plateaus, desert, ocean

The physical boundaries of China consists of ___________, _________, _________ and __________.


The physical boundaries of China: __________ - miles of rugged mountains to the west; Qinling Shandi Range separates northern and southern China.


The physical boundaries of China: ____________ - The Gobi Desert lies to the north.


The physical boundaries of China: ____________-The Pacific Ocean lies to the east.


The physical boundaries of China: _____________ - The Plateau of Tibet has peaks more than 26,000 feet tall.


The practice of inserting small needles through the skin at specific points to cure disease or relieve pain. Ex. Chinese medical treatment

Crime, head, absolute, dead

The revival of the Family in the Han Empire: disobeying parents was a ________, father is the _______ of the family and had _________ power and honor the ________ and care for burial sites.

King, Lords, Warriors, Peasants

The social hierarchy of the Zhou Dynasty are _________, ________ and _________, _________.


The social structure under Shi Hunangdi used a __________ Government (abolished the feudal states).


The way something is set up or organized.


The weather in the ___________ of China is tropical and is the wettest region; Monsoons can bring 250 inches or rain per year.


The weather in the ____________ China are deserts very dry.

Eastern plains

The weather in the _____________ __________ of China is known for heavy rains.

Wu Wang

________ ________ , the leader who took over the Shang Dynasty.

Zhou Dynasty

_________ is the longest lasting Chinese Dynasty. It had the right to rule/Mandate and the Dynastic Cycle.


a device that measures the strength of an earthquake. Ex. Device that recorded the San Francisco earthquake.


a hard green gemstone often used in jewelry. Example a jade dragon figurine


a soft, light, highly fabric made from the cocoons of silkworms. Ex. A silk kimono


moral values.

Enemies, united

In 221 BCE-Qin forces brought down the last of their _________. China is _______ for the first time since the Warring Period began.


Ideas also spread along the Silk Road, missionaries from India brought ________, which is an example of cultural diffusion. I

Yangtze, rice

Chang Jiang River aka the ___________ River. The farmers grow an abundance of ________.


Chang Jiang River helps connect eastern and western China, it flows from west to east (from the mountains of Tibet to the Pacific Ocean). It is the ____________ River in China, it also floods the land providing silt.

4 million, United States

China covers an area of nearly ______________ sq. Miles, about the same size as the __________ _____________. China's boundaries isolated it from the rest of the world for thousands of years.

Acupuncture. Inoculation, vaccines.

China medicine consists of _________ (use fine needle to relieve pain or cure disease). They also has _______ and _______ (prevent disease). Also discovered the circulatory system.

Compass, sundial

Chinese also made a ______ and ________ (position of shadows tells time).

Iron plow, seismograph, wheelbarrow

Chinese technology consists of rudder for steering ships, an ______ _____ for farming, __________(detecting earthquakes) and a ________.

Secret, death

How to make silk was a closely guarded ________ and revealing it was punishable by __________.

Yellow, sorrow

Huang He River aka the _________ River or China's Sorrow. Farmers here grow __________ like millet and wheat.

West, east

Huang He River flows from _____________ to ____________ flooding the ground leaving behind layers of silk.

Feudal System (Zhou Dynasty)

Land given in exchange for military service. Nobles owned the land farmers worked on.

Common person, legalist

Lui Bang was the first _________ ________ to become emperor. He left the strict _________ ways behind.

Patriarchal Society (Zhou Dynasty)

Men were the authority.


Most influential teacher in Chinese history. Ex. Kong Fung

Trader, silk

Most travelers did not travel the entire Silk Road as goods were passed from trader to ________. _________ (which was VERY valuable) was created from the silkworms. This is how the Silk Road got its name.

Rule to Rule/ Mandate of Heaven

No one will rule without Heaven's support, Heaven chooses who will come to power.

Bronze containers, war chariots, jade, calendar

Other Shang achievements were __________ __________ for cooking and religious ceremonies. ________ __________, powerful bows, and bronze body armor. They made axes, knives, and ornaments from _________. They developed a __________ based on the cycles of the moon.


People of high rank. Ex. Large Land owners with power and authority.

Deserts, mountains, sand

Silk Road ran along ______ and _________, travelers also dealt with _______ storms.

Tree bark, hemp, rags

The Chinese made paper from _____ _____, _____, and old ______.

Upper class, second class, 90, artist class, third class

The Han Dynasty's social structure consisted of ______ _______ (Emperor, scholars, government officials). ________ ________ (peasants, LARGEST group). ______% of the people were peasants. _______ _______ and ______ ________(Merchants, Military). This system did not indicate wealth and power.


The Qin Dynasty had a _____________ Society (emphasis on unity and power of the husband and father).

Great Wall, transportation

The Qin Dynasty's achievements are: the ________ _________ of China, a single written language, and standardized ___________.

King, landlords, merchants, peasants

The Qin Dynasty's social hierarchy consists of ______, _______ (ruled military districts), __________, __________.

Appointed, legalism

The Qin districts ruled by _______ officials. They adopted ________ as the primary ruling philosophy.

Evidence, political, attacks, floods

The Shang Dynasty history/events: The first Chinese Dynasty with clear __________. Tang was the first king and was at the center of _____________ and religious life. The Shang Dynasty moved their capital several times to probably avoid ___________ or ___________.

orcale bones

The Shang Dynasty's achievements were priests carved questions about the future on bones or shells which were heated, causing them to crack. Priests believed they could predict the future by interpreting cracks on ___________ __________.

King, artisan

The Shang Dynasty's social order hierarchy became more organized. The social order under the Shang Dynasty was ___________, nobles, warriors, leaders, __________, farmers, slaves.

Writing system

The Shang were the first people in China to develop a __________ ___________. The writing system of today is based on this system.

Grapes, walnuts, garlic

The Silk Road trade introduced new foods: __________, ________ and ________.

4000, Mediterranean Sea

The Silk Road was a series of roads covering _______ miles from China to the _________ _________.

Geography, kings, no

The Xia Dynasty history/events: Their stories helped explain __________, and told about how ____________ worked with people to help solve problems. Stories of terrible floods and the channels that Yu the Great dug to drain the water to the ocean. ________ written evidence.

Conquest, states

The Zhou Dynasty expanded land through ________ and created individual _______ ruled by family members of the king.

Crossbow, iron weapons, fertilizer

The Zhou Dynasty inventions were __________, _________ _________ and _________.

Coins, roads

The Zhou achievements in the economy are _________ (made trade easier) and built a network of ________ for travel and trade.

Qin, 400

The _______ dynasty fell in 207 BCE. After several years of fighting , the Han took control of China. This dynasty lasted more than _____ years.


The _________ conquered the Shang.


The _____________ Dynasty has no social structure/society and no achievements.

She Huangdi's, rebel, central

The decline of the Qin Empire after ______ _________ death, authority over his kingdom also died. Many ______ forces tried to claim the Mandate of Heaven to take over the Qin Empire. One group successfully captured the capital and burned the emperor's palace to the ground. Without a ___________ government, China again fell into civil war.

Loyalty, civil

The decline of the Zhou was the warring period where warriors refused to fight for the king. ________ lied more with noble leaders, _______ war broke out among the individual states.

Confucianism, Taoism/Daoism and Legalism

What are the philosophies of Zhou China?

Diffusion (Cultural)

the spread of ideas from one culture to another. Ex. Spreading of Religion

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