Chapter 6 Lab

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Which part of the leg does the tibia form? -Medial thigh -Lateral leg -Medial leg -Lateral thigh

-Medial leg

What is the shape of the female pelvic inlet? -Abstract -Square -Round -Heart-shaped -Oval


The suprascapular notch is found on: -Lateral border -Superior border -Medial border

-Superior border

Identify the bones that make up the wrist. -Metacarpals -Phalanges -Tarsals -Carpals


Which anatomic structures project into the male pelvic outlet? - Pubic tubercles -Greater sciatic notch -Coccyx -Ischial spines

-Coccyx -Ischial spines

The inferior surface of the clavicle has a projection called the: -Acromion process -Manubrium -Conoid tubercle

-Conoid tubercle

Where in the skeleton is the ulna located in reference to the humerus? -Distal -Lateral -Medial -Proximal


Identify the bone of the lower limb that bears the least amount of weight. -Talus -Fibula -Tibia -Femur


Identify the landmark found on the proximal end of the humerus. -Medial epicondyle -Greater tubercle -Capitulum -Deltoid tuberosity

-Greater tubercle

This is a characteristic of the male pelvis. -The sacrum curves ventrally into the pelvic outlet. -Ischial spines are short and everted. -It forms a broad shallow "bowl." -The pelvic brim is very wide mediolaterally.

-The sacrum curves ventrally into the pelvic outlet.

Identify the landmark that is unique to the femur. -Notch -Head -Trochanter -Condyle


Identify the primary region of the ulna that forms the hinge joint with the humerus. -Olecranon process -Trochlear notch -Coronoid process -Olecranon fossa

-Trochlear notch

The fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot—with the exception of the great toe and the thumb—each have three phalanges. -True or False


The strongest, heaviest bone of the body is in the thigh. It is the __________. -femur -fibula -tibia


This bone articulates with the acetabulum. -tibia -fibula -humerus -femur


The ________ of the scapula receives the humerus. -coracoid process -glenoid cavity -infraspinous fossaa -cromion

-glenoid cavity

The superior portion of the coxal bone is called the _______________. -ischium -obturator -pubis -ilium


This part of the coxal bone bears your weight when you sit. -ischial tuberosity -inferior ramus of the pubis -iliac fossa -ischial ramus

-ischial tuberosity

The female pelvis is ________ than the male pelvis. -more narrow and longer -heavier -wider and has a more acute pelvic angle/arch -lighter


The angle of the greater sciatic notch is steeper in a: -male pelvis -female pelvis.

-male pelvis

This bone is commonly called the kneecap. -pelvic -pectoral -patella -petrous


The hip (coxal) bones articulate with each other at the ________. -sacroiliac joint -ilioischial joint -pubic symphysis -puboischial joint

-pubic symphysis

The acromial end of the clavicle articulates with the ________. -sternal body -humerus -manubrium -scapula


The hand consists of three groups of bones. The carpals make up the wrist. The __________ make up the palm, and the phalanges make up the fingers.


The __________ , or "knee cap," is a sesamoid bone that is found within the quadriceps tendon.


The projection at the inferior end of the greater sciatic notch is the ischial spine. -False or True

- True

Identify the articulation site for the femur. -Auricular surface -Obturator foramen -Acetabulum -Fovea capitis


Identify the region of the scapula that articulates with the clavicle. -Acromion process -Glenoid fossa -Coracoid process -Spine

-Acromion process

Identify the true statement about the head of the ulna. -Found at the distal end of the bone. -Helps form the elbow joint. -Helps form the pivot joint between the ulna and radius. -Found at the proximal end of the bone.

-Found at the distal end of the bone.

Which of the following is the largest region of the hip bone? -Pubis -Ischium -Ilium -Ileum


Identify the landmark found on the diaphysis of the femur. -Fovea capitis -Greater trochanter -Deltoid tuberosity -Linea aspera

-Linea aspera

What type of bone is a phalanx? -Irregular -Flat -Short -Long


Identify the anatomical landmark resulting in a noticeable bump found on the medial surface of the ankle. -Medial malleolus -Medial condyle -Lateral malleolus -Styloid process

-Medial malleolus

Identify the bones that make up the palm of the hand. -Metatarsals -Metacarpals -Phalanges -Carpals


Identify the bones that make up the middle portion of the foot. -Tarsals -Phalanges -Metatarsals -Metacarpals


Identify the region of the ulna that articulates with the humerus when the forearm is in full extension. -Olecranon process -Trochlear notch -Trochlea -Coronoid process

-Olecranon process

Which landmark is found on the anterior surface of the femur? -Patellar surface -Linea aspera -Intercondylar notch -Greater trochanter

-Patellar surface

What type of joint is formed between the radius and ulna? -Pivot -Hinge -Synchondrosis -Ball and socket


Which anatomic structures define the pelvic inlet? -Sacral promontory -Pubic arch -Arcuate lines -Ischium -Superior border of the pubic symphysis

-Sacral promontory -Arcuate lines -Superior border of the pubic symphysis

Identify the bone that articulates with the clavicle laterally. -Sternum -First rib -Scapula -Humerus


Identify the characteristic that would not help you to determine the sex of a pelvic girdle. -Shape of the ilia -Shape of the pubic arch -Shape of the pubic tubercles Shape of the pelvic inlet -Shape of the greater sciatic notch

-Shape of the pubic tubercles

Which of the following landmarks is found on the posterior surface of the scapula? -Lateral border -Spine -Coracoid process -Glenoid fossa


Which region of the scapula is found on the anterior surface? -Infraspinous fossa -Scapular spine -Supraspinous fossa -Subscapular fossa

-Subscapular fossa

Identify the type of movement enabled by the articulation between the radius and ulna at the elbow. -Abduction -Inversion -Supination -Flexion


Identify the tarsal that articulates with the tibia and fibula. -Calcaneus -Talus -Navicular -Cuboid


Which digit is composed of only two phalanges? -Index finger -Ring finger -Pinky finger -Thumb -Middle finger


Identify the 2 bones that the fibula articulates with in the skeleton. -Femur and patella -Tibia and femur -Femur and foot -Tibia and foot

-Tibia and foot

Identify the blunt elevation found on the anterior surface of the tibia between the lateral and medial condyles. -Articular surface of the medial condyle -Intercondylar eminence -Tibial tuberosity -Medial malleolus

-Tibial tuberosity

Little bones of the fingers and toes are called the ________. -Wormian bones -ossicles -lacrimals -phalanges


The medial end of the clavicle articulates with the ________. -scapula -ribs -humerus -sternum


The hip bone is part of the axial skeleton. - False or True

- False

What type of bone is the fibula? -Irregular -Short -Flat -Long


Each foot has a total of __________ bones.


The __________ girdle attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton. - pectoral - pelvic

- pectoral

What type of bones are the phalanges? -Short -Irregular -Flat -Long


Identify the depression found on the posterior surface of the distal humerus. -Coronoid fossa -Head -Olecranon fossa -Medial epicondyle

-Olecranon fossa

Which bony landmarks can be palpated on the anterior surface of the body, close to the midline? -Anterior superior iliac spines -Ischial spines -Pubic tubercles -Ischial tuberosities

-Pubic tubercles

What region of the vertebral column does the hip bone articulate with? -Thoracic region -Sacral region -Lumbar region -Coccygeal region

-Sacral region

The __________ skeleton is made up of 126 bones of the limbs and girdles.


You are studying a pelvis that is wide and shallow. The acetabula are small and far apart. The pubic arch/angle is rounded and greater than 90°. It appears to be tilted forward, with a wide, short sacrum. Is this a male or a female pelvis? __________


The __________ , on the posterior thorax, are roughly triangular in shape. They have NO direct attachment to the axial skeleton but are held in place by trunk muscles.


Identify the region of the radius that articulates with the ulna. -Head -Styloid process -Neck -Radial tuberosity


What part of the fibula is found near the knee joint? -Medial malleolus -Lateral malleolus -Head


What part of the humerus articulates with the scapula to form the shoulder joint? -Greater tubercle -Head -Trochlea -Deltoid tuberosity


The ridge like superior edge of the ilium is known as the _____. -Iliac crest -Ischial spine -Anterior gluteal line -Anterior superior iliac spine

-Iliac crest

Which landmark of the hip bone can be felt on a hard chair? -Ischial body -Iliac crest -Ischial tuberosity -Pubic rami

-Ischial tuberosity

Which region of the clavicle is known as the acromial end? -Lateral -Medial -Superior -Inferior


The palpable hip bone projections in the front of the body felt when you put your hands on your hips are the posterior inferior iliac spines. -True or False

- False

How many bones are found in the arm or brachial region? -1 -25 -2 -11


Which digit is the radius closest to? -1 -3 -5 -4


Which of the following digits contain only 2 phalanges? -1 -5 -3 -2


How many phalanges are located in the hand? -10 -14 -15 -12


How many bones are found in the leg? -1 -25 -2 -4


The adult hip bone consists of _____ regions. -1 -2 -3 -4


Name the number of tarsals. -5 -10 -7 -8


How many carpals make up the wrist? - 5 -7 -8 -6


Which region of the skeleton contains the humerus? -Pectoral girdle -Rib cage -Appendicular -Axial


The clavicle belongs to which of the following areas? -Axial skeleton -Rib cage -Arm -Appendicular skeleton

-Appendicular skeleton

Which region of the hip bone articulates with the sacrum? -Pubic symphysis -Auricular surface of the ischium -Coccyx -Auricular surface of the ilium

-Auricular surface of the ilium

Identify the anatomical term for the "heel bone". -Talus -Cuneiform -Achilles -Calcaneus


Identify the common name for the clavicle. -Breast bone -Rib -Collarbone -Shoulder blade


Identify the process on the scapula that does not articulate with another bone. -Coracoid process -Glenoid fossa -Coronoid process -Acromion process

-Coracoid process

Name bone that articulates with the proximal end of the tibia. -Calcaneus -Fibula -Fibularis -Femur


Identify the bone found lateral to the tibia. -Femur -Calcaneus -Fibularis -Fibula


Identify the socket of the shoulder joint. -Spine -Glenoid fossa -Coracoid process -Lateral border

-Glenoid fossa

Identify the indentation that is inferiorolateral to the auricular surface. -Pubic tubercle -Greater sciatic notch -Acetabulum -Ischial spine

-Greater sciatic notch

Identify the region of the femur that forms part of the hip joint. -Medial condyle -Fovea capitis -Neck -Head


Which statement about the pectoral girdle is false? - It attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton. -Its bones provide for great range of motion. -Its bones attach to each other and to the axial skeleton. -It is light and has no posterior attachment to the axial skeleton.

-Its bones attach to each other and to the axial skeleton.

Where is the radius located in reference to the ulna? -Medial -Distal -Proximal -Lateral


Which of the following landmarks is found on the distal end of the humerus? -Greater tubercle -Lesser tubercle -Lateral epicondyle -Neck

-Lateral epicondyle

Name the noticeable bump on the outside of the ankle. -Medial malleolus -Lateral malleolus -Medial condyle -Lateral condyle

-Lateral malleolus

The flat surface of the tibia that articulates with the femur is the superior surface of which landmark? -Medial malleolus -Head -Medial and lateral condyles -Patellar surface

-Medial and lateral condyles

Identify the best description for the location of the head of the femur. -Medial and distal -Medial and proximal -Posterior and proximal -Lateral and proximal

-Medial and proximal

The condition known as a "fractured hip" is most often a break in the femur. Where is the femur particularly susceptible to a fracture? -Acetabulum -Greater trochanter -Neck -Head


Identify the large hole found in this bone. -Foramen magnum -Greater sciatic notch -Obturator foramen -Lesser sciatic notch

-Obturator foramen

Identify the bone that articulates with the clavicle medially. -First rib -Humerus -Sternum -Scapula


Identify the projection found on distal end of the ulna. -Coronoid process -Styloid process -Head -Olecranon process

-Styloid process

Which of the following regions of the radius help form the wrist joint? -Head -Styloid process -Neck -Radial tuberosity

-Styloid process

Which of the following is a correct statement? -The male pelvis is heavier than the female pelvis. -The male pelvis is broader than the female pelvis. -The female pelvis is denser than the male pelvis. -The female pelvis is narrower than the male pelvis.

-The male pelvis is heavier than the female pelvis.

Identify the region of the humerus that articulates with the ulna, located between the medial epicondyle and capitulum. -Lateral epicondyle -Coronoid fossa -Trochlea -Head


Which feature of the female pelvis provides for compatibility with vaginal birth? -Prominent ischial spines -Smaller bone mass -Longer sacrum -Wide pelvic inlet and outlet

-Wide pelvic inlet and outlet

The pelvis consists of ________. -1 hip (coxal) bone and the sacrum and coccyx -the 2 hip (coxal) bones -both hip (coxal) bones and the sacrum and coccyx

-both hip (coxal) bones and the sacrum and coccyx

The radius articulates with this condyle of the humerus. -trochlea -capitulum -olecranon fossa -intercondylar fossa


These bones form the pectoral girdle. -coxal bones -femur and coxal bone -humerus and scapula -clavicle and scapula

-clavicle and scapula

The acetabulum is located on the _______________. -coxa -tibia -fibula -femur


Name the large bone or bones of the thigh. -femur -radius and ulna -humerus -tibia and fibula


These fossae of the scapula contain muscles that stabilize the shoulder. -infraspinous fossa, subscapular fossa, and supraspinous fossa -glenoid, acromial and coracoid -lateral, inferior, and subscapular -infraspinous, spinous, and medial

-infraspinous fossa, subscapular fossa, and supraspinous fossa

Extension (or straightening) of the elbow stops when the proximal end of the ulna engages the ________. -medial epicondyle of the humerus -olecranon fossa of the humerus -trochlea of the humerus -coronoid fossa of the humerus

-olecranon fossa of the humerus

Name the bone or bones of the forearm. -humerus -femur -tibia and fibula -radius and ulna

-radius and ulna

The leg bones articulate with this ankle bone and transfer weight to the foot. -medial cuneiform -navicular -talus -calcaneus


Body weight is borne by the two largest tarsal bones: ________ and ________. -navicular, calcaneus -talus, calcaneus -navicular, cuneiform -talus, navicular

-talus, calcaneus

This bone bears the medial malleolus. -ulna -fibula -radius -tibia


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