Chapter 6: lEADERSHIP and global organizations

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the environment should be considered as

a source of multiple contingencies that must be met with the leadership style used or allowed. with these constraints

women leaders: challenges and. opportunities

according to a recent study by the international labour organization, more women in today's business world are managers and business owners. but only 5% of CEOs of the world largest companies are woman

global business success is predicated on

achieving and maintaining a competitive edge. managers are responsible for outperforming their opponents using the tills available to them.

leadership varies

across geographic regions

the definition of leader

differs among languages and provokes different images leaders are not necessarily trusted and the word subordinates in egalitarian societies are seen as inappropriate.

normative approach

is prescriptive and sees the leader as a global manager. it focuses on enduring personal skills and abilities that are thought to characterize effective global managers. there would be one set of traits, skills and abilities that apply to all managers, regardless of where they are working. one of them Is called global mindset


is the ability of a manager to influence, motivate and enable others within the organization to contribute towards the OG effectiveness and success,

it is hard to define leadership because

it means something different in every part of the world, so there is no universal definition.

there is a longstanding debate about the difference between

management and leadership as concepts that are central to determining organizational effectiveness.

china performance results from a

minimization of action itself, leaving the situation to achieve its full potential

performance the western cultures results from

minimizing the gap between the goal and the achievement, the planned and the attained.

Erica o'mallet abd thornton

"it is no longer feasible for global businesses to adopt a sit-and-wait policy when it comes to promoting women to senior management roles, particularly when so many other nations are more rapidly realizing the benefits of diverse senior leadership"

2 approaches exist to view this debate

1. academic approach: involves attempts to divide structural and behavioral differences between these 2 constructs ( what do leaders do compared to manages do?) 2. management approach: involves recognizing That, for global managers the integration of management and leadership is more important than differentiation

dimensions of leaderships

1. autonomous leaderships: individualistic, independent, unique, mostly in Eastern European and germanic clusters, weaker in Latin America 2. charismatic/value based leadership: visionary, inspirational, self sacrificing, decisive, performance-oriented, all regions but particularly in anglo, asian, and Latin American clusters; weaker endorsement in Arab clusters 3. humane leadership; modest, tolerant, sensitive concerned about humanity, more common in anglo, asian and subsaharan African clusters; less so elsewhere 4. participative leadership: active listenning, non-autocratic, flexible. wide variations in endorsements across all regions, but less so Inara and Latin American clusters 5. self-protective leadership: self centered, procedural, status-conscious, face-saving. wide variations endorsements across all regional clusters 6. team oriented leadership: collaborative, integrating, diplomatic. all regions but particularly in anglo, asian and latin American clusters, less so in arab clusters

there is 4 dimensions of organizational leadership

1. strategic (focus: corporate mission, objectives, and corporate culture; manage corporate mission) 2. managerial (focus: operational control and accountability manage performance) 3. team (focus: team cohesion, direction and performance, manage processes) 4. ethical (this is important when doing business in the global arena where trust, ethics and social responsibility are crucial, corporate values)

when managers are choosing which strategy to adopt for leading global organizations, they should take into account 3 factors:

1. understand yourself as a leader: understand how you get tings done, working with others, your own particular leadership style and what additional skills you should learn to be a more effective leader 2. clarify leadership expectations: clarify expectations you have about yourself as a leader and about others as followers, and the expectations others have 3. manage leader behavior: be authentic, but mindful of local constraints, tie available rewards to follwoership, be honest and transparent in tour LS efforts, continually listen for feedback about your leader behavior

3 different ways of approaching the challenge of defining what leadership is

1. universal approach 2. normative approach 3. contingency approach


W: establishing and pursue goals, manage results E: create conditions conducive to success, manage process


W: logic of applicatio, articulate obejctives and determine reasonable means to desired ends E: logic of exploitation; place oneself in a position to exploit opportunities as they emerge


W: preference for action, capture the initiative E: preference for patience, let events come to you

universal approach

charismatic or transformational leadership. Sees the leader as leader it considers leaderships traits and processes to be relatively constant among cultures. so if a manger wants to adopt charismatic (transformational) leadership, it would be able to apply it anywhere in the world. it Is superior than the transactional one in which concret exchange relationships with employees determine the results. in japan managers prefer gate-keeping leadership, in which they work to reduce barriers to successful performance among their subordinates. however research over decades has shown that there is no such thing as a few keys to successful leadership in contrast to what many training programs suggest

leadership is a

cultura construct, the meaning of which is embedded in the diverse cultures in which it is exercised it is not a western construct that is easily expanded to global dimensions.

Globe leadership study (global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness)

examined the relationship between culture and successful leadership in 62 countries around the world and have proposed 9 cultural dimensions: 1. power distance 2. uncertainty 3. human orientation 4. institutional collectivism 5. in group collectivism 6. assertiveness 7. future orientation 8. gender egalitarism 9. perfomance orientation

understanding the difference assists in

explaining those 2 separate paths of social thought

dimensions of a global mindset: personal work style

global mindest characterisitcs: - high cultural quotient -flexibility and open kindness -effective global communicator and collaborator -skills in being a global team player -ability to balance global and local goals, behaviors and management practices

dimensions of global mindset: general perspectives

global mindset characteristics: -ability to take broad, long term systems perspective -emotional resilience and personal autonomy -ability to embrace and support change -ability to work across organizational boundaries -ability to operate seamlessly in cross cultural and cross functional environments -thirst fro global learning as a path for career development

according to ILO studies

having more women at the op can help the Botton line and women participation in decision making, which is positive for business outcomes

global mindset

highly complex cognitive structure characterized by an openness to and articulation of multiple cultural and strategic realities on both global and local levels, and the cognitive ability to mediate and integrate across the municipality. it incorporates 3 skills: 1. attentiveness and openness to multiple realms of action and meaning 2. a complex representation and articulation of cultral and strategic dynamics 3. a mediation and integration of weals and actions oriented towards global and local levels alike

charismatic and team oriented leaderships are found

in all country clusters whereas the other 4 were mainly culturally contingent

some people consider management to be focused on

operational issues in getting things done through people, while leadership involves the influence processes through which managers accomplish their objectives and lead. but other people see management and leadership as interconnected and almost inseparable

contingency approach

sees the leader as a local manager and beings with the assumption that there is no such thing as one universally effective leader. leadership is a culturally embedded process, not a series of personal traits of the manager or basically assumes that the success of the manager lies in matching the right person to the right situation. an example of this approach is found in the GLOBE leadership project (indicates that to a large extent, leadership is culturally contingent, effective leaders qualities vary across countries) another example of how culture impacts leadership is the symbolic leadership (when senior executives or the CEO accept full responsibility for setbacks or crises on behalf of the whole company) through restoring the harmony, the entire organization can continue forward, symbolic leadership is commonplace thourghout Asia but is seen as a sign of weakness in the west.

limitations on contemporary approaches

the 3 approaches miss the mark in explaining the leadership construct when it comes to global leadership. we need to focus more on: 1. the meaning of leadership as a cultural construct 2. the variation in local expectations regarding leader behavior we must move beyond western models and go for a more cosmopolitan approach

in globe leadership was defined as

the ability of an individual manager to influence, motivate and enable others within the organization to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the enterprise, based on 9 dimensions they identified 22 leaderships attribute widely seen as universally applicable;e across cultures and 8 possible dimensions of leadership that would be less desirable. some other traits were seen as culturally contingent: their (un)desirability was tied to cultural differences. here it was found that people in some cultures favored traits in leaders that people in other cultures rejected

according to French philosopher, Francois mullein

the different foundations of leadership in eastern and western traditions can be traces to ancient Chinese and greek thoughts. western civilizations are traced back to Ancient Greece. the greeks developed the concept of eidos (ideal) as an ideal from that humans should aspire to and achieve as telos (goals) as an ideal state and the reality with the goal of achieving perfection. by contrasts the concept of an ideal never developed in ancient china. instead the reality there was seen as an interaction between opposing and complementary forces (yin/yang). other did not result from an ideal to be accomplished but from a natural propensity of precesses already in motion. Chinese thinking focused on concrete and specific actions and one has to flow with potential of each situation. traditional Chinese language did not include words for essence, gods, beings and ethics. (didn't read anything just copied the summary sorry lol)

this distinction between the leadership dimensions is important because

the leaders efforts depend on the target of leadership (either learning small work teams or leading conglomerates)

the more managers understand the environment

the more successful they will be

expectations concerning appropriate leader behaviors can

vary considerably across cultures


western: seek to achieve an ideal end state (edits and telos) eastern: balancing countervailing forces (yin and yang)

the study of Erica and Thornton also showed that

when it comes to a woman being the chairperson board, the percentages decreases significantly. even though women own and mange more than 30% of all businesses, they are usually clustered in particular managerial functions such as HR,PR, finance and adminstration in which they can reach only a certain point in the organizational hierarchy and usually not the chief executive role.

leadership in china and the west

when western managers interact with Chinese leaders they are often confused and frustrated. it is considered that Chinese people refuse to act decisively, fail to respond candidly, are ambiguous when defining their objectives and generally do no act like leaders.

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