Chapter 6: Proteins

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What is the RDA for protein?

0.8 grams/kg

Put the steps of protein digestion in the correct order, from start to finish

1. Partially digested proteins move from the stomach into the small intestine 2. Partially digested proteins trigger the release of the hormone CCK 3. CCK causes the pancreas to release proteins-splitting enzymes 4. Trypsin Divides the chains of amino acids into smaller amino acid segments

The body uses 20 different amino acids to function. How many of these amino acids are nonessential?


How many pounds equivalent to 1 kilogram?


The body needs to use__________ different amino acids in order to function


Proteins supply the body with about __________kilocalories per gram


A typical diet provides about__________ percent of proteins as essential amino acids, when only 11% is required


What is the RDA of protein for a typical (154 lb.) man?

56 grams

__________Are proteins produced by one type of white blood cell that bind to foreign proteins to facilitate the removal from the body


Many other propose anti-cancer effects of food containing plant proteins are through__________ mechanisms


Which of the following are characteristics of Kwashiorkor?

Apathy, diarrhea, listlessness, failure to grow and gain weight, edema, fatty liver, and withdraw from the environment

To meet their high calorie needs, a vegetarian or vegan child can consume which of the following nutrient-dense foods?

Avocado, dried fruit, and nuts

Whey protein is popular among strength-training athletes because it is particularly rich in leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These three amino acids are__________ amino acids


The purpose of the transfer RNA (tRNA) is to__________

Bring specific amino acids to the ribosomes for protein synthesis

A __________is any compound that resists changes in acid-base conditions in a solution


A person chooses to use amino acid supplements to

Build muscle and lose weight

Proteins serve which of the following functions?

Building block for muscles and bone,Aid in blood clotting, maintenance of fluid balance, and synthesis of enzymes and hormones

Protein turnover is a process by which a cell can respond to it's changing environment by

Dissembling proteins and making proteins

Because blood proteins attract fluid from extra circular spaces into the capillaries, low protein intake can lead to


__________Involves a build up of excess fluid in tissues


The downward trend in meat consumption for Americans results from the rising cost of beef and a conscious decision to eat less red meat for __________reasons

Environmental, social, and health

Cholecystokinin (CCK) Causes the release of proteins-splitting__________from the increase


An__________Amino acid cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts, or at all, and must be included in the diet


There are nine__________ amino acids that cannot be produced by the body and must be consumed as part of our diet


Indispensable amino acid is another term for an

Essential amino acid

What's your following are possible reasons people choose a vegetarian lifestyle?

Ethical considerations, health benefits, environmental preservation, and religious beliefs

True or false essential amino acid Needs must be met at each meal


True or false: Trypsin is responsible for releasing pepsin And simulating the stomach to produce acid


True or false: a diet of gruels provides children with adequate nutrients that keeps them healthy


True or false: amino acid absorption is unrelated to protein denaturation


True or false: amino acids are formed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen


True or false: animal proteins are not considered to be a good source of all nine essential amino acids


True or false: if a person chooses to follow a high-protein diet, he should choose animal sources of protein instead of plant sources of protein because they are better for heart health


True or false: most enzymes are lipids


True or false: once an amino acid is he's in the body, it cannot be used again


True or false: protein synthesis is the process of altering the three-dimensional structure of a protein


True or false: proteins synthesis takes place in the nucleus


True or false; fats and carbohydrates are really used to me energy needs


A protein that contains all nonessential amino acids is a__________ protein

High quality and complete

Which type of diet poses an increased risk of dehydration?


As a proportion of total protein intake, essential amino acid requirements of an infant are __________those of an adult

Higher than

Which of the following occurs with inadequate consumption of protein?

Immune function is impaired, edema can develop, and blood protein concentration decreases

The RDA for protein is higher than 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight during

Infancy and pregnancy

Children following a vegan or vegetarian diet may be at risk for deficiencies of

Iron, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and calcium

Which of the following is the amino acid that can be synthesized by a healthy body in sufficient amounts?


What are some health risks for plant-based diet's for infants and children?

Nutrient deficiency and growth retardation

Although they are a dense source of calories, __________provide many health benefits


Thinking about food or chewing food simulates gastrin release from the stomach. Gastrin then stimulates the stomach to release__________ and produce acid


__________Is a major stomach enzyme used for digesting proteins


A__________ bond is a chemical bond formed between single amino acids in a protein


A__________Bond is formed between amino acids in a protein. Is difficulty break, but acids, enzymes, and other agents are able to do so, during digestion


__________ proteins are frequently low in one or more of the nine essential amino acids


__________Proteins our heart healthy because they contain no cholesterol and little saturated fat


Which of the following meals would be acceptable for a lactoovegetarian?

Poached eggs; white-wheat toast with jam; banana; orange juice; and spinach and artichoke lasagna with Alfredo sauce; Italian bread; ice tea

A__________Protein violence occurs when protein intake exceeds daily proteins losses


The body needs a _________protein balance when growing or recovering from illness or injury


Although usually reserved for tissue synthesis and repair, __________can be used to me energy needs during prolonged exercise and during calorie restriction


Although usually reserved for tissue synthesis and repair, __________can be used to meet energy needs during prolonged exercise in during calorie restriction


Slightly exceeding your needs for__________ may be beneficial when cutting calories to lose weight


The liver and kidneys must work hard to drive energy from_________, which makes it a costly source of calories


What macronutrient is a key components of the cells within the immune system and makes up many other antibodies that defend the body from illness?


What macronutrient provides the highest feeling of satiety?


Trypsin is a protein-digested enzymes created by the pancreas to act in there__________

Small intestine

__________ protein is an example of a plant-based protein that does mean essential amino acid needs


Select all the following foods that would be good sources of calcium for a person who follows a vegan dietary pattern

Soy milk, fortified orange juice, calcium rich tofu, and certain ready to eat breakfast cereals

Due to the activity of some phytochemicals, foods made from __________ can lower the production of cholesterol by the body


True or false: a protein deficiency usually accompanies a deficiency of calorie and nutrients


True or false: amino acid serve as a source of nitrogen for the human body


True or false: amino acids play a role in the synthesis of formants


True or false: due to starvation, amino acids from muscle tissues are converted into glucose. This waste smuscle tissue and can lead to a demon


True or false: during transcription, mRNA and a copy of the DNA code moves out from the cells nucleus, into the cytoplasm, and into the ribosomes


True or false: every cell contains proteins


True or false: exceeding the RDA for protein may contribute to increase body fat


True or false: if adequate amounts of essential amino acids are not consumed, a persons health will deteriorate


True or false: in order to meet essential amino acid needs, a vegetarian would need to consume a variety of plant proteins


True or false: many diseases stem from errors in the DNA code


True or false: seeds and nuts have similar nutrient profiles


True or false: soy protein is a complete proteins, which means it provides all nonessential amino acids


True or false: the denaturation of proteins is useful during digestion


True or false: the harmful effects of PKU can be minimize or prevented by following a special diet that limits the intake of phenylalanine


True or false: vitamin B-12 is found primarily in animal foods


True or false: vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron


True or false:food allergies occur when immune system perceives a homeless food protein as harmful invader


What is the term used for the building blocks of proteins?

amino acids

Phytochemicals have been implicated in prevention of

cancer and cardiovascular disease

Nonessential Amino acids are also called

dispensable amino acids

A high-protein diet can affect the kidneys by

increasing production of urea and contributing to kidney stones.

The purpose of __________is to carry the DNA code from the cells nucleus to the cytoplasm so that proteins synthesis can occur


Amino acid needs should be met

over the course of the day

The body links amino acids with peptide bonds in order to form


Which are following are potential causes of denaturation?

Agitation, exposure to ask, and exposure to heat

Which of the following disease is common in North America Kinley to protein deficiency?


Recycled __________make an important contribution to total protein metabolism

Amino acids

Sickle cell disease occurs when__________ are out of order on a protein

Amino acids

What type of supplement with a person take who wants to lose weight or build muscle?

Amino acids

What are some health problems associated with the vitamin B-12 deficiency?

Amnesia, nerve damage, and mental dysfunction

Most__________Sources of protein provide ample quantities of all nine essential amino acids


What are some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids in a plant-based diet?

Canola oil, soybean oil, seaweed, microalgae, flaxseeds, chai seeds, and walnuts

Plant proteins are a heart healthy alternative to animal proteins becauseThey typically contain less or no __________then animal sources of protein

Cholesterol and saturated fat

Mixed diets provide high-quality protein because__________ proteins can be consumed


What is it called when two sources of protein combine to form a complete protein, whereas by themselves, they supply and in adequate amount of essential amino acids?

Complementary protein

There are times during an illness, injury, or wound healing when an amino acid that is normally not an essential amino acid might become one. This amino acid is called a

Conditionally essential amino acid

When excess protein is consumed, excess amino acids can be

Converted into glucose, converted into fat, and metabolized as fuel

Incorrect mRNA production and incorrect polypeptide chain production both result from an error in the _____ code.


Is the role of_________, located in the cells nucleus, to store the instructions for proteins synthesis


The nucleus is the storage site for __________ in the cell


The nucleus is the storage site for __________in the cell


In developing countries, which circumstance may increase the risk of protein-calorie malnutrition?

Deficiency of calories and efficiency of protein

A diet rich in animal sources of protein may increase risk for cardiovascular disease because

Foods of animal origin are often high in cholesterol and Foods of animal origin are often high in saturated fat

What are some vegetarian foods that supply the body with vitamin B-12?

Fortified soy milk and breakfast cereals

A vegan child may need to replace high-fiber food sources with__________ because children have small stomachs and the high-fiber content of a vegan diet may cause the child to feel full because their calorie needs are met

Fruit juices, peeled fruit, and refined grains

A__________ primarily eats fruits, nuts, honey, and vegetable oils. People who consume this diet are at risk of nutrient deficiencies, which is why this type of diet is not advised


Which MyPlate Food groups offer rich sources of foods with cancer fighting antioxidants?

Fruits, greens, and vegetables

The unique three-dimensional form of a protein indicates the _________of each protein


Which of the following are examples of legumes?

Garden and black eyed pea 's, can you beans, great Northern beans, lentils, soy beans, and peanuts

Which MyPlate Food groups offer rich sources of food with cancer-fighting antioxidants?

Grains, fruits, and vegetables

Children with kwashiorkor often consume___________, a high-fiber, low-protein food that fills the child up before their calorie and nutrient needs are met


The selection of vegetarian food options in the grocery store and restaurants

Has increased in recent years due to the population of vegetarian lifestyles

Sickle cell disease occurs because of defects in the structure of the protein chains of__________, a protein that carries oxygen and red blood cells


__________-Protein diet sleep to increase your an output which, in turn, poses a risk of dehydration


To meet the RDA for proteins, Americans need only to consume about 10% of their total calories from protein. However, the Food and Nutrition Board recommendations allows for 10%-35% of total calories from proteins because

It is easier to plan diet with palatable foods that people are used to eating

An incomplete or lower-quality protein

It's like in one or more essential amino acids

________ is known as "the disease the first kid gets when the new child comes"


PKU is caused by

Lack of tyrosine production and enzyme inefficiency

A__________ dietary pattern is primarily plant-based, but does include dairy products


The name for seeds that grow in pods and include beans, peas, and lentils is_________


__________Are a plant family with pods that contain a single roll of seeds


Individual amino acids can undergo several modifications in the__________ depending on the needs of the body


When carbohydrates are in short supply, the__________ can make glucose from amino acids present and body tissues


Most plant proteins are examples of __________proteins


An infant with __________ has a "skin-and-bone" Apparently due to an adequate Intakes of calories, proteins, and other nutrients


Studies have found that consuming at least 20 to 30 grams of protein at a given meal has positive effects on

Muscle protein synthesis

In adequate intake of essential amino acids may lead to

Muscle wasting, impaired growth,And slow production of body proteins

An illness might cause __________protein balance because the person would not be consuming adequate amounts of protein


__________Protein balance occurs when a person consumes less per team that is needed


Which of the following might happen to someone with an illness?

Negative protein balance

__________Is a nutrient that forms important structures in the body, makes up a key part of the blood, helps regulate many body functions, and can feel body cells. Amino acids join together to form this nutrient


Which of the following occurs when the amount of protein consumed equals the amount of protein lost?

Protein equilibrium

Which of the following nutrients are provided by plant foods?

Protein, fiber, and magnesium

Which of the following nutrients can be broken down to yield energy?

Proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates

How do you proteins contribute to acid-base balance of the blood?

Pump ions into and out of cells and serve as buffers that resist changes in pH

Intact proteins are__________ absorbed from the digestive track


Which of the following are potential health benefits for consuming plant proteins in place of animal sources of protein?

Reduced risk for cancer, lower blood pressure, reduced risk for obesity, reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, and reduced risk for type 2 diabetes

A peptide bond is formed when a molecule of water is__________(dehydration) and the peptide bond is broken when a molecule of water is__________(hydrolysis)

Removed; added

During proteins synthesis, and mRNA leaves the cell nucleus and travels through the cytoplasm to which organelle?


Choose the characteristics of marasmus

Severe weight loss, develops gradually, and wasting of muscle and body fat

What is the role of cholecystokinin (CCK) in protein digestion?

Signals the pancreas to release the digestive enzymes

Chemical digestion of proteins take place in the

Stomach and small intestine

Amino acids can be converted into glucose to

Supply energy for the brain

Select all the functions of protein

Synthesis of enzymes and hormones, fluid balance, and blood clotting

How does denutrition of a protein affect its function?

The pro team loses its normal biological activity

The defining characteristic of a nut is that it grows on a__________


The American Institute for Cancer Research promotes the "New American Plat", which suggests that plant-based foods cover__________ of the plate


Which of these foods will if you can eat?

Vegetable oil, watermelon, and tofu

Who has a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, in many forms of cancer?


Which foods with supply the body with plant proteins?

Veggie burgers, sunflower seeds, and soy milk

What is the best way to obtain all of the essential amino acids?

Whole foods

Which of the following are good sources of iron in a vegan diet?

Whole grains, dried fruit, nuts, and legumes

A vegan can get zinc from which of the following foods?

Whole grains, nuts, and legumes

Lower quality (incomplete) proteins are dietary proteins that are low in, or lack, one or more essential

amino acids

The essential amino acid and lowest concentration in a food or diet relative to body needs is the

limiting amino acid

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