Chapter 6 The Proteins and Amino Acids QUESTIONS

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Partially completed proteins are not held for completion at a later time when the diet may improve. T F


Two tablespoons of peanut butter offer about the same amount of protein as a hot dog. T F


Under certain circumstances, amino acids can be converted to glucose and so serve the energy needs of the brain. T F


Insufficient dietary protein can caus a. slowed protein synthesis. b. hepatitis. c. accelerated growth in children. d. all of the above.


A vegetarian diet planner should be sure to include sources of a. carbohydrate. b. vitamin C. c. vitamin B12. d. vitamin E.


The roles of protein in the body include all but a. blood clot formation. b. tissue repair. c. gas exchange. d. immunity


Legumes are a particularly nutritious choice among protein-rich foods because they also provide a. vitamin C and vitamin E. b. fibe . c. B vitamins, iron, and other minerals. d. b and c


The following are complementary proteins: a. pot roast and chicken b. pot roast and carrots c. rice and French fries d. peanut butter on whole-wheat bread


To prevent wasting of dietary protein, which of the following conditions must be met? a. Dietary protein must be adequate in quantity. b. Dietary protein must supply all essential amino acids in the proper amounts. c. The diet must supply enough carbohydrate and calories. d. All of the above


Fried banana or vegetable snack chips make a healthy everyday snack choice for vegetarians. T F

. False. Fried banana or vegetable chips are often high in calories and saturated fat, and are best reserved for an occasional treat.

An example of a person in positive nitrogen balance is a pregnant woman. T F


Blood LDL values of people eating typical, meatrich Western diets are generally higher than LDL values of vegetarians. T F


Commercial shakes and energy bars have proven to be the best protein sources to support weight-loss efforts. T F

False. Evidence does not support taking protein supplements such as commercial shakes and energy bars to lose weight.

Insufficient dietary protein can have severe consequences, but excess dietary protein cannot cause harm. T F

False. Excess protein in the diet may have adverse effects, such as worsening kidney disease.

In high doses, tryptophan can improve nausea and skin disorders. T F

False. In high doses, tryptophan may induce nausea and skin disorders as unwanted side effects.

In the intestine, amino acids of the same general type compete for the same absorption sites, so a large dose of any one amino acid can limit absorption of another. T F


Lysine does not cure herpes infections. T F


Amino acids are linked together to form a protein strand by a. peptide bonds. b. essential amino acid bonds. c. side chain attraction. d. super glue.


For healthy adults, the DRI recommended intake for protein has been set at a. 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. b. 2.2 pounds per kilogram of body weight. c. 12 to 15 percent of total calories. d. 100 grams per day.


Some segments of a protein strand coil, somewhat like a metal spring, because a. amino acids at different places along the strand are chemically attracted to each other. b. the protein strand has been denatured by acid. c. the protein strand is missing one or more essential amino acids. d. a coil structure allows access by enzymes for digestion


The critical diagnostic criterion for celiac disease is a. high levels of blood antibodies. b. high levels of blood gluten. c. weight gain. d. none of the above


Protein digestion begins in the a. mouth. b. stomach. c. small intestine. d. large intestine.


The basic building blocks for protein are a. glucose units. b. amino acids. c. side chains. d. saturated bonds.


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