Chapter 7

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According to the learned helplessness theory of depression, people can become depressed when they believe they have ____________ the negative events in their lives.

no control over

A man recently moved to a new country and began to adopt the practices of that country's mainstream culture.

Cultural factor

Mood disorders that involve depression, but not mania, are known as depressive disorders. These disorders are similar to one another, but they differ in the frequency and severity of their symptoms. Some people who suffer from dysthymia will eventually experience a major depressive episode. If a person experiences a major depressive episode after at least 2 years of dysthymia, which diagnosis would be most appropriate? A.Dysthymia B.Major depressive disorder C.Seasonal affective disorder D.Double depression

D.Double depression

A boy grows up a in a series of foster homes, never knowing his biological parents or getting close to his foster parents.

Family factor

A teenage girl struggling with bipolar disorder attends therapy with her parents to improve the ways they communicate and solve problems together.

Family therapy

A man with dysthymia is taught to notice and accept his depressed feelings and thoughts when they occur rather than trying to avoid or escape them.



Provoked by a complete or perceived lack of social support

Everyone experiences feelings of joy and sadness. But for some individuals, these feelings become so extreme or long-lasting that they cause significant distress or impairment. Such problems are referred to as mood disorders, and are characterized by experiences of depression, mania, or both. Many mood disorders are characterized by the presence of one or more major depressive episodes. Identify the symptoms that are characteristic of a major depressive episode. Check all that apply. A.Difficulty concentrating B.Generalized anxiety C.Altered eating habits D.Loss of energy

A.Difficulty concentrating C.Altered eating habits D.Loss of energy

For an individual with a bipolar disorder, why can sleep deprivation from a disrupted circadian rhythm be problematic? A.It can contribute to a manic episode or rapid cycling. B.It can contribute to a major depressive episode and rapid cycling. C.It can contribute to decreased activity in the cortex.

A.It can contribute to a manic episode or rapid cycling.

The symptoms of schizophrenia that sometimes occur in people with bipolar disorder are most likely linked to which brain change? A.Reduced white and gray matter B.Smaller putamen and increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex C.Reduced activity in the amygdala, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and anterior cingulate cortex D.Increased white and gray matter

A.Reduced white and gray matter

Alyssa is a 44-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. During a recent depressive episode, Alyssa felt particularly hopeless and began thinking about killing herself. After a few weeks of heavy drinking, she decided to try to poison herself with an overdose of lithium, the mood-stabilizing drug recently prescribed for her disorder. Before doing anything, she completed a will and began giving away many of her possessions. The following weekend she swallowed an entire bottle of her pills. Despite experiencing convulsions, a coma, and brain damage, Alyssa survived. Which of the following aspects of suicide are evident in this scenario? Check all that apply. A.Suicidal ideation B.Suicide attempt C.Suicide completion

A.Suicidal ideation B.Suicide attempt

The therapist of a young man with depression asks him to enroll in a photography class he had been wanting to take and to begin exercising at least three times a week.

Behavioral activation

Mental health professionals and researchers use a variety of techniques to assess and treat people with mood disorders. Both biological and psychological treatments can be quite effective for people suffering from depression or bipolar disorder. When Jamal went to a therapist for help with his depression, the therapist first had Jamal rate his symptoms on the Beck Depression Inventory, which is a type of ______________. The therapist also asked Jamal to keep a daily journal about the frequency and severity of his depression, which is a form of _____________.

self-report questionnaire; self-monitoring

Reduced levels of __________ are found in individuals with either depression or a bipolar disorder, but increased levels of ____________ are typically found in individuals with a bipolar disorder.

serotonin; norepinephrine

A woman with major depressive disorder is encouraged to record her negative thoughts and to question how realistic and accurate they are.

Cognitive therapy


Approved of or demanded by society

The divorce of Albert's parents appears to have contributed to what? A.Endogenous depression B.A cognitive-stress psychological vulnerability C.A biological vulnerability

B.A cognitive-stress psychological vulnerability

Beth and Charles are both college students who were recently diagnosed with cancer. Beth, who lives alone and does not have any close friends or family members, experienced a major depressive episode shortly after her diagnosis. Charles, who is very close to his family, was saddened and frightened by the diagnosis but did not develop major depression. Although Beth and Charles experienced the same stressful event (a cancer diagnosis), what is the most likely reason it resulted in depression for Beth but not for Charles? A.The meaning of the event was very different for each of them. B.Beth does not have as much social support as Charles. C.Charles is overly dependent on others, whereas Beth is not.

B.Beth does not have as much social support as Charles.

Understanding the biological dimensions underlying the etiology of mood disorders is a difficult but important challenge. Researchers pursuing this goal have focused on the potential influence of genes, neurotransmitter systems, the endocrine system, and circadian rhythms on the development of mood disorders. Researchers conduct family studies to examine the potential influence of genes on the development of mood disorders. Which of the following findings would provide the strongest evidence that there is a genetic contribution to mood disorders? A.Finding 1: An individual with a first-degree relative who has a mood disorder is no more likely to develop a mood disorder than anyone else. B.Finding 2: An individual with a first-degree relative who has a mood disorder is 2 to 3 times more likely to also develop a mood disorder. C.Finding 3: An individual with a first-degree relative who has a mood disorder is somewhat less likely to also develop a mood disorder.

B.Finding 2: An individual with a first-degree relative who has a mood disorder is 2 to 3 times more likely to also develop a mood disorder.

Which of the following is true about medication used to treat mood disorders? A.Bupropion, venlafaxine, and lithium all work by increasing norepinephrine levels. B.Mood-stabilizing drugs, such as lithium, are commonly prescribed to prevent manic episodes. C.Monoamine oxadase inhibitors (MAOIs) are commonly prescribed to prevent manic episodes. D.Divalproex creates a sedating effect by decreasing gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels.

B.Mood-stabilizing drugs, such as lithium, are commonly prescribed to prevent manic episodes.

Which of the following is true of people with major depressive disorder? A.They rarely have another mental disorder. B.They often have another mental disorder. C.They typically seek treatment immediately. D.They often develop a bipolar disorder later.

B.They often have another mental disorder.

Albert was diagnosed with major depressive disorder. He has had decreased serotonin levels for years but did not become severely depressed until shortly after his parents divorced. Albert felt as if he had no control over his parents' troubles. Which of the following appears to be true about the cause of Albert's depression? A.Albert has only a psychological vulnerability to depression. B.Albert has a very strong biological vulnerability to depression. C.Albert has both biological and psychological vulnerabilities to depression.

C.Albert has both biological and psychological vulnerabilities to depression.

Which of the following provides the best evidence that the risk factor known as the negative cognitive triad is also present for Beth? A.Beth believes that bad things happen in threes, so she can expect two additional pieces of horrible news soon. B.Beth believes that, no matter what she does, she will die of cancer. C.Beth believes that she will definitely die from cancer, that it is her own fault she got cancer, and that nobody really cares that she is going to die.

C.Beth believes that she will definitely die from cancer, that it is her own fault she got cancer, and that nobody really cares that she is going to die.

In the United States, more men than women actually complete suicide. Why is this likely the case? A,More men than women attempt suicide. B.Women are less likely than men to be seriously depressed. C.Men are more likely than women to use a particularly lethal method of suicide. D.Women are less likely than men to seriously consider suicide.

C.Men are more likely than women to use a particularly lethal method of suicide.


Caused by a marked disruption or severe upset in the social order


Caused by severe and lasting oppression

A woman is in an unhappy marriage with an unfaithful man.

Interpersonal factor

Psychologists are very interested in the epidemiology of mood disorders and suicide. Understanding the relationships between mood disorders and suicide and variables such as age, development, gender, ethnicity, and culture can be helpful for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Overall, women are more likely than men to be ___________ , but about equally likely to have __________

depressed; a bipolar disorder

Mood disorders appear to be caused by a combination of both biological and environmental factors, though the influence of these factors will vary on a case-to-case basis. Exogenous depression is more dependent on_____________________ than endogenous depression is. The etiology of bipolar disorders is similar to that of ___________

environmental triggers; endogenous depression

A manic episode includes an extended period of elevated mood, often accompanied by a sense of grandiosity, distractibility, flight of ideas, and hyperactivity. A less severe version of a manic episode is known as a _______ episode, whereas experiencing a major depressive episode at the same time as mania is known as a _______ episode.

hypomanic; mixed

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