chapter 7

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what is the optimal level of carbohydrates in a Sports Drink? effective for endurance activities and short-term high-intensity activities

14 grams per 8 ounces of water

what does the wet bulb globe temperature (W B G T) index do?

Provides an objective measure for determining precautions concerning participation in hot weather

(Gradual Acclimatization) Involves becoming ___ and acclimatized to exercising in hot temperatures

accustomed to the heat

heat and humidity occur in ___________

every geographic region of the United States

Gradual Acclimatization Early preseason training and graded intensity changes are recommended with progressive exposure over ____ days

10-14 days

what are main reasons Athletes are likely to consume sports drinks?

because they are flavorful

who are at risk for Heat Stress?

Athletes who train in hot humid conditions


direct contact with a cooler object

what sports Has hypothermia caused a number of deaths over the years?

football players and wrestlers

air must be relatively __of water for evaporation to occur


(Exertional Heat Exhaustion) The affected individual may develop ____ or become faint/dizzy, decline in performance

heat cramps

syncope (heat collapse) Treatment

lay the athlete down in a cool environment, elevate lower extremities, replace fluids

Exertional Heat Stroke ____ specific cause


Is heat stress preventable?


(Preventing Heat Illness) how can Hydration levels be monitored?

via urine color and volume

(Exertional Heat Stroke) The possibility of death is significantly reduced if body temperature is lowered to ___within____ minutes

102 F, 30

Preventing Heat Illness water is most effectively replaced at regular intervals of about how many minutes?

15 minutes

(Preventing Heat Illness) Fluid replacement generally, only ___ of the fluid is ever replaced and should therefore be replaced before, during, and after exercise


Gradual Acclimatization ____% of acclimatization can be achieved during the first ___ days with 2-hour morning and afternoon practice sessions

80%, 5-6 days

(Preventing Heat Illness) Fluid replacement

Exercise common sense and precaution, Consume fluids and stay cool (fluid replacement)

(Preventing Heat Illness) Fluid replacement conditions re-hydration is critically important regardless of CERTAIN environmental conditions T or F


Sports Drinks Replacing fluids with sports drinks is LESS effective than replacing fluids with water alone T or F


(Preventing Heat Illness) what is the single most important step taken by a coach to minimize the chance of heat illnesses?

Fluid replacement

Exertional Hyponatremia

Fluid/electrolyte disorder resulting in an abnormally low concentration of sodium in the blood

what is a critical consideration in avoiding heat stress?

Gradual Acclimatization

how can you get a heat illness when its cold outside?

Occurs when the body is dehydrated and unable to dissipate heat through sweating

Exertional Hyponatremia Signs and symptoms

Progressively worsening headache; nausea and vomiting; swelling of the hands and feet; lethargy, apathy, or agitation; and low blood sodium

Exertional Heat Stroke Signs and symptoms

Sudden collapse with loss of consciousness; flushed, hot skin; minimal sweating; shallow breathing; strong, rapid pulse; and a core temperature of 105 F

Heat Stress

Sweat glands in the skin allow water to be transported to the surface where it evaporates

(Exertional Hyponatremia) Very low concentration of sodium can compose the central nervous system, creating a life-threatening situation T or F


(Preventing Heat Illness) Water is absorbed rapidly from the intestine T or F


Exercise-Associated Muscle (Heat) Cramps are painful muscle cramps T or F


Heat illness can still occur in cold environment T or F


(Heat Stress) The body can also gain heat through conduction, convection, and radiation if:

The surrounding environment is hotter than the body temperature or The body is exposed to direct sunlight

(Preventing Heat Illness) Drinks with _____ will promote dehydration

caffeine and alcohol

how is everything calculated using a wet bulb globe temperature (W B G T) index?

calculated using a psyghrometer which uses two thermometers

___ drinks tend to empty rapidly and will not induce cramping or put the heart at risk


Heat can be dissipated from the body through four mechanisms what are they?

conduction, convention, radiation, evaporation


contact with cool air or water mass

during Heat Stress, Physiological process in the body will continue to function if the body ____ and the body ___ is maintained within a normal range

dissipates heat, temperature

syncope (heat collapse) symptoms

dizziness fainting, and nausea

How do you get Exercise-Associated Muscle (Heat) Cramps?

drinking excess water loss and electrolyte imbalance due to profuse sweating

Exertional Heat Stroke the ____ should be developed and ready to oactivate

emergency activated plan

what kind of activity are sports drinks most effective for?

endurance activities and short-term high-intensity activities

Exertional Hyponatremia Can be prevented by

ensuring that fluid intake during exercise does not exceed fluid loss and that sodium intake is adequate

When radiant heat and environment temperature are higher than body temperature, loss of heat through ___ is key


Exercise-Associated Muscle (Heat) Cramps Treatment

fluid ingestion and light stretching with an ice massage, sodium, baking soda, mustard, tums

Exertional Heat Exhaustion Treatment

fluid ingestion in a cool environment, intravenous replacement of large quantities of fluids, decline the patient's core temperature to 102 F


heat generated from metabolism

extreme caution should be taken when training in hot humid weather overexposure could result in ___

heat stress

the heat index Attempts to determine how hot the temperature feels to the ____

human body

the heat index Takes into account ambient air temperature and relative___


Exertional Heat Stroke Treatment

immediately immerse the athlete in a cold water bath up to his or her neck, remove equipment and clothing, sponge him or her down with cool water and fan with a towel

65% relative humidity ___evaporation


Exertional Heat Exhaustion Results from

inadequate fluid replacement

(Hyperthermia) Refers to an ___ in body temperature


Exertional Hyponatremia is caused by:

ingesting too much fluid, during, and after exercise

Exertional Heat Stroke a serious and _____ condition


Exertional Hyponatremia Examples include

marathon and triathlon runners

(Preventing Heat Illness) Fluid replacement should ____ sweat loss Hydration levels can be monitored via urine color and volume


dry bulb

measures ambient air temperature

wet bulb

measures the temperature when water evaporates

(Exercise-Associated Muscle (Heat) Cramps) Recent evidence suggests muscle fatigue that alters _____ facilitates a reflex contraction or cramp of the muscle, avoid fatigue and overexertion during exercise to reduce the likelihood of altered__(SB)

neuromuscular control

Exertional Hyponatremia (Treatment) If hyponatremia is suspected and blood sodium levels cannot be determined ___, the athlete should be _______

on-site, transported immediately to a medical facility

syncope (heat collapse) Caused by

peripheral vasodilation, hypotension, or a pooling of blood in extremities

during Exertional Heat Stroke put ice bags on ___ because the blood vessels are closest to the surface., or other major arterial vessels

pressure points

Exertional Heat Exhaustion Signs and symptoms

profuse sweating, place skin, mildly elevated temperature, dizziness, hyperventilation, and rapid pulse

How do you get syncope (heat collapse)?

rapid physical fatigue during overexposure to heat

(Preventing Heat Illness) Fluid replacement should ____ sweat loss


what is Sports Drinks main purpose?

replace the fluids and electrolytes that are lost in sweat

will you return to play after having Exercise-Associated Muscle (Heat) Cramps?

return to play is unlikely because of continued cramping

(Preventing Heat Illness) beverages with 6% carbohydrate (glucose) are absorbed in the ___ rate if the individual is hydrated


Exertional Hyponatremia can also be caused by ____ in the diet or in ingested fluids over a period of prolonged exercise

sodium deficiency

Exertional Hyponatremia (Treatment) delivery of ____, certain __ or intravenous solutions may be necessary

sodium, diuretics

Sports drinks contain small amounts of__ that help the body retain __

sodium, water

75% relative humidity__evaporation



sweat evaporating from the skin surface

(Exertional Heat Stroke) If on-site rapid cooling and adequate medical supervision are available, it is recommended that the victim's _____ before he or she is transported to a hospital

temperature be lowered

Athletic trainers require knowledge and information concerning ___, __ and ___ to adequately make decisions regarding environmental dangers

temperature, humidity, weather

(Sports Drinks) __alone can prematurely stop and initiate fluid removal by the kidneys


what are the two types of thermometers used by the wet bulb globe temperature (W B G T)?

wet bulb, dry bulb

While evaporating water from sweat glands does it take the heat with it?


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