The three primary components of the motor carrier industry, whhich does not include intracitty or mass transsit buses
- The US Motor Coach Industry - The Pupil Transportation (school bus) Industry - The Motor Carrier Freight Industry
Modes of mass transit
- intercity buses - trolleybuses -subway and commuter rail -demand response service -heavy and light rail -automated guideway transit -cable cars -monorails -Ferries
The 24 hour advance Manifest Rule
All Sea carriers with the exception of bulk carriers and approved break bulk cargo are required to provide proper cargo descriptions aand valid consignee addresses 24 hours before a cargo is loaded at the foreign port for shipment to the US through the sea automated manifest system.Failure to meet this results in a "do not load" message and other penalties.
Air Freight
For the 12 months that ended September 2010, almost 10 million tons of freight was transported within the United States and between the United States and other countries using commercials aircraft. The air frieght industry is vital given the speed and effeiciecy it can provide ,both of which are vital for products that are needed immediately or for which the risk of spoilage exists.
Ports and Intermodel Freight Transport
In the US, 99% of imports and exports are conducted by ship through tthe nations systems of seaportt.
Transportation Security grants
Since 2006 DHS has awarded over 1.6 billion in special grants that target the nations transportation systems. TSA maintains the departments transportation systems. TSA maintains this which are provided to mass transit and passenger rail systems,intercity bus companies, freight railroad carriers,ferries, and the trucking industry to help protect the public and nations critical transportation infracstructure agaisnt acts of terrorism and other large scale events. These are designed to support "high impact security projects that serve to reduce the risk faced by the various transportation systems.
Crew Member self-Defense Training Program
They are trained in hand to hand ccombat ,self defense techniques, and other skills such as how to detain an unruly passengers or potential terrorist until the plane has landed
Mass Transit
Transportation by a conveyance that provides regular and continuing general or special transportation to the public,but does include school bus,charter,or sightseeeing transportation.
US army's fort belvoir
Under the original programover 1700 men and women weregiven special tactical training here
Federal Flight Deck Program
Under this program, eligible flight crew members are authorized to use ffirearms tto defend agaisnt an act of criminal violence or air piracy attempting to gain control of an aircraft.
Air Freight presents
a unique security challenge due to its sheer quantity and the methods by which it is transported. its shipped both on dedicated freight carrying airplanes and on passengers planes in the cargo hold.
The Coast Guard andd Department of Transportation
address the security of transportation systems and infracstructure to a lesser degree.
The IStep Program
coordinates public and private sector partners for exercise ,training, aand information trainingand to address transportation security issues focused on protecting travelers, commerce, aand infrastructure. TSA is also introducing an outline transportattion security portal called the Exercise Information system (EXIS).
TSA components
ensures security through four mechanisms: transportation security grants, law enforcement program, security programs ,secuirty screening.
Tranportation Network management role
for each of the US transportation systems, TSA addressed these security responsabilities in partnership with other components of the DHS as well as the Department of transportation and other departments. TSA office of transportation sector network management is tasked with leading the national-level effort to protect and secure US transportation and transport systems.
general term that refers to the movement of things or people from one location to another. However, in todays modern world,where transportation systems are intertwinned into a global network that moves millions of people and prroducts throughout thee world on a daily basis,, such simple definiitions do not give justice to the complexity that exists in this secctor.
the Exercise Information system (EXIS).
guides through users through a step by step exercise planning and evaluation tools, aand helps to ensure that lessons learned are shared
The information collected by the customs and border control (CBP)
iis analyzeed and the cargo deemed high risk is inspected at the port oof origin before it starts its journey iinto the US.
The federal air marshal service
is a TSA managed law enforcement agency charged with securing the civil aviation systems from both criminal and terrorist acts. They are specially trained federal secuirty officers who travel inconspicuously on commercial flights for the purpose of quickly thwarting an attempted criminal or terrorist attack (or to neutrolize a potentially dangerously situation involving unruly passengers). they existed way before TSA was created in the aftermath of the sept 11 attacks however.the roots of this organization acttually date back to the 1960''s and 70's, when sseverral US commercial fflights wwerre hijacked(( for both politicaal and asylum-related purposes.)
the aviation and tranportation security act of 2001
it consolidated all transportation security activities under the umbrella of one agency.because of the nature of teh sept 11 attacks ,aviation security has recieved the highest priority among TSA responsibilities (in terms of both staff and budget) , and the agency commits significant staff and budget toward developing strategies and implementing necessary technologies to prevent any future terrorist events connected to the abuse of the aviation system and air transportation.
When TSA celebrated their fifth anniversary on November 19 2006
it had accomplished several of its congressionally mandated goals and responsibilities. During that time period, they detected and removed more than 40 million items that are prohibited onboard airplanes. they installed advanced explosive detection systems in all major airports abd redesigned the AIR CARGO RULES to ensure that air cargo transportated within the US airspace on a daily basis is safe. These officials assisted the air evacuation of 25,000 hurricane victims in the aftermath of hurricane katrina.
The US seaport infracstructure
massive network that is owned and operated by multiple stakeholders at the federal ,state,and loccal levvels,and in both the private and public domains.
when transported as passenger aircraft
passengers are exposed to the risk of these goods , which may be used to conduct terrorist attacks.
ISTEP Program (The TSA Intermodel security training and Excercise Program)
provides exeercise,training, and security planning tools aand services to the ttransportaion community. The programs serrves port and intermodel,aviation,mass transit,freight rail, highway and motor carrier, andd pipeline industries.
railroads that operate on at least 350 miles of activve lines and have annual revenues BETWEEN 20 AND 250 MILLION
railroads that operate on less than 350 miles of line and geneerate LESS THAN 20 MIILLION in annnual revenues.
railroads that operate over large areas,in multiple states,and concentrate on the long haul,high density,intercity traaffic liness with annual revenues OVER 250 MILLION.
The general term Transportation
referss to a wide range of systems ,structures,vehicles,and actions. The transportation of people and thinngs(namely goods) takes many forms and affects every ameriican's life in some way or another.
Today the Federal Air Marshals
serve as the primary law enforccement entity within TSA
The aviation and transportation security act
signed by president bush on november 19,2001,created the transportation security adminstration (TSA) within the department of transportation. it is notable that it made many fundamental changes in the way transportation security is performed and managed in the US. For instance,for the first time in this law made aviation security a direct federal responsibility.
The top five U.S international country gateways for freight in this period
south korea, Japan, the united kingdom ,germany ,and taiwan
The US freight railroad network
spans the country and is reliied on heavilly for the trransport of both raw materials and marketable goods. It remains a vital component of the US economy as trains still connect manyy of the nations distribution hubbs and shipping ports. These railrroads serve nearly every industrial,wholesale,retail,and resource-based sector of the US economyy, and are responsible for transporting a majjority of the goods and commodities Americans depend on.
Armed Secuurity Officer Prrogram
specialized transportation security program that focuses on ronald reagan washington national airport (DCA) in Arlington ,virginia ( just minutes to downtown washington DC)
National Explosives detection Canine team
tasked with preparing dogs and thier handlers to quickly locate and identify dangerous materials that may be present aa threat to transportation systems.
To address the growing threat to air travel
the federal air marshall service was created within tthe US customs sservice( as the customs air security officers program or the sky marshall pprogram)
DHS's Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
the primary governemnt body that addresses the security of transportation systems and infracstructure.
Freight Railroads
they are divided into 3 classes based on their size and operating revenues
transportation security administration (TSA)
this new office operated in that location until the 2003 opening of the department of homeland security (DHS) when it was absorbed into the now dissolved Directorate for the border and transportation security. since that time, this office has been returned to its independent status as a standalone agency within DHS.