Chapter 7 India and China Establish Empires 400 B.C. - A.D. 550

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A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.

Mauryan Empire

(321-185 BCE) This was the first centralized empire of India whose founder was Chandragupta Maurya.



Analyze Primary Source p. 194 The Wonder that was India Anonymous Tamil Poet

primary source of which states....from this i can infer that since itr wqas a household, thw wife is reverred. shes important. matrichal society.

Purpose/Aim: Explain the spread of Indian religion, culture and science?

(main idea asia and africa then and now bollyood) trade,


A Hindu god considered the destroyer of the world.


A Hindu god considered the preserver of the world


A sect of Buddhism focusing on the strict spiritual discipline originally advocated by the Buddha.

Silk Roads

A system of ancient caravan routes across Central Asia, along which traders carried silk and other trade goods.

civil service

A system of hiring and promotion based on the merit principle and the desire to create a nonpartisan government service.


Before agriculture, men and women are believed to have a greater degree of equality. But after the rise of agriculture, most human societies became ________


The name of the more mystical and larger of the two main Buddhist sects. This one originated in India in the 400s CE and gradually found its way north to the Silk road and into Central and East Asia.


Third ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 270-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing.

Analyze Map p. 201 Han Dynasty 200 B.C. - 220

This a secondary source of a map showing the Han Dynasty 200 B.C. - 220 which shows the great wall of china and the silk road. From this you can infer that the silk road was double the size of the great wall. Covers a large amount of land which is important because that means it has the potential to have more resources, hold more power, and have a huge population with a lot of specialized workers.

Analyze Primary Source p.202 Records of the Grant Historian by Sima Qian

This is a primary source of records of the Grant Historian by Sima Qian which states "......." From this i can infer that he's trying to unify, he's reaching out to his enemy and try to work something out. Also, he might have wanted another person to stand with him. Wanted to show how he defeated someone of higher power than him.


a dome-shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine.

religious toleration

acceptance of religious differences

centralized government

central authority controls the running of a state

Han Dynasty

imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy

Analyze Visual p. 194 Buddha carved in Gandharan artistic style (Greco-Roman, Indian blend)

indian piece persian, artifact, standing pose, broken arm, circular shape beind the head, robe, full length clothing, biddha was worshiped, buddha not seated, given gothic piece. roman realist, postue greco, circular, halo light to shine thriygh individual, made out of gold, light reflection.


interpreting one's new experience in terms of one's existing schemas


One of India's greatest writers

Analyze Primary Source p.204 History of the former Han Dynasty by Ban Gu and Ban Zhao

primary source which states....." From this we can infer that farmers are important and that they don't have to pay taxes. Also that the stable food supply is the base of the civilization and even with the new inventions, the farmers and food supply were still taken care of.


Language of southern India; also the people who speak that language

Gupta Empire

Powerful Indian state based in the Ganges Valley. It controlled most of the Indian subcontinent through a combination of military force and its prestige as a center of sophisticated culture. Often associated with a Golden Age of classical India.

Main Ideas

Section 1 Chandragupta defeated the king and moved west. India was joined under the harsh rule. He heavily taxed farmers. His court was rich and his grandson Asoka evolved the Empire and after he died, his Empire fell. India was a land of troubles after that which caused a new dynasty to dominate the region called Andhra dynasty. Greeks, Persians, and Asians came to the land and added new ideas and languages. Tamil people spoke the Tamil language. Chandragupta I came to power on the North, Chandragupta II brought the empire to the largest size. In India, the families were matriarchal. Section 2 Hinduism and Buddhism became distant from common people. Followers of Buddha found it difficult to reach the promised goal of release from this world. Mahayana approach helped Buddhism become popular as believers could be saved. Now monotheism was becoming important. Hindus emphasized three gods: Brahma, creator; Vishnu, preserver. Mahayana helped spread Buddhism. Indian art became better and also literature. Classical form of Indian dance,, scientists proved earth was round and doctors knew more than 1000 diseases and all the cures to them. the Indians learned about the Silk Roads and traded things including cotton in order to receive silk from China. They also traded with Rome, Africa, and Arabia. Some adopted Hinduism and many started to follow Buddhism, Section 3 The Chinese were under the Qin Empire which fell apart during the civil war. Liu Bang, the first emperor of Han Dynasty, set culture for the next generation. He lowered taxes and did other things to make life easier. He created a centralized government. Then Wudi ruled Han, making it bigger. He moved everything to the west. Han Dynasty was a structured empire. Taxes were paid, goods were traded, farmers paid for their crops and more. Chinese created paper which increased learning and farmers created a two bladed plough which created a stable food supply. Silk was in great demand. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer because of heavy taxes which they rebelled against. Wang Mang took the throne and tried to help the poor. A flood came and rebellion happened again. Dynasty was restored again, and the same problems occurred again and the empire fell for good.

Purpose/Aim: Why did the Mauryan and Gupta Empires fail to unify India permanently?

Spoke three different languages, threatened by invasions.

Primary Source Analysis p. 190 Geography by Strabo

This is a primary source of the Geography by Strabo talks about farmers, men are across the country were fighting while the farmers are being protected by the soldiers and they don't have to fight. They need to defend the farmers so that they can keep providing food. During our revolutions, the fought and when they came back, they had to pay taxes. " While other men are ploughing and digging in perfect securit

Analyze Visual p. 200 Emperor Liu Bang

This is a primary source painting of a 200 Emperor Liu Bang which shows him in a royal robe and a head dress. From this i can infer that he is royal based on this clothes because they look like its made of silk and cloth. Also that they were treated with respect more than the peasants. Appreciated the peace and stability he brought though him lowering taxes.

Global Impact p.203 Papermaking

This is a secondary source about paper making which shows a person making paper and a text which states " the art of paper making" From this we can infer that this lead to cultural diffusion which led to rapid record keeping, communication, and literature.

Connect to Today p. 195 Entertainment in India: Bollywood

This is a secondary source chart of Entertainment in India: Bollywood which shows the number of movies produced in 2000 from India, the United States , Japan, Hong Kong, and France. From this you can infer that India was dedicated to making films and the "films brought Indian culture to a global audience," which is an example of cultural diffusion.

Analyze Chart p.202 Chinese Society

This is a secondary source chart of the Chinese Society which shows the status of people from China which shows the Emperor at the top of the social pyramid and the slaves were at the bottom. From this we can infer that the Emperor was the most respected. Also, the soldiers have less importance than the peasants because the stable food supply is more important.

Analyze Chart p.206 Comparing Two Great Empires: Han China and Rome

This is a secondary source chart which compares Han China and Rome which shows.... From this we can infer that in rome you couldnt think for yourself, the government was in control, in china, there was more leeway.

Analyze Map p. 196 Asian Trade route, A.D. 400

This is a secondary source map of the Asian Trade route A.D 400 which can infer that there is a strong agricultural base in the economy. Another inference is that Cloth and Silk were the most valued product. Also that the trading network is large.

Map p.191 Indian Empires

This is a secondary source of a map of the Indian Empires 250 B.C - A.D 400 which shows the Gupta and Mauryan Empire, Tamil kingdoms, and areas influenced under Gupta. It also shows how the Gupta empire conquered more that anyone else. From this I can infer that the Gupta empire was more advanced than any other empire. Also how the Mauryan empire was bigger.

Global Impact p. 197 Spread of Buddhism

This is a secondary source of a map that shows the spread of Buddhism which states " today Buddhism....." It also shows arrows which represent the spread which is coming out of the North east India and their going into a south direction. " monks traveled along the silk road" From this i can infer that many people were converting to Buddhism and they were modifying it.

Analyze Global Impact p.202 Silk Roads

This is a secondary text and a primary picture of the Silk Roads which shows camels carrying products and the route of the silk roads. From this we can infer that the farther the good, the more the item cost.

Biography Analysis p. 190 Chandragupta Maurya and Asoka

primary source of the statues, with secondary source biographies. shows respective ways how they ruled the empire, asoka ruled without fear was peaceful, not alike scared that he was gonna get killed. Each ruler ruled based off of their personal experiences

Visual Analysis p. 192 Terra-cotta tile from Hindu temple of the Gupta period

primary source, sitting criss cross holding a early form of a guitar, a lute. i can infer that this civilization was a peaceful one and music was developing in the civilization and it made people happy


relating to a social system in which the mother is head of the family

Purpose/Aim: Evaluate the impact of the Han Dynasty's influence on government, technology, commerce and culture? Compare and Contrast the fall of the Roman Empire and Han China.

they centralized the government , the two bladed plough, they traded across the silk road.

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