Chapter 7: Key Issues 3 and 4

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The Kurds trying to gain independence

Iraq's Kurds have made several unsuccessful attempts to gain independence, including in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1970s. A few days after Iraq was defeated in the 1991 Gulf War, the country's Kurds launched another unsuccessful rebellion but they are now largely autonomous.

Ethnic Cleansing

The United Nations defines ethnic cleansing as a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas

Ethnicities in Syria

90% are Arab and mostly Muslim with 9% Kurds

Who are the Kurds

A prominent example of an ethnicity divided among several countries in Asia is the Kurds, who live in the Caucasus Mountains. The Kurds are Sunni Muslims who speak a language in the Iranian group of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European and have distinctive literature, dress, and other cultural traditions

War in South Sudan

A war from 1983 until 2005 between Sudan's northern and southern ethnicities resulted in the death of an estimated 1.9 million Sudanese and the ethnic cleansing of an estimated 700,000. The war ended with the establishment of South Sudan as an independent state in 2011. Christian south and Muslim north sparked the war.q

How did the conflict end

Accords reached in Dayton, Ohio, in 1996 by leaders of the various ethnicities divided Bosnia & Herzegovina into three regions, one each dominated, respectively, by Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs. The Bosniak and Croat regions were combined into a federation, with some cooperation between the two groups, but the Serb region has operated with almost complete independence in all but name from the others.

How many people moved when Pakistan and India split

Approximately 17 million people caught on the wrong side of a boundary felt compelled to migrate during the late 1940s. Some 6 million Muslims moved from India to West Pakistan and about 1 million from India to East Pakistan. Hindus who migrated to India included approximately 6 million from West Pakistan and 3.5 million from East Pakistan

Bosnia & Herzegovina ethnic make up

Bosnia & Herzegovina was the most ethnically diverse republic of the former Yugoslavia. At the time of the breakup of Yugoslavia, the population of Bosnia & Herzegovina was 44 percent Bosniaks, 31 percent Serbs, and 17 percent Croats.

Why did they commit genocide in Bosnia & Herzegovina

By ethnically cleansing Bosniaks from intervening areas, Bosnian Serbs created one continuous area of Serb domination rather than several discontinuous ones.

Ethnic groups in yugoslavia

Croat, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serb, and Slovene

War in Dafur

Darfur's black African ethnicities launched a rebellion in 2003. Marauding Arab nomads, known as Janjaweed, with the support of Sudan's government, crushed Darfur's black population. An estimated 450,000 people in Darfur have been victims of genocide and another 2.5 million victims of ethnic cleansing.

Why is there so much conflict in Africa

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, European countries carved up the continent into a collection of colonies, with little regard for the distribution of these ethnicities.

Ethnicities in Turkey

Ethnic Turks comprise approximately three-fourths of the population of Turkey and 18% Kurdish

Nationality and India

Even though India has many different people's and languages the vast majority of the population is Hindu which binds them together

The UK and FIFA

FIFA allows all four of the countries in the UK to have their own soccer team in the World Cup

The distribution of ethnicities

Few ethnicities inhabit an area that matches the territory of a nationality. Ethnicities are sometimes divided among more than one nationality

Rwanda and Burundi

Hutus ethnic cleansed the Tutsis in 1990 and 1994

Rory McIlroy

He identifies as Irish Catholic but he was born in northern Ireland but he identifies with the people of the Republic of Ireland.

Other religous tensions in India

India's religious unrest is further complicated by the presence of 23 million Sikhs, who have long resented that they were not given their own independent country when India was partitioned (see Chapter 6). Although they constitute only 2 percent of India's total population, Sikhs comprise a majority in the Indian state of Punjab


Is the loyalty and devotion to one's country. Nationalism is an important example of a centripetal force, which is an attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state

Ethnicities in Lebanon

Lebanon is divided among around 54 percent Muslims, 41 percent Christians, and 5 percent Druz. Civil war from 1975-1990.

What are the steps for ethnic cleansing

Move a large amount of military equipment and personnel into a village that has no strategic value. Round up all the people in the village. Segregate men from women, children, and old people. Place men in detention camps or kill them. Force the rest of the people to leave the village. March them in a convoy to a place outside the territory being ethnically cleansed. Destroy the vacated village, such as by setting it on fire.

Foreign intervention in Kosovo

Outraged by the ethnic cleansing, the United States and Western European countries, operating through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), launched an air attack against Serbia. The bombing campaign ended when Serbia agreed to withdraw all of its soldiers and police from Kosovo.

North America and Nationality

Québécois identify as ethnicly French but they also identify as their own nationality from the rest of France and they desire their own independence. In America there is largely only the nationality of the US.

How is ethnic cleansing different from regular wars and conflicts

Rather than a clash between armies of male soldiers, ethnic cleansing involves the removal of every member of the less powerful ethnicity—women as well as men, children as well as adults, the frail elderly as well as the strong youth.

What happened in the division of Yugoslavia

Rivalries among ethnicities resurfaced in Yugoslavia during the 1980s after Tito's death, leading ultimately to its breakup into seven small countries (Figure 7-42). Because the boundaries of the new countries did not match the distribution of ethnicities, the breakup of Yugoslavia did not happen peacefully. Several episodes of ethnic cleansing ensued

Genocide in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Serbs and Croats killed the Bosniaks.

War in Sudan

Several civil wars have raged in Sudan since 1983, resulting in genocide and ethnic cleansing. Sudan's two conflicts that have generated the most victims are with Darfur and South Sudan.

Where are the Kurds know

The 30 million Kurds are split mostly between Turkey (14.5 m), Iran (6 m), Iraq (5.5 m)

War in the congo

The Congo is considered to have suffered from the world's deadliest wars in the past 70 years. More than 5 million have died in the Congo's ongoing civil wars. After succeeding Mobutu as president, Laurent Kabila relied heavily on Tutsis and permitted them to kill some of the Hutus who had been responsible for atrocities against Tutsis in the early 1990s. But Kabila soon split with the Tutsis, and the Tutsis once again found themselves offering support to rebels seeking to overthrow Congo's government. Kabila was assassinated in 2001 and succeeded by his son, who negotiated an accord with rebels the following year. Despite the accord, conflict among the country's many ethnicities has continued.

English Nationality

The English are descendants of Germanic tribes who crossed the North Sea and invaded the country in the fifth century

Irish Nationality

The Irish were Celtic people who were ruled by England until the twentieth century, when most of the island became the independent country of Ireland. The northern portion remained part of the United Kingdom

Ethnicities in Pakistan

The Punjabi have been the most numerous ethnicity of what is now Pakistan since ancient times, but the mountainous border area with Afghanistan is principally Baluchi and Pashtun

Scottish Nationality

The Scots were Celtic people who had an independent country for more than 700 years, until 1603, when Scotland's King James VI also became King James I of England, thereby uniting the two countries. The Act of Union in 1707 formally merged the two governments, although Scotland was allowed to retain its own systems of education and local laws

Turkey and the Kurds

The Turks have tried repeatedly to suppress Kurdish culture. Use of the Kurdish language was illegal in Turkey until 1991, and laws banning its use in broadcasts and classrooms remain in force. Kurdish nationalists, for their part, have waged a guerrilla war since 1984 against the Turkish army. Know Turkey gives them more freedoms than they used to.

Welsh Nationality

The Welsh were Celtic people conquered by England in 1282 and formally united with England through the Act of Union of 1536. Welsh laws were abolished, and Wales became a local government unit

Ethnicities and Nationalities in the Middle East

The lack of correspondence between the territories occupied by ethnicities and by nationalities is especially severe in areas of Southwest Asia and Central Asia. The Kurds, discussed on the previous page, provide just one example. Dozens of ethnicities inhabit the area, allocated among seven nationalities

The largest forced migration

The largest forced migration occurred during World War II (1939-1945) because of events leading up to the war, the war itself, and postwar adjustments

Ethnicities in Afghanistan

The most numerous ethnicities in Afghanistan are Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara

Ethnicities in Iraq

The most numerous ethnicities in Iraq include 55 percent Shiite Muslim Arabs, 21 percent Kurds, and 19 percent Sunni Muslim Arabs.

Ethnicities in Iran

The vast majority are Persians

Ethnic cleansing in croatia

To strengthen their case for an independent Krajina, Serbs engaged in ethnic cleansing. The Serbs expelled around 170,000 Croats and other non-Serbs from the eastern part of Croatia. After a four-year war that ended with a Croat victory.

Ethnicity in Africa

Traditionally, the most important element of cultural identity in Africa was ethnicity rather than nationality. Africa contains several thousand ethnicities with distinct languages, religions, and social customs.


Until their status is settled, the people of Abeyi are considered citizens of both Sudan and South Sudan.

Why do the Kurds not have their own country

When the victorious European allies carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I, they created an independent state of Kurdistan. The Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 established the modern state of Turkey, and three years later the League of Nations determined that much of Kurdistan would become part of Turkey.

Trouble in Kosovo

With the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbia (10% of total pop.) took direct control of Kosovo and launched a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Albanian (82% of total pop.) majority.

Tiger Woods Nationality and Ethnicity

Woods's U.S. nationality is clear. He is a mix of African American, Native American, Chinese, Thai, Chinese, and Dutch. Woods invented the term "Cablinasian" to describe his complex ethnicity.


group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country

South Asia and Post Colonial Rule

provides vivid examples of what happens when independence comes to colonies that contain two major ethnicities. When the British ended their colonial rule of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, they divided the colony into two irregularly shaped countries—India and Pakistan. Pakistan is mostly Muslim and India is mostly Hindu.


the cultural values shared with others of the same ethnicity derive from religion, language, and material culture

What places where particularly bad in the breakup of Yugoslavia

three places in former Yugoslavia where ethnic and country boundaries were especially poorly matched—Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Kosovo


was defined as a small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into stable countries because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other.


was defined as the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities.

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