Chapter 7 : Measuring GDP

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Suppose, this year, you spend $15,000 on a car that was originally produced and sold during the last year. The sales person earns a commission of 3% on the sale. How much does the sale contribute to the GDP this year?

$450 to the GDP this year.

Consumption examples

Food, Clothing, Durable goods (computers, cars), Services (tutoring, plumbing), College Tuition

Expenditure Approach Definition

Highlights the importance of consumer spending versus government purchases

When is GDP and GNP equal?

In the base year

Expenditure by one person translate into __________ for another person.


Wages, Interest income, and profit are all examples of types of ________


When we exclude taxes and the foreign sector, every penny spent on a good or service becomes _______ for one of the factors of production


Which of the following increase U.S. GDP, ceteris paribus: - Decrease in price level - Decrease in output - Increase in price level - Increase in output

Increase in price level Increase in output

In order to avoid double counting, we ignore the price of _________ goods and services?


New home purchases and unsold, new inventory are counted in the ______________ category of GDP


How do you calculate nominal GDP?

Quantity of each good produced in a given year X its prices in that year

U.S. GDP is usually calculated......


How do most people calculate GDP....

Quarterly; four times a year.

If you evaluate GDP using output from 2013 and prices from 2009, the result is called.....

Real GDP

The GDP measure that isolates changes in output is called ___________ GDP

Real GDP

What isolates changes in the economy's output?

Real GDP

Why are accumulated inventories categorized as they are in the expenditure approach?

They add to the future revenue of the firm.

In a closed economy, the income approach and the expenditure approach of evaluating the economy.....

They're equal

Why do economists only count the market value of final goods and services in GDP?

To avoid double counting

Gross domestic product measure the total market value of all ________ goods and services.


Capital goods are considered a ____________ expenditure.


Depression defintion

is a severe or extended recession

Job creation and improved living standard are often the result of

rapid economic growth

What does consumption measure?

spending on goods and services by private individuals and households.

Expenditure defintion

the action of spending funds

GNP measures what?

the market values in the world, no matter where, the production occurs

What is the GDP deflator?

the measure of the overall change in prices in an economy, using the ratio between real and nominal GDP


the study of how individuals and firms manage resources.

Gross National Product (GNP)

the sum of the market values of all final goods and service produced and capital owned by the permanent residents of a country in a given period of time.

The difference between the sale value of a good, and the value of the good's inputs represents

the value added

A severe or extended recession is called a ___________


GDP deflator formula

(Nominal GDP/Real GDP) x 100

Examples of consumption expenditures

- A student buys a new tablet - a household buys groceries for a week - a individual purchases a new mountain bike

How do you calculate the real GDP?

- Choose a base year - Multiply the quantity of a goods produced in that year by its price in the base year

When is a recession marked?

- Falling GDP - Rising unemployment - increased number of bankruptcies

GDP per capita tells us the average income of a country. Why Is this not an adequate measure of a country's well being

- GDP per capita does not account for the prices of goods and services - GDP per capita does not indicate how income is distributed

GDP is the result of growth in both components......

- an increase in output and an increase in prices.

The expenditure approach to calculating GDP eliminates the issue of double-counting by ..........

Adding the market value of all final goods and services

GNP/GDP Similarities:

-Includes worldwide income earned by a country's enterprises and permanent and excludes production by foreign national working domestically.

GDP is commonly divide into ____ important parts, which include......

4 ; market value, final goods, borders, and time period

The expenditure approach to calculating GDP can be given by

= C+I+G+NX

Define GDP per capita

A country's GDP divided by its population

National Income Accounting

A measure used to add up economic activity to arrive at an overall value for the economy, without double cutting items that are resold more than once.

Black Market

A place where trade in Illegal Goods and Services take place

Why does GDP paint a misleading picture, in regard to average income of individuals?

Because of the populations of countries

Real GDP is calculated based on goods and services at _______

Constant Prices

Types of Expenditures

Consumption, Investment, Government Purchases, Net Exports

Nominal GDP is calculated based on goods and services valued at _________

Current prices (current at the time they are produced)

Income Approach Definition

Emphasizes information about the relative importance of different factors of production

What 2 methods do economists employ in order to calculate the market value of all final goods and services?

Expenditure Approach and Income Approach

When e compare the size and value of an economy.

Expenditure equals income

Investment examples

Factories, Machinery, Inventories, Structures, Warehouses, Buildings

Government Purchases

Goods and services bought by all levels of government

Underground Economy

Goods and services sold below the radar, outside of official records

Home Production

Goods and services that are both produced and consumed within one household

The most commonly used measure of an economy's value is .....

Gross Domestic Product


Gross Domestic Product- the total market value of all final goods and services produced annually in an economy

The sum of the market value of all final goods and services produced and capital owned by permanents residents of a country during a specific period of time is called _________

Gross National Product

The strength of using the market value of goods and services when measuring GDP is that......

It puts all goods and services into a common metric

Researchers have expanded on GDP per capita as a measure of well-being and happiness by employing what metric?

Life Satisfaction Index

What is a solution to double counting?

National Income Accounting

Pollution in the production process is considered by some economists to be

Negative output

What encompasses changes in both output and prices?

Nominal GDP

Identify categories of goods and service that are NOT counted in GDP

Non-Market Externalities Home Production Underground Economy

In the expenditure approach, intermediate gods are part of GDP......

ONLY in the sense that their value is contained in the market price of final good

What error in assessment can occur if we look at GDP per capita without accounting for difference in the cost of living

Poorer countries appear less well-off than they really are

Using GDP as a measure of the average individual income across countries can be misleading because of....

Population differences

Suppose it would cost you $100 to have cleaning service clean your apartment. Rather than pay for the service, you and your roommates decide clean it yourselves. How would the GDP of your economy be affected by this decision.

The GDP would remain unaffected

The goods and services included in GDP are determined by.......

The location of the producer.

Four important pieces of GDP:

The market value, of final goods and services, produced within a country, in a given period of time


The stock of goods that a company produces now but keeps to sell at a future time.


The study of the economy on a broad scale, focusing on issues such as economic growth, unemployment, and inflation

Gross Domestic Product

The sum of the market values of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time

Value Added Approach Definition

Useful for tracking how goods are sold and resold

The __________ approach to measuring the size of a national economy avoids the problems of double counting and clarifies the resale of existing goods.

Value added

Income Expenditure Equation

Wages + Interest + Rental Income + Profits

Gray Market

Where legal economic transactions happen but are not reported to the government ex. hired to mow your neighbor's lawn, Babysitting

Do expenditure, income, and value added approaches have the same GDP number?


What is GDP?

a function of both the quantity of goods and services produced (output) and the market value(prices)

Recession definiton

a period of significant decline in economic acitvity

Macroeconomics Comprises what?

aggregated consumptions, productions, and prices, on a national level.

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