Chapter 7 - Part 2

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linea aspera (posterior)

a prominent elevation located on posteroinferior surface of the shaft; attachment site for the powerful hip muscles, the adductor muscles

tibial tuberosity (anterior aspect)

attachment site for patellar ligament

head of the femur (proximal feature)

ball like proximal end

cuboid (lateral, foot)

cube shaped tarsal


distal portion of the foot; 5 small long metatarsals in one foot; forms the ball of the foot; identified with roman numerals


heel bone part; forms the heel of the foot; largest of tarsal bones; carries talus on its superior surface

proximal tibiofibular joint

in this joint a facet on the inferior part of the lateral tibial condyle articulates with the fibula

distal tibiofibular joint

in this joint the fibular notch on lateral side of the distal tibia articulates with the fibula

lateral malleolus (fibula)

inferior projection which forms the lateral bulge of the ankle; articulates with the talus of the foot

medial malleolus

inferior projection which forms the medial bulge of the ankle; articulates with the talus bone of the foot

pectineal line (medial)

inferior to the intertrochanteric crest; attachment site for the pectineus muscle

intertrochanteric line (anterior)

interconnect the trochanters

medial and lateral condyles (tibia)

located at the tibia's broad proximal end; resemble two thick checkers lying side by side on top of the shaft; superior articular surfaces are slightly concave

sustentaculum tali

medial shelf like projection which articulates with the talus superiorly

gluteal tuberosity (lateral)

on posterior surface of the shaft; attachment site of gluteal muscle

pollex (thumb)

opposite from the orientation of the hand; lateral side in the anatomical position

intercondylar fossa or notch

separates the two condyles posteriorly

anterior border (or crest)

sharp subcutaneous anterior ridge on the tibial shaft

femoral shaft (body)

strong and massive, but curves along its length ; lateral bow facilitates weight bearing and balance

fibular head

superior, proximal end

hallux (great toe)

the medial side of the foot

lateral and medial epicondyles

the most raised points on the sides of the condyles; ligament attachments

medial intermediate lateral cuneiform bones

wedge shaped tarsals arranged in a row; located anterior to the navicualr; named according to their position

calcaneus (achilles tendon)

thick tendon of calf muscles attaches to its posterior surface


thigh bone; largest longest and strongest bone in the body; can endure stress of 280 kilograms per square cm or 2 tons per square in.


thin, long bone with two expanded ends; lateral to the tibia

intercondylar eminence (tibia)

an irregular projection that separates the two condyles

neck of femur (proximal feature)

angles 125 degrees- laterally to join the shaft; weakest part of the femur; often fractured in a "broken hip"


ankle; posterior 1/2 of the foot which contains 7 tarsal bones

navicular (medial, foot)

boat like tarsal

adductor tubercle

bump on upper part of medial condyle

articular surface (distal aspect, tibia)

flat distal end of tibia which articulates with the talus also

shaft (fibula)

heavily ridged; appears to have been twisted a 1/4 turn

intertrochanteric crest (posterior)

interconnect the trochanters


knee cap; the patella is a triangular sesamoid bone enclosed within the tendon that secures the quadriceps femurs muscles of the anterior thigh to the tibia

lesser trochanter (posteromedial)

originates on the posteromedial surface of the femur; attachment site for various tendons and muscles

calcaneal tuberosity (tuber calcanei)

part of the calcaneus that touches the ground

greater trochanter (lateral, proximal feature of femur)

projects laterally from the junction of the neck and shaft; attachment site for various tendons and muscles

talus (ankle part)

second largest bone in the foot; transmits the body weight from the tibia anteriorly, toward the toes

patellar surface

separates the 2 condyles anteriorly

fovea capitis (medial, proximal feature)

small central pit on femoral head; ligament of the head of the femur runs from this pit to the acetabulum

trochlea of the talus

smooth superior surface which contains lateral and medial extensions that articulate with the lateral malleolus (fibula) and medial malleolus (tibia) respectively

medial and lateral supracondylar ridge (posterior)

the linea aspera distally divides into these two ridges, to form a flattened triangular area, the popliteal surface


the second largest and strongest bone of the body after the femur; receives the weight of the body from the femur and transmits it to the foot; the medial bone of the leg

lateral and medial condyles

(posterior aspect) distal broadened area of the femur, shaped like wagon wheels

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