Chapter 7: The War for America

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In June 1775, the Second Continental Congress declared all loyalists to be _______. State laws defined as treason acts such as ____________ the British Army, saying anything that undermined patriot ________, and discouraging men from _______ in the _________ army. Punishments ranged from _____ ______ and suspension of _______ _______ to _________ of property and ________. Self-appointed committees of ____ hunters bypassed laws and terrorized loyalists. Wives of _______ who fled the country could retain a _____ of the husband's property if they still lived in the colonies. ____ _______ recovered her dowry property because she had no independent will to be a loyalist. Many loyalists fled to _______.

traitors, provisioning, morale, enlisting, Continental, house arrest, voting privileges, confiscation, deportation, Tory, loyalists, third, Anna Martin, Canada,

The 4,000 American prisoners taken in the fall of 1776 were crowded onto ____ _____ vessels anchored between ___________ and ________. The largest ship, ___ _______, was built to hold 400 but held 1,100+ prisoners. The violation of the liberty that every prisoner the right to challenge his detention before a judge and to learn the charges against him, otherwise known as ________ ______. To avoid this Parliament voted in early 1777 to suspend it for persons taken in the act of ____ _______. __________, however, insisted captured British soldiers be treated humanely.

two dozen, Manhattan, Brooklyn, HMS Jersey, Habeas Corpus, high treason, Washington,

After the surrender at Yorktown, ___ more years of skirmishes ensued. At one of these battles ________ _______ dressed as a man in order to fight. The ______ __ ______ also called the Peace of Paris, involved ___ articles of peace, while a side treaty sealed related deals. The first article addressed that the United States is a ________ nation, and independent States. Other articles set the western boundary at the _____________ river, creditors would be paid in ________ money, the British were also forbidden from taking any _______. The British were supposed to withdraw troops quickly, but more than a decade later this promise was not met. The treaty was signed on __________ 3, 1783.

two, Deborah Sampson, Treaty of Paris, ten, sovereign, Mississippi, sterling, slaves, September,

By early ____, the British were not doing well in the war. Their defeat at _____ ________ was followed by a second major defeat at Cowpens in South Carolina. _________ retreated to ________, where he captured _______________. They managed to capture members of the Virginia assembly but not Governor ________ _________. These small victories made him cocky so he marched to __________. French regiments commanded by _____ __ ____________ joined Washington in Newport, _______ _______, plus ______ __ ______. The French ships prevented any rescue of Cornwallis's army. There was a twelve-day siege that led to his surrenderance on ________ 19, 1781.

1781, King's Mountain, Cornwallis, Virginia, Williamsburg, Thomas Jefferson, Yorktown, Comte de Rochambeau, Rhode Island, Comte de Grasse, October,

Britain's southern strategy was partially successful due to ________ _______, who was insecure and was jealous of Washington. When he was given control of ____ _____ he planned to sell it to the British because it might as well have meant victory in the war. It was foiled in the fall of 1780 when his plan was intercepted before it reached _______. His treachery revived the commitment to the _______ cause, especially in _______ South Carolina, which soon became the site of _________ warfare. This type of warfare soon spread to _______ and North Carolina. The British soon became stretched too thin to occupy both ________.

Benedict Arnold, West Point, Clinton, patriot, western, guerrilla, Georgia, Carolinas

The signing of the Treaty of Paris was bad news for freed slaves, ________ _____ and others urged Sir Guy _________ to honor pre-treaty British promises. He issued certificates of ________, and more than 4,000 sailed for ____ _____. Commanders in __________ and _________ followed his lead and possibly 10,000 were able to escape the United States. In a final act of Mischief when the British left in November they cut the ropes to hoist the British flag and ________ the flagpole.

Boston King, Carleton, freedom, Nova Scotia, Savannah, Charleston, greased.

In 1779, militias attacked _________ settlements, while Native American raiders repeatedly attacked settlements like ________________, in present-day Kentucky. In retaliation, _______ ______ ______ led Kentucky militiamen into Illinois and took the British fort at __________. They dressed as Native Americans and when they attacked British-held Fort ___________ they threw Native Americans who were still alive into the river. Violent attacks by the Americans drove the Native Americans to seek refuge at either Forts _______ and _______ held by the British, or into the arms of the Spaniards.

Cherokee, Boonesborough, George Rogers Clark, Kaskaskia, Vincennes, Niagara, Detroit

Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet titled ______ ______, in January 1776. In it, he called the British king a not so friendly word for a ________. He advocated government based on the _______ of the people, and there must be frequent elections to achieve the most ______ _______ possible. ________ _____ hoped that women's legal status would improve under the new government, however, her husband saw no issue.

Common Sense, donkey, consent, direct democracy, Abigail Adams,

______ was willing to supply military and naval help, only if assured the Americans would separate from Britain. By May 1776, all but four colonies were agitating for a __________. Pennsylvania, __________, New York, and _____ ________. With the latter two containing mostly _______. The congress appointed a committee with ______ _______ and others to draft a longer document setting out the case for __________. On July 2, all but one state voted for Independence, ___ ____ abstained. Thomas Jefferson's document listed at least ____ grievances against the king. Delegates from _____ and _____ ______ struck out his thought to free all slaves. On July 4, 1776, the amendments were complete and the Congress formally adopted the _________ __ _________. New York switched ten days later and in ________ the delegates signed the document.

France, declaration, Maryland, South Carolina, loyalists, Thomas Jefferson, independence, New York, twelve, Georgia, South Carolina, Declaration of Independence, August

A week after Bunker Hill, General _______ ___________ arrived to take charge of the new troops. Meanwhile, delegates from the _______ colonies wanted the channels for negotiation with Britain to remain open. In July 1775, John Dickinson led the engineering of an appeal to the King called the, ______ ______ _______, affirming _______ to the monarchy and blaming all troubles on the king's ministers and ___________. They proposed the colonies be seen as individual ___________ underneath the monarchy. King _______ III rejected it and condemned the Americans as ________.

George Washington, middle, Olive Branch Petition, parliament, loyalty, parliament, parliaments, George, traitors

Washington knowing it would be hard to hold Manhattan, withdrew to two forts on either side of the ________ _____. In November General Howe captured the two forts named, Fort ___________ and Fort ___. Washington retreated again across New Jersey into ___________. Howe parked his troops along the ________ river, assuming the Americans would not attack him. On Christmas, Washington, at dawn, made a quick capture of Howe's soldiers, who were _______, which lifted the morale of the patriot side. Washington remained on the offensive capturing British supplies in ________, and soon he settled his army for the winter in _________, where he inoculated them for smallpox. In the first year of the war, the colonists were saved by the British never following through _________ when they had the advantage.

Hudson River, Washington, Lee, Pennsylvania, Delaware, German, Princeton, Morristown, militarily

In 1777, British general John _______, began the northern squeeze on the ________ river valley. Coming in from _______ he marched south to capture _______, near the intersection of the Hudson and Mohawk rivers. In July, he captured Fort ______________, because the occupying Americans fled without a fight. The British lost a month going through a dense forest, and ______ lines were stretched thin. The logical second step for General Howe would be to meet John, but instead, he sailed south to attack ______________.

John Burgoyne, Hudson, Canada, Albany, Ticonderoga, supply, Philadelphia,

____ _________ wrote Letters from a Farmer. Many of the delegates ______ ______ to break with Britain, the exceptions were from __________. However, around the country _______ units were being formed. On June 14, the congress voted to create the ________________ _____, with _______ ___________ as commander in chief. Next they drew up " A ________ on the Causes and ________ of Taking Up ____," drafted by _______ _______ and later revised by ______ __________. They also ordered a currency issue of 2 _______, which were merely ______.

John Dickinson, weren't ready, Massachusetts, militia, Continental Army, George Washington, Declaration, Necessity, Arms, Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinson, million, paper,

Between the fall of 1777 and the summer of 1778, there was great conflict between the Native Americans and the Americans. American militiamen destroyed _______ _____ village, his warriors retaliated by attacking the town of _______ ______. General Washington, the following summer, authorized a campaign to pretty much obliterate all ________ villages of central ___ ____. General ____ ______ implemented a campaign of terror in the fall of 1779. Many Native Americans fled to the British at Fort ________. In mid-1778, the Delaware chief _____ ____, negotiated a treaty at Fort ____, pledging their support in exchange for supplies and ______ goods. After militiamen killed him, ___________, and ___ _____, there was trouble with the alliance.

Joseph Brant's, Cherry Valley, Iroquois, New York, John Sullivan, Niagara, White Eyes, Pitt, trade, Cornstalk, Red Hawk

The second battle of the Revolution occurred on _____ 16, in Boston. New England militia units had fortified the peninsula of ___________. ________ ____, the commander in Boston prepared to attack, with the aid of three generals: William _____, John ________, and Henry _________. William sent 2500 soldiers up _________ _____, three assaults were needed for the British to take the hill. The battle of Bunker Hill was a British victory but an _________ one. The British army lingered in Boston where William had his men inoculated for ________ (Which around 130,000 people died from on the American continent during the Revolutionary War)

June, Charleston, Howe, Burgoyne, Clinton, Bunker Hill, expensive, smallpox

Essay 1: Discuss the two tasks facing the Second Continental Congress when the delegates met on May 10, 1775. What initial steps did they take to carry out their goals?

Key Points: ** Raise and Supply an army -George Washington made general -Printed 2 million dollars **Explore Reconciliation with Britain -Olive Branch Petition

Essay 3: Even before the colonies had committed to independence, they faced the likelihood of serious military conflict. How did they mobilize for war? In your answer discuss specific challenges they faced, noting any unintended consequences of their solutions.

Key Points: -They printed money and devalued it -John Hancock financed a lot because they stole his mansion -They did not have a structured army, they were mostly untrained farmers -They had no established allies -They had no supplies, they were mostly made by citizens **Because the whole society was helping the British would attack and burn the houses where women were making supplies *led to women being targeted which the Americans never saw coming, an unintended consequence - However, this empowered the Americans

Essay 2: Discuss why the British lost the Revolutionary War. What advantages did they misuse?

Key Points: Page 168 Paragraph 3 -Difficult to get supplies across the sea, the army is used to consuming a lot and don't adjust well to not having the most supplies. -They started in the North rather than in the South, where there was a larger loyalist population -The British had a very organized line-up way of fighting and did not know how to face Guerrilla fighting. -The British should have pursued the Americans fleeing from Bunker Hill so that they could defeat the army in its infancy.

Essay 4: American colonists and British soldiers were not the only participants in the Revolutionary War. Discuss the role of Native Americans in the war. How did they shape the conflict? What benefits did they hope to gain? Did they succeed?

Key Points: Pages 177-178, 184-186, 191 -They provided crucial support to the British in many battles and a few tribes aided the Americans *** They wanted to protect their sovereignty, independence, and their traditional culture -Caused Clark to take two British forts - Took lives on both sides -Lost many - They didn't succeed because once again they were left out of the treaty - Their lands were assigned to victors as though they did not exist, the Native Americans never conceded defeat

In late 1775, an American expedition was launched to capture _______ and ______ in Canada before British reinforcements could arrive. Montreal was taken in September 1775, by New York Continentals commanded by General Richard ____________. _________ ________ moved through Maine towards Quebec, both Generals worked together but failed to take the city. More men were killed by __________ than the battle itself. In August 1776, General ____ landed South of NYC and George Washington anticipating this had moved his army south of _____________. This ended up in the _______ __ ____ _______, which Washington evacuated his troops from and fled to Manhattan Island.

Montreal, Quebec, Montgomery, Benedict Arnold, smallpox, Howe, Massachusetts, battle of Long Island.

After the British retreat at Fort Stanwix Burgoyne camped out at _________. His adversary in Albany, _______ ________ _____, began moving towards him. Burgoyne attacked first and the British won but at the loss of ___ dead or wounded. Three weeks later in the second stage of the Battle of ________ the British lost 600 more men and most of their ________. On October 17, 1777 the ________ finally surrendered. Meanwhile, General ____ had succeeded in occupying Philadelphia in Septemeber. The British government proposed a negotiated ________, not independence to end the war, and the Americans refused. Washington moved his troops into winter quarters at ______ _____, and some 2000 men died, and an equal number deserted. He blamed the _________ for lack of support. (Suppliers often sent defective goods)

Saratoga, General Horatio Gates, 600, Saratoga, cannons, British, Howe, settlement, citizenry,

On May 10, 1775, the _______ ________ _________ assembled in Philadelphia. They wanted to accomplish two tasks, ____ and ______ an army, and explore _______ with Britain. In order to do the former they needed ______, and a declaration of war. To do the latter they needed ________ to approach the King.

Second Continental Congress, raise, supply, reconciliation, money, diplomacy

After the French joined the war, the King changed the plans to focus on the loyalists in the _____. _______ fell easily in December 1778. The Continental Army put ten regiments into the port city of ____________, to protect it from General _________ troops, who was Howe's replacement. The British laid siege and took the city ___ 1780. The General said that ______ were welcome to take refuge with his army because they were useful guides and ________. He left the pacification of the rest of South Carolina to General ________ __________, who established military rule by midsummer. By August, American troops arrived into a battle at ________, South Carolina, the worst American defeat of the entire war.

South, Georgia, Charleston, Clinton's, May, slaves, laborers, Charles Cornwallis, Camden,

The British encountered American Continental soldiers at Fort _________. Patriot German militiamen and ________ Indians rushed to the Continentals' support. On August 6, 1777, Mohawk chief _________ ______ led an ambush against the Patriots in a narrow ravine called __________. Around ____ men were dead, wounded, or missing. The defenders of Fort _________ ultimately repelled their attackers. The battle of _________ and the battle of Fort ________ were completely multiethnic pitting groups against their own. The British retreat deprived General Burgoyne of the additional _______ he expected.

Stanwix, Oneida, Joseph Brant, Oriskany, 1000, Stanwix, Oriskany, Stanwix, troops,

The British army was often constrained in its actions because the goal was to regain ______ not _______ and _______. When forming the continental army, enlistment was set at ___ ____, with incentives being added for longer times. About a _____ of the white male population enlisted over the duration of the war. The British ratio of women serving to men was 1:10 while the Continental army was ____. The serving women were termed "____ ______" Initially African Americans were banned from serving, however, once legalized approximately _____ served in the war. _______ ______ became a way of demonstrating political allegiance.

alliances, destroy, conquer, one year, fourth, 1:15, camp followers, 5,000, Military service,

In 1776 around 1/5 of Americans were __________, 2/5 were ________, and 2/5 were ________. Loyalists believed that social stability depended on a government anchored by _________ and __________. The most visible loyalists were _____ _______, and wealthy merchants. ________ _____ also looked to Britain in hopes of freedom. Many Native American were initially ______ until taking the side of the ________. The _______ Confederacy was divided between the Americans and the British.Shawnee and Delaware tribes initially sided with the _______ until they repeatedly betrayed them. In New York City 1776, 547 loyalists signed and circulated "_ ____________ __ ____________" in the colonies.

loyalists, moderates, patriots, monarchy, aristocracy, royal officials, Southern slaves, neutral, British, Iroquois, Americans, A Declaration of Dependence

The Americans could not have defeated the British __ _____ ___. Help arrived after their victory at ________, which convinced the ______ to enter the war. A formal alliance was signed in ________ of 1778, they promised full ________ and _________ support, with the most crucial part being their ____. Well before 1778, they were already providing assistance on the down-low. They hoped if the Americans succeeded it would open _____ pathways and possibly allow them to acquire the _________ ____ ______. At first the alliance seemed worthless but in 1780-1781 it became indispensable.

on their own, Saratoga, French, February, military, commercial, navy, trade, British West Indies,

During the Revolutionary War, the British occupied every major ____ city, but 95% of Americans lived in the ____________ and were unaffected. The British plan was to first focus on ___ ____ believed to have the largest number of loyalists, and the control of the ______ river would allow them to isolate New England. They then planned to take Massachusetts followed by, New Jersey and _________, and they were confident the Carolinas would help them subdue _______.

port, countryside, New York, Hudson, Pennsylvania, Virginia

The money the Continental Congress printed had no value because they had no _________ ______ to back it up. One method the Congress had to finance the war was borrowing ____ money from wealthy men in exchange for __________ __ ____ (public securities), which had added interest. They were similar to war bonds. To pay soldiers the Congress issued ____ ____ ________ which were written promises of acreage usually located in frontier areas. The economy was unreliable, so committees of public safety began to fix prices on __________ goods, like flour.

precious metals, hard, certificates of debt, land grant certificates, essential,

The harsh British treatment of __________ __ ___ persuaded many neutrals to side with the revolution. Committees of ____________, ________ _______, & _______, dominated the political landscape in patriotic communities during the war. They enforced _________, picked army _________, and policed suspected ________. Many wives took on "___________" duties, and women from prominent Philadelphia families formed the ______ ___________ to collect money for Continental soldiers. Mrs. Esther DeBerdt Reed published "___ ___________ __ __ __________ _______"

prisoners of war, correspondence, public safety, inspection, boycotts, draftees, traitors, masculine, Ladies Association, The Sentiments of an American Woman

The Declaration of Independence was widely distributed, however, it did not include the _________, because it was an act of _______. _______ ________ said that "Indeed we must all hang together. Otherwise we shall most assuredly hang separately. "

signatures, treason, Benjamin Franklin

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