Chapter 8
During the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the movement of the Pacific Plate was approximately ________.
10 meters
Felt earthquakes usually last for ________.
10-60 seconds
In elastic rebound theory, what must occur to produce an earthquake?
Enough stress must build up over time on a fault to overcome friction.
The Mercalli Scale is a scale from ________.
I to XII that rates the structural damage due to an earthquake
Modern seismographs rely on ________ to record the ground motion from an earthquake.
________ have the highest velocities
Primary waves (P-waves)
The velocity of seismic waves generally increases with depth in the earth.
Major earthquakes are often followed by somewhat smaller events known as ________.
The Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the ________.
amplitude of the largest seismic wave
P waves ________.
are faster than S waves and surface waves
The position on Earth's surface directly above the earthquake source is called the ________.
When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source. The source is also referred to as the ________.
Faults are "locked" because ________.
high confining pressure increases friction on the fault
Which of the following is determined by measuring the amplitude of waves recorded from an earthquake?
Liquifaction, where normally solid material behaves more like a fluid during an earthquake, occurs because ________.
pore spaces between particles in unconsolidated sediments close and displace fluids
Overall, this type of seismic wave is the most destructive.
surface wave
On a typical seismogram, ________ will show the highest amplitudes.
surface waves
Aftershocks occur because ________.
the area surrounding a region that experienced a large earthquake needs time to adjust to the displacements on the main fault
The earth's major layers formed because ________.
the earth was heated after its formation resulting in melting and redistribution of major chemical compositions
If you are on a beach, you might recognize that a tsunami is approaching because ________.
the water will withdraw from the beach farther than usual
In the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, much of the damage was due to fires because ________.
water lines were badly damage so that firemen could not put out the fires
Structural damage from seismic vibrations would be worse ________.
where older buildings were built on a thick layer of sediment