chapter 8 A&P the skeletal system: appendicular skeleton

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the bases of the metacarpals articulate with the distal row of carpal bones to form the ________________

carpometacarpal joints

MNEMONIC for carpal bones: Stop Letting Those People Touch The Cadaver's Hand

Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate

the femur's proximal end articulates with the _________ of the hip bone


the scapula, specifically the acromion, articulates with the clavicle at the ________ joint from the __________ end

acromioclavicular; acromial (lateral)


ankle bone

the greater trochanter is seen ________ to the hollow side of the hip


*clavicle* (collarbone)

anterior bone and articulates with the manubrium of the sternum


arm bone, longest and largest bone of the upper limb

*phalanges*, bones of the digits, make up the _____ parts of the hand. There are ______ phalanges in the five digits of each hand

distal; 14

the ______ is parallel and lateral to the tibia


the ___________ _________ and ________ _______ are projections from the junction of the neck and shaft that serve as points of attachment for the tendons of some of the thigh and buttock muscles

*greater trochanter* *lesser trochanter*

the _____ of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone to form the coal joint


the expanded distal end of the femur includes the ______ and the ________

*medial condyle*; *lateral condyle*

superior to the medial and lateral condyles are the

*medial epicondyle* and *lateral epicondyle*

the _____ of the femur is a constricted region distal to the head


other names for the pelvic girdle

-hip bones -coxal -pelvic bones -os coxa

phalanges of the foot resemble those of the hand in both number an arrangment

1. big toe has two phalanges 2. other toes have three phalanges

appendicular skeleton and homeostasis

1. bones of the appendicular skeleton contribute to homeostasis by providing attachment points and leverage for muscles, which aids body movements 2. provides support and protection of internal organs such as reproductive organs 3. stores and releases calcium

four locations of the lower extremities slide. 311

1. femur in the thigh 2. the patella (kneecap) 3. the tibia and fibula in the leg 4. the 7 tarsals in the tarsus (ankle); the 5 metatarsals in the metatarsus; and the 14 phalanges in the foot

the ulna and the radius connect with one another at three sites:

1. interosseous membrane joins the shafts of the two bones 2. proximally, the head of the radius articulates with the ulna's radial notch: proximal radioulnar joint 2b. distally, the head of the ulna articulates with the ulnar notch of the radius: distal radioulnar joint 3. distal end of the radius articulates with three bones of the wrist: radoiocarpal joint

each phalanx consists of a

1. proximal base 2. an intermediate shaft 3. distal head

appendicular skeleton includes bones:

1. that make up the upper and lower limbs 2. bones of the two girdles that attach the limbs to the axial skeleton

each of the two hip bones of a newborn consists of three bones separated by cartilages:

1.a superior *ilium* 2. an inferior and anterior *pubis* 3. an inferior and posterior *ischium*

each *lower limb* (lower extremity) has ______ bones


how many bones are in each upper limb?

30 bones. (1) the humerus in the arm (2) the ulna and radius in the forearm (3) the 8 carpals in the *carpus* (wrist), 5 metacarpals in the *metacarpus* (palm), 14 phalanges (bones of the digits) in the hand

acromion (scapula) slide 296

a flattened, expanded process on the posterior surface of the scapula

the pectoral girdles do not articulate with the vertebral column; they are held in position by __________

a group of large muscles

spine of the scapula

a prominent ridge that runs diagonally across the posterior surface of the scapula

glenoid cavity(scapula)

a shallow depression inferior to the acromion



the largest carpal bone is the _____


the head of the radius articulates with the __________ of the humerus


*metacarpus*, or palm, consists of ______ bones called the *metacarpals*


the _________, a small central depression of the femur, connects to the acetabulum

fovea capitis

the scapula, specifically the glenoid cavity, articulates with the humerus at the _______ joint

glenohumeral (shoulder)

the proximal end of the radius has a disc-shaped ______ that articulates with the _________ of the humerus and the _______ of the ulna

head; capitulum; radial notch

glenoid cavity accepts the head of the _______


the lesser trochanter is ________ and ________ to the greater trochanter

inferior and medial

infraspinous fossa

inferior to the spine on the posterior surface of the scapula

articulations between carpal bones are called ______________

intercarpal joints

the tibia and fibula are connected by an _______________

interosseous membrane

joints between phalanges are called

interphalangeal joints


is a deep fossa formed by the ilium, ischium, and pubis.

obturator foramen

largest foramen in the skeleton; surrounded by the ramus (part of the ischium) and the pubis

*radius* is the smaller bone of the forearm is located on the _______ aspect

lateral (thumb side)

the *lateral condyle* and *medial condyle* of the proximal end of the tibia articulates with the condyles of the femur to form the:

lateral and medial tibiofemoral (knee) joints

the inferior surface of the _______ articulates with the head of the fibula

lateral condyle

the ______________ located on the distal end of the fibula, that articulates with the talus of the ankle

lateral malleolus

*femur*, or thigh bone is the _______, _______, and _______ bone in the body

longest, heaviest, and strongest

the *ulna* is located on the _______ aspect of the forearm and is longer than the radius

medial (the pinky is on the ulna side)

_________________ is located on the medial surface of the distal end of the tibia

medial malleolus

trochlea, located ________ to the capitulum, is a __________ surface that articulates with the ________________ of the ulna

medial; spool-shaped; trochlear notch

the heads of the metacarpals (knuckles) articulate with the proximal phalanges to form the ___________________

metacarpophalangeal joints

second row of phalanges are the ______ row


primary function of the appendicular skeleton is ___________


*metatarsal bones*

numbered I to V from the medial to lateral position

tibial tuberosity on the anterior surface is a point of attachment for the ______________ ligament


a single bone of a digit is referred to as a


true (lesser) pelvis

portion of the bony pelvis inferior to the pelvic brim contains the rectum, urinary bladder, vagina and cervix, prostate in males.

styloid process is located on the _________ side of the ulna's ________ end

posterior; distal

coracoid process

projection of the anterior surface, at the lateral end of the superior border of the scapula

the lesser tubercle

projects anteriorly

function of bony pelvis

provides a strong and stable support for the vertebral column and pelvic and lower abdominal organs; connects the bones of the lower limbs to the axial skeleton

each metacarpal bones consists of a _______, an ________, and a ________

proximal base; intermediate shaft; distal head

olecranon is at the _____________ of the ulna and forms the prominence of the ______

proximal end; elbow

the head of the humerus located at the _______ end, articulates with the __________ to form the _________

proximal end; glenoid cavity; glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

first row of phalanges are the ________ row

proximal; articulates with the metacarpal bones

*carpus* (wrist) is the _________ region of the hand and consists of eight small bones, the ________ , joined to one another by _________

proximal; carpals; ligaments

the hip bones unite anteriorly at a joint called the ______________

pubic symphysis

capitulum is a _____________ on the ________ aspect of the bone that articulates with the head of the _________

rounded knob; lateral; radius

the hip bones unite posteriorly with the sacrum at the ________________

sacroiliac joints

carpals in the proximal row from lateral to medial:

scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform

medial end of the clavicle is called the ________ and the lateral end is called the __________

sternal end; the acromial end

the clavicle bone articulates with the manubrium of the sternum at the ____________ joint from the _________ end

sternoclavicular joint; medial (sternal)

the shaft of the radius widens distally to form a __________ on the __________ side

styloid process; lateral

iliac crest

superior border of the ilium; ends anteriorly in a blunt anterior superior iliac spine

supraspinous fossa

superior to the spine on the posterior surface of the scapula

the medial malleolus articulates with the ______ of the ankle


tarsus bones include the

talus and calcaneus

*bony pelvis* is composed of

the hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum

false (greater) pelvis

the portion of the bony pelvis superior to the pelvic brim

the other four digits have ____ phalanges each


the femur's distal end articulates with the ________ and the ________

tibia and patella

carpals in the distal row, from lateral to medial:

trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

the ____________ of the ulna articulates with the trochlea of the humerus

trochlear notch

the thumb, pollex, has ____ phalanges


each of the two pectoral girdles consists of a ______ and a ________

clavicle; scapula

the greater tubercle is a lateral projection _______ to the anatomical neck


third row of phalanges are the _____ row


acetabulum functions as the socket that accepts the rounded head of the _____


the fibula does not articulate with the _______


*tibia* ,or shin bone, articulates at its proximal end with the ______ and _________

femur and fibular

at its distal end, the tibia articulates with the _______ and _______

fibula and talus bone of the ankle

the fibula articulates with the tibia at the ___________ to form the distal tibiofibular joint

fibular notch

the _____ of the fibula, the proximal end, articulates with the inferior surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia to form the ______________________

head; proximal tibiofibular joint


heel; located in the posterior part of the foot

*pelvic (hip) girdle* consists of the two ____ bones


together the acetabulum and the femoral had form the _______ _____

hip (coxal) joint

the human body has *two pectoral*, or shoulder girdles that attach the bones of the ________ to the axial skeleton

upper limbs

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