Chapter 8; Learning (ALL TERMS)

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conditioned response (CR)

A behavior that an organism learns to perform when presented with the CS.

primary reinforcer

A bird will learn very quickly to tap a lever if it is reinforced with birdseed for doing so. Birdseed is an effective reward because it is a ________.

classical conditioning

A form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which one has an automatic, inborn response.


A form of associative learning in which behaviors are triggered by associations with events in the environment.

Learning Curve

A graph of the rate at which learning occurs over time.

fixed-ratio (FR) schedule

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which reinforcement follows a set number of responses.

fixed-interval (FI) schedule

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are always reinforced after a set period of time has passed.

variable-interval (VI) schedule

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are reinforced after time periods of different durations have passed.

variable-ratio (VR) schedule

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which the number of responses needed for reinforcement changes.

conditioned stimulus (CS)

A previously neutral input that an organism learns to associate with the UCS.


A process by which two pieces of information from the environment are repeatedly linked, so that we begin to connect them in our minds.

Skinner box

A simple chamber in which a small animal can move around, with a food dispenser and a response lever to trigger food delivery.

Learning by association

A simple form of learning that links two pieces of information from the environment with one another because they repeatedly occur.


A stimulus that decreases the frequency of a behavior and likelihood that the behavior will occur again.

unconditioned response

An automatic, inborn response to a stimulus is known as a(n)


An internal or external event that increases the frequency of a behavior.

neutral stimulus

An object or situation that when presented alone does not lead to an automatic (or unconditioned) response.

motor reproduction

Because of a physical disability, Keisha is unable to physically duplicate the actions of an ice skating instructor. Which of the following processes keep her from being able to observationally learn how to ice skate?


Behavior that is rewarded some but not all of the time is on a __________ schedule of reinforcement.

Rewarding behavior

Can make a behavior more likely to occur again.

conditioned stimulus (CS)

Catalina ate a candy bar and then went on a fast-moving ride in an amusement park. She was sick to her stomach after the ride and now, Catalina cannot eat candy bars, because they make her nauseous. In this learned association, the candy bar serves as a(n) ________ to Catalina.

Stimulus-Response Relationships (SR)

Classical conditioning centers rely on this. Involves modification of reflexes with experience. After conditioning, the neural stimulus is called a conditional stimulus.

digital citizenship and ethics

Cyberbullying would be a part of which technology unit?


Donald once accidentally fell into a swimming pool and almost drowned. After that incident, he developed an intense phobia of water and refused to go near swimming pools. In an effort to treat Donald's phobia, a psychologist gradually motivated him to go near swimming pools. After many sessions of having nonthreatening experiences of being in water, Donald overcame his phobia. This scenario exemplifies ___________.

Example of the law of effect

Every time second-grader Sarah raises her hand in class and gives the correct answer, her teacher gives her a sticker. Receiving a sticker increases the likelihood of Sarah's participation.

stimulus generalization

Extension of the association between UCS and CS to include a broad array of similar stimuli.

The neutral stimulus becomes the CS once conditioning has occurred.

How is the neutral stimulus related to the CS?

stimulus discrimination.

In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, he presented the sound of a bell along with meat powder to his dogs. After several trials, the dogs learned to salivate to the sound of the bell in the absence of the meat powder. If Pavlov's dogs did not salivate to a buzzer but only to a bell, then this phenomenon would be an example of ____________.

individuals who had a social connection to that soup

In a previous study, participants were given chicken noodle soup. Who felt the chicken soup was a comfort food?

primary reinforcers

Innate, unlearned reinforcers that satisfy biological needs (such as food, water, or sex).


Jake is trying to teach his dog Peach how to roll over. He first gives Peach a treat whenever Peach sits. Next, he no longer rewards Peach for sitting but rather gives Peach a treat when the dog actually lies down. Finally, Jake rewards Peach only when the dog rolls over. Jake is using _________ to train Peach to roll over.

unconditioned response

Jillian's smiling at the cute babies is a(n) ________.

cute babies

Jillian, a stay-at-home mother, watches a lot of daytime television. During the day, Charmin toilet paper runs lots of television ads. Jillian always smiles when she sees these ads because they have so many cute babies on them. When Jillian is shopping at her local market, she finds herself smiling when she is in the toilet paper section, especially when she is near the Charmin toilet paper. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus(i) is(are) the ________.

positive reinforcement

Julie works at a factory that produces toy clowns. As the toy clowns come down the assembly line it is Julie's job to add a red nose to each clown as the last step in completing each toy. For every 100 clowns Kelly completes, she receives $10.00, which is a(n) ________.

less time than learning by trial and error and is more efficient.

Learning by observing others takes

observational learning

Learning influenced by watching the behavior of others.

latent learning

Learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement and is not demonstrated until later, when reinforcement occurs.


Learning, in a biological sense, is the growth and strengthening of new ______________.


Longitudinal research shows that people who are less active and have poorer cardiovascular fitness have _____ brain volume 20 years later.

watching a model

Most people find that they learn better by ________.

Backward Conditioning

Neural stimulus follows the UCS

Forward Conditioning

Neutral stimulus is presented just before the UCS

schedules of reinforcement

Patterns of intermittent reinforcement are distinguished by whether reinforcement occurs after a set number of responses or after a certain amount of time has passed since the last reinforcement. Arranged to follow behaviors.


Pavlov defined ________ as fixed stimulus-response patterns.

Number of

Ratio schedules involve the _____ behaviors needed for a reward.

continuous reinforcement

Reinforcement of a behavior every time it occurs.

intermittent reinforcement

Reinforcement of a behavior—but not after every response.

secondary (conditioned) reinforcers

Reinforcers that are learned by association, usually via classical conditioning (such as money, grades, and peer approval).

Fixed Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement

Reinforces behavior only after a specific number of responses are made.

Secondary Reinforcers

Rewards that appear to come with smoking, such as peer acceptance and looking like an adult, are examples of ________ reinforcers.

neatly stack his shoes and socks with everyone else's

Roger went to his very first yoga class yesterday. When he entered the room, he noticed that everyone was taking their shoes and socks off and stacking them neatly against the wall. According to observational learning, what would you expect Roger to do?

determine when a behavior will be reinforced

Schedules of reinforcement are specific patterns that ________.

unconditioned response (UCR).

Since dogs always salivate at the sight of food, salivation in this case would be called a(n) ____________.

create an online presentation

Students might use Prezi to ________.

Social Learning Theory

Takes into account the role of social influences on learning.

social learning theory

The acquisition of smoking behavior is perhaps best explained by

positive punishment

The addition of a stimulus that decreases behavior.

some behaviors are inherently more likely to be learned than others.

The biological constraint model of learning suggests that __________________.

law of effect

The consequences of a behavior increase (or decrease) the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. -Any response that leads to a satisfying experience is more likely to be repeated

operant conditioning

The consequences of spontaneous behavior are manipulated in order to elicit the desired behavior. Reinforcement can be positive or negative. -has occurred when the consequences of an action influence the likelihood that the behavior will be displayed again.

unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

The environmental input that always produces the same unlearned, involuntary response.


The essence of ______ involves acquiring new knowledge, skills, values, or behaviors.


The imitation of behaviors performed by others. A kind of observational learning.

social learning theory

The kind of learning that occurs when we model the behavior of others. Imitation and modeling plays important roles in how we learn.

conditioned taste aversion

The learned avoidance of a particular taste or food.

unconditioned response (UCR)

The natural, automatic, inborn, and involuntary reaction to a stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

The phenomenon of comfort food can best be seen as developing through ________.

positive reinforcement

The presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often that behavior will occur.

operant conditioning

The process of changing behavior by manipulating the consequences of that behavior. When you operate on your environment.


The reinforcement of successive approximations of the desired behavior. A type of conditioning that involves gradually reinforcing behaviors that come closer and closer to the desired target behavior

negative reinforcement

The removal of a stimulus after a behavior to increase the frequency of that behavior.

negative punishment

The removal of a stimulus to decrease behavior.

stimulus discrimination

The restriction of a CR (such as salivation) to only the exact CS to which it was conditioned.


The scientific study of animal behavior.


The sensory process by which organisms adapt to constant stimulation. Often regarded as learning in its simplest form.

spontaneous recovery

The sudden reappearance of an extinguished response.

embodied cognition

The thought processes involved in representing parts of the body and/or reenacting bodily actions in thought.


The weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response in the absence of reinforcement.

associate one experience with another

Through experience, we learn to ________.

negative reinforcement

To increase productivity, the clown factory decides to have a contest. The person who completes the most clowns on Monday does not have to come to work on Tuesday. The factory is using __________ as a motivator.


True or false: When learning occurs, there is no physical evidence in the brain.


Used for reinforcement and punishment. Unrelated to the target behavior.

medial temporal lobe

What area of the brain may be the most plastic?

a stimulus that doesn't cause a response unless it is associated with a UCS

What is a neutral stimulus?

any permanent change in behavior brought on by experience

What is learning?

John Watson

What psychologist declared, "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select...regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors," believing that all of this could be accomplished through classical conditioning?

Men generally prefer hot meals because it makes them feel taken care of.

Which of the following is TRUE?

All of the choices are correct: -getting relief from pain after taking an aspirin -getting an allowance after completing chores -getting spanked for running in the street

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

getting spanked for running in the street

Which of the following is an example of positive punishment?


Which of the following plays a major role in memory, and therefore in learning?

Imprinting occurs in all species, including humans

Which of the following statements about imprinting is FALSE?

Technology is studied in only social media classes.

Which of the following statements is false about learning at the Dwight School?

Operational Conditioning

Which of the following types of learning helps maintain smoking behavior?

Albert Bandura

Which theorist proposed social learning theory and suggested that observation and modeling were major components of learning?

Observational learning is an effective way to learn a skill.

With which of the following would social learning theorists agree?

Embodied Cognition

_____ is defined as the thought processes involved in representing parts of the body and/or reenacting bodily actions in thought.


an enduring change in behavior that occurs with experience. Involves changes in sensation, perception, behavior, and brain function. Relatively permanent.

fixed-interval schedule

reinforcement is given based on the passage of time.

Physical exercise

which of the following benefits neural growth, as indicated by hippocampal neurogenesis?

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