chapter 8 questions

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Good leadership is needed in the business world as well as in areas such as government, nonprofits, education, and sports. Why do all institutions need leaders?

All institutions need leaders so that there is organization within the group. A leader allows for there to be someone that everyone reports to, listens to, and can ask questions to.

Identify and describe the autocratic, democratic, and free-rein leadership styles.

Autocratic relationship style is one in which one person runs everything and makes all decisions without consulting others. Democratic leadership is a style in which managers work with employees to make decisions. Free-rein leadership requires the leader to set goals for managers and employees and then leave them alone to get the job done.

Why do managers who use leadership styles that empower employees have to think differently than those who use the autocratic style?

Because the weight and responsibilities of their business lies in their hands.

Name at least three ways in which an individual can develop leadership skills.

By joining a club, a team, a drama group, or a community organization, taking initiative at school, at work, or in club activities, and through reading books, watching videos, and taking courses on leadership.

Imagine that you have five employees— a bookkeeper with years of experience, two college students who have worked with you for six months, and two high school students who started last week. What leadership style(s) will you use with each of your employees?

I will use a mix of autocratic and democratic. This allows for me to pick and choose who can get certain jobs done, based off of their prior knowledge and abilities. I will also use democratic so that my newer employees can learn how to make smart decisions.

Describe the self-managed team approach and the two ways in which such an approach is organized.

In a self-managed team, the leader is a team player rather than a boss. A team leader makes decisions with the team rather than alone. Self-managed teams are organized in two ways: the team selects one team leader or each team member employs specialized skills, but there is no team leader.

Define leadership.

Leadership is taking a company and its employees in a direction based upon a vision.

What traits must workers have if self-managed teams are to operate efficiently and effectively?

More goal-oriented than task-oriented, participating, cooperative, and problem solvers.

Describe qualities of a leader.

Motivation, confidence, communication skills, and integrity.

Why are professionals such as engineers and doctors usually managed with a free-rein style rather than an autocratic management style?

So that everyone can pitch in their knowledge, rather than have one person attempt to run everything. This way, the job gets done quicker and more efficiently.

Why is it essential that a leader have integrity?

So that everyone is treated with respect and the operation runs smoothly.

Explain how a leader can use different leadership styles.

There are three different styles of leadership. Autocratic relationship style is one in which one person runs everything and makes all decisions without consulting others. Democratic leadership is a style in which managers work with employees to make decisions. Free-rein leadership requires the leader to set goals for managers and employees and then leave them alone to get the job done. Depending on the circumstances, a leader might use different styles. When in a workplace with brand new employees, a leader would use autocratic. When working in a group project, a leader would use democratic. When in a company and giving tasks to employees, a leader would use free-rein.

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