Chapter 8 Questions

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What is collective bargaining? a. An act of protest where employees go on strike and hold picket signs outside their place of employment b. A meeting where employees may voice concerns over working conditions c. A process by which management and a unionized workforce agree on a labor contract d. The process by which an employer can decertify and get rid of a union

A process by which management and a unionized workforce agree on a labor contract.

Which of the following is the best description of human resources management (HRM)? A. Hiring, firing, and payroll B. A set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce. C. The administration and overseeing of all compensation and training programs for an organization. D. Directing specialized teams within an organization to attain specific goals.

A set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce.

If a group of employees wants to form a union, what must be accomplished before they hold an official election? a. The employees must be nonunionized to begin with. b. Authorization cards indicating union interest must be collected from at least 30 percent of employees. c. Bargaining units must be determined. d. All of the above.

All of the above

The following are all strategies individuals can use to manage diversity EXCEPT: A. Attempting to make jokes frequently to keep things light and fun. B. Trying to understand the perspectives of others C. Seeking to understand those that may be different in key areas of life. D. Engaging in respectful, honest communication with others.

Attempting to make jokes frequently to keep things light and fun.

The following are all keys to managing temporary workers EXCEPT: a. Taking steps to greater understand how to integrate temporary workers into the workforce b. Being careful not to offer temporary workers too many advantages to make sure that the morale of the full-time employees stays high c. Recognizing the greater company strategy and determining how to best fit the use of temporary workers into that system d. Understanding that temporary workers come with advantages and disadvantages, and leveraging those accordingly

Being careful not to offer temporary workers too many advantages to make sure that the morale of the full-time employees stays high

Which of the following is a competitive advantage of workplace diversity? A. Lack of distrust or individual prejudices B. Diversity initiatives always have a direct impact on bottom line. C. Better ability to understand different market segments for business D. Diversity is easy to manage

Better ability to understand different market segments for business

What is a potential downside of using 360-degree feedback? A. Provides the individual with only a narrow scope of feedback. B. Can breed mistrust in the workplace if handled improperly. C. Is quick and cheap and therefore is often implemented carelessly. D. The individual's boss is often able to give more comprehensive feedback on their own.

Can breed mistrust in the workplace if handled improperly.

Which of the following is NOT a common error in performance appraisals? A. Recency bias B. Evaluating an employee too leniently across the board. C. Congruence bias D. Halo error

Congruence bias

Which of the following is NOT a basic form of compensation? A. Wages B. Evaluations C. Salary D. Incentives


Which of the following statements regarding job analysis is FALSE? A. Job analysis duties must be contracted out to avoid bureaucratic biases. B. The effectiveness of performance appraisal systems is heavily reliant on appropriate job analysis. C. Job analysis is necessary for developing appropriate compensation methods. D. Companies can set equitable compensation rates more easily when their positions have been properly analyzed.

Job analysis duties must be contracted out to avoid bureaucratic biases.

The National Labor Relations Act did all of the following EXCEPT A. Mandated that all employees in manufacturing settings unionize. B. Established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to enforce the act. C. Balanced the power between union and management power within businesses. D. Provided rights for employees to unionize and bargain collectively with their employer.

Mandated that all employees in manufacturing settings unionize.

The following are all functions of an effective compensation system EXCEPT: A. Help attract qualified, talented applicants. B. Stimulate high performance C. Minimize payroll costs in order to increase spending in other departments. D. Retain current high-performance employees

Minimize payroll costs in order to increase spending in other departments.

How much does the average company spend on benefits annually in relation to its cash payroll? A. 20% B. More than 33% c. 30% D. Less than 10%

More than 33%

The following are all reasons for the recent decline in union membership EXCEPT: a. Increased standards of living b. Poor leadership within the NLRB c. Globalization of operations resulted in many unionized jobs to move internationally d. Traditionally unionized industries have declined

Poor leadership within the NLRB

What can an organization do as a whole to improve its approach to diversity? a. Require multicultural training for all employees. b. Discourage focus groups. c. Always require the entire workforce to communicate in English. d. Enact policies that put excessive burdens of proof on the victims in discrimination/harassment cases.

Require multicultural training for all employees.

Which of the following is NOT a relevant piece of legislature regarding equal workplace opportunities? A. Americans with Disabilities Act B. Age Discrimination in Employment Act C. The international Hiring Act D. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The international Hiring Act

What are the recent trends regarding contingent workers? a. The number of contingent workers has been increasing. b. The number of contingent workers has been decreasing. c. The number of contingent workers in the workforce has been inconsistent, increasing and decreasing often with little explanation. d. The number of contingent workers is largely unchanged in recent years.

The number of contingent workers has been increasing.

What is a likely advantage of external recruiting as opposed to internal recruiting? A. Retention of high-quality employees B. The lack of need for a realistic job preview for applicants C. The opportunity for new perspectives and ideas to be brought to the organization. D. Higher morale among existing employees at the company

The opportunity for new perspectives and ideas to be brought to the organization.

What are some qualities of "knowledge workers" that set them apart from traditional laborers? a. They like to work individually and identify strongly with their profession as opposed to their organization. b. They rely heavily on management and like to work in teams. c. They rarely need to update their skills and knowledge and are therefore easy to manage. d. They like to stay with one employer for a long period of time since demand for professionals is declining.

They like to work individually and identify strongly with their profession as opposed to their organization.

The following are all legitimate HRM training methods EXCEPT: A. Trail-by-fire immersion into the new employees role. B. Establishment of a "corporate university" where employees can receive specialized training. C. Web-based training modules D. Vestibule training

Trail-by-fire immersion into the new employees role.

Application blanks, interviews, and tests are often used in combination in order to increase the _____ of their predictive ability for job success. A. Commonality B. Validity C. Rationality D. Standard deviation


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