Chapter 8 Quiz

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Which of the following was an outcome of the American Industrial Revolution in the early nineteenth century?

American businesses soon dominated in many European markets.

Which American principle played a critical role in advancing technology in the early days of the American Industrial Revolution?

American ingenuity

Wealthy planters believed that the plantation economy would continue to produce wealth indefinitely.

Black evangelical Christianity

Slaves' practice of "taking root" involved which of the following?

Building the best possible lives for themselves as slaves

Which of the following replaced canals as the primary form of transportation in the United States in the nineteenth century?


Which of the following was an outcome of the division of labor in early American shoe factories?

Shoe production increased.

Which of the following statements characterizes African American marriage customs in the slave South?

Slave couples often followed the African custom of "jumping the broom" to signify their union

Which of the following was the message of Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography, published in full in 1818?

The suggestion that an industrious man could become wealthy

Which of the following factors explained the rapid growth of western cities such as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and New Orleans?

Their role in transportation networks

Which of these inventions spurred the growth of agriculture in the Midwest in the 1840s?

steel plow

Thee concept that the price of a product should reflect the work required to make it is known as

the labor theory of value.

Which of the following statements describes the American Waltham plan, which was later known as the Lowell system?

Its creators recruited farm girls and women to work in factories.

Who was the English immigrant who secretly brought the design of the most advanced British machinery for spinning cotton to America in 1789?

Samuel Slater

Nativist fears were directed mostly at which of the following groups in early and mid-nineteenth-century America?

Irish immigrants

Who replaced the Lowell Mill workers when they refused in the 1830s to work until conditions improved?

Irish immigrants

Which of the following describes the new industrial system that developed in early nineteenth-century America?

It brought workers together under one roof in a factory.

Why did Congress approve funds for the construction of the National Road in 1806?

To link midwestern settlers to the seaboard states

Which of the following statements characterizes the emergence of the textile industry in the United States?

Using British textile machinery as their model, American textile producers built their own textile mills in New England and ultimately improved on British technology.

Which of the following characterizes the plantation labor system of the southern cotton industry?

African American slaves worked from sunup to sundown all year long.

Which of these statements describes the planter aristocrats who lived in the cotton-growing regions of the South in the mid-nineteenth century?

Aristocratic planters took the lead in defending slavery as a benevolent social system.

Which of the following describes the changes in slaves' living conditions in the early nineteenth century?

As blacks formed stronger social, family, and cultural ties, they resisted the breakup of families through sale by their owners.

Which concept promoted by the Second Great Awakening reinforced its push for societal reform?

Free moral agency

John Jacob Astor, a prominent New York merchant of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, made his fortune in which trade?


In the cotton-growing regions of the South, which of the following was true of the gang-labor system of work?

Gang-labor depended upon the work of white overseers and black drivers.

Smallholding planters in the nineteenth-century South owned about how many slaves, on average?

One to five

Which inventor is properly matched with the item he invented?

PAY ATTENTION John Deere—the steel plow Eli Whitney - interchangeable parts Cyrus McCormick - reaper Samuel Colt - the revolver

Why did a labor crisis develop in the Cotton South in the first few decades of the 1800s?

Planters heading west needed many new slaves to clear, plant, and harvest the land.

Which of these factors explained the surplus of slaves in the Chesapeake region in the early nineteenth century?

Population growth through natural reproduction

Why did the United States decline to annex Texas in 1837?

President Van Buren feared that annexation would spark an American civil war over the issue of slavery.

By the 1830s, coal and metal manufacturers increasingly used which of the following to run machinery?

Steam engines

Thee U.S. federal government participated in the expansion of slavery during the early to mid-1800s through which of the following?

The Indian Removal Act

Thee transformation that occurred as American factories and farms turned out more goods, and merchants and legislators created faster and cheaper ways to get those products to consumers, was known as which of the following?

The Market Revolution

Which of the following statements characterizes the operations of the Bank of the United States in the twenty years after its 1791 chartering?

The bank had branches in eight major cities to respond to demands for commercial credit, and its profits averaged 8 percent annually.

How did the appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States affect the flow of goods and information during the 1830s?

The canals and steamboats cut in half most travel and communication time.

Charles Grandison Finney found success as a young revivalist preacher in the 1820s by emphasizing which of the following issues in his sermons?

The importance of personal conversion

Thee cotton boom that began in the 1810s set which of the following results in motion?

The redistribution of the African American population

Which of the following was one of the ways that wageworkers strove to resist their bosses' efforts to control their nonwork lives in the early to mid-nineteenth century?

They built a robust workers' culture that preserved their autonomy outside work.

Which of these factors made enslaved African Americans reluctant to attempt to escape to the North?

They hesitated to leave their families and communities behind.

Which of these statements describes Southern rice planters of the mid-nineteenth century?

They were at the apex of the plantation aristocracy.

Which of the following was an outcome of the rural outwork system of manufacturing in the 1820s and 1830s?

Workers' wages decreased.

In the 1824 U.S. Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden, the Marshall Court's decision

overturned New York law that granted a monopoly on steamboat travel into New York City.

Through which of the following movements did evangelical reformers succeed in effecting substantial legal and cultural transformations in early nineteenth-century America?


To which of the following causes did Isabella Graham and Joanna Bethune contribute in the early nineteenth century?


Which of these groups accounted for the largest percentage of the white population in the mid-nineteenth-century Cotton South?

Tenant farmers and day laborers

Which of these concepts became a central tenet of slave Christianity in the South in the nineteenth century?

All people as children of God

Thee Panic of 1819 caused which of the following outcomes?

American cotton and wheat prices plummeted over 50 percent.

Which of the following describes the relationship between social status and wealth in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century American history?

Americans respected those who raised their status through talent and hard work

Which of the following pairs is properly matched?

Benjamin Banneker - mathematician and surveyor; helped lay out Washington, D.C.

How did planters attempt to resolve a labor crisis in the Cotton South in the early nineteenth century?

By buying domestic slaves from the Chesapeake region

Which of the following areas is correctly matched with its primary crop?


Thee most critical contribution American mechanics made to the Industrial Revolution was the development of which of the following?

Machine tools

Thee Alabama Constitution of 1819 did which of the following?

Made county supervisors and sheriffs elected positions

In the first half of the nineteenth century, American manufacturers' main advantage over the British mills was that they had access to which of the following?

More natural resources

Which of these statements most accurately describes the experiences of free blacks in the early nineteenth-century United States?

Most held low-wage jobs as farmworkers, day laborers, or laundresses.

For which of the following reasons did New York's state government fund the building of the Erie Canal in 1817?

New Yorkers sought to link the Hudson River with the Great Lakes.

Which statement characterizes the typical relationship between slaves and their masters in the 1850s?

Slaves were investments and therefore were generally provided with clothes, shelter, and enough food to keep them healthy.

Which of the following statements characterizes the cotton planter class in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas in the mid-nineteenth century?

The goal of the planter class was to make money.

Why was the domestic slave trade crucial to the southern economy?

The trade provided tens of thousands of new workers to build plantations.

Which of the following statements describes the relationship between the economies of the North and the South in the mid-nineteenth century?

The wealth of the industrializing Northeast was increasing more quickly than that of the South.

Which of the following is true of free blacks in the South?

They became the backbone of the South's urban artisan workforce.

What prevented white southerners from working to diversify their economy in the nineteenth century?

Wealthy planters believed that the plantation economy would continue to produce wealth indefinitely.

In the nineteenth-century South, free blacks lived primarily

in the coastal cities and the Upper South.

During the 1840s and 1850s, Roman Catholic churches in the United States were known for

providing community services and a sense of group identity for most Irish and many German immigrants.

Thee domestic slave trade affected the African American family unit before 1865 by

separating family members through sale and trade

Which of these factors created a major economic obstacle for small, family farmers aiming to improve their lot in the mid-nineteenth-century South?

The cotton revolution

Which of the following statements characterizes the domestic slave trade in the nineteenth century?

The domestic market brought wealth to American traders.

Which of these factors contributed to the development of an increasingly homogenous African American culture in the rural South in the nineteenth century?

The domestic slave trade

Around the 1830s, what new form of manufacturing emerged in America?

The fabrication of metal products

How did the spread of industrialization in the United States during the 1820s and 1830s affect skilled artisans?

As machines changed the nature of their work, shoemakers, hatters, printers, furniture makers, and weavers faced declining income, job insecurity, and loss of status.

In the early 1800s, British textile manufacturers had which of the following advantages over their American competitors?

A large pool of cheap labor

Which of these factors prompted many plantation masters to reduce reliance on violence and adopt positive incentives to motivate slaves in the 1830s and 1840s?

Abolitionist scrutiny

Which of the following statements describes the institution of slavery in the nineteenth-century South?

About 5 percent of southern whites owned 50 percent of the South's slave population.

Which of these factors was the critical stimulus for the growth of domestic American markets in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Better transportation networks

How did the federal government aid the growth of American industry in the first half of the nineteenth century?

By passing protective tariffs

How did middle-class reformers attempt to overcome disorder and lawlessness among urban wage earners in early nineteenth-century America?

By supporting political reforms that were designed to help disadvantaged families survive adversity

Between 1820 and 1840, the economic conditions for casual day laborers in American cities changed in which of the following ways?

Casual day laborers bore the brunt of unemployment during business depressions

What killed thousands of poor immigrants in St. Louis and New York City in the summer of 1849?


Which of the following were core institutions for African American society in the mid-nineteenth-century South?

Church and family

Under the task system, slaves were required to

Complete a precisely defined job each day

Which factor led to planters' need to smuggle slaves into the country rather than import them legally?

Congressional legislation

Which of these did elite Americans embrace after the Industrial Revolution in order to set themselves apart from other groups of Americans?

Conspicuous displays of their wealth through clothing and housing

Which of the following methods was a highly uncommon form of slave resistance in the slave South?

Large-scale uprisings

By the 1830s, most laborers in the urban Northeast lived in which type of residences?

Crowded boardinghouses and tiny apartments

By 1860, the majority of African Americans lived and worked as slaves in which of the following regions?

Deep South

Which of the following describes German immigrants who settled in the United States during the 1840s and 1850s?

Germans were the second largest immigrant group and many settled in the midwestern states.

How did Thomas Jefferson respond to the development of American manufacturing by the 1820s?

He praised industrialization and expressed pride in American progress in manufacturing.

Roman Catholic immigration into the United States in the 1840s had which of the following effects?

Protestants' rejection of their new Catholic coworkers undercut trade unionism.

Which of the following statements characterizes blacks' resistance to slavery by the 1820s?

In their situation, most blacks had no choice but to build the best possible lives for themselves.

Which of the following attributes of American society did the planter aristocracy in the South value highly in the mid-nineteenth century?


Thee construction of the Erie Canal, the first great engineering project in American history, was successful for which of the following reasons?

It increased the speed of shipping and travel while greatly lowering its cost.

Why was the South on the cutting edge of the Market Revolution by 1840?

It produced and exported over two-thirds of the world's cotton supply.

Many African American slaves who converted to Christianity compared themselves to which of the following groups?


Which of the following statements characterizes the planter elite of the Upper South in the early and mid-1800s?

Many elite planters considered themselves benevolent masters

Which of the following statements describes workers' approach to alcohol consumption in the 1820s?

Many workers used alcohol as an escape from the routine of work but also drank in their workplaces.

Which of the following characterizes patterns of immigration into the United States during the 1840s and 1850s?

Most of the Irish who arrived in the United States were poverty-stricken peasants.

Thee notion of slavery as a "necessary evil" and a "positive good" was supported by which idea?

Slavery allowed a civilized lifestyle for whites and cared for genetically inferior blacks.

Through which of the following sources did the U.S. Treasury raise most of its revenue during the first half of the 1800s?

Tariffs on imported goods

Which of the following Puritan ideas became a middle-class conviction with a secular twist during industrialization in the early 1800s?

The Protestant work ethic

Thee construction of the Erie Canal had which of the following negative consequences?

The construction of the canal and its heavy use altered the ecology of the entire region.

Which of the following statements was true of the American South in 1860?

The vast majority of southern white families did not own any slaves.

What prevented planter elites from exercising complete political dominance over the Cotton South in the 1830s and 1840s?

They lived in a republican society with democratic institutions that elicited input from all white men.

Which of these describes the experiences of the young women who worked in the New England textile mills in the 1820s and 1830s?

They were able to save their wages for later use or to help out their families.

Children born in slave communities in the nineteenth-century South often shared which of these characteristics?

They were named after family members.

Which of the following statements describes the class of propertyless whites living in the South in the mid-nineteenth century?

They worked hard physical jobs as day laborers and enjoyed little respect from other whites.

Which slaves became free as a result of the Virginia legislature's passage of a manumission act in 1782?

Those whose masters chose to free them

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