Chapter 8 Review Questions

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What are four tips for using testimony in your speeches?

1. Quote or paraphrase accurately 2. Use testimony from qualified sources 3. Use testimony from unbiased sources 4. Identify the people you quote or paraphrase

What four pieces of information do you usually need to provide when making oral source citations in a speech?

1. The book, magazine, newspaper, or web document you are citing 2. The author or sponsoring organization of the document 3. The author's qualifications with regard to the topic 4. The date on which the document as published, poster, or updated.

What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?

1. Use examples to clarify your ideas 2. Use examples to reinforce your ideas 3. Use examples to personalize your ideas 4. Make your examples vivid and richly textured 5. Practice delivery to enhance your extended examples

What are six tips for using statistics in your speeches?

1. Use statistics to quantify your ideas 2. Use statistics sparingly 3. Identify the sources of your statistics 4. Explain your statistics 5. Round off complicated statistics 6. Use visual aids to clarify statistical trends

What are the three kinds of examples discussed in this chapter? How might you use each kind to support your ideas?

1. Brief example: to illustrate a point or pile up to create a desired impression. 2. Extend example: to pull listeners into the speech by telling a short story vividly and dramatically. 3. Hypothetical example: describing an imaginary situation and making it realistic, relatable, able to involve the audience.

Why is it so easy to lie with statistics? What three questions should you ask to judge the reliability of statistics?

It' s easy to lie with statistics because they might not necessarily be in the right context. For example, the cheetah being the fastest sprinter, but the antelope being the fastest with longer distances. 1. Are the statistics representative? 2. Are statistical measure used correctly? 3. Are the statistics from a reliable source?

What is testimony? Explain the difference between expert testimony and peer testimony.

Testimony is quotations or paraphrases used to support a point. Expert testimony is from people who are recognized experts in their fields while peer testimony is from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic.

Why do you need supporting materials in your speeches?

You need supporting materials in your speech support your point of view and answer the questions, "What do you mean?" "Why should I believe you?" And "So what?"

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