Chapter 8 SmartBook Reading

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Observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions are the three levels of organizational _____.


_____ is the process of assigning managerial authority and responsibility to managers and employees lower in the hierarchy.


According to the competing values framework (CVF), organizational _____ varies along two dimensions.


Division of labor, one of the four common elements of organizations proposed by Schein,

is the arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people in an organization.

More positive organizational outcomes are associated with _____ cultures.


The principle of unity of command was popular with early management theorists. It stressed the importance of employees reporting to _____.

no more than one manager, in order to avoid conflicting priorities and demands.

Symbols in organizational culture represent

objects or actions that convey an organization's most important values to others.

The readily apparent symbols and manifestations of an organization's culture are called its _____.

observable artifacts

A box-and-lines illustration showing the formal lines of authority and the organization's work specializations is called a(n) ______ chart.


Early management scholars believed strongly in the principle of _____, in which employees should report to no more than one manager in order to avoid conflicting priorities and demands.

unity of command

team-based structure

used to improve horizontal relations and solve problems throughout the organization.

The chain of command within a business is also referred to as the organization's _______ hierarchy of authority.


A clan culture has what three characteristics? -A family-type organization -Structured work environment aimed at effectiveness and efficiency -Profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction -Strives to encourage cohesion through consensus and job satisfaction -Encourages collaboration among employees

-A family-type organization -Strives to encourage cohesion through consensus and job satisfaction -Encourages collaboration among employees

Which of the following statements are true regarding a market culture? -Employees are expected to work hard, react fast, and deliver quality work on time. -It is driven by competition and a strong desire to deliver results. -Customers, productivity, and profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction. -Effectiveness is achieved through the use of control mechanisms that measure efficiency, timeliness, and reliability.

-Employees are expected to work hard, react fast, and deliver quality work on time. -It is driven by competition and a strong desire to deliver results. -Customers, productivity, and profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction.

Identify the three types of structures categorized as organizational designs with open boundaries. -Hollow -Tall -Virtual -Modular -Mechanistic

-Hollow -Virtual -Modular

Which of the following are outcomes associated with various types of organizational culture? -More positive work attitudes in clan cultures -Higher market share in adhocracy cultures -Higher market share in clan and market cultures -Better financial performance in market and hierarchy cultures -Higher customer satisfaction in clan and market cultures -Stronger quality and innovation in hierarchy cultures -More positive organizational outcomes in market cultures

-More positive work attitudes in clan cultures -Higher market share in clan and market cultures -Better financial performance in market and hierarchy cultures -Higher customer satisfaction in clan and market cultures -More positive organizational outcomes in market cultures

What are the three layers of organizational culture? -Structural observations -Observable artifacts -Strategic plans -Espoused values -Basic assumptions

-Observable artifacts -Espoused values -Basic assumptions

Which of these would be considered observable artifacts in an organization? -Rituals -Values -Decorations -Awards -Sales

-Rituals -Decorations -Awards

What are the two types of information that organization charts reveal about organizational structure? -Who specializes in what work -Who reports to whom -How things get done -How employees are responsible

-Who specializes in what work -Who reports to whom

In an organization's culture, basic assumptions: -are difficult to change -are often taken for granted -represent the organization's core values -are not observable -are classified as either espoused or enacted -can be seen in artifacts such as awards, ceremonies, and office decor

-are difficult to change -are often taken for granted -represent the organization's core values -are not observable

Organizational design is concerned with which two activities? -creating a structural design that will help an organization execute its strategies -minimizing all forms of accountability within an organization -creating structures of accountability and responsibility -excluding responsibility from the organizational structure

-creating a structural design that will help an organization execute its strategies -creating structures of accountability and responsibility

The three types of organizational design are: -sectional -horizontal -open boundaries -traditional

-horizontal -open boundaries -traditional

Functional organizational structures: -put employees with similar occupational specialties together in formal groups. -put employees with diverse occupational specialties together in formal groups. -are common in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. -group activities around similar customers or clients.

-put employees with similar occupational specialties together in formal groups. -are common in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations.

Which of the following statements regarding the horizontal design are true? -workgroups are used to improve collaboration -cross-functional teams are eliminated -this design is also called a team-based design -internal boundaries are broken down

-workgroups are used to improve collaboration -this design is also called a team-based design -internal boundaries are broken down

Which description best fits the adhocracy organizational culture?

Adaptable, creative, and quick to respond to marketplace changes

_____ represent core, taken for granted, unobservable aspects of an organization's culture.

Basic assumptions

_____ values represent the values and norms actually exhibited in the organization.


_______ managers have decision-making authority and usually have people reporting to them, whereas _______ positions provide advice, recommendation and research.

Line; staff

modular structure

a firm that assembles product chunks, or modules, provided by outside contractors.

Authority in organizations means _____ -- managers must report and justify work results to the managers above them and are responsible for performing assigned tasks.


A(n) _____ culture values flexibility and has an external focus.


A(n) _____ organization is a fluid, highly adaptive organization whose members are linked by information technology and collaborate on common tasks.


A control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time is called hierarchy of authority or ______.

chain of command

A _____ culture has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control.


Espoused values in an organization's culture represent the

explicitly stated values and norms the organization prefers

A _____ organization is defined as one with an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle management between top managers and those reporting to them.


Which type of organization typically has few or no levels of middle management between top managers and those reporting to them?


An organizational structure where people with similar occupational specialties are put together in formal groups is called a _____ structure.


matrix structure

has dual reporting relationships in which some managers report to two superiors.

An organizational ______ is someone whose accomplishments embody the values of the organization and whose accomplishments are put forth to motivate other employees to do the right thing.


In a two-person operation, one may specialize in the outward-facing tasks such as sales while the other specializes in the internal jobs such as research and production. In a large firm, there may be vice presidents for each task such as marketing, finance, and HR. These examples represent different types of _____.

horizontal specialization

The part of an organizational chart that shows different jobs or work assignments is called _____.

horizontal specialization

Observable artifacts

physical manifestations such as manner of dress, awards, myths and stories about the company, rituals and ceremonies, and decorations, as well as visible behavior exhibited by managers and employees

Activities and ceremonies, planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in an organization's life are known as rites and ______.


The number of people reporting directly to a given manager refers to _____.

span of control

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