Chapter 8 Week 6 Questions

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Place the four stages of the thylakoid reactions in the correct order starting with the first stage at the top.

Primary Photoevent Charge Seperation Electron Transport Chemiomosis

Which are the two main forms of photosynthesis?

anoxygenic and oxygenic

The ATP needed in the Calvin cycle comes from

both cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation

The first stage of photosynthesis is

capturing energy from sunlight

First stage of photosynthesis is

capturing light

In photosynthesis, glucose is produced via the reduction of which of the following?

carbon dioxide

The formation of organic molecules from carbon dioxide is called

carbon fixation

The Calvin cycle begins with

carbon fixation using Rubisco

The first two stages of photosynthesis require light and are commonly known as the light- ______ reactions.


The third stage of photosynthesis is also called carbon


The G3P produced during the Calvin cycle is transported into the cytoplasm where it is usually converted into ____ 6 phosphate and ____ 1-phosphate

fructose, glucose

In a leaf, the thick layer of cells that are rich in chloroplasts is called the


Photosynthetic pigments in the chloroplast are organized into distinct clusters known as


Pigment molecules capturing photons in the chloroplast are organized in distinct structures called


The energy used by most living cells comes ultimately from the _____ and is captured through the process of ______.

sun, photosynthesis

The inner (internal) membrane of the chloroplast is also called the _____ membrane.


_____ molecules of G3P made during the Calvin cycle can be used to make one molecule of ______

two, glucose

Why is the Calvin cycle also known as C3 photosynthesis?

Because the first molecule in the cycle has 3 carbon atoms.

Which of the following is made during the light-dependent stages of photosynthesis?


Photosystem I contains the pigment


The first stage of the thylakoid (or light-dependent) reactions is the

primary photoevent

Consider the net equation that describes the Calvin cycle. How many NADPH are needed to synthesize the two net G3P molecules that can be used to make a glucose molecule?


When you take into account the net equation of the Calvin cycle, how many ATP molecules are needed to synthesize two G3P molecules?


How many molecules of CO2 need to be bound to molecules of RuBP to produce 12 molecules of PGA in the Calvin cycle?


Which of the following are the three stages of photosynthesis in plants?

Capturing energy from the sunlight Using ATP and NADPH to produce organic compounds from CO2 Making ATP and NADPH

Where do the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the chloroplast?

In the thylakoid membrane.

How do plants benefit from having two linked photosystems?

It allows them to use electrons from water to reduce NADP+.

Photophosphorylation produces _____ which stores chemical energy that can be used for the Calvin cycle. Carbon fixation also requires reducing power, which is provided by ______ produced by photosystem I.


What occurs during the charge separation stage of the thylakoid reactions?

An excited electron is transferred to an acceptor molecule.

The Calvin cycle is also known as ____ photosynthesis because the first intermediate of the cycle contains three carbon atoms.


In photosynthesis, glucose is produced via the reduction of which of the following?

Carbon dioxide

Oxygenic photosynthesis is carried out by which of the following organisms?


True or false: Glucose is the primary output of the Calvin cycle.


Which of the following (choose all that apply) are necessary for carbon fixation in the Calvin cycle?


Which of the following is associated with the reaction center of PS II?


What is ultimately the main source of energy for almost all living cells on Earth?


The third and final stage of photosynthesis is also known as which of the following?

The light-independent reactions

The production of one molecule of O2 during photosynthesis requires how many chlorophyll molecules?


What is the net gain of the Calvin cycle?

Two molecules of G3P

What occurs during the primary photoevent?

a photon is captured by a pigment in the photosystem

Which of the following is not part of chloroplasts?


Which of the following are parts of the chloroplast?

grana inner membrane thylakoids stroma

The production of one molecule of ____ from water during photosynthesis requires several thousand chlorophyll molecules.


The production of one molecule of ______ from water during photosynthesis requires several thousand chlorophyll molecules


During the primary photoevent, a(n) _____ of light is captured by a pigment.


During photosynthesis, glucose is produced via the ___ of CO2


A leaf that appears to be green to the human eye contains pigment molecules that are

reflecting green light

When light strikes a pigment, some wavelengths are absorbed and some are reflected. For instance, a leaf that appears green to the eye _____ green wavelengths of light


What is the name of the enzyme that incorporates CO2 into organic matter during the Calvin cycle?


During the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis, an excited electron is transferred from chlorophyll in the reaction center to an acceptor molecule; this stage in the thylakoid reactions is also known as charge _______.


Where is rubisco located?

stroma of the chloroplast

Most plants transport the fixed carbon in the form of the transport sugar


After it is transported into the cytoplasm, the G3P made during photosynthesis is usually used to synthesize fructose 6-phosphate and glucose 1-phosphate, which can be used to form _____


In a green plant, the majority of photosynthesis takes place in

the leaves

The internal membrane of the chloroplast is also known as

thylakoid membrane.

How many different types of photosystems are found in chloroplasts?


Having two different linked photosystems in chloroplasts overcomes the limitations of anoxygenic photosynthesis by allowing the oxidation of _____.


Having two different linked photosystems in chloroplasts overcomes the limitations of anoxygenic photosynthesis by allowing the oxidation of _______.


Which of the following represent the phases of the Calvin cycle?

(1) carbon fixation; (2) reduction and carbohydrate production; (3) regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate

Which of the following is the primary output of the Calvin cycle?


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