Chapter 8,9 Human Growth and Development

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What new skills do children gain upon entering school?

-Ability to recognize and talk about sounds -Knowledge of what a word is -Increasing use of language to talk about things that are not physically present

Select all of the following that are ways to learn words.

-Children learn words when they hear them often. -Children learn words for things that interest them. -Children learn words when grammar and vocabulary are considered.

Which factors did Robert J. Sternberg consider to be part of the definition of intelligence?

-Developing strategies to improve shortcomings -Weighing options carefully -Ability to adapt, shape, and select environments

Which statements are true about fast mapping?

-It explains children's ability to quickly learn the connection between a word and its referent. -It allows children to learn word meanings in a deeper sense

Which of the following are true of how intelligence is evaluated?

-It is generally measured by an intelligence test. -It must be evaluated independently.

Before learning to read, which must a child be able to do?

-Learn how to recognize and talk about sounds -Use language to talk about things that are not present -Learn what a word is

With regard to wisdom, the research of Baltes and colleagues shows which of the following?

-Personality-related factors such as openness contribute to wisdom. -Factors other than age are critical for wisdom to develop at high levels. -High levels of wisdom are rare.

Which of the following are true about reading development for English speakers?

-Rates of dyslexia are higher in countries that speak English than those with phonetically pronounced alphabet scripts. -Phonological awareness is an important skill in learning to read English. -Learning to read English is difficult because of its irregular spellings and pronunciations.

Which of the following are characteristic of the whole-language approach?

-Reading is connected with listening and writing skills. -Children are given material in its complete form, such as stories and poems. -Reading is integrated with other skills and subjects, such as science and social studies.

Which statements describe the advances in pragmatics in early childhood?

-Young children can adapt their speech based on their setting. -Young children are able to present competent narratives. -Young children can learn rules regarding politeness in conversations.

Compared to adults who are learning a second language, childhood second-language learners are ______.

-less likely to use explicit strategies -more likely to learn from large amounts of input -less sensitive to feedback

Which skills are most important to becoming a good writer?

-monitoring writing progress -being receptive to feedback -organization and logical reasoning skills

By what age should an infant be able to inhibit behavior when commanded by an examiner, as demonstrated in the Bayley Scales of Infant Development?

12 months of age

The "vocabulary spurt," when it happens, usually occurs between ______ and 24 months.


At what age do children begin to transition from simple sentences to complex sentences?

24 to 36 months

Michael is beginning to print his first name; Michael is most likely how old?


About ______ million Americans fit under the definition of intellectual disability.


By as early as ______ months of age, an infant can recognize his or her name when someone says it.


Which of the following is NOT an example of telegraphic speech?

A child says "My daddy gives Carter the cookie."

Which of the following statements is true regarding the identification of giftedness?

A person could be considered gifted if he or she has intellectual superiority and academic aptitude.

Which statement is true of children in early elementary grades that reverse letters such as b and d and p and q?

Absent other developmental problems, it does not predict literacy problems.

Which of the following is the best example of stereotype threat?

African American students do as well as White students on standardized tests as long as they think that the test does not count.

Which of the following demographic groups were at a disadvantage due to the cultural bias in early intelligence tests?

African Americans Rural citizens Nonstandard English speakers Those of low socioeconomic status

Who is credited with the development of the first intelligence test?

Alfred Binet

What does the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence evaluate?

An infant's ability to process information

______ intelligence refers to the ability to analyze, judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast.


Why can children in middle and late childhood understand the appropriate use of comparatives (shorter, deeper) and subjectives ("If you were president...")?

Because of improvements in logical reasoning and analytical skills

Which of the following are strategies for increasing children's creative thinking?

Building self-efficacy through encouragement Brainstorming Guiding children to delay gratification Encouraging intellectual risk

How can underchallenged children be challenged more in the classroom?

By allowing especially precocious children to take college classes in their area of expertise

What does research on infants' recognition of language sounds demonstrate?

By their first birthday, infants lose the ability to recognize differences in sounds not important in their own language.

Which of the following are reasons that gifted children may not become gifted adults?

Changing criteria for giftedness in adulthood Overzealous parents and teachers Loss of intrinsic motivation

Which of the following statements about stability and change in intelligence during childhood is accurate?

Children have the capacity for intellectual change.

Which of the following statements is true regarding schooling and intelligence?

Children who are deprived of formal education for an extended period have lower intelligence.

Which of the following is key to the development of young children's vocabulary?

Consideration of grammar and vocabulary

In addition to an IQ below 70, which of the following factors are necessary for a diagnosis of intellectual disability?

Difficulty adapting to everyday life

Which of the following is an appropriate strategy for increasing creativity in children's thinking?

Do not overcontrol students.

People in ______ cultures tend to see intelligence as a way for members of a community to engage successfully in social roles.


Which of the following are the five steps of the creative process?

Elaboration Insight Evaluation Incubation Preparation

According to research, psychological goals of early adulthood that require expanded linguistic skills include which of the following?

Entering the work world A sense of identity Establishing intimate relationships

Which of the following would be LEAST likely of a creative thinker?

Externally motivated by positive feedback from others

T/F: Sternberg's and Gardner's approaches have stimulated teachers to think more narrowly about children's competencies.


True or false: Phonological awareness is critical to learning to read in every language.


T/F: Intelligence tests are substantially correlated with work performance and job success.

False--they're only moderately correlated

The ____ effect is the worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short time frame.


Which of the following is NOT a metacognitive strategy of effective reading teachers?

Focusing on each individual word

Which of the following are social interactions that are important in language development?

Gaze following Caregiver responsiveness Joint attention

Which of the following is NOT one of the five systems of rules of language?


Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria identified by Ellen Winner (1996) to characterize gifted children?

Gifted children are more introverted than other children.

Which of the following is a characteristic of gifted children?

Gifted children need minimal help from adults to learn in some areas.

Classification of intellectual disability as mild, moderate, severe, or profound is based on:

IQ score

Which of the following statements about the role of TV in language development is accurate?

It is only effective if a caregiver cowatches it and communicates about it with the child.

Binet felt intelligence consists of complex cognitive processes including which of the following?

Judgment Comprehension Memory Imagery

Cognitive pragmatics includes which of the following?

Language comprehension Reading and writing skills Professional skills

Identify the classifications of support required for a person with an intellectual disability to function at the highest level

Limited Pervasive Extensive Intermittent

Which term refers to an implied comparison between unlike things?


______ refers to the units of meaning involved in word formation.


Why are most tests not considered culture-fair?

Most tests tend to reflect what the dominant culture deems important.

Which of the following statements reflects the benefits of multiple intelligence views?

Multiple intelligence views have contributed to innovative classroom learning assessments.

Julie is an infant who has just gotten a football from her grandfather. He tells her that it is a football, and she quickly repeats the word. Julie begins to call every ball that she sees "football," even though none of the other balls she sees is actually a football. In what is Julie engaging?


Which of the following factors is LEAST responsible for the decline in creativity in U.S. children?

Participation in organized sports

Which of the following is NOT a finding of the Seattle Longitudinal Study?

Perceptual speed increased in middle adulthood. Findings: -Four of the six intellectual abilities assessed reached their highest level of functioning in middle adulthood. -Numeric ability decreased in middle age. -Middle-aged men and women showed similar levels of peak performance in most cognitive abilities.

______ involves how sounds are used and how sounds are combined.


Which of the following are characteristics of creative thinkers?

Playful Inwardly motivated Flexible

Which of the following types of intelligence do NOT conform to the patterns favored in conventional schooling?

Practical intelligence Creative intelligence

On the wisdom scale, which of the following evaluated the capacity and willingness to examine circumstances and issues from different perspectives?

Reflective scale

Which of the following is NOT a step in the creative process?

Rumination Steps part of process: incubation, preparation, insight

Which of the following was an extensive study of intellectual abilities during adulthood?

Seattle Longitudinal Study

The Bayley-III includes which of the following scales?

Socioemotional Cognitive Language Motor Adaptive

Of the following, which is one of the most widely used individual tests of intelligence used today?

Stanford-Binet 5

Some immigrant children go from being monolingual in their home language to being bilingual in that language and in English, only to end up as monolingual speakers of English. What is the term for this phenomenon?

Subtractive bilingualism

Which of the following can teachers use to encourage writing skills?

Summarization Strategy instruction Peer assistance

Which statement is true regarding telegraphic speech?

Telegraphic speech is not limited to two words.

Which of the following is NOT among the evidence supporting the concept of a language acquisition device (LAD)?

The LAD has been identified as a physical structure in the brain.

Emotional intelligence is defined by which of the following abilities?

The ability to use feelings to facilitate thought The ability to accurately understand emotion The ability to perceive and express emotion

If an infant exhibits a lack of pointing in his communication system, which statement is most likely to be true?

The infant might have a problem in his communication system and should be assessed for possible developmental disabilities.

Which view of language acquisition emphasizes both the biological and the experiential contribution to language development?

The interactionist view

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Wechsler Intelligence Scales?

The scales begin before children reach the school-age range.

Which of the following is associated with Howard Gardner?

Theory of multiple intelligences

According to research, which is the most common outcome for gifted children as they age into adulthood?

They become experts in a well-established domain.

How were many of the early intelligence tests culturally biased?

They favored urban, middle-class, non-Latino Whites.

Which of the following are consequences of gifted children who are underchallenged?

They lose interest in achieving. They skip classes. They become disruptive.

T/F: As they age, children's intelligence changes, but it remains connected to earlier points in their development.


T/F: Researchers have not been able to identify the specific genes that contribute to intelligence.


True or false: Before learning to read, children generally learn to use language to talk about things that are not present, learn what a word is, and learn how to recognize sounds and talk about them.


True or false: Researchers suggest that instruction to enhance U.S. children's ability to read and write should be built on skills that the children already know.


In the Seattle Longitudinal Study, which four intellectual abilities peaked among men and women in middle age?

Verbal ability Verbal memory Inductive reasoning Spatial orientation

Someone who has poor comprehension and often produces fluent but incomprehensible speech may have damage to what region of the brain?

Wernicke's area

People in ______ cultures tend to view intelligence in terms of reasoning and thinking skills, whereas in other cultures intelligence is regarded as a way for members of a community to successfully engage in social roles.


Which of the following are components of language?

Words used by a community Rules for combining words Rules for varying words

As children enter school, they learn the ______ principle—the fact that the letters of the alphabet represent sounds of the language.


A young child who says, "Where Daddy is going?" or "What that girl is doing?" has yet to fully understand which of the following?

auxiliary-inversion rule

What is the term for the production of strings of consonant-vowel combinations such as "ma-ma-ma"?


A byproduct of subtractive bilingualism is that children:

become ashamed of their home language.

According to research, early vocabulary development predicts better outcomes five years later in all of the following areas EXCEPT:


______ is a technique in which individuals are encouraged to come up with creative ideas in a group, play off each other's ideas, and say practically whatever comes to mind.


A good example of satire is:


Signs of domain-specific giftedness usually emerge during the ______ years.


Which of the following would be most likely to complicate the findings of a cross-sectional study like Horn's?

cohort effects

Wernicke's area is associated with language:


______ thinking produces one correct answer and characterizes the kind of thinking that is required on conventional tests of intelligence.


What is the term for the gurgling sounds that infants make in the back of their throats?


When a person thinks in novel and unusual ways and comes up with unique solutions to problems, they are engaging in ______ thinking.


______ is the ability to think in novel and unusual ways and to come up with unique solutions to problems.


An assessment of individuals of different ages at the same point in time is a ______ study.


A test that has questions familiar to children from all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds is an example of what type of test?


According to Schaie's research, the cross-sectional approach shows a ______ in inductive reasoning with age; while the longitudinal approach shows a ______ of inductive reasoning in middle adulthood.

decline; slight rise

Since 1990, creativity scores among U.S. children and adults have:


Child-_____ speech consists of language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences


______ thinking produces many different answers to the same question and characterizes creativity.


An organic intellectual disability occurring with the presence of an extra chromosome is called

down syndrome

The addition of information to a child's incomplete utterance is identified as


In statistical learning, infants soak up statistical regularities in the world through:


For an infant, statistical learning involves:

extracting information from the world to learn about the environment.

T/F: According to Gardner, each person has only one of his eight types of intelligence.


T/F: Researchers have found that there is a significant difference in the average correlations between the IQs for identical and fraternal twins.


_____mapping describes the ability of children to make an initial connection between a word and its referent after limited exposure.


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of child-directed speech?

faster tempo

Intelligence tests have real-world applications as predictors of all of the following EXCEPT:

feelings of health and well-being (do have applications for: school performance, job success and economic growth)

Research supports the conclusion that gifted people tend to have ______ emotional problems than others.


How many rule systems are involved in language organization?


As children's processing of words and passages becomes more automatic, their reading becomes more:


______ intelligence is a person's ability to reason abstractly, and it typically begins to decline in middle adulthood.


An infant smacking her lips to indicate that she wants food or drink is an example of:


Which form of infant communication begins at 8 to 12 months of age?


Students who have above-average intelligence and/or a superior talent for something are called _______ students.


Highly gifted individuals are typically:

gifted in specific domains.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a common first-word type for an American infant?


According to Howard Gardner, people:

have multiple intelligences, and IQ tests only measure a few of them.

With regard to the link between neurological speed in intelligence, research results

have not been consistent.

According to Baltes, which of the following factors is LEAST important to the development of wisdom?

high intelligence

The more parents communicate with their children, the ______ the children's IQ scores are.


People with an IQ of 115 have a:

higher mental age than their chronological age.

"See kitty" is an example of a two-word utterance that a child would use for the purpose of:


According to Horn, crystallized intelligence ______ in middle adulthood and fluid intelligence ______.

increases; decreases

_____ quotient is a person's mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by one hundred.


The ability to solve problems and to adapt and learn from experiences is one description of:


Which of the following areas are included on the Stanford-Binet 5?

knowledge quantitative reasoning working memory fluid reasoning visual-spatial reasoning

Parents and teachers who provide a rich verbal learning environment for children do which of the following to attain positive outcomes?

label things in the their environment read to them pay attention to what children try to say

______ is a form of communication that is based on a system of symbols.


Studies support the idea that gifted children tend to be more ______ than other children.


____age is Binet's measure of an individual's level of intellectual development compared with that of others.


Adolescents can think abstractly. This enables them to create a comparison between unlike things, which is called a:


Alfred Binet developed the first intelligence test because school officials wanted to determine a ______ who would not benefit from typical school instruction.

method of identifying children

A normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve with a majority of the cases falling within the ______ of the range.


Studies of brain volume show ______ correlation between brain size and intelligence.


Which of the five systems of rules of language has the function of marking tense and number?


The use of plural and possessive forms of nouns, prepositions, and the various forms of the verb to be demonstrates a child's understanding of:

morphology rules

A(n) _____ distribution is a symmetrical curve with a majority of the cases falling in the middle.


Individuals with ______ intellectual disability usually have IQs that range from 0 to 50 as a result of a genetic disorder or brain damage.


What cognitive ability is especially important for good writing?


What is the term for the tendency to apply a word to objects that are inappropriate for the word's meaning?


Creativity _____ in the forties and _____ in later adulthood

peaks; declines

According to research, which of the following methods should be emphasized in reading instruction?


An increasing number of experts in the field of reading now conclude that a key aspect in learning to read is direct instruction in


In the ______ approach to reading instruction, the main focus is learning the rules for translating written symbols (the printed alphabet) into sounds.


The approach to reading instruction that emphasizes the importance of teaching the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds is called the ______ approach


An example of ______ is how in English some words start with sch as in school, but no words start with the cluster chs.


Bilingualism has a ______ effect on children's language and cognitive development.


Students high in ______ intelligence may not do well in school, but their excellent social skills and good common sense often lead them to career success outside of school.


Cognitive _____ is the culture-based "software" programs of the mind.


During middle and late childhood, children also make progress in understanding how to use language in culturally appropriate ways, which is best described as:


Rebecca, a 6-year-old, is very good at carrying on conversations with people. Her two-year-old brother Jack is not very good at carrying on conversations. This is primarily due to Rebecca's greater understanding of:


When using two-word utterances, children also rely heavily on all of the following to convey meaning EXCEPT:


When you ask a question and then pause to wait for the answer, you are demonstrating that you understand:


If you say "Hey, Buddy!" when greeting your friend but "Hello, Mrs. Berra" when greeting your teacher, you are demonstrating that you understand:


Intelligence tests that evaluate an infant's ability to encode the attributes of objects, detect similarities and differences between objects, form mental representations, and retrieve mental representations are actually assessing an infant's ability to:

process information

A person who experiences damage to Broca's area will have difficulty:

producing words correctly.

With what is Broca's area associated?

production of words

As compared to cross-sectional findings about cognition in middle age, longitudinal studies find

reasoning abilities rise in middle age.

The rephrasing of something the child has said, perhaps by turning it into a question or restating an immature utterance in a grammatically correct sentence, describes:


Kuhl's research showed that in the first six months of life infants are "citizens of the world," meaning they:

recognize sound changes no matter what the language.

The use of irony, derision, or wit to expose folly or wickedness is described as:


The meaning of words and sentences is called


Language experts consider pointing to be an important index of the ______ aspects of language.


Variations in intelligence across countries are linked to which of the following factors?

socioeconomic status educational attainment income health

All of the following are similar categories of intelligence EXCEPT:

spatial intelligence.

Identify the six mental abilities assessed in the Seattle Longitudinal Study.

spatial orientation numeric ability perceptual speed verbal memory verbal comprehension inductive reasoning

Words a child uses are called the ______ vocabulary.


One potential influence on intelligence test performance is anxiety over whether one's behavior might confirm a negative assumption about one's group. This is referred to as:

stereotype threat

"The car talked the girl into buying an apple" is ______ correct but ______ incorrect.

syntactically; semantically

We realize that the sentence "You didn't stay, didn't you?" is unacceptable and ambiguous because we understand:


Young children learn early to place a wh- word at the beginning of a sentence when properly asking a question. This shows advances in:


The use of short and precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and other connectives is called

telegraphic speech

The only technologically advanced Western nation that does NOT have a national foreign-language requirement at the high school level is:

the United States

The difficulty in retrieving words that occurs more often in late adulthood is referred to as

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

Robert Sternberg's ______ theory of intelligence claims that intelligence consists of analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence.


True or false: According to Chomsky, children's language acquisition device provides them with the ability to form plural words.


True or false: Students in the United States are far behind their counterparts in many developed countries in learning a second language.


In terms of sentence structure, the idea that language users cannot process subjects and objects arranged in too complex a fashion is:

universal across languages.

The age at which creativity declines:

varies with the domain involved.

For late language learners like adolescents and adults, it is easier to learn new ______ than it is to learn new sounds or new grammar.


Which of the following is LEAST likely to decline as someone reaches late adulthood?


Children who are fluent in two languages perform better than their single-language counterparts in all of the following areas, EXCEPT:

vocabulary size.

By the time a child is 3 years old he or she can produce all of the ______ sounds.


Which of the following activities is LEAST likely to aid in the development of preschoolers' literacy skills?

watching tv

In classrooms adopting a ______ approach, beginning readers are taught to recognize words or even entire sentences and to use the context of what they read to guess at the meaning of words.


Which of the following is LEAST likely to increase students' writing competence?

whole-language instruction

The ______ scale in a study of college students and older adults consisted of cognitive, reflective, and affective dimensions.


Which term refers to expert knowledge about practical aspects of life?


____ is exceptional insight about human development and life matters, and is considered expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life.


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