Chapter 9 A&P

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There are differences in muscle mass between the sexes. On average males have _______________% and females have _____________________%

42% Males and 36% Females

Match the following component of a muscle fiber with its description: Area of the sarcomere with overlapping thick and thin filaments.

A band

The neurotransmitter used in muscle cell contraction is called


Which of the following is a regulatory protein attached to actin that influences muscle contraction?

Both Troponin and Tropomysin

ATP is quickly converted back into usable forms by three mechanisms which of the following is NOT one of these three mechanisms?

Creatine phosphate

Match the following component of a muscle fiber with its description: Area in the center of the A band containing only thick filaments.

H zone

Select the description of an aponeurosis.

Sheet-like indirect attachment that anchors a muscle

A special gel filled space, through which the neurotransmitter diffuses, at the end of a neuron and muscle cell is called the __

Synaptic Clleft

These tubules penetrate the cells interior at each A to I band junction.

T tubles

Identify the inferred action of a muscle based upon the position of the muscle relative to the joint it crosses. The type of movement for "D" is __________.

a muscle that crosses on the anterior side of a joint produces flexion

Identify the inferred action of a muscle based upon the position of the muscle relative to the joint it crosses. The type of movement for "A" is __________.

a muscle that crosses on the lateral side of a joint produces abduction

Identify the inferred action of a muscle based upon the position of the muscle relative to the joint it crosses. The type of movement for "B" is __________.

a muscle that crosses on the medial side of a joint produces adduction

Identify the inferred action of a muscle based upon the position of the muscle relative to the joint it crosses. The type of movement for "C" is __________

a muscle that crosses on the posterior side of a joint produces extension

A muscle that assists the muscle primarily responsible for a given action is __________.

a synergist

Which of the following characteristics is unique to smooth muscle?

absence of striations

The neurotransmitter used in muscle cell contraction is called


The thin filament of the muscle fiber is composed of a protein called


The thin myofilaments of skeletal muscle are composed chiefly of


Identify the part of thick or thin filaments in skeletal muscle indicated by "D

actin subunits

Select the muscle that is named for its action.

adductor longus

This process produces 95% of ATP during rest and light to moderate activity?

aerobic respiration

Match the functional group classification with the description: The muscles that perform most of the action in producing the movement.


Match the following muscle action with its appropriate term: Muscles that relax when the prime mover and synergists are contracting.


__________ are muscles that oppose or reverse a particular movement.


Match the word to its correct meaning: Brachium


Which of the following provides the final "go signal" for contraction?

calcium ions

Match the following description with the appropriate type of muscle: Usually contracts at a fairly steady rate and can contract without stimulation from the nervous system.

cardiac muscle

Match the following description with the correct type of muscle: Striated and involuntary

cardiac muscle

This type of muscle is branching chains of cells, uni- or bi- nucleate with faint striations?

cardiac muscle

When Intercalated Discs, Pacemaker Cells, and Automonic Nervous System are involved in a muscle contraction you can safely conclude which type of muscle is contracting?

cardiac muscle

Select the characteristic of muscle tissue that sets it apart from all other tissue types.


Select the muscle that is named for its shape.


The term used for the creation of the action potential and moving away from resting potential in a muscle cell.


Which of the following allows recoil of the muscle fiber when contraction ends?

elastic filament (titin)

Match the functional characteristic of muscle with the appropriate descriptive term: Ability of a muscle to resume its resting length after being stretched.


Identify the structure indicated by "A" in this photomicrograph of a cross section of part of a skeletal muscle.


The layer of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the entire skeletal muscle is the __________


This is a dense irregular connective tissue surrounds the entire muscle is called the


The linking of thick and thin filaments together is called

forming a cross bridge

This is a muscle condition involving frequent stimulation where the muscle reaches maximum muscle tension and can lead to muscle fatigue.

fused tetanus

Match the description to the muscle function: Release of energy during metabolism.

generation of heat

Select the muscle that is named for its size.

gluteus maximus

Fast glycolytic fibers are best suited for which type of activity?

hitting a baseball

Aerobic (endurance) exercise such as jogging, swimming, and biking leads to which of the following?

increased muscle capillaries increased numbers of mitochondria increased myoglobin synthesis

Resistance excerise (typically anaerobic) leads to which of the following?

increased muscle strength and size increased mitochondria, glycogen, and connective tissue muscle hypertrophy

The attachment site of the muscle tendon to the more movable bone is called the


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of muscle tissue?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of skeletal muscle?

it can contract for long periods of time without tiring

The deltoid is a muscle named according to __________

its shape

In the neuromuscular junction there are infoldings of the sarcolemma which contain millions of acetylcholine receptors. The special infoldings are called

junctional folds

Match the following skeletal muscle structure with the correct description: Deep fascia

lies between neighboring muscles

Often several criteria are combined in a naming a muscle. Which of the following is not described in the name extensor carpi radialis longus?

location of the muscle origin

Match the muscle function to its description: Making one tiny adjustment after another to counteract the never-ending downward pull of gravity.

maintaining posture

This is a type of muscle stimulus that creates the strongest stimulus that increases maximum contractile force to the point that all motor units have been recruited

maximal stimulus

A _____________________________ ____________________________ consists of the motor neuron and all muscle fibers (four to several hundred) it supplies

motor unit

Which of the following is a special adaptation present in skeletal muscle cells, but absent in most other cells?

muscle cells have myoglobin, most other cells do not

This is a condition created by spinal reflexes that creates a constant slightly contracted state of all muscles and keeps muscles firm, healthy and ready to respond.

muscle tone

A sarcomere is part of a(n)


Match the following cellular component of a skeletal muscle fiber with its description: Rodlike contractile element within a muscle fiber containing myofilaments.


The names of the muscles can indicate all of the following, except __________.

myofibril composition of the muscle

Over 80% of the muscle cell volume is composed of densely packed rod-like elements called _


Match the following muscle chemical with the correct name: Oxygen storage molecule in skeletal muscle.


Please identify the molecule responsible for storage of oxygen in muscle cells.


"Cross bridges" that link between the thick and thin filaments directly involve


In the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, the myofilaments slide over each other, resulting in the overlapping of actin and


The thick filament of the muscle fiber is composed of a protein called


The ___________ is a prime mover of arm flexion.

pectoralis major

FIbrous connective tissue surrounding each fascicle


Identify structure indicated by "B" in this photomicrograph of a cross section of part of a skeletal muscle.


Identify the part of thick or thin filaments in skeletal muscle indicated by "A."

portion of a thick filament

The term used for the restoration of resting conditions in a muscle cell


Match the word to its correct meaning: Transversus.

right angles

Slow oxidative fibers are best suited for which type of activity?

running a marathon or endurance activities

By age 30 there is a loss of muscle mass, which can be reversed by regular excercise. The name for this condition is called


Match the following cellular component of a skeletal muscle fiber with its description: Plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fiber.


This is the plasma membrane surrounding a muscle fiber.


The functional unit of contraction in a skeletal muscle fiber is the


The smallest contactile unit of a muscle fiber is called a


Myofibrils are composed of repeating contractile elements called __________.


Match the following cellular component of a skeletal muscle fiber with its description: Cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber.


This is an intracellular network of tubes that is responsible for controllilng calcium concentration inside of the muscle is called the

sarcoplasmic reticulum

Match the word to its correct meaning: Brevis.


This is the type of muscle tissue that is responsible for voluntary movement.


Match the following description with the appropriate type of muscle: Subject to conscious control.

skeletal muscle

Match the following description with the correct type of muscle: Striated and voluntary.

skeletal muscle

This type of muscle is single, very long, multinucleate cells with obvious striations.

skeletal muscle

Three different types of connective tissues (Endomysium, Epimysium, and Perimysium) are found in which type of muscle tissue?

skeletal muscle

Which of the following muscle types is both voluntary and striated?

skeletal muscle only

Match the following description to the appropriate type of muscle: Not subject to voluntary control, is nonstriated, and contractions are slow and sustained.

smooth muscle

Match the following description to the muscle type: Visceral, one nucleus per cell, and nonstriated.

smooth muscle

Match the following description with the correct type of muscle: Nonstriated, involuntary, found in the walls of hollow visceral organs.

smooth muscle

This type of muscle is single spindle shaped, uninucleate, with no striations?

smooth muscle

This type of muscle tissue is responsible for involuntary movement within the digestive system.

smooth muscle

When Calcium, Calmodulin, and Myosin Kinase are involved in a muscle contraction you can safely conclude which type of muscle is contracting?

smooth muscle

Fast oxidative fibers are best suited for which type of activity?

sprinting and walking

Match the word to its correct meaning: Rectus.


This is a type of muscle stimulus that is not strong enough, so no contractions seen when recorded on a myogram.

subthreshold stimulus

Match the following skeletal muscle structure with the correct description: Epimysium

surrounds an entire muscle

Match the following skeletal muscle structure with the correct description: Perimysium.

surrounds each muscle bundle

Match the following skeletal muscle structure with the correct description: Endomysium.

surrounds each muscle fiber

Which of the following are inward invaginations of the sarcolemma that run deep into the cell between the terminal cisterns?

t tubules

In the sliding filament model of contraction, which of the following occurs when the muscle cell shortens?

the distance between successive Z discs shortens

Which of the following muscles is voluntary?

the muscle that extends the arm at the elbow

The general rule for muscle fiber recruitment would best be described by which of the following statements?

the smaller muscle fibers are recruited first, then medium fibers and last the largest and strongest fibers

This is a type of muscle stimulus that is strong enough, to cause the first observable contractions seen when recorded on a myogram

threshold stimulus

Select the muscle that is named for the direction of its fibers.

transversus abdominus

Each of the following terms is a descriptive term for a muscle's action, except


Match the word to its correct meaning: Deltoid.


Isometric contractions would be best described as which of the following?

when the muscle creates force but neither changes the length or moves the load

Match the word to its correct meaning: Carpi.


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