chapter 9 history

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Orville and Wilbur Wright

created the first airplane that could fly with people

John Dalton

developed modern atomic theory


19th century artistic movement that appealed to emotion rather than reason

Lord Byron

A British poet ; wrote about moody, isolated, and romantic heroes

Victor hugo

A French novelist ; recreated his country's past in novels. " Hunchback of Norte Dame"

Louis Pasteur

A french chemist ; showed the link between microbes and diseases


A machine that generates electricity

Temperance Movement

A movement against alchohol

William Blake

A poet and writer; romantic movement

Vincent van gogh

A post impressionist painter ; experimented with sharp lines and bright colors

Ludwig van Beethoven

A romantic German composer ; music combined classical with a stirring range of sound


A share of ownership in a corporation.

Charles dickens

An english novelist ; portrayed the lives of the lower class and factory workers in his books


Belief that one race is superior to another

Henry Bessemer

British engineer who invented a way to make steel from iron

Charles Darwin

British naturalist ; argued for the theory of evolution


Business owned by many people who invest in it by buying stocks

Michael Faraday

English; created the first simple electric motor and the first dynamo

Louis Daguerre

French inventor of the first practical photographic process, the daguerreotype. improved upon earlier technology

Gustave Courbet

French painter noted for his realistic depiction of everyday scenes

Alfred Nobel

He invented dynamite, used in both construction and for violence in war. created the Nobel Prize

Why do you think reformers pushed for free public education

I think reformers pushed for free public education because it helps the following generation be more successful than the present generation.

interchangeable parts

Identical components that can be used in place of one another; made it easier to repair products and for people who weren't skilled to get jobs

What artistic movements emerged in reaction to the industrial revolution?

In reaction to the industrial movement, artistic movements like romanticism formed.

How did industrialization change life of cities?

Industrialization changed lives because with the new industrialization came more jobs, urban renewal, better sanitation, and entertainment. Industrialization also created bad working conditions and bad areas of the cities with high crime.

Thomas Edison

Invented the light bulb

Guglielmo Marconi

Italian inventor ; created the radio

What are three subjects romantics favored?

Romantics favored the three subjects of history, legends, and folklore.

2. How did science, technology, and big business promote industrial growth?

Science, technology, and big business promoted industrial growth because the each allowed industries to increase their efficiency and production. It became easier to do mass productions of an item. This caused industrialization to spread.

How did technology help industry expand?

Technology helped industry expand because It allowed industries to work longer and more effectively.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the old social order and long-held traditions in the Western world?

The Industrial Revolution changed the old social order and long-held traditions in the Western world by making 3 social classes.

How did the Industrial Revolution spread in the 1800s?

The Industrial Revolution spread in the 1800s because first Britain, then Germany, and the United States became industrial powers. they had lots of coal, iron and other resources. Britain, who first had the industrial revolution, set an example of how to have power in industrial which then led to the USA and Germany borrowing Britain's experts and technology.

How did the need for capital lead to new business organizations?

The need for capital led to new business organizations because companies needed a lot of capital (money) so they would start to created stocks. many investors bought stock, so businesses formed corporations.

In what ways were the new artistic styles of the 1800s a reaction to changes in society?

The new artistic styles of the 1800s were a reaction to changes in society because romantics wanted to ignore the industries around them, realists wanted to expose the horribleness of the factories, and impressionists wanted to add on to the development of photography.

What laws helped workers in the late 1800s?

The new laws that were made helped workers in the late 1800s because they now allowed workers to unionize, they expanded the right to vote, regulated working conditions, limited child labor, and and now there is disability insurance.

Why did the rate of population growth increase in the late 1800s?

The rate of population growth increases in the late 1800s because people started eating healthier, becoming better at hygiene, and there was more sanitation around.

Why did the women's movement face strong opposition?

The women's movement faced strong opposition because men though women should stay at home and that they were too emotional to vote.

What are three ways that city life changed in the 1800s?

There was better transportation, now there were street lights, and there were new sewer systems through the city.

What are the three values associated with the middle class?

Three values associated with the middle class are strict etiquette, luxury, and respectability.

What did Courbet mean when he said "I cannot paint an angel because I have never seen one"?

When Courbet said "I cannot paint an angel because I have never seen one" he meant he only painted what he saw and what was real.


When a group of corporations join together to fix prices

Women's Suffrage

Women's right to vote

Florence Nightingale

army nurse ; she showed that sanitariness can save many lives

Joseph Lister

english surgeon ; showed that washing and sterilizing tools makes a big differenece and saves lives

Sojourner Truth

former slave who became an abolitionist and women's rights activist

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

fough against slavery before starting a movement for women's rights

Robert Koch

german doctor ; found the bacteria that caused tuberculosis

Cult of Domesticity

idea that women should be at home and in the kitchen

Claude Monet

impressionist artist ; applied colors without combining them, relyied on the human eye to blend them

assembly line

labor where each part of the process is assigned to a different worker

Social Gospel

movement that urged christians to social service

William Wordsworth

poet; part of romantc movement

urban renewal

rebuilding of the poor areas of a city

mutual-aid society

self-help groups to aid sick or injured workers

standard of living

the quality and availability of necessary items and wants in a society.

Germ theory

the theory that certain microbes might cause specific infections


to represent the world as it was

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