Chapter 9 (Managing Human Resources and Diversity)

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acqui hiring

When established companies such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and buy early-stage start-ups, often shutting them down, simply to acquire their engineering talent it is called what?

on-the-job training (OJT)

When implemented well, ___________________is considered the fastest and most effective means of facilitating learning in the workplace

panel interview

When the candidate meets with several interviewers who take turns asking questions it is called what?

Performance evaluation errors

Stereotyping and the halo effect are two types of what?


The first step in finding the right people is human resource _________________, in which managers or HRM professionals predict the need for new employees based on the types of vacancies that exist,


The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? Applicant's specific age When the applicant graduated from high school

Manage talent

The following comprise what? training development appraisal

valuing cultural differences

The following describes what? Is based on cultural differences verified by scientific research methods Views cultural differences as positive or neutral Does not assume that all individuals within a group have the same characteristics

new contract employer

The following describes what? Creative development opportunities Lateral career moves; incentive compensation Challenging assignments Information and resources; decision-making authority

New contract employee

The following describes what? Employability; personal responsibility Partner in business improvement Learning; skill development

Old Contract employee

The following describes what? Job security A cog in the machine Knowing

Old contract employer

The following describes what? Standard training programs Traditional compensation package Routine jobs Limited information and authority


The following describes which level of Human capital investments? 1. Productivity 2. quality 3. innovation 4. customer service

realistic job previews (RJPs)

What contribute to greater employee satisfaction and lower turnover because they facilitate matching individuals, jobs, and organizations

stereotype threat

What describes the psychological experience of a person who, when engaged in a task, is aware of a stereotype about his or her identity group suggesting that he or she will not perform well on that task

cognitive ability

What employment test measure an applicant's thinking, reasoning, verbal, and mathematical abilities

internal recruiting

What has two major advantages: It is less costly than an external search, and it generates higher employee commitment, development, and satisfaction because it offers opportunities for career advancement to employees rather than outsiders.


What require people to describe how they might handle a hypothetical situation

human capital

investments in _____________ contribute to stronger organizational performance and better financial results.


In line with EEO guidelines, the application form should not ask questions that will create an adverse impact on _____________groups unless the questions are clearly related to the job

human capital

In many companies, especially those that rely more on employee information, creativity, knowledge, and service rather than on production machinery, success depends on the ability to manage what


In the ______________social contract between the organization and the employee, the employee could contribute ability, education, loyalty, and commitment and expect, in return, that the company would provide wages and benefits, work, advancement, and training throughout the employee's working life


In the _____________process, employers assess applicants' characteristics in an attempt to determine the "fit" between the job and applicant characteristics

realistic job previews (RJPs)

Job analysis also enhances recruiting effectiveness by enabling the creation of _________________


Many companies also use various types of __________ tests to assess such characteristics as openness to learning, agreeableness, conscientiousness, creativity, and emotional stability.

pay for performance

Many of today's organizations develop compensation plans based on a _________________ standard to raise productivity and cut labor costs in a competitive global environment

performance assessment

One of the biggest corporate talent management mistakes, according to management expert Ram Charan, is the failure to provide candid _______________s that focus on development needs


One pitfall to be avoided is the ____________of questions that are irrelevant to job success


The _____________gives recruiters and hiring managers a new way to search for a candidate's criminal record, credit history, and other indications of honesty, integrity, and stability.

performance ranking

The advantages of a(n)_____________system are that it (1)forces reluctant managers to make difficult decisions and identify the best and worst performers; and (2)creates and sustains a high-performance culture in which people continuously improve.

Human resource management (HRM)

The basic building blocks of_____________________ include job analysis, job descriptions, and job specifications.


The best HR departments not only support strategic objectives, but also actively pursue an ongoing, integrated plan for furthering the organization's _________________

performance ranking

The disadvantages of a(n)_____________system are that it (1)may increase cutthroat competition among employees; (2)discourages collaboration and teamwork; and (3)potentially harms morale.


The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? If the applicant has any physical or mental defects If the applicant has ever filed a workers' compensation claim

criminal record

The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? If the applicant has ever been arrested


The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? If the applicant is a citizen of another country

marital/family status

The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? Marital status; number of children or planned children Childcare arrangements


The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? Race or color of skin


The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? The applicant's religious affiliation What religious holidays the applicant observes

National origin

The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? The origin of the applicant's name The applicant's ancestry/ethnicity

education and experience

The following are NOT OK questions an employer may NOT ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? When the applicant graduated Hobbies

criminal record

The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? If applicant has ever been convicted of a crime


The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? If the applicant has a legal right to work in the United States


The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? If the applicant is over 18

race/religion/familiy, marital status

The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? Nothing

National origin

The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? The applicant's name If the applicant has ever worked under a different name

Education and experience

The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? Where the applicant went to school Prior work experience


The following are OK questions an employer may ask if they are wanting to find out an employee's what? Whether the applicant has any disabilities that might inhibit performance on the job


The following are dividends of workplace___________ Better use of employee talent Increased understanding of the marketplace Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions Increased quality of team problem solving Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits

Human resource planning

The following are the response to the several big picture questions of ____________________ What types of engineers will we need, and how many? How many administrative personnel will we need to support the additional engineers? Can we use temporary, part-time, or virtual workers to handle some tasks?

Human Resource Management (HRM)

The following are the three BROAD goals of what? 1.finding, 2.developing 3.maintaining an effective workforce.


The following are the three elements of the _____________approach to HRM management 1. all managers are involved in managing HR. 2. employees are viewed as assets. No strategy can be implemented effectively without the right people to put it into action. Employees, not buildings and machinery, give a company its competitive edge. 3. HRM is a matching process, integrating the organization's strategy and goals with the correct approach to managing human capital.

Maintain an effective workforce

The following comprise what? wages and salary benefits labor relations terminations


The following describe what? Is based on false assumptions, anecdotal evidence, or impressions without any direct experience with a group Assigns negative traits to members of a group Assumes that all members of a group have the same characteristics

Find the right people

The following describe what? HRM planning job analysis forcasting recruiting selecting


The following describes which level of Human capital investments? 1. career development 2. reward and recognition 3. human capital strategy 4. performance appraisal 5. recruiting 6. workforce planning


The following describes which level of Human capital investments? 1. revenue growth 2. ROIC or ROE 3. Total return to shareholders

compensation/ benefits

The following fall under which law? Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Equal Pay Act

health/ safety

The following fall under which law? Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Equal opportunity/dicrimination

The following fall under which law? Civil Rights Act Americans with Disabilities Act Vocational Rehabilitation Act 1973 Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) 1967 (amended in 1978 and 1986)

valuing cultural differences

The following is an example of what? As a group, Asians tend to be less aggressive than white, male Americans.

sexual harassment

The following list categorizes various forms of ____________ as defined by one university. 1. Generalized 2. Inappropriate/ offensive 3. Solicitation with promise of reward 4. coercion with threat or punishment 5. sexual crimes and misdemeanors


The general term _________________is typically used to refer to teaching people how to perform tasks related to their present jobs

job based pay

The most common approach to employee compensation is __________________, which means linking compensation to the specific tasks an employee performs.

on-the-job training (OJT)

The most common type of training is ________________, where an experienced employee is asked to take a new employee "under his or her wing" and show the newcomer how to perform job duties


The most frequently used ________________devices are the application form, interview, and employment test.


The responses to the several big picture questions of Human resource planning are used to formulate _______________questions pertaining to HR activities.


The second step to finding the right people is to use __________________procedures to communicate with potential applicants


The term _______________refers to (1)all monetary payments and (2)all goods or commodities used in lieu of money to reward employees


The third step to finding the right people is to select from the applicants those persons believed to be the best ______________contributors to the organization.

exit interview

The value of the _________________ is to provide an inexpensive way to learn about pockets of dissatisfaction within the organization and hence find ways to reduce future turnover

structural interviews

These may be biographical, behavioral, and or situational

glass ceiling

To break through the______________ into senior management roles, top executives suggest female and minority managers follow this advice: Be assertive and ask for what you want. Highlight your achievements

human capital

To build ________________, HRM develops strategies for finding the best people, enhancing their skills and knowledge with training programs and opportunities for personal and professional development, and providing compensation and benefits that support the sharing of knowledge and appropriately reward people for their contributions to the organization

job analysis

To perform _____________, managers or specialists ask about work activities and work flow, the degree of supervision given and received in the job, knowledge and skills needed, performance standards, working conditions, and so forth

Training and development

Types of ______________ include: 1. On the job training 2. social learning 3. Corporate universities 4. Promotion from Within

matching model

Underlying the organization's effort to attract employees is a(n) __________________

Human resource planning

What _____________________begins with several big-picture questions: What new technologies are emerging, and how will these affect the work system? What is the volume of the business likely to be in the next 5 to 10 years? What is the turnover rate, and how much, if any, is avoidable?

Solicitation with promise of reward sexual harassment

What action treads a fine line as an attempt to "purchase" sex, with the potential for criminal prosecution?

biographical interviews

What ask about the person's previous life and work experiences

behavioral interviews

What ask people to describe how they have performed a certain task or handled a particular problem

social learning

What basically means learning informally from others by using social media tools, including mobile technologies, social networking, wikis and blogs, virtual games, and so forth

Inappropriate/offensive sexual harassment

What behavior causes discomfort in a coworker, whose reaction in avoiding the harasser may limit his or her freedom and ability to function in the workplace, though not sexually threatning

social media

What can provide recruiters with an immense amount of data, such as work experience, skills, certifications, achievements, connections, and education.

realistic job previews (RJPs)

What give applicants all pertinent and realistic information—positive and negative—about the job and the organization

generalized sexual harassment

What involves sexual remarks and actions that are not intended to lead to sexual activity but that are directed toward a coworker based solely on gender and reflect on the entire group.

360 degree feedback

What is a process that uses multiple raters, including self-rating, as a way to increase awareness of strengths and weaknesses and guide employee development.


What is defined as "activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied.?


What is the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal?

Human resource planning

What is the forecasting of HR needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected vacancies?

sexual crimes and misdemeanors

What is the highest level of sexual harassment, these acts would, if reported to the police, be considered felonies or misdemeanors

applicantion form

What is used to collect information about the applicant's education, previous job experience, and other background characteristics

Employment test

What may include cognitive ability tests, physical ability tests, personality inventories, and other assessments


What means that an organization accommodates several subcultures


What occurs when a rater places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits or characteristics?


What provide more challenging assignments, prescribe new responsibilities, and help employees grow by expanding and developing their abilities.

Performance Appraisals

What refers to observing and assessing employee performance, recording the assessment, and providing feedback to the employee. During performance appraisal, skillful managers give feedback and praise concerning th


What refers to reducing the company's workforce intentionally to the point where the number of employees is deemed to be right for the company's current situation

Human Capital

What refers to the economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees?

affirmative action

What requires that an employer take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people within protected groups

skill based pay

What systems are increasingly popular in both large and small companies

job evaluation

What techniques enable managers to compare similar and dissimilar jobs and to determine internally equitable pay rates—that is, pay rates that employees believe are fair compared to those for other jobs in the organization.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

What term refers to the design and application of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals, which includes activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce?

physical ability

What tests measure qualities such as strength, energy, and endurance may be used for jobs such as delivery drivers who must lift heavy packages, electric line workers who must climb ladders and carry equipment, and other positions that involve physical tasks

on-the-job training (OJT)

What type of training has many advantages, such as few out-of-pocket costs for training facilities, materials, or instructor fees and easy transfer of learning back to the job?

Coercion with threat of punishment sexual harassment

When a harasser coerces a coworker into sexual activity by using the threat of power (through recommendations, grades, promotions, and so on) to jeopardize the victim's career it is considered what?

halo effect

When a manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions, even if his or her performance is good on some dimensions and poor on others it is called what?


When discrimination is found, _______________include providing back pay and taking affirmative action

contingent workers

Who are people who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis

pay for performance

With ___________________, incentives are aligned with the behaviors needed to help the organization achieve its strategic goals. Employees have an incentive to make the company more efficient and profitable because if goals are not met, no bonuses are paid.

Nondirective Interview

With a(n)_______________the interviewer asks broad, open-ended questions and permits the applicant to talk freely, with minimal interruption

pay for performance

_________________, also called incentive pay, means tying at least part of compensation to employee effort and performance, whether it be through merit-based pay, bonuses, team incentives, or various gain-sharing or profit-sharing plans

Training and development

__________________ programs represent a planned effort by an organization to facilitate employees' learning of job-related skills and behaviors

Nondirective Interview

______________________s may bring to light information, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics that might be concealed when answering structured questions.


___________________means teaching people broader skills that are not only useful in their present jobs but also prepare them for greater responsibilities in future jobs.


_______________legislation attempts to balance the pay given to men and women; provide employment opportunities without regard to race, religion, national origin, and gender; ensure fair treatment for employees of all ages; and avoid discrimination against disabled individuals.


______________often do mission-critical work

job evaluation

______________refers to the process of determining the value or worth of jobs within an organization through an examination of job content.


these are people who are highly skilled and choose to pursue independent careers.

structured interviews

use a set of standardized questions that are asked of every applicant so that comparisons can easily be made

promotion from within

way to further employee development is through_____________, which helps companies retain and develop valuable people.

Job analysis

what is a systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties, tasks, and responsibilities of a job, as well as about the context within which the job is performed.


what is the tendency to view people who are different as being deficient


what occurs when hiring and promotion decisions are made based on criteria that are not job-relevant; for example, refusing to hire a black applicant for a job that he is qualified to fill and paying a woman a lower wage than a man for the same work are discriminatory acts?

matching model

with the ______________ the organization and the individual attempt to match the needs, interests, and values that they offer each other.

female advantage

women are sometimes favored in leadership roles for demonstrating behaviors and attitudes that help them succeed in the workplace, a factor called the "_______________"

job specification

After the job description the manager then prepares a written _________________which outlines the knowledge, skills, education, physical abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform the job adequately.

competency-based pay

Also called __________________, skill-based pay systems encourage people to develop their skills and competencies, thus making them more valuable to the organization, as well as more employable if they leave their current jobs.

internal recruiting

Although we frequently think of campus recruiting as a typical recruiting activity, many organizations use ___________________, or promote-from-within policies, to fill their high-level positions

performance review

An alternative performance-evaluation method is the _____________ ranking system.Footnote This method is increasingly controversial because it essentially evaluates employees by pitting them against one another.

compensation structure

An organization's __________________ includes wages and salaries and benefits such as health insurance, paid vacations, or employee fitness centers.

queen bee syndrome

Another troublesome issue that could contribute to the opt-out trend is the __________________, a term that refers to a female boss who not only has no interest in fostering the careers of other women but might even actively undermine them.

performance appraisal

Generally, HRM professionals concentrate on two things to make ________________ a positive force in their organizations: (1)the accurate evaluation of performance through the development and application of assessment systems such as rating scales and (2)training managers to use the performance appraisal interview effectively so that managers can provide feedback that will reinforce good performance and motivate employee development.

wage and salary

HR managers may obtain _________________ surveys that show what other organizations pay incumbents in jobs that match a sample of "key" jobs selected by the organization

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Hot-button issues such as executive compensation, changing government regulations, and the frequency of mergers and acquisitions make ______________a critical skill for both business and nonprofit organizations.


If someone acts out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice, ________________has occurred.


In general, the greater the skill requirements and work demands of an open position, the greater the number and variety of ___________tools the organization will use


Both small and large companies in a variety of industries are using employer _____________to attract desirable job candidates

compensation system

a company's _______________ has an impact on strategic performance.

Human Capital

A survey of more than 1,700 CEOs around the world found that _______________ was cited as the top factor in maintaining competitive success, which reflects the critical role of managing talent

exit interview

A(n)_________________is an interview conducted with departing employees to determine why they are leaving the company

job description

After the job analysis the manager then prepares a written _______________, which is a clear and concise summary of the specific tasks, duties, and responsibilities


For organizations, the primary goal is to access _____________ skills for specific projects, enabling the company to maintain flexibility and keep costs low

compensation system

Developing an effective ________________ is an important part of HRM because it helps to attract and retain talented workers

Performance Appraisals

During What do skillful managers give feedback and praise concerning the acceptable elements of the employee's performance. They also describe performance areas that need improvement.


Employers should _________ask whether the applicant rents or owns his or her own home because (1)an applicant's response might adversely affect his or her chances at the job, (2)minorities and women may be less likely to own a home, and (3)home ownership is probably unrelated to job performance.


Ethnocentric viewpoints and a standard set of cultural practices produce a _______________, a culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs, which can cause problems for minority employees

cross training

One type of OJT involves moving people to various types of jobs within the organization, where they work with experienced employees to learn different tasks. This ______________ may place an employee in a new position for as short a time as a few hours or for as long as a year, enabling the individual to develop new skills and giving the organization greater flexibility.


Organizations are required by law to provide some _____________, such as Social Security, unemployment compensation, and workers' compensation


Research has found that effective HRM and the alignment of HR strategies with the organization's strategic direction have a _____________ impact on performance, including higher employee productivity and stronger financial results


Rightsizing called ______________, planned reductions in the size of the workforce are a reality for many of today's companies


Some current strategic _____________ of particular concern to managers include the following: Hiring the right people to become more competitive on a global basis Hiring the right people for improving quality, innovation, and customer service Knowing the right people to retain after mergers, acquisitions, or downsizing Hiring the right people to apply new information technology (IT) for e-business

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Some important __________________ issues today are branding the company as an employer of choice, acquiring companies to obtain talent, and addressing the needs of temporary employees and part-time workers.

Job based pay

_____________systems may fail to reward the type of learning behavior needed for the organization to adapt and survive in a turbulent environment. In addition, these systems reinforce an emphasis on organizational hierarchy and centralized decision making and control, which are inconsistent with the growing emphasis on employee participation and increased responsibility.

corporate university

an in-house training and education facility that offers broad-based learning opportunities for employees—and frequently for customers, suppliers, and strategic partners as well—throughout their careers is called what?

brain teaser

an unusual type of test, called a(n), is being used by companies that put a premium on innovativeness and problem solving. The answers aren't as important as how the applicant goes about solving the problem

personal bias

factors that shape________________: prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism.

merit based pay

managers may have the goal of maintaining or improving profitability or market share by stimulating employee performance. Thus, they should design and use a(n) ____________ system rather than a system based on other criteria such as seniority.


numerous studies show that ______________tests are better predictors of future career success than job interviews, letters of recommendation, and educational credentials.

talent acquisition

recruiting is sometimes referred to as ________________ to reflect the importance of the human factor in the organization's success

extreme interviewing

some firms are using offbeat approaches, sometimes referred to as, to test job candidates' ability to handle problems, cope with change, think on their feet, and work well with others


the following is an example of what? Suzuko Akoi is Asian and is therefore not aggressive by white, male standards.

legal consequences

the legal and regulatory environment is constantly changing, and HR managers have to stay on top of issues that might have___________________

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