Chapter 9: Motivation

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

* lowest levels must be met b/f a person strives to satisfy needs higher up in the hierarchy (ceases to operate a source of motivation) 1 = lowest, 5 = highest 5. *self-actualization* (the needs to realize one's full potential as a human being) 4. *esteem needs* ( the needs to feel good about oneself and one's capabilities, to be respected by others and receive recognition and appreciation) 3. *social needs* (needs for social interaction, friendship, affection, and love) 2. *safety and security needs* (needs for security, stability, and a safe environment) 1. *physiological needs* (basic needs for things such as food, water, and shelter that must be met in order for a person to survive)

Pay Plans

*Commission:* Employee's pay is based on a percentage of sales that the employee makes *Piece-rate Pay:* Employee's pay is based on the number of units that the employee produces *Profit sharing:* employees receive a share of an organization's profits *Scanlon plan:* focuses on reduced expenses or cutting costs *Employee Stock Option*: pay based on organizational performance

goals should be SMART:

*Specific* (describe what the outcome will look like if you achieve your goal including relevant details so that anyone would have the same understanding as you) *Measurable* (establish concrete criteria for measuring the outcome of the goal) *Ambitious* *Realistic* *Time-based* (by when you will achieve this outcome)

what leads to high motivation?

*expectancy is high* people perceive that if they try hard, they can perform at a high level *instrumentality is high* people perceive that high performance leads to the receipt of certain outcomes *valence is high* people desire the outcomes that result from high performance

learning theories:

*learning* a relatively permanent change in knowledge or behavior that results from practice or experience managers can increase employee motivation and performance by how they link the outcomes that employees receive to the performance of desired behaviors and the attainment of goals - training can spur learning in all kinds of jobs

People with a high _________ would be the LEAST motivated by team-based rewards?

*need for power*

Need theories:

*need*: a requirement or necessity for survival and well-being *need theories*: people are motivated to obtain outcomes at work that will satisfy their needs. ex: need theory suggests that to motivate a person to contribute valuable inputs to a job and perform at a high level, a manager must determine what needs the person is trying to satisfy at work and ensure that the person receives outcomes that help to satisfy those needs when the person performs at a high level and helps the organization achieve its goals.

2) overpayment inequity

- exists when a person perceives that his or her outcome-input ratio is greater that that of a referent -in comparing yourself to a referent, you think you are receiving more outcomes than you should be, given your inputs ex: an engineer perceives that he contributes the same inputs but receives more outcomes than his referent

1) underpayment inequity

- exists when a person's own outcome-input ratio is perceived to be less than that of a referent - in comparison yourself to a referent, you think you are not receiving the outcomes you should be, given your inputs ex: an engineer perceives that he contributes more inputs but he receives the same as his referent

McClelland's Needs for achievement, affiliation, and power:

1) *need for achievement* the extent to which an individual has a strong desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet personal standards for excellence ex: people often sent clear goals for themselves and like to receive performance feedback 2) *need for affiliation* is the extent to which an individual is concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being liked, and having the people around him or her get along with each other. 3) *need for power* the extent to which an individual desires to influence others 4) cognition: the need to understand and know * their importance in the workplace depends on the position one occupies

What is motivation? (pt.2)

1) direction: possible behaviors the individual could engage in 2) effort: how hard the individual will work 3) persistence: whether the individual will keep trying or give up

Motivation can come from 2 sources:

1) intrinsic 2) extrinsic

four tools that managers can use to motivate high performance and prevent workers from engaging in absenteeism and other behaviors that detract fro organization effectiveness:

1) positive reinforcement 2) negative reinforcement 3) extinction 4) punishment

there are 2 types of inequity:

1) underpayment inequity 2) overpayment inequity

Fun fact:

Powerful people are less lonely because powerful people have a lower need for affiliation-- they assume everyone is on their side regardless

Goal setting:

Reaching a specific end through conscious action, usually within a certain time limit

Expectancy theory

The theory that asserts that motivation is based on people's beliefs about the probability that effort will lead to performance, multiplied by the probability that performance will lead to reward, multiplied by the perceived value of the reward. *Expectancy:* The belief that one's efforts will positively influence one's performance. (E-->P) *Instrumentality:* An individual's beliefs regarding the likelihood of being rewarded in accord with his or her own level of performance (P-->O) *Valence:* The value a person places on the rewards he or she expects to receive from an organization.

Merit Pay Plan:

a compensation plan that bases pay on performance (bonus, raise)

4) punishment

administering an undesired or negative consequence when dysfunctional behavior occurs

What is a goal?

an object or aim of an action ex: new year's resolution

pro-socially motivated behavior:

behavior that is performed to benefit or help others

Adam's Equity theory:

complements expectancy and need theories by focusing on how people perceive the relationship between the outcomes they receive from their jobs and organizations and the inputs they contribute

3) extinction

curtailing the performance of dysfunctional behaviors by eliminating whatever is reinforcing them ex: manager stops acting interested in these non-work-related conversations and keeps his response polite and friendly but brief

2) negative reinforcement

eliminating or removing undesired outcomes when people perform organizationally functional behaviors ex: can range from manager's constant nagging or criticism to unpleasant assignments or threaten of losing one's job * negative reinforcement can create a very unpleasant work environment and even a negative culture

People can be both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated:

ex: a nurse who enjoys helping and taking care of patients and is motivated by having a secure job with good benefits.

1) positive reinforcement

giving people outcomes they desire when they perform organizationally functional behaviors ex: pay, praise, or a promotion

Intrinsically motivated behavior

is behavior that is performed for its own sake, the source of motivation is actually performing the behavior, and motivation comes from doing the work itself ex: many managers are intrinsically motivated; they derive a sense of accomplishment and achievement from helping the organization achieve its goals and gain competitive advantages

extrinsically motivated behavior:

is behavior that is performed to acquire material of social rewards or to avoid punishment; the source of motivation is the consequences of the behavior; not the behavior itself. ex: a car salesperson who is motivated by receiving a commission on all cars sold


lack of fairness, when a person's outcome-input ratio is not perceived to be equal to a referent's

Goal-setting theory:

managers can promote high motivation and perfromance by ensuring that people are striving to achieve specific, difficult goals ex: to stimulate high motivation and performance, goals must be specific and difficult, and members need to receive feedback about how they're doing

What is motivation?

may be defined as psychological forces that determine the *direction* of a person's behavior in an organization, a person's level of *effort*, and a person's level of *persistence* in the face of obstacles.

Social learning theory:

motivation results not only from direct experience of rewards and punishments but also from a person's thoughts and beliefs learning is reinforced by: 1) self-efficacy: a person's belief about his/her ability to perform a behavior successfully 2) self-reinforcement: rewarding one's self for motivation

Operant conditioning theory:

people learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences and learn not to perform behaviors that lead to undesired consequences *this theory means that people will be motivated to perform at a high level and attain their work goals to the extent that high performance and goal attainment allow them to obtain outcomes they desire


the justice, impartially, and fairness to which all organizational members are entitle. * outcomes / inputs ex: an engineer perceives that he contributes more inputs (time and effort) and receives proportionally more outcomes (a higher salary and choice job assignments) than his referent

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