chapter 9-nutrition

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what % of calcium in the body circulates in the blood and plays vital functions


what is the RDA intake for calcium for age 51+

1200 mg/day

what does DEXA measure?


what is a normal T-score

above a -1.0

when is osteoporosis often diagnosed?

after a fracture/DEXA scan

primary prevention of osteoporosis begins when

early in life with proper diet and exercise

what is the osteoporosis T-score

below -2.5

what are the micronutrients

-phosphorus -vitamin K and C -magnesium -fluoride -boron -iron -zinc

what are risk factors of osteoporosis that you can control(modifiable)

-physical inactivity -underweight -smoking -excess alcohol -caffeine -protein -high sodium

list the age groups that are most at risk for calcium inadequacy

-adolescent teens especially female athletes -elderly -post menopausal women -lactose intolerant

what are risk factors of osteoporosis that you can't control(non-modifiable)

-age -gender -body type -heredity/genetics -low estrogen levels, Asian, Caucasian, medications

what are the primary functions of calcium in the human body

-bone matrix -nerve function -cellular metabolism -muscle contraction -blood clotting

what is the female athlete triad composed of

-energy deficient -low bone mass -menstrual disturbance

good vitamin D status does what

-lower CVD and HTN risk -prevention of infection and atherosclerosis -reduced risk of cancer, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders(type 1 diabetes) -increase insulin effectiveness

when you up your calcium intake you:

-lower your cancer risk -lower blood pressure -lower risk of kidney stones

what is the RDA intake for calcium for ages 19-50

1000 mg/day

what is the RDA intake for calcium if you are an adolescent

1300 mg/day

how long does it take in the sun to manufacture vitamin D

20-30 mins

what is the UL intake for calcium

2500 mg/day

you should have no more than ___ mg in dose of calcium supplementation


what does osteoporosis mean?

porous bome

what is vitamin D sometimes called

the sunshine vitamin

what is the bone health function of iron

enzymes and regulates bone structure and strength

a measurement of the amount of calcified tissue in grams per centimeter squared of bone tissue and scaffolding

bone mineral density (BMD)

what are osteoclasts

break down bone density and calcium in bone matrix(releases into blood stream)

what are osteoblasts

build bone density and lays down calcium

plays a role in blood clotting, muscle contractions, and citric acid cycle


the most abundant mineral in your body?


least expensive calcium supplement and the primary ingredient in tums

calcium carbonate

calcium supplement that reduces stomach acid

calcium citrate

if there is not enough calcium, the osteoclasts will pull some minerals out of bones to _____

keep blood level where it needs to be

what does vitamin D do

lays down calcium and optimizes calcium out of gut

is osteoporosis more common in males or females?


what is the bone health function of boron

may enhance calcium absorption and estrogen metabolism

what is the bone health function of phosphorus

mineralized bone structure

bone tissue is dismantled at one site and built up at a different site


are dairy products essential for bone health


what is osteopenia?

reduced bone mass; less severe condition of osteoporosis

bone tissue is degraded and built up at the same location


what are good vitamin D sources

spinach, oily fish, and mushrooms

what is the bone health function of vitamin K

stimulates bone remoldeling

is there a higher risk of kidney stones when calcium is from food or supplements?


what hinders vitamin D

too much body fat and not enough sunlight

what is the bone health function of fluoride

tooth enamel

the bone that is the scaffolding inside the cortical bone


true/false: bone adapts to mechanical stress


true/false: exercise must be weight-bearing


true/false: it is inevitable that you will lose bone mineral density as you age


true/false: osteoporosis is a childhood disease with old-age consequences


true/false: the RDA says when your bones are still growing the need for calcium is at the highest?


true/false: the more weight you carry the stronger, denser bones you will have


true/false: vitamin D is classified as both a vitamin and hormone


true/false: women with low vitamin D status have c-sections more often


what is Rickets

vitamin D deficiency in children

what is osteomalacia

vitamin D is adults; means soft bone

what is the osteopenia T-score

-1.0 to -2.5

what % of the body's calcium is in the bones and teeth


what is the secondary prevention of osteoporosis

DEXA scan shows you have it and you do all the things you need to do to prevent any further bone loss

what does DEXA stand for?

Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

what is calcium regulated by

PTH, vitamin D, and calcitonin

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