Chapter 9 of Oral Communication; Introductions and Conclusions Review

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Telling a story is a great attention getter because an audience knows the structure and that built-in structure of stories as attention getters lend the speaker to a well-structured speech. Also referring to historical or recent events, is a good attention getter because it helps the speaker establisher the goodwill with the audience and personal credibilty by showing that they are aware of the relationships between the specific speech and what is going around the world right now or happened in the past.

Can you describe the common types of attention getters?

One of the common types of conclusions are are to end with a clincher by telling a story. Stories make great conclusions because you left the story before the climax and can finish it in the conclusion. Lastly it provides closure and coherence to the speech and story. Humor could also be used as an effective conclusion if the humor is used to leave the audience in a receptive frame of mind as long as the humor is relevant to the speech and provides a positive reminder to the audience of the main purpose of the speech.

What are the common types of conclusions?

The first two functions of a conclusion is one to prepare the audience for the end of your speech which is a crucial function of a conclusion. You can accomplish this by still providing movement, verbal and paralingustic cues to let your audience know the end is coming up. Second, The second role of the conclusion is to leave the audience motivated positively toward you and the topic you have been presenting.

What are the first two functions of a conclusion?

The first two functions of an introduction is one, gaining the attention and interest of your audience to listen to what you ate going to say. Two, you need to gain the goodwill of your audience by establishing your credibility. The audience believes that you are credible when they think that you know what you are talking about. Internal credibility is more important than external credibility, during an introduction because you are trying to get a good first impression with your audience.

What are the first two functions of an introduction?

The last two functions of a conclusion is one to summarize and close by restating the thesis and a review of the main ideas of your speech. Restating the thesis and review brings the audience back to the beginning of the circle and to restore where we have started. Lastly, presenting your appeals to the audience, you can take advantage of the recent effect to increase the chances of your audience acting on your appeals.

What are the second two functions of a conclusion?

The second two functions of an introduction are, one to clearly state the purpose of our speech, we must state our thesis statement. The last function is preview and structure of the speech so a preview statement tells the audience how you are developing your speech. This preview tells the audience what comes first, what comes next, son, to the end of the speech. Lastly, previews helps the audience understand the information because they already known the structure.

What are the second two functions of an introduction?

The first strategy to implement for your conclusion is to write the conclusion while you are writing the introduction to make sure that both elements work together. Secondly avoid adding any new information into the conclusion because you will confuse your audience. Lastly your conclusion should be 10% of total speaking time during your speech.

What are the two strategies to implement to prepare for your conclusion?

An appeal are normally worded as a request.

What is an appeal?

The first strategy to prepare your introduction is to write your introduction last during the preparation of your speech because you need to make sure the body of the speech carries, the introduction.

What is the first strategie to implement to prepare your introduction?

The last strategy to implement to prepare your introduction is to write your introduction out word for word so you can memorize it when you deliver you. Lastly introduction have a lot to include in a short amount so you need to consider every word to use in the introduction.

What is the last strategy to implement to prepare your introduction?

The second strategy to prepare your introduction is that the introduction of your speech must be succinct and concise because it should contain lots of information as the body has most of the information. Also your introduction should be no more that 10% to 15% of the total speaking time.

What is the second strategy to implement to prepare your introduction?

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