Chapter 9: Prosocial Behavior

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Moral Motives: Moral Integrity

Motivated to be moral and actually engage in moral behavior

Why is Empathy dealing among U.S. College students: Reality T.V. message

"Do anything to win"

Batson study with giving the boring task or chance to win a raffle ticket to themselves or to another participant. What did they say they would do?

-90% agreed they should take the boring task

Situational Factors: Shaw, Borough, and Fink Results

-90% helped heterosexual male call their wife -30% helped homosexual male call their wife

Deciding who needs help: Liberals

-Concerned about people who need help and dont have it -TYPE II ERROR (FALSE NEGATIVES)

Batson study with giving the boring task or chance to win a raffle ticket to themselves or to another participant. With the coin involved or to decide on their own.

-Most chose the coin to decide who does what action - Most ingored the results and chose the raffle ticket

Deciding who needs help: Conservatives

-People who we give foodstamps to abuse it -People get benefits they dont need - TYPE I ERROR (FALSE POSITIVES)

Situational Factors: Prosocial vs. Aggressive Video Games Greitmeyer & Osswald

-Prosocial video (Lemmings) - 57% helped -Neutral Video (tetris)- 33% helped -Aggressive video (Lamers) - 28% helped

Why does expressed gratitude increase future prosocial action by helper? (3)

1) Add to self-efficacy of the helper (I feel capable) 2) Add to self-worth of helper (I feel valuable) 3)When you recognize and are thankful for the blessing of life, it might also put you in a better mood

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study Any other manipulations?

1) Birthmarks 2) Doctor/Nurse Present

Why does the bystander effect happen? (3)

1) Diffusion of Responsibility 2) Alternative fear of social blunder 3) Latane and Darley 5 Step Model

Three Components of Empathy

1) Emotional Empathy 2) Empathic Accuracy 3) Empathic Concern

Bystander Effect: Darley and Latane => 2 Dependent Variables

1) Whether people helped or not 2) How long it took them (reaction time)

3) Latane and Darley 5 Step Model

1)Notice something happening 2)Interpret the situation as one where help is needed 3) Assume Responsibility 4) Decide on Course of Action 5) Take Action

Batson study with giving the boring task or chance to win a raffle ticket to themselves or to another participant. What did they actually do?

70-80% actually took the raffle ticket

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Genetic Determinism => Kin Selection Theory

A key "goal" of all organisms, including us, is getting our genes into the next generation: one way is by helping others who share our genes.

Prosocial Behavior

Actions by individuals that help others with no immediate benefits to the helper "Sounds like altruism to me"

Moral Motives: Generativity

Adult's concern for and commitment to the well-being for future generations (Erikson's 7th stage... 30-60)

Bystander Effect is strongest if the situation is


Bystander effect is strongest if the bystanders are

Anonymous stranger whom you are unlikely to meet again

Bystander Studies: Darley and Batson, Cost of Helping

Article 29

Bystander Effect: Darley and Latane => Results of the Whether people helped or not dependent variable

As the number of bystanders increased, the percentage of individuals who helped decreased

Bystander Effect: Darley and Latane => Results of the reaction times

As the number of bystanders increased, the time elapsing before help was given increased

Deciding who needs help: Prior Commitment - Neighborhood Watch

Asking people specifically to watch your house will prompt individual to act

Altruism in Animal Behavior

Behavior by an animal that may be to its disadvantage but that benefits others of its kind -Such as a warning cry that reveals the location of the caller to a predator

Bystander Studies: Latane and Darley Questionnaire in smoke filled room (friends vs. strangers)

Bystander effect more likely with a room of strangers that you don't expect to see again

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis => Empathy

Capacity to experience others' emotional states vicariously

3) Empathic Concern

Concern for well-being of others

2) Empathic Accuracy

Correctly perceiving other thoughts (Component leads to good social relations) "Every day mind-reading"

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis => Altruism

Doing something for someone else with NO thought of reward

Deciding who needs help: Victim Responsibility

Drunk- Not my fault, not helping

Bystander effect with friends or strangers you may see again?

Effect does not occur as much

Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviors: Low in what?


Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviors: Self concept that includes


Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study Bleeding person (confederate)

Ended being other reasons why people didnt help -Blood -Disease

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Competitive Altruism examples

Endow a chair, a building, an entire school

Gratitude and Prosocial Actions Dr. Mike McCullough

Expressions of gratitude facilitate prosocial actions

2) Alternative fear of social blunder?

Fear of being seen as foolish

Altruism is a subset of


Situational Factors: Attribution fo responsibility video

Hobo- Slowest to get help Women- Eventually got help faster Man in Suit - Fastest to get help (6 seconds)

Bystander Studies: Bryant & Test,1967 Stranded female motorist, role models present or not.

If people saw a role model help a women on the side of the road and then saw another person who needed help, they were more likely to help in comparison to someone who didnt see a role model beforehand

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study What happened when the doctor/nurse was present?

If the nurse/doctor didnt act, people were less likely to help

Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviors: What kind of locus of control?

Internal Locus of Control

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Empathic Joy Hypothesis => We help because

It feels good when we do (Positive Reinforcement)

Deciding who needs help: Blaming the victim

Its their fault, they had this coming

Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviors: Belief in what kind of world?

Just World (Everybody gets what they deserve... Karma)

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study When people are trained to respond to emergency situations, what happens with regards to 5 step model?

Less likely to be affected by bystander effect Do not have to decide to long on what to do

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study Drunk needing help

Less likely to help

Situational Factors: Perceived Cost of Helping

Low Cost - Help

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Competitive Altruism => Here help, such as a big donation, is often...

Made in order to gain status

Situational Factors: Shaw, Borough, and Fink Background Man calling wife

Man ran out of dimes and couldn't call wife to let them know that they were going to be late

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Negative-State Relief Model => Mayor Daoud (1991)

Miami Beach, 41 counts of bribery, 18 months in federal Prison. -day before the news of his bribery charges were released, he helped in a fire, so it's an example of negative state relief model cause he did prosocial behavior in order to reduce his own neg state

Politics and evangelical movements are both full of

Moral Hypocrisy

Batson study with giving the boring task or giving good task to themselves or to another participant. The coin demonstrated what Moral Motive type?

Moral Hypocrisy -Acted in a moral way, but when their was a cost involved, they didnt

Situational Factors: Scent

More helpful when there is a pleasant scent in the air

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study Old man needing help

More likely to help

Situational Factors: Similarity

More likely to help people similar to us

Situational Factors: Attraction

More likely to help someone more attractive

Bystander Studies: Darley et al. 1973 participants working back to back or face to face. Crash, workman in next room. Face to face respond like working alone.

More likely to help the man on the ladder if students were sitting face to face

Situational Factors: Mood

More likely to help when someone is in a good mood

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study First conclusion

More people present, less likely to help

Situational Factors: Shaw, Borough, and Fink Reason why?

Most people likely see the homosexual as least similar and not call significant other

Moral Motives: Moral Hypocrisy

Motivation to appear moral while doing ones best to avoid the actual costs involved with actually being moral

Moral Motives: Stagnation (Self-Interest)

Motivation to engage in whatever behavior provides the greatest satisfaction

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study Was race a factor?


Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Genetic Determinism => Kin Selection Theory... Do you need to have a child to pass on most of your genes?


Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Negative-State Relief Model => Does this model say empathy is needed?


Situational Factors: Attribution of responsibility

One of the reasons people dont help someone who is a drunk "Why should i get involved? Its their fault"

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Empathic Joy Hypothesis => Video of female student (similar/disimilar) might drop out of college because felt isolated.

Participants were helpful only if High Empathy (similar) and told would receive feedback about their impact

In the 2nd step of the model, what tends to arise when we interpret the situation

Pluralistic Ignorance


Principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others

Helping is a subset of

Prosocial Behavior Prosocial Behavior => Helping => Altruism

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Negative-State Relief Model => Prosocial behavior is motivated by a desire to

Reduce own negative emotional state -We get Negative Reinforcement

Emotions and Helping (Simple model): Positive Emotional State

Reward Probable- Greater helping Cost Probable- Less helping

Situational Factors: Prosocial Role Models

Role Model - Help

Pluralistic Ignorance

See something happening and create a situation whee they don't have to help - "I didnt realize" -Come up with reasons why you shouldn't do it - More people conclude that we shouldn't do anything, and it won't be a problem

Bystander Studies: Piliavin Subway Study Why did he like the subway model?

Set number of passengers Can stage emergency and get %

1) Emotional Empathy

Sharing feelings

Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviors: High in

Social Responsibility/sense of duty

Bystander Studies: Darley et al. 1973 participants working back to back or face to face. Crash, workman in next room. Face to face respond like working alone. Why face to face?

Social comparison was at play

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis

Some prosocial behavior is motivated solely by desire to help someone who is need

Emotions and Helping (Simple model): Negative Emotional State

Sometimes more helping Sometimes less helping

Bystander Effect: Kitty Genovese

Stabbed to death while bystanders watched

Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviors: Altruism and Authoritarianism

Strongly and negatively correlated

Deciding who needs help: Prior Commitment - Beach Blanket Study

When women asks neighbor to watch radio, special human bond formed Now individual acts (gender does not matter)

Responding to an emergency: Bystander Effect

The more people around, less you are to get involve

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Empathic Joy Hypothesis => If this is true, person must find out about

The positive impact they've had

Why is Empathy declining among U.S. College students: Schools still emphasizing

Unearned self-esteem -Feel good about yourself no matter what (no one really loses)

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Negative-State Relief Model => What can motivate prosocial behavior

Unhappiness about anything can motivate prosocial behavior

Why is Empathy declining among U.S. College students: Increasing exposure to

Violence in the mass media

Helping leads to resentment and unwanted obligation, lower self-esteem?

Yes I.e. Younger brother helping older sibling makes older sibling feel less capable and resentment

Greitmeyer & Osswald Video games experiment: Was it a true experiment?

Yes with casual inference

Theoretical Explanations for Prosocial Behavior: Competitive Altruism => Other 3 theories mentioned above depend on

affective state

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