Chapter 9 Test Review: Rabbits

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What order are rabbits now considered to be in?


What are the two major breeds used for meat production?

New Zealand and Californian

When mating rabbits, should the male be placed in the female's cage? Why or why not?

No because he will be distracted by new surroundings and females are territorial and may want to fight

Which breed resembles a wild hare?

The Belgian Hare

Which breed is white with black-colored nose, ears, feet, and tail with red eyes that is used as a lab rabbit? They weigh 8 to 10 1/2 lbs?

The Californian

Which breed has a white colored body with black or blue colored markings and weighs 12 lbs or more?

The Checkered Giant

Which breed has colored patches on each side of the head that encircle the eyes and ear, which leaves a white blaze on the forehead and down over the front of the rabbit? They weigh 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 lbs.

The Dutch

Which breed of rabbit is solid white except for a thin black eye band around each eye? They weigh a maximum of 3 1/4 lbs.

The Dwarf Hotot

Which breed is covered with wool and weighs 5 to 7 1/2 lbs?

The English Angora

Which breed is the oldest breed of domestic rabbit known to humans? They weigh 9 to 10 or more lbs.

The English Lop

What species did all domestic rabbit breeds develop from?

The European wild rabbit

Which breed is the largest and originated in Belgium?

The Flemish Giant

Which breed was developed as a small meat and laboratory rabbit? They are used for research more than meat?

The Florida White

Which breed of rabbit becomes white with nose, ears, feet and tail becoming a deep black as it matures? It weighs 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 lbs.

The Himalayan

Which breed is recognized in solid or broken varieties and weighs 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 lbs?

The Mini Lop

Which breed of rabbit is the smallest and is recognized in more different colors than any other breed?

The Netherland Dwarf

Which breed comes in a red and black variety, primarily used for meat production, and weighs 9 to 12 lbs?

The New Zealand

Which breed has soft, plush hair and weighs 7 1/2 to 10 1/2?

The Shorthaired Rex

What is coprophagy?

eating of fecal material; purpose is to recover nutrients that were unabsorbed during the first pass through the digestive tract

What is the most common cause of death in rabbits?


What is infectious myxomatosis?

fatal disease of domestic rabbits caused by virus transmitted by mosquitoes, biting flies, and by direct contact

How much pelleted food should be fed to a rabbit?

feed 1 oz of food/lb of rabbit

What kind of veggies should be avoided and why?

green leafy vegetables because they have a high water content, causing the rabbit to stop drinking water, thus causing diarrhea

What are the two types of rabbit feces?

hard, dry type seen in cage or under wire flooring; soft form that rabbit consumes as it is being expelled (night feces)

What are the advantages of rabbit meat over other meat?

high in protein, low in cholesterol, low in fat, low in sodium, very palatable

What are the houses used to keep rabbits referred to as?


What is enteritis?

inflammation of the intestinal tract

What is the term used for the birth process in rabbits?


How can you increase a rabbit's litter size?

mate again 8 to 10 hours after first mating

What are the 4 uses of rabbits?

meat, research, fur/wool, and pets

What are the four types of enteritis?

mucoid enteritis, enterotoxemia, Tyzzer's disease, and coccidiosis

Which three types of enteritis are caused by bacteria?

mucoid enteritis, entertoxemia, and Tyzzer's disease

What types of foodstuffs can be used as treats?

timothy hay, carrot, apple, banana

What are sore hocks?

ulcerations to the foot pads caused by the animal's body weight pressing down on the foot pads, which become irritated on wire cages

What is the preferred color for rabbit fur and wool?


What kind of cage is recommended for most rabbits?


What is the gestation period for rabbits?

30 days

The oldest fossil remains of rabbits found were how old?

30-37 million years

When do rabbits become sexually mature?

4 to 8 months of year

When can a litter of rabbits be weaned from their mother?

4 to 8 weeks of age

How many rabbits were used for research in 1987? How many were used in 2006?

554,000; 240,000

How many breeds of rabbits are there?

60, with 45 recognized

How long after mating do the ovaries of the female release eggs?

8 to 10 hours

At what temperature do rabbits become uncomfortable and can affect semen quality of male rabbits?

80 degrees F

Why did researchers choose to use rabbits for tests such as the Draize Eye Test?

Because they do not have tear ducts and cannot shed tears to dilute chemicals or products put into their eyes

Who domesticated rabbits?

French monks of the Middle Ages

What is the difference between hares and rabbits?

Hares: don't build nests, young are born fully furred with eyes open, live above ground, do not dig tunnels, larger, longer, black tipped ears, different in appearance; rabbits: build nests, young born naked and blind, dig tunnels

How long after birth do young rabbits' open their eyes?

12 to 14 days

How many hours of lighting does a doe need for proper breeding?


When is the best time to breed a doe?

2 weeks before weaning the current litter

What are the five weight categories of rabbits?

dwarf or miniature, small, medium, large, giant

How long should kits be left together after weaning?

additional 7 to 14 days

How do rabbits keep cool?

breathing process (rapid)

Which type of enteritis is caused by a protozoal parasite?


What are the four types of rabbit fur?

normal, rex, angora, and satin

How should rabbits be handled?

one hand under chest and belly and other hand behind the rabbit; cradle in crook of arms with other hand on rabbits back

What is the best feed for rabbits?


What are the symptoms of snuffles?

persistent sneezing with a white-colored nasal discharge; matted fur on front feet due to rabbit pawing at its nose

Why is correct restraint important?

rabbits can kick hard enough to fracture their spine

What is the difference between rabbits and rodents?

rabbits have 4 upper incisor teeth, one pair behind the other; rodents have 2 chisel-like teeth in each jaw

What conditions are important in housing rabbits?

temperature, humidity, ventilation, proper lighting, and absence of drafts

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