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Daneman & Carpenter found that people with a WM span of 2 got __________% correct in the "7 ago" condition of their pronoun test, but people with a memory span of 5 got _________% corrrect on the same test under the same conditions. 0;100 20;80 40;60 60;40


According to Baddeley's model, working memory is ___________. A unitary structure Not much different from LTM A collection of different processes Almost exactly the same thing as STM

A collection of different processes

Retroactive interference is _______________. A cost in the ability to remember due to memories of prior events. A cost in the ability to remember due to memories of more recent events. Trouble a person has in recalling items as they get further along in a list. Trouble a person has in recalling items for items early on in a list.

A cost in the ability to remember due to memories of more recent events.

Proactive interference is ________________. A cost in the ability to remember due to memories of prior events. A cost in the ability to remember due to memories of more recent events. Trouble a person has in recalling items as they get further along in a list. Trouble a person has in recalling items for items early on in a list.

A cost in the ability to remember due to memories of prior events.

Serial recall is ____________. A recall task in which people must recall the list items in their original order of presentation The elevation of recall at the early positions of the list in a recall task The memory task in which the list items may be recalled in any order, regardless of their order of presentation The component of STM that holds information currently being rehearsed

A recall task in which people must recall the list items in their original order of presentation

A chunk is __________. A richer, more complex, unit of information The information-processing bottleneck Related to the single-channel hypothesis Semantic bifurcation

A richer, more complex, unit of information

According to Sternberg, STM is search using what kind of process? A serial exhaustive search A parallel search A serial self-terminating search A bi-metric search

A serial exhaustive search

DLPFC is ___________. (Choose the best answer) Active in tests involving executive control Active in tests involving visuospatial processing Active in tests involving articulatory planning Active in tests involving episodic recall

Active in tests involving executive control

Processing in the visuospatial sketchpad is least likely to be disrupted by _____________. Tapping out a pattern with your fingers Virtual noise in a display (such as a series of random patterns) Articulatory suppression The passage of time

Articulatory suppression

Which of the following effects in NOT a hallmark of the phonological loop? Articulatory suppression Verbal coding Phonological similarity effect Boundary extension

Boundary extension

Being given a set of 3 letters to memorize (e.g., BEL) and then being asked to count backwards from some number (e.g., 274) likely means that you are performing which test? Digit span Probe-digit Brown-Peterson Sternberg


First, people are to attend to a to-be-remembered three-letter stimulus, and then they are shown a number. They are to count backwards by threes from the number. At the end of the variable length period of counting, the people were asked to report the original three-letter stimulus. Which test is this? Paired associate learning Brown-Peterson task Mental rotation Sternberg task

Brown-Peterson task

"Seven plus or minus two" is NOT associated with _________________. Miller Chunk Capacity of STM Capacity of the sensory register

Capacity of the sensory register

Which part of the WM system is responsible for regulating the flow of information? Phonological loop Central executive Episodic buffer Visuospatial sketchpad

Central executive

The success of the Sternberg task illustrates the usefulness of ____________. Free recall Serial position curves Chunking Chronometric methods

Chronometric methods

Which of the following can aid in using short-term memory? Span of apprehension Digit span Span of immediate memory Chunking


The initial interpretation of the results from the Brown-Peterson task was that STM forgetting was caused by a(n) ____________ process. Decay Interference Suppression Articulatory


Speeding up at the rate of presentation in a list learning task will most likely ___________. Increase recency efforts Decrease recency efforts Increase primacy effects Decrease primacy effects

Decrease primacy effects

Which of the following does DLPFC mean? Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Donder's limitation on processing for functional content Dumke's lateralizado posterior frontal cortex Drake's language-processing function center

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Which of the following effects if NOT a hallmark of the visuospatial sketchpad? Dual-task effects Boundary extension Representational momentum Mental rotation

Dual-task effects

"WM = STM + controlled attention" Whose equation is this? Baddeley Sternberg Engle Jonides


What component of WM is involved in binding information from different modalities from LTM?

Episodic buffer

The region know as DLPFC is associated with __________. Memory encoding Executive control Release from PI Serial position effects

Executive control

More recently, memory researchers such as Cowan have taken the view that the capacity of STM is more like _______________ units of information. Seven One Four Nine


Warrington and Shallice report a patient with a grossly defective STS (a digit span of two). This patient ______________. Had normal performance on the Brown-Peterson task Had reasonable learning, memory, and comprehension Had profound retrograde amnesia Had no ability to store new long-term memories

Had reasonable learning, memory and comprehension

The Sternberg task produces ____________. Identical set size functions for yes and no trials. Approximately a 2:1 ratio in the slopes for "yes" and no" trials. A flat function A serial position curve

Identical set size functions for yes and no trials.

Which refers to a completely different thing than short-term memory? Primary memory Baddeley's "mental workbench" Supervisory attentional system Implicit Memory

Implicit Memory

Release from PI is _____________. Improvement in memory with a switch in context. Improvement in memory with a switch in content. Decline in memory with a switch in context. Decline in memory with a switch in content.

Improvement in memory with a switch in content.

Information that is stored and processed in the phonological loop is most likely _____________. Temporal In a verbal/acoustic memory code Kinematic in nature Exempt from any influences of information in the episodic buffer

In a verbal/acoustic memory code

Under what circumstances do people with smaller working memory spans outperform people with larger working memory spans? In finding simpler solutions to problems, rather than persisting with more complex solutions In the size of their Stroop effects In the ability to divide their attention across a broad range of tasks In just about every way possible

In finding simpler solutions to problems, rather than persisting with more complex solutions.

The episodic buffer of WM ______________. Integrates information to create new episodic memories Is most strongly analogous to STM Has an extremely small capacity Is independent of any information in LTM

Integrates information to create new episodic memories

Short-term memory span is often correlated with _____________. Creativity Aptitude Intelligence Motivation


At this point, it seems that the most likely explanation for forgetting in STM is __________. Decay Interference Suppression Failure


Rosen & Engle examined high and low-span people performing an animal name generation task. Which did they demonstrate? High-span people performed the same as low-span people (even at one minute mark). In a dual-task condition, the high-span people performed better than the low-span people. High-span people showed more proactive interference in the task that the low-span people. It is hypothesized that the high-span people's performance under standard conditions reflects both "normal" retrieval as well as an additional process of guided strategic retrieval.

It is hypothesized that the high-span people's performance under standard conditions reflects both "normal" retrieval as well as an additional process of guided strategic retrieval.

Which of the following is NOT a component of Baddeley's working memory model? LTM Episodic buffer Central executive Visuo-spatial sketchpad


When reading a text that is accompanied by pictures, people with ___________ are more likely to be led astray and distracted by irrelevant pictures. Low memory spans High memory spans Unbalanced working memories More cylindrical

Low memory spans

Mental manipulation of a visual short-term memory code that reorient the imagined object in space is _______________. Channel capacity The visuospatial sketchpad The acoustic-articulatory store Mental rotation

Mental rotation

People with larger working memory spans are more likely to make ____________ choices. Sustainable Subtle Moral Obscure


Which describes how Engle investigated working memory span? 1 9 7 6 4 3 —> "what were the numbers?" 1 9 7 6 4 3 2 1 5 8 3 2 7 5 4 8 —> "the answer is 'four'." Brooks F dual-task procedure My family worked on the farm. CUP I was tired so I went to sleep. BLUE —> "CUP BLUE"

My family worked on the farm. CUP I was tired so I went to sleep. BLUE —> "CUP BLUE"

What are the two components of the phonological loop? Visuospatial sketchpad and episodic buffer Articulatory store and phonological loop Phonological store and articulatory loop Fast and slow tracking

Phonological store and articulatory loop

In recall performance, the elevated recall of the first few items in a list (presumably because the items have the greatest change of being transferred to LTM) is referred to as the __________. Primacy effect Word superiority effect Recency effect Salience effect

Primacy effect

Short-term memory is also called ____________. Primary memory Sensory memory Daily memory Experience memory

Primary memory

Newer information interferes with older information in ___________. A new theory of decay Release from PI Proactive interference Retroactive interference

Proactive interference

Performance on the Brown-Peterson task is generally very good on the first few trials, but then begins to rapidly decay across the continued trials. This illustrates ____________. Proactive interference Decay Mnemonic failure Interference theory

Proactive interference

The cost to memory because of previously encountered information is called __________. Proactive interference Retroactive interference Mnemonic failure Interference theory

Proactive interference

People are presented with 16 digits, read one at a time. The last digit is a repetition of a previous digit. A person is to report the number that followed the repeated digit when it was presented for the first time. The name for this task is the ______________ task. Digit span Brown-Peterson probe-digit Sternberg


What sort of secondary task in a dual-task study would most likely disrupt the central executive? Random number generation Articulatory suppression Counting backward Pursuit rotor tracking

Random number generation

Another was to think of chunking in STM is as _______________. Expanding Recoding Synthesizing Analyzing


What is the boundary extension effect? Retaining information beyond the bounds of the experiment Remembering more of a picture than was actually seen Extending memory beyond the boundary of 7 +/- 2 items Cognition that is not defined by cultural boundaries

Remembering more of a picture than was actually seen

On a working memory span test, people are asked to __________ some items, while ___________ others. Encode; retrieving Store; articulating Transpose; sequencing Retain; processing

Retain; processing

The cost to memory because of more recently encountered information is called __________. Proactive interference Retroactive interference Mnemonic failure Interference theory

Retroactive interference

Regency effects are most associated with ____________. LTM storage STM storage The dual-coding hypothesis Cued recall

STM storage

Which of the following is NOT affected by working memory span size? LTM retrieval Sensation Reasoning Attention


During each trial, the set is scanned one item at a time until the entire set is processed. This describes which kind of search? Serial self-terminating Serial controlled Serial position Serial exhaustive

Serial exhaustive

The X-axis on a serial position curve holds which of the following? RT Accuracy Serial position Set size

Serial position

Better memory for items at the beginning and end of a list is called the _______________. Sternberg effect Proactive interference phenomenon Retroactive interference bias Serial position curve

Serial position curve

Which of the following is NOT true? Serial position is an important determinant of RT in the Sternberg task. A process model is a flowchart of the separate mental processes that occur during each trial. There is a linear increase in RT with memory set size in the Sternberg task. In serial self-terminating search, the search process halts when a target is found.

Serial position is an important determinant of RT in the Sternberg task.

"Recall the items in their original order." This best describes which type of recall? Serial Parallel Implicit Proactive

Serial recall

Traditionally, according to Miller, the capacity of short-term memory is thought to be _________________. Seven plus or minus two units of information Whatever is in the primary effect About 30 seconds Whatever can be managed by a serial exhaustive search

Severn plus or minus two units of information

Compared to people with smaller working memory spans, people with higher working memory spans show a(n) )________________. Inverted fan effect Similar fan effect Larger fan effect Smaller fan effect

Smaller fan effect

Which is NOT true? PET scans (or fMRI or other neuro-investigative brain imaging techniques) essentially use Donder's subtractive method to narrow down which cognitive activities involve which neural mechanisms. Spatial working memory typically relies on extra tríate occipital processing of the prefrontal cortex. Articulatory rehearsal typically relies on left hemispheric processing. When spatial information is required for responding, the promotor region of the brain is active.

Spatial memory typically relies on extras tríate occipital processing of the prefrontal cortex.

Who is the cognitive psychologist best known for his work on studying the search for information in STM? Spelling Sternberg Donders Triesman


What is the best way to describe Donders' chronometric method? Multiplicative factors Divisive factors Subtractive factors Additive factors

Subtractive factors

The decrease in performance for items at the end of a list when a person encountered extra-list material after the list has been presented is referred to as the __________. Primacy effect Suffix effect Rehearsal effect Recency effect

Suffix effect

In mental rotation, response speed is a function of _____________. The plane of rotation The angle of rotation Psychophysical principles Exogenous cues

The angle of rotation

Seven plus or minus two units of information describes ______________. The duration of STM The capacity of STM The forgetting rate of STM An experimental construct for constructing memory lists

The capacity of STM

Which is NOT a criticism of Sternberg's conclusions about memory search? Processes may cascade. Processes may slow down if performed in parallel. With practice, automaticity develops and may free up otherwise required resources. The difference measure should only measure the process of interest, but it is virtually impossible to devise wo tasks that differ on the presence or absence of only one process (thus there is no appropriate comparison).

The difference measure should only measure the process of interest, but it is virtually impossible to devise two tasks that differ on the presence or absence of only one process (thus there is no appropriate comparison).

Baddeley & Hitch (1974) report an experiment in which participants were to perform a reasoning task of various difficulty ("A precedes B" T/F? "B does not precede A" T/F? etc.). In addition to this primary task they were to repeat "the the the," repeatedly count from 1 to 6, or repeat a set of random digits. Performance was compared against single-task performance. The dual-task demands affected each difficulty condition equally. The dual-task demands of the verbal task did not affect reasoning performance. The dual-task demands were particularly pronounced for the negative passive condition. The dual-task demands were particularly pronounced when the second task was the random digit task, especially in the negative passive condition.

The dual-task demands were particularly pronounced when the second task was the random digit task, especially in the negative passive condition.

The central executive depends most critically on what part of the brain? The hindbrain The corpus callosum The hypothalamus The prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex

Which is NOT true? There is a subgrouping effect in memory span, with the first half enjoying an advantage over the second half. A mnemonic is a recording strategy (especially when LTM is involved). Forgetting simply due to the passage of time is called decay. The span of apprehension is the same size for auditory and visual materials.

The span of apprehension is the same size for auditory and visual materials.

Donders' method of subtraction _____________. Is principally used to determine the time required for numeric processing Uses the time difference between tasks that only differ at one processing stage Reveals that memory loss is principally due to interference rather than decay Is a recognition task

Uses the time difference between tasks that only differ at one processing stage

Working memory differs from STM in that _____________. More information can be retained They are exactly the same concept STM is serial and WM is parallel WM involves actively manipulating information

WM involves actively manipulating information

The initial "Peterson & Peterson" interpretation of the Brown-Peterson task result was that the performance decrement was due to memory decay across time. This interpretation was later challenged by ____________. Triesman & Gelade Cooper & Shepard Waugh & Norman Johnston & Heinz

Waugh & Norman

In remembering the letter sequence {BYGROUPINGITEMSQUICKLY} which is NOT true? We use recoding. We user larger-than-letter chunks. We use an automatic mnemonic strategy. We use Process I to help learn the material.

We use Process I to help learn the material.

In a dual-task procedure, Logie had participants do mental addition or an imaging task as one task and a letter span or visual span task as the other task. The results _____________________. Proved Sternberg wrong Were inconsistent with the notion of memory decay due to forgetting Were inconsistent with the predictions of resource accounts Were consistent with domain-specific resource accounts

Were consistent with domain-specific resource accounts

The reason for doing a dual-task study is to assess ______________. The speed of working memory retrieval What happens when working memory resources are drained The operation of the episodic buffer The mind

What happens when working memory resources are drained

When do high and low memory span subjects NOT show equivalent amounts of Stroop interference? When the word color and word spelling are 100 percent incongruent When the word color and word spelling are 50 percent incongruent When the word color and word spelling are 20 percent incongruent In all of the abobe conditions, high-span subjects show less interference

When the word color and word spelling are 20 percent incongruent

Presenting a list of words at a faster rate on a list learning task __________. Will increase the recency effect Will reduce the primacy effect Will increase the primacy effect Will reduce the recency effect

Will reduce the primacy effect

Adding 30 seconds of backwards counting between the study and test phases of a free recall list learning task __________. Will increase the recency effect Will reduce the primacy effect Will increase the primacy effect Will reduce the recency effect

Will reduce the recency effect

Which is NOT true? High-span people are more able to flexibly allocate their attention across the visual display. High-span people can "resist" orienting towards the onset of a visual cue more successfully than can low-span subjects. High-span people have less difficulty switching from the anti-saccade task to the pro-saccade task. Working memory span is not related to the suppression or inhibition of attention.

Working memory span is not related to the suppression or inhibition of attention.

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