Chapter one and two marketing research

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Is conducted to clarify a question that in the present leads to ambiguous answers, used to discover new ideas or brainstorm solutions, and often used in new product or service development when testing concepts or generating ideas.

Exploratory research ______.

True - secondary before Primary

True or False: Secondary research is typically conducted before primary research.

True - market research vs marketing research

True or False: The terms "market research" and "marketing research" are often used interchangeably.

Data that has a quantity that can vary

What is a variable?

Reduce risk in making business decisions

What is the primary purpose of conducting market research?

Central location tests

Which method is used to ask questions in real time as a product is being tested in order to capture authentic first impressions?

generally cheaper

Which of the following is not an advantage to hiring an external research consultancy versus conducting research in-house?


Which of the following is used to examine cause and effect relationships?


Which type of data can be used to describe the opinions of a target market overall?

1. On-staff research experts 2. A mix of on-staff and external resources 3. An external research firm completing all phases

Who conducts market research?

research objective

a broad question or statement that declares the purpose of conducting the research

Methodology of Focus Groups - primary & qualitative

a group discussion among target consumers or other stakeholders about a product, service, or other topic; the synergy of group participants is used to create dialog around a topic. Gaining results takes time and recruiting appropriate participants can be expensive. Don't not use if quick turnaround is required

Methodology of Experiments - primary & quantitative

examine cause and effect relationships between variables

Methodology of Home Use Test - primary & quantitative

A sample of the target market is given a product to test at home over a specified period. A follow-up survey is implemented in order to obtain feedback.


A single piece of information in research is referred to as ______.

A focus group

A guided discussion with a small group of participants is referred to as ______.

an interview

An in-depth, semi-structured, question-and-answer session with one to three participants is considered _______.

Aims to determine if changes in one variable impacts changes in another variable, survey ratings and sales figures can be considered variables, and this research is often carried out by conducting an experiment to prove causality.

Causal research ______.

High risk business decision Cost does not exceed the estimates benefit of decision Time is allotted for proper research methods (primary or secondary research)

Conduct Market Research

statistics that describe target consumers' attributes

Demographics are ______.

Decriptive Research

Determining market segments. Describes demographic characteristics, psychographic behaviors, as well as opinions held by a market, including consumers and other stakeholders. This research is also used to help describe phenomena taking place in the marketplace itself, such as competitor behaviors and market trends. This helps to answer questions related to who, what, where, why, and how.

1. Level of risk associated with the research-based decision 2. Cost of the data collection method 3. Type of data required to best address the research-based decision 4. Timing of when the research-based decision is needed

Determining whether or not to engage in research practices depends on the:

Low risk business decision Cost of research exceeds the estimated benefit of decision No time to implement proper research

Do not Conduct Market Research

Assessing employee performance

Each of the following is a focus of market research except ______.

Study conclusions

Each of the following is part of the research plan, except ______.

A primary qualitative method

Focus groups are ______.

A follow-up survey

How is feedback from a home use test typically obtained?

Methodology of Mystery Shopping - primary & qualitative

Involves researchers secretly acting as consumers in order to gather data on the customer experience

original research; typically conducted after secondary; surveys are most common type • Advantages: can be tailored to answer a specific question and focus on appropriate target market • Disadvantages: time to collect; often higher costs

Primary research is ______.

attitudes and behaviors of the target consumer

Psychographics are ______.

Use of Descriptive Research

Research Objective: To determine how satisfied students are with the various aspects of the university experience Research Objective: To determine the various segments of Coca-Cola consumers

Use of Causal research

Research Objective: To determine what factors contribute most to the low satisfaction of the hospital's meals Research Objective: To determine if the time spent with customers impacts vehicle sales

Use of exploratory research

Research Objective: to determine the possible household chores a domestic robot concept should perform Research Objective: To determine the problems with scheduling appointments with the health system's pediatricians

Quantitative research

Research in which results are measurable and can be counted is referred to as ______.

appropriate research objective for surveys

Research objective: to determine customer satisfaction with all components of the business and to compare results between stores to identify best practices Type of research: Descriptive

appropriate research objective for focus groups

Research objective: to determine how to improve the layout of the celebrity fashion section in both print and online versions of the magazine. Type of Research - exploratory

appropriate research objective for Ethnographic Market Research

Research objective: to determine how to redesign the layout for optimum space utilization and guest enjoyment Type of research - exploratory

appropriate research objective for Home Use Test

Research objective: to determine if the favorability of the new pop-tart flavor is high enough among pop-tart users to move it forward into mass production. Type of Research: Exploratory

appropriate research objective for interviews

Research objective: to determine if the strategy of the company is going in the right direction. Which current strategies are on target, which are off base and which strategies are missing? Type of research - exploratory

appropriate research objective for secondary research

Research objective: to determine whether or not to enter the flavored sparkling water market Type of research: descriptive

help flesh out the overarching research objective more detailed and tactical in nature are needed to be answered to fully address the research objective

Research questions ______.

gathering information that currently exists • Advantages: readily available; usually cheap • Disadvantages: may not fit specific question; data could be outdated, not adequate to gain info on current reactions or attitudes of products

Secondary research is ______.

less costly; quicker to obtain

Secondary research is typically ______ and ______ compared to primary research.

Methodology of Secondary Research

Secondary, either qualitative or quantitive method, involves gathering existing data from past research studies, articles, databases, and sales figures. Data can be internal to a company or external.

The product's current position in the product life cycle

The following factors can help decide whether or not to engage in market research activities, except ______.

Methodology of Ethnographic Market Research - primary & qualitative

The main tool is observation, can be in-person or digital, or via participants mobile devices. Other methods include consumer diaries. Observers must not be conspicuous and may be conducting via monitoring equipment.

Declares the purpose of conducting the research

The research objective ______.

Methodology of Surveys - primary & quantitative

The researcher selects a sample of respondents from a population and administers a standardized set of questions. Questions can be administered in various ways, in-person surveys, mailed, online, or over the phone.


The three types of research are exploratory, descriptive, and ______.

mystery shopping

This methodology involves researchers secretly acting as consumers in order to gather data on the customer experience.

Ethnographic market research

This methodology is used for giving insight into the real consumer decision making process, how to improve customer service interactions, as well as retail design/layouts. Capturing authentic behaviors, reactions, and interactions involving a product, product concept, or service in a real-world setting is which type of methodology?

False - identifying the research objective

True or False: By identifying the research objective and corresponding research questions, researchers can directly map each project to a definitive methodology.

False - home tests

True or False: Home use tests involve participants recruited in a public place to take part in consumer research studies in controlled environments.

False - not warranted

True or False: If the cost of the research effort exceeds the estimated benefit of the decision, research is most likely warranted.


True or False: Market research should always be conducted regardless of the level of risk.

True - multiple methodologies

True or False: Multiple methodologies can be deployed during the course of a single research project.

True - prim qual & quan

True or False: Primary data can be either quantitative or qualitative.

False - Research plans

True or False: Research plans are only used when a company hires a research consulting firm.

True - qual or quan

True or False: Secondary data can be either qualitative or quantitative.

Methodology of Interviews - primary & qualitative

an in-depth semi-structured question and answer session among an interviewer and one to three participants around a topic that is usually complex. Interviewer must be well briefed on topic and/or corporate culture before interviewing.

Methodology of Ethnographic Market Research is used for

capturing authentic behaviors, reactions and interactions involving a product, product concept, or service in a real-world setting. Also can provide insight into the consumer decision-making process, how to improve service interactions as well as retail design/layouts

Qualitative Research

gathering of thoughts, opinions, and observations that cannot be expressed in numbers; used for exploratory research and idea generation; used to give meaning behind quantitative results; results cannot be projected upon a larger population

Methodology of Mystery Shopping used for

gauging how well company protocol, including customer service components, is followed; may include a product testing component

Methodology of Secondary Research is used for

monitoring competitor and market trends, benchmarking against past internal performance, and benchmarking against competitor performance

Methodology of Surveys is used for

mostly quantitative research when it's important that results can be attributed to the target population at large

Methodology of focus groups is used for

new product development, brainstorming solutions, and gauging new ideas

Methodology of Central Location Tests - primary & quantitative

participants are recruited in a public space to take part in consumer research studies in controlled environments

Methodology of Home Use Test is used for

products that require more time for typical use or that make more sense to gather feedback on after use in home environments. They require a multi-method approach

appropriate research objective for mystery shopping

research objective: the determine if drive-thru timing standards are being met, if a customer service protocol is being followed, and if food preparation standards are achieved Type of research - descriptive

appropriate research objective for experiments

research objective: to determine if full service dining would positively impact customer satisfaction and sales Type of Research: Causal

Quantitative Research

results are measured and can be counted; methodologies strive for large enough sample size so results can be projected upon a larger population

Methodology of experiments is used for

testing causes, solutions, or interventions. Often a control and test group, test group will receive the intervention while the control group will not, results are gathered and compared to see if there is a difference.

Methodology of Central Location Tests is used for

to ask questions in real time as a product is being tested in order to capture authentic first impressions.

In-house research

• Cheaper if the organization has a sufficient amount of research to conduct • Clearer idea of research objective • More familiar with products and market (may lead to more appropriate data collection tools, strategic recommendations)

Research Consultancy

• Remain objective, unbiased since there is not stake in the outcome • Knowledge, expertise in latest methodologies and industry developments • Access to comparative data (can help benchmark against competitors) • Staff not pulled from current company duties

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