Chapter One Quiz Scrum Master Cert Training

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"Which of the following ensure transparency in Scrum? A. Scrumboard B. Impediment Log C. Daily Standup D. Video Conferencing" 1. A, B and C 2. A, C and D 3. A, B, C and D 4. Only A

Answer: 1 Justification: Transparency allows all facets of any Scrum process to be observed by anyone. This promotes an easy and transparent flow of information throughout the organization and creates an open work culture. In Scrum, transparency is depicted through the following:...Sprint Review Meetings conducted during the Demonstrate and Validate Sprint process, in which the Scrum Team demonstrates the potentially shippable Sprint Deliverables to the Product Owner and Stakeholders. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), pages 22 and 23.

Which of the following statements best describes Time-boxing? 1. This principle describes how time is considered a limiting constraint in Scrum, and used to help effectively manage project planning and execution. The elements in Scrum subject to this principle include Sprints, Daily Standup Meetings, Sprint Planning Meetings, and Sprint Review Meetings 2. This principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, beginning early in the project and continuing throughout. 3. This principle focuses on today's workers, who deliver significantly greater value when encouraged to self-organize rather than be subject to the command and control style of traditional project management. 4. This principle focuses on the three core dimensions related to collaborative work: awareness, articulation, and appropriation. It also advocates project management as a shared value-creation process with teams working and interacting together to deliver the greatest value.

Answer: 1. Justification Time-boxing—This principle describes how time is considered a limiting constraint in Scrum, and used to help effectively manage project planning and execution. Time-boxed elements in Scrum include Sprints, Daily Standup Meetings, Sprint Planning Meetings, and Sprint Review Meetings. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 10

Which of the following is NOT a common feature of adaptive project management? 1. High amounts of up-front planning 2. Reduced time-to-market 3. Iterative product development 4. Flexible product delivery

Answer: 1. Justification: Rapid changes in technology, market demands, and expectations have rendered increased challenges to developing products and services using traditional project management models. This paved the way for the conceptualization and implementation of Agile methods and values in many organizations. Agile development models addressed the shortcomings associated with traditional project management models in meeting the ever-growing environmental demands and expectations that organizations were facing. Since traditional project management models generally emphasize extensive upfront planning and conforming to the plan once it is baselined, such models were not successful in meeting the reality of frequent environmental changes. Agile relies on adaptive planning and iterative development and delivery. It focuses primarily on the value of people in getting the job done effectively. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 316.

As a project manager employing Agile practices in your organization, which of the following principles would you NOT employ? 1. Business and technical employees should work together. 2. Document every detail of new software before allowing its release. 3. Maintain colocated teams and promote face-to-face communication. 4. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.

Answer: 2 Justification: Even though it is a good practice to try to document every detail possible, it is more important to deliver working software at the end of each Sprint. Because Agile process are Time-boxed, there may not be enough time to document before the end of the Sprint. Most of the time, detailed documentation consumes a lot of time while providing very little additional benefits, and a delayed release of the product causes more harm. Reference - Comments

Which one of the following statements about the history of Scrum is NOT correct? 1. The idea of Scrum was derived from a "rugby" approach, in which "a team tries to go the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth." 2. Takeuchi and Nonaka proposed that product development should be like a sequential relay race. 3. Scrum was based on a flexible and all-inclusive product development strategy where the development team works as a unit to reach a common goal. 4. Takeuchi and Nonaka based their approach on manufacturing case studies from various industries.

Answer: 2. Justification In the mid 80's, Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka defined a flexible and all-inclusive product development strategy where the development team works as a unit to reach a common goal. They described an innovative approach to product development that they called a holistic or "rugby" approach, "where a team tries to go the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth." They based their approach on manufacturing case studies from various industries. Takeuchi and Nonaka proposed that product development should not be like a sequential relay race, but rather should be analogous to the game of rugby where the team works together, passing the ball back and forth as they move as a unit down the field. The rugby concept of a "Scrum". Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 3

Which of the following statements best describes Iterative Development? 1. This principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, from beginning early in the project and continuing throughout. 2. This principle defines and emphasizes how to better manage changes and build products that satisfy customer needs. It also delineates the Product Owner's and organization's responsibilities related to developing deliverables and products. 3. This principle describes how time is considered a limiting constraint in Scrum, and used to help effectively manage project planning and execution. Time-boxed elements in Scrum include Sprints, Daily Standup Meetings, Sprint Planning Meetings, Sprint Review Meetings. 4. This principle focuses on the three core dimensions related to collaborative work: awareness, articulation, and appropriation. It also advocates project management as a shared value-creation process with teams working and interacting together to deliver the greatest value.

Answer: 2. Justification Iterative Development—This principle defines iterative development and emphasizes how to better manage changes and build products that satisfy customer needs. It also delineates the Product Owner's and organization's responsibilities related to iterative development. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 10.

Which one of the following is not a Scrum phase? 1. Initiate 2. Closing a project 3. Plan and Estimate 4. Review and Retrospect

Answer: 2. Justification Please refer table 1-1, page 15, SBOK™ Guide. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 15.

Scrum follows the ________ style of management and is very different from the traditional management of projects 1. Autocratic 2. Decentralized 3. Persuasive 4. Paternalistic

Answer: 2. Justification Refer table 1-2, SBOK Guide. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 15.

What is the basis of performance measurement in Scrum? 1. Plan conformity 2. Business value 3. Team performance 4. Attrition Level

Answer: 2. Justification Refer table 1-2, SBOK Guide. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 16

In Scrum, how many project aspects are considered to be common for all projects? 1. 4 2. 5 3. 8 4. 7

Answer: 2. Justification The SBOK™ Guide is broadly divided into the following three areas: 1. Principles covered in chapter 2, expand on the six principles which form the foundation on which Scrum is based. 2. Aspects covered in chapters 3 through 7 describe the five aspects that are important considerations for all Scrum projects. 3. Processes covered in chapters 8 through 12 include the nineteen Scrum processes and their associated inputs, tools, and outputs. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 7. [Five aspects: Organization; Business Justification; Quality; Change; & Risk]

The Scrum cycle begins with which meeting? 1. Sprint Review Meeting 2. Stakeholder Meeting 3. Retrospect meeting 4. Daily Standup Meeting

Answer: 2. Justification The Scrum cycle begins with a Stakeholder Meeting, during which the Project Vision is created. The Product Owner then develops a Prioritized Product Backlog which contains a prioritized list of business and project requirements written in the form of User Stories. Each Sprint begins with a Sprint Planning Meeting during which high priority User Stories are considered for inclusion in the Sprint. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 2.

Which of the following meetings is not usually Time-boxed? 1. Daily Standup Meeting 2. Scrum of Scrums Meeting 3. Sprint Planning Meeting 4. Sprint Review Meeting

Answer: 2. Justification. A Scrum of Scrums Meeting is an important element when scaling Scrum to large projects. Typically, there is one representative in the meeting from each Scrum Team—usually the Scrum Master—but it is also common for anyone from the Scrum Team to attend the meeting if required. This meeting is usually facilitated by the Chief Scrum Master and is intended to focus on areas of coordination and integration between the different Scrum Teams. This meeting is conducted at predetermined intervals or when required by the Scrum Teams. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 278.

While discussing the concept of Transparency in Empirical Process Control, which of the following is NOT an Artifact? 1. Project Vision Statement. 2. Epic(s). 3. Prioritized Product Backlog. 4. Release Planning Schedule.

Answer: 2. Justification: Epics are written in the initial stages of the project when most User Stories are high-level functionalities or product descriptions and requirements are broadly defined. They are large, unrefined User Stories in the Prioritized Product Backlog. Once these Epics come up in the Prioritized Product Backlog for completion in an upcoming Sprint, they are then broken down into smaller, more granular User Stories. These smaller User Stories are generally simple, short, and easy to implement functionalities or blocks of tasks to be completed in a Sprint. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 164.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Agile methodologies? 1. Agile emphasizes people rather than processes. 2. Agile promotes minimal documentation, unlike the Waterfall technique. 3. Agile recommends a command-based leadership style. 4. Agile techniques focus on the adaptability of the project.

Answer: 3 Justification Agile recommends a Servant Leadership style with high degrees of collaboration and empowered teams. Reference - Comments

Which of the following statements best describes Collaboration? 1. This principle describes how time is considered a limiting constraint in Scrum, and used to help effectively manage project planning and execution. Time-boxed elements in Scrum include Sprints, Daily Standup Meetings, Sprint Planning Meetings, and Sprint Review Meetings 2. This principle focuses on today's workers, who deliver significantly greater value when encouraged to self-organize rather than be subject to the command and control style of traditional project management. 3. This principle focuses on the three core dimensions related to collaborative work: awareness, articulation, and appropriation. It also advocates project management as a shared value-creation process with teams working and interacting together to deliver the greatest value 4. This principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, beginning early in the project and continuing throughout.

Answer: 3 Justification Collaboration—This principle focuses on the three core dimensions related to collaborative work: awareness, articulation, and appropriation. It also advocates project management as a shared value-creation process with teams working and interacting together to deliver the greatest value. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 10.

Which of the following is true about Scrum? 1. Scrum should only be used for small projects 2. Scrum can only be used for software development 3. Scrum should only be used with teams of 6-10 people 4. Scrum can only be used for large corporations

Answer: 3. Justification Scrum can be applied effectively to any project in any industry—from small projects or teams with as few as six team members to large, complex projects with up to several hundred team members. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 39.

Which of the following is NOT part of the Agile Manifesto? 1. Promote individuals over processes 2. Respond to change rather than make long-term plans 3. Have a specialized team rather than a cross-functional team 4. Working software is more important than comprehensive documentation

Answer: 3. Justification: Adaptive project development focuses on the cross-functional nature of the teams. It is important to have cross-functional teams for clear and transparent communication and smooth project progress. Reference - Comments

As the Scrum Master for a project, identify which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Scrum: 1. Transparency leading to an open work environment 2. Collective ownership allowing team members to take ownership of the project 3. Detailed upfront planning ensuring that the scope for allowing changes as the project proceeds is reduced 4. Adaptability achieved through iterative delivery, making projects able to more easily incorporate change.

Answer: 3. Justification: Some of the key benefits of using Scrum in any project are: 1. Adaptability - empirical process control and iterative delivery make projects adaptable and open to incorporating change. 2. Transparency - all information radiators like a Scrumboard and Sprint Burndown Chart are shared,leading to an open work environment. 3. Continuous Feedback - continuous feedback is provided through the Conduct Daily Standup, and Demonstrate and Validate Sprint processes. 4. Continuous Improvement - the deliverables are improved progressively Sprint by Sprint, through the Groom Prioritized Product Backlog process. 5. Continuous Delivery of Value - iterative processes enable the continuous delivery of value through the Ship Deliverables process as frequently as the customer requires. 6. Sustainable Pace - Scrum processes are designed such that the people involved can work at a sustainable pace that they can, in theory, continue indefinitely. 7. Early Delivery of High Value - the Create Prioritized Product Backlog process ensures that the highest value requirements of the customer are satisfied first. 8. Efficient Development Process - time-boxing and minimizing non-essential work leads to higher efficiency levels. 9. Motivation - the Conduct Daily Standup and Retrospect Sprint processes lead to greater levels of motivation among employees. 10. Faster Problem Resolution - collaboration and colocation of cross-functional teams lead to faster problem solving. 11. Effective Deliverables - the Create Prioritized Product Backlog process and regular reviews after creating deliverables ensures effective deliverables to the customer. 12. Customer Centric - emphasis on business value and having a collaborative approach to stakeholders ensures a customer-oriented framework. 13. High Trust Environment - conduct Daily Standup and Retrospect Sprint processes promote transparency and collaboration, leading to a high trust work environment ensuring low friction among employees. 14. Collective Ownership - the Approve, Estimate, and Commit User Stories process allows team members to take ownership of the project and their work leading to better quality. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 4 & 5.

You are the CEO of a company operating four different projects. For which project would you implement Agile methodologies?1. Constructing a 5-story apartment building with 6 apartments per floor 2. Working on the tenth stage of a long-term software implementation project in which the project requirements were clearly defined and the delivery has, so far, met these requirements 3. Developing software technology for a customer for a change management exercise involving identifying the current as-is practices and developing a road-map for the to-be process depending on the vision of the management team 4. Constructing an automobile in a factory based on a pre-developed prototype.

Answer: 3. Justification: The key is to identify the amount of risk and uncertainty involved in the project. Routine, low-risk projects with specific requirements can be completed using the Waterfall technique. Projects involving a high degree of complexity, and those in which there is a good chance that the requirements will change, should be completed using Agile and Scrum. Reference - Comments

Which one of the following statements best describes Value-based Prioritization? 1. This principle describes how time is considered a limiting constraint in Scrum, and used to help effectively manage project planning and execution. Time-boxed elements in Scrum include Sprints, Daily Standup Meetings, Sprint Planning Meetings, and Sprint Review Meetings 2. This principle focuses on today's workers, who deliver significantly greater value when encouraged to self-organize rather than be subject to the command and control style of traditional project management. 3. This principle focuses on the three core dimensions related to collaborative work: awareness, articulation, and appropriation. It also advocates project management as a shared value-creation process with teams working and interacting together to deliver the greatest value. 4. This principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, beginning early in the project and continuing throughout.

Answer: 4. Justification Value-based Prioritization—This principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, from early in the project and continuing throughout. Reference - A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), page 10.

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