Chapters 13-16 Corrections OOFGHAA Study Set

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About what percentage of state and federal prisoners who were drug dependent or abusing in the year before their admission to prison took part in a drug abuse program? Group counseling sessions are a form of treatment for which of the following types of inmates?


Which of the following is true of restorative justice sentencing models?

Government is not equipped to adequately address justice systems concerns.

A precipitating event is often thought of as the "spark in the haystack" that sets off an inmate riot.


A special emergency response team is trained in the use of lethal force when all else fails to resolve an emergency situation.


Even if deterrence does not work, advocates suggest that long sentences will at least rehabilitate offenders.


Which does not contribute to the security and custody functions within a prison?

free and unrestricted inmate movement

In Baze et al. v. Rees, the Supreme Court stated that the lethal injection drug protocol for executions was unconstitutional.


In recent years, public support for the death penalty appears to be getting stronger.


The early North American colonies and England used capital punishment as a penalty only for murder.


Which of the following resulted in prison industries producing inmate clothing, office furniture, and other products that can be sold only to government agencies?

state-use systems

Treatment is the creation of an environment and provision of rehabilitative programs that encourage inmates to accept responsibility.


Vocational training is specific training in a trade area such as carpentry, electronics, welding, office equipment, and word processing.


When was the last public execution in the United States held?


What is the approximate rate of increase in the number of correctional employees working at the federal, state, and local levels in the United States between 1992 to 2003?


Which of the following represents the percentage increase in the number of inmates between 2000 and 2010 held in private prisons?


Most inmates are required to work for approximately how many hours per day and days per week?

6 hours per day, 5 days per week

Prison staff do not waste a lot of time searching areas of the prison or shaking down inmates to find contraband and deter its possession.


In which of the following programs do private companies hire inmates to produce goods inside the prison?

PIE programs

New uses of technology to make prisons safer include all of the following EXCEPT which?

body armor for inmates to protect them from each other

Which of the following is a schedule of all the appointments and required moves for a day, including the name and expected times of the moves?

call out

Kansas elected officials implemented a plan to reduce prison admissions by providing counties with financial incentives to create ________.

community correctional systems

Which of the following is an item that inmates are not allowed to possess, including items that can assist in an escape, are dangerous, can undermine prison physical security, or are nuisance items?


Correctional jobs are ________.

difficult to perform, and not every person who expresses an interest is suited for it

A high level of supervision in the community can prevent offenders from committing further crimes.


A lease system allows prison-made goods to be sold to and used by only state and federal government agencies.


Although the number of offenders increased toward the end of the twentieth century, the amount of money committed to operate correctional agencies decreased.


American Correctional Association standards require a minimum of five scheduled counts per twenty-four-hour period.


Correctional agencies are designed to provide mental health programs to the same extent as mental health agencies.


Disciplinary segregation is a nonpunitive confinement in SHU used to house inmates whose continued presence in the general population may pose a serious threat to the security or orderly running of the prison.


Due to significant public opposition to recreation programs for inmates, recreation is not considered as an important part of prison programming


Furman v. Georgia effectively constituted a ban on capital punishment in the United States.


Holistic health care is defined as the provision of mental health programs based on the intensity of needs for each inmate.


Inmates are in their cells most of the day and are rarely allowed to move across the prison compound.


Mental health programs do not play a critical role in accomplishing the mission of a correctional facility.


Prisons are not legally required to provide sufficient legal materials to enable inmates to conduct legal research in order to have reasonable access to the courts.


Religious programs are prohibited in state and federal prisons due to the separation of church and state.


The Violent Crime Control Act of 1994 halted inmate lawsuits.


The rights of inmates confined in correctional institutions have always been considered by the courts


Use of cell phones by inmates is NOT a serious problem for prisons.


Victims have historically been included in the criminal justice process.


Which of the following is NOT one of the prominent reasons why corrections has become a much more important item on the public's political agenda over the past two decades?

greater number of prisons being accredited

What has the "tough on crime" approach to sentencing done?

increased the number of people under correctional supervision

Which of the following refers to the staff's ability to locate and identify inmates at any point in time within a prison?

inmate accountability

________ is known as a practice that is not formalized in statute or written policy, but that develops through a consistent set of pressures that influence the practice in a specific manner.

invisible policy

What prison industry system ended in the early twentieth century, after which states began to operate their own prison industries to keep inmates busy and make a profit from the sale of produced goods?

lease systems

Which of the following are assets to prison operations, provide funds to operate, and reduce recidivism?

prison industry programs

Which of the following is done at any time, freezing inmates at whatever location they are in?

random count

Which of the following is considered as the most controversial area of prison programming?

rec programs

Inmates can only receive books and magazines directly from the publisher.


Investigations of inmate riots and disturbances have discovered that most are not planned or precisely initiated by inmate leaders.


Which of the following is NOT one of the eight main types of activities that contribute to the security and custody functions within a prison

reduction of muscle-building exercise, particularly weightlifting

What is the scheduled counting of inmates in their housing units to ensure that they are in the prison and have not escaped?

regular count

Which of the following by definition means "to return to a previous form"?


Which of the following is a light-colored background with the outline of the tool painted on it, allowing for a missing tool or knife to be quickly noticed?

shadow board

Which of the following emergency teams is trained in the use of lethal force when all else fails to resolve an emergency situation?

special emergency response team

Which of the following counts is the most formal count of the day and occurs at 4:00 p.m. everyday?


What is the term Fabelo used to refer to correctional agencies taking advantage of new technologies to reduce the costs of supervising criminal offenders and minimize the risk they pose to society?


What is a common serious concern regarding continuing the death penalty?

the potential for judicial error

Which of the following is not an inmate due process right in the area of prison disciplinary hearings?

the right to a jury trial

Which of the following is NOT a reason that the Supreme Court cited in Ruffin v. Commonwealth of Virginia for what became known as the hands-off doctrine?

the status of American prisons as the most fair and efficiently run such institutions in the world

Prisons use special housing units to perform which of the following activities?

to separate unruly inmates or inmates at risk

A majority of the U.S. public favors rehabilitation alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent and nonserious offenders.


Conflict exists between some medical groups that oppose the use of licensed medical personnel to administer life-ending drugs and state requirements that such medical personnel oversee executions.


Correctional agencies generally use same-sex staff to conduct searches, unless in an emergency.


Correctional jobs are difficult to perform, and not every person who expresses an interest in corrections is suited for this type of work.


Few prisons have extensive postsecondary education programs, even though several thousand inmates took college classes and earned college degrees in the past.


Inmates are not allowed to solicit other inmates to join an inmate union and have union meetings.


Invisible policy is a practice that is not formalized in statute or written policy, but that develops through a consistent set of pressures that influence the practice in a specific manner.


Most death row inmates remain in their cells most of the time, as well as recreate and do almost everything by themselves.


One of the challenges of having private prisons is the ethical concerns of an offender's freedom being taken away by a for-profit company.


One of the reasons for the slowdown in the growth of incarcerated offenders is that many states have increased their use of alternatives to incarceration.


Since inmates have a significant need for educational programs, most prisons provide these programs.


Since the mid-1980s, criminal sentencing has focused on public safety rather than on changing behavior through treatment of the offender.


Substance abuse treatment programs are critical activities within prisons because such a high proportion of inmates have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.


The number of inmates filing suits against correctional agencies or prison staff has dropped in the last decade.


Which of the following is a specific training in a trade area to prepare students to work in that trade?

vocational training

Which of the following is the most controversial recreational activity?

weight lifting

Which of the following is true regarding mental health programs?

Correctional agencies do not provide mental health programs to the same extent as mental health agencies.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding corrections as a career opportunity?

Correctional agencies have frequent layoffs and therefore the jobs are not very stable.

Which of the following is a necessary condition for Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program to allow for the sale of prison goods on the open market?

Funds for victim assistance programs should be collected.

Which is a key component of inmate accountability policies and procedures?

Inmates are assigned to work and programs on a daily basis.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding inmate movements within a prison?

Inmates move individually in a prison, with at least one staff person walking with them from one point to another.

What was the decision in the 1970 Supreme Court case of Gittlemacker v. Prasse?

It is impractical to provide every inmate a member of the clergy.

Which is NOT a preventive action that prison administrators can take to reduce inmate unrest?

Maintaining secrecy between inmates and staff, and among staff

Which of the following is NOT true about having a staff that is diverse in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity?

Nonwhite, urban officers are more pro-inmate and undermine security.

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that has led to the recent reduction in the number of inmate lawsuits?

Declining law school enrollments have led to fewer attorneys being available to take on inmates' cases.

Which of the following is true regarding religious programs in prison?

Religious services are often coordinated by one or two full-time chaplains who provide religious guidance for prisoners

Which of the following is NOT true of correctional jobs?

The jobs are devoid of risk and much responsibility.

In which 1977 case did the Supreme Court disagree to adding steak and wine on the prison menu for inmates who practiced the new religion of the Church of the New Song (CONS)?

Theriault v. Silber

Correctional officers assigned to housing units have post order requirements to search a certain number of cells every day, and teams of staff may be assigned to an area for a complete search.


Inmates who need a separation of longer than 12 months from a prison's inmate population are either transferred to another prison or placed in a supermax facility.


The most feared event at a prison is an inmate riot or disturbance.


In which 1974 case did the Supreme Court set forth that inmates had some due process rights when facing a prison disciplinary hearing?

Wolff v. McDonnell

Which of the following is NOT a benefit achieved from prison industries?

Because so little is withheld from their wages, inmates can retire on their saved earnings upon release from prison.

In which 1979 case did the Supreme Court hold that there is no one-person, one-cell guarantee within a prison?

Bell v. Wolfish

Which Supreme Court decision effectively ended the hands-off doctrine?

Cooper v. Pate

Which of the following is not an element of a state's death penalty that must exist in order to be constitutional, according to the Supreme Court's decision in Gregg v. Georgia?

During sentencing, the jury will hear only evidence regarding the crime's aggravating circumstances.

In which 1976 case did the Supreme Court determine that prison officials have a duty to provide medical treatment to inmates since inmates are dependent on them to provide for their medical needs?

Estelle v Gamble

A pass system schedules all the appointments and required moves for a day, including the name and expected times of the moves.


The casework focus of helping offenders in the community has been slowly transitioning into one in which officers use a surveillance approach to supervision. Which of the following does this approach NOT emphasize?

working closely with individuals to find jobs or get into treatment programs

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