Chapters 21, 26, 28, & 35

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What does the World Health Organization think of indoor DDT use in Uganda? They haven't said. They are undecided. They condone it. They condemn it.

They condone it.

How do cells in a meristem differ from cells in other types of plant tissue? They store food. They photosynthesize at a faster rate. They are differentiating. They are growing. They continue to divide.

They continue to divide.

A gelatinous seaweed that grows in shallow, cold water and undergoes heteromorphic alternation of generations is most probably what type of alga? yellow red green brown


The largest seaweeds are _____. red algae brown algae dinoflagellates green algae diatoms

brown algae

Which of the following would not be seen in a cross-section through the woody part of a root? root hairs sieve-tube elements parenchyma cells vessel elements sclerenchyma cells

root hairs

Which of the following cells or tissues arise from lateral meristem activity? trichomes tubers secondary xylem leaves cortex

secondary xylem

Gas exchange, which is necessary for photosynthesis, can occur most easily in which leaf tissue? vascular tissue epidermis palisade mesophyll spongy mesophyll bundle sheath

spongy mesophyll

The vascular bundle in the shape of a single central cylinder in a root is called the stele. cortex. endodermis. periderm. pith.


In the two-kingdom system, why were fungi classified in the kingdom Plantae? They are sedentary. They are heterotrophs. They lack cell walls. They are unicellular. They are autotrophs.

They are sedentary.

What process actually increases the number of genes in an organism's genome? gene duplication parsimony cladistics mutation independent assortment

gene duplication

The chloroplasts of all of the following are thought to be derived from ancestral red algae, except those of golden algae. dinoflagellates. brown algae. diatoms. green algae

green algae

Which algal group has chloroplasts much like those of green plants in structure and pigment makeup? red algae golden algae diatoms brown algae chlorophytes


Which two genera have members that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins? 1. Plasmodium 2. Trichomonas 3. Paramecium 4. Trypanosoma 5. Entamoeba 2 and 4 1 and 4 1 and 2 2 and 3 4 and 5

1 and 4

You are given the task of designing an aerobic, mixotrophic protist that can perform photosynthesis in fairly deep water (for example, 250 m deep), and can also crawl about and engulf small particles. With which two of the following structures would you provide your protist? 1. hydrogenosome 2. apicoplast 3. pseudopods 4. chloroplast from red alga 5. chloroplast from green alga 2 and 3 2 and 4 4 and 5 3 and 4 1 and 2

3 and 4

Find the cell that represents the comparison of Comamonas testosteroni and Escherichia coli. What value is given in that cell? 35 52 57 61


Many types of foraminiferans form a symbiotic relationship with _____. algae bacteria seaweed fungi amoebas


As a youngster, you drive a nail in the trunk of a young tree that is 3 meters tall. The nail is about 1.5 meters from the ground. Fifteen years later, you return and discover that the tree has grown to a height of 30 meters. About how many meters above the ground is the nail? 3.0 28.5 1.5 15.0 0.5


DDT has been linked to which of the following? lymphoma thyroid cancer breast cancer prostate cancer

breast cancer

The innermost layer of the root cortex is the endodermis. pericycle. pith. vascular cambium. core.


What type of noncoding DNA comprises the largest portion of multicellular eukaryotic genomes? gene regulatory sequences introns centromeric sequences transposons pseudogenes

transposons Transposons comprise the majority of noncoding DNA.

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. Given its mode of reproduction and internal structures, which of the following should be expected to occur in Giardia at some stage of its life cycle? 1. separation (segregation) of daughter chromosomes 2. crossing over 3. meiosis 1 and 3 1 and 2 1 only 3 only 2 and 3

1 only

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. What must occur for asexual reproduction to be successful in P. chromatophora? 1. mitosis 2. S phase 3. meiosis 4. equal distribution of cyanelles during cytokinesis 2, 3, and 4 1, 2, and 4 1 only 1, 2, and 3 1 and 2

1, 2, and 4

For any hit sequence, its alignment is most easily located by clicking on the description text in the Descriptions section. This takes you directly to that specific hit in the Alignments section of the search results. There, you can visually examine the alignment between your query sequence and the hit sequence. Keep in mind that hits are listed in decreasing order of the statistical significance of their alignment with the query sequence; E value and Max score quantify this significance. Click on the Description associated with accession AY259214.1, which should be at or near the top of the list. Examine the nucleotide sequence alignment. (For help interpreting the alignment data, see Hint 1.) In how many positions are there nucleotide differences between your query sequence and the sequence of accession AY259214.1? 3 4 9 10 12


About how many African children die weekly from malaria? 2,000 8,000 14,000 20,000


After DDT was sprayed in Uganda, organic farming companies said they wouldn't return for how long? 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years

15 years

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. During passage through the large intestine, a trophozoite will often secrete a case around itself, forming a cyst. Cysts contain four haploid nuclei. When cysts "hatch" within a new host, two trophozoites are released. Thus, which of the following must happen within the cyst, prior to hatching? 1. meiosis 2. nuclear division 3. S phase 4. binary fission 1 and 2 2 and 4 1 only 2 and 3 2, 3, and 4

2, 3, and 4

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. The primary treatment for giardiasis (infection with Giardia), as well as for trichomoniasis (infection with Trichomonas vaginalis) and for amoebic dysentery (infection with Entamoeba histolytica), is a drug marketed as Flagyl (generic name is metronidazole). The drug also kills anaerobic gut bacteria. Consequently, which of these are cues that Flagyl's mode of action has nothing to do with attacking or disabling the parasites' flagella, as the drug's name might imply? 1. It would also harm the flagellated lining of the human intestine. 2. Entamoeba possesses pseudopods, not flagella, yet it is killed by Flagyl. 3. Prokaryotic flagella and eukaryotic flagella are radically different from each other and unlikely to be harmed by the same chemical. 4. Not all anaerobic gut bacteria possess flagella, yet it kills these bacteria. 2, 3, and 4 1 and 2 1 and 3 2 and 3 1, 2, and 4

2, 3, and 4

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. The mitosome of Giardia has no DNA within it. If it did contain DNA, then what predictions should we be able to make about its DNA? 1. It is linear. 2. It is circular. 3. It has many introns. 4. It has few introns. 5. It is not associated with histone proteins. 6. It is complexed with histone proteins. 2, 3, and 6 2, 4, and 5 1, 4, and 5 2, 4, and 6 1, 3, and 5

2, 4, and 5

On which chromosome is the BCR gene normally located? 1 9 20 22

22 Now you know that the normal ABL gene is encoded on chromosome 9 and the normal BCR gene is encoded on chromosome 22.

The pie chart in figure represents the relative frequencies of the following in the human genome: I. repetitive DNA unrelated to transposons II. repetitive DNA that includes transposons III. unique noncoding DNA IV. introns and regulatory sequences V. exons Which region is occupied by exons only (V)? C A B D E


According to the ABC model of floral development, which genes would be expressed in a showy ornamental flower with multiple sepals and petals but no stamens or carpels? A genes only B genes only C genes only A and C genes only A and B genes only

A and B genes only

Which bacterial species has an rRNA gene that is most similar to that of the wheat mitochondrion? A. tumefaciens M. capricolum C. testosteroni E. coli A. nidulans

A. tumefaciens

Plants and animals respond differently to the environment. Which statement most accurately compares the responses of plants and animals to changes in their environment? A.Animals tend to respond to changes in their environment by movement; plants tend to respond to changes in their environment by growth. B.Animals are more responsive to changes in their environment than plants. C.Animals are better able to detect changes in their environment than plants because animals have sense organs, which plants lack.

A.Animals tend to respond to changes in their environment by movement; plants tend to respond to changes in their environment by growth.

Which of the following is true? A.Both hermit crabs and king crabs are asymmetrical. B.Hermit crabs are symmetrical, king crabs are asymmetrical. C.Both hermit crabs and king crabs are symmetrical. D.Hermit crabs are asymmetrical, king crabs are symmetrical.

A.Both hermit crabs and king crabs are asymmetrical.

How do humans combat infection by the Plasmodium parasite? A.Cytotoxic T cells destroy infected liver cells by recognizing a Plasmodium protein bound to an HLA protein on the surface of those cells. B.Plasmodium cells bind to liver cells that have the CP26 protein on their cell surface and form a complex that is targeted by cytotoxic T cells. C.Cytotoxic T cells secrete anticoagulant to kill infected red blood cells. D.Liver cells secrete the HLA-B53 protein, which binds to and inactivates Plasmodium cells in the bloodstream.

A.Cytotoxic T cells destroy infected liver cells by recognizing a Plasmodium protein bound to an HLA protein on the surface of those cells.

Which of the following statements supports the hypothesis of an endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria? A.Each mitochondrion has its own DNA molecule. B.Some algae contain plastids surrounded by four membranes. C.Diplomonads have modified mitochondria called mitosomes.

A.Each mitochondrion has its own DNA molecule.

Which of the following statements about Ulva's haploid stage is true? A.Haploid cells are produced by meiosis of diploid cells. B.Gametes of the same mating type fuse to produce a diploid zygote. C.The haploid Ulva cells are genetically identical to their diploid parents. D.Haploid cells produce gametes by meiosis.

A.Haploid cells are produced by meiosis of diploid cells.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. If true, which of the following is the best evidence that the cyanelles are providing nutrition (in other words, calories) to the surrounding cercozoan? A.If radiolabeled 14CO2 enters the cyanelle and if, subsequently, radiolabeled glucose is present in cercozoan cytosol. B.If the vesicle membrane that surrounds each cyanelle possesses glucose-transport proteins. C.If the cyanelle performs aerobic respiration. D.If radiolabeled "heavy" water, 2H2O, enters the cyanelle and if, subsequently, radiolabeled oxygen appears in cercozoan cytosol. E.If the cyanelle performs aerobic photosynthesis.

A.If radiolabeled 14CO2 enters the cyanelle and if, subsequently, radiolabeled glucose is present in cercozoan cytosol.

As with all multicellular organisms, homeotic genes in plants control morphogenesis (how the tissues and organs of the plant are arranged). In maize plants, the homeotic gene KNOTTED1 (abbreviated KN1) helps maintain the indeterminate state of shoot apical meristems. In wild-type maize plants, KN1 is expressed at high levels in the shoot apical meristem, but is expressed at low levels in leaves. In some mutant maize plants, KN1 is expressed at high levels in leaves. In those plants, outgrowths or knots of adventitious shoot meristems (shoot meristems that appear in abnormal locations on the leaves) form. Use this information to determine which of the following statements are true. Select the four statements that are true. A.In wild-type maize plants, the KN1 gene is mostly expressed in shoot apical meristem cells. B.Expression of the KN1 gene in shoot apical meristem cells produces a protein involved in the maintenance of shoot apical meristems. C.Leaves of the mutant maize plants produce more KN1 protein than leaves of wild-type maize plants. D.In wild-type maize plants, the KN1 gene is present in shoot apical meristem cells, but not in leaf cells. E.Both the wild-type and mutant maize leaves have the same morphology. F.In mutant maize leaves, the KN1 gene is mostly not expressed. G.In wild-type maize plants, the KN1 gene is expressed differentially in shoot apical meristem cells and leaf cells.

A.In wild-type maize plants, the KN1 gene is mostly expressed in shoot apical meristem cells. B.Expression of the KN1 gene in shoot apical meristem cells produces a protein involved in the maintenance of shoot apical meristems. C.Leaves of the mutant maize plants produce more KN1 protein than leaves of wild-type maize plants. G.In wild-type maize plants, the KN1 gene is expressed differentially in shoot apical meristem cells and leaf cells.

What is the difference between a linkage map and a physical map? A.Markers are spaced by recombination frequency on a linkage map and by number of base pairs on a physical map. B.A linkage map shows how each gene is linked to every other gene, but a physical map does not. C.The ATCG order and sequence must be determined for a linkage map but not for a physical map. D.There is no difference between the two except in the type of pictorial representation. E.Distances must be calculable in units such as nanometers on a physical map but not on a linkage map.

A.Markers are spaced by recombination frequency on a linkage map and by number of base pairs on a physical map.

Which of the following statements about genome sizes is true? A.Most eukaryotes have larger genomes than most prokaryotes. B.Species within a phylogenetic group such as flowering plants or insects have similar genome sizes. C.The human genome is the largest and most complex. D.Large animals have larger genomes than plants. E.All of the above statements are true.

A.Most eukaryotes have larger genomes than most prokaryotes. The only exceptions may be intracellular parasites whose genomes have undergone reduction because they are dependent on their hosts for many functions.

Which of the findings of the Human Genome Project were contrary to initial expectations? Select all that apply. A.Ninety-three percent of multi-exon human genes have alternatively spliced forms. B.The human genome contains fewer than 21,000 genes. C.The human genome contains 3,000 Mb.

A.Ninety-three percent of multi-exon human genes have alternatively spliced forms. B.The human genome contains fewer than 21,000 genes.

A large proportion of archaeans are extremophiles, so called because they inhabit extreme environments with high acidity, salinity, and/or temperature. Such environments are thought to have been much more common on the primitive Earth. Thus, modern extremophiles survive only in places that their ancestors became adapted to long ago. Which of the following is, consequently, a valid statement about modern extremophiles, assuming that their habitats have remained relatively unchanged? A.On a phylogenetic tree whose branch lengths are proportional to the amount of genetic change, the branches of the extremophiles should be shorter than the non-extremophilic archaeans. B.They should contain genes that originated in eukaryotes that are the hosts for numerous species of bacteria. C.They should currently be undergoing a high level of horizontal gene transfer with non-extremophilic archaeans. D.Among themselves, they should share relatively few ancestral traits, especially those that enabled ancestral forms to adapt to extreme conditions.

A.On a phylogenetic tree whose branch lengths are proportional to the amount of genetic change, the branches of the extremophiles should be shorter than the non-extremophilic archaeans.

Select the best description of the significance of the meristems of plants. A.Plant meristems are permanently embryonic regions within the plant body. B.Plant meristems are present only in young plants. C.Plant meristems are active only for repair of wounds or damage to plants.

A.Plant meristems are permanently embryonic regions within the plant body.

Contamination of a sample with cells (and their corresponding DNA sequences) from other organisms is always a potential problem in this type of experiment. In this case, it is important to make sure that the section of DNA your professor sequenced came from the pathogen and not from the host, human cells that might have contaminated your sample. Because the entire human genome has been sequenced, and BLAST has the capability of restricting a search to include only human sequences, it is easy to determine if the sequence your professor provided is more similar to that from a fungal pathogen or from a human. Go back to the nucleotide blast search page. Copy the nucleotide sequence that your professor sent you (repeated below) and paste it in the Enter Query Sequence box at the top of the page. 1 ccgagtatac aactcccgaa cccctgtgaa cataccttac gcgttgcctc ggcggatcag 61 cccgctcccg gtaagacggg acggcccgcc agaggacccc tagactcagt ttctatatgt 121 aacttctgag tataaccatt aatacatca In the Choose Search Set box, choose the database Human genomic + transcript. In the Program Selection box, choose Highly similar sequences (megablast). Click the BLAST button. If you don't get any hits, return to the search page and choose Somewhat similar sequences (blastn) in the Program Selection box. Click BLAST again. Did you find any sequences in the human genome that were statistically similar to your query sequence? A.Similar sequences were found only with the blastn (lower similarity) search. B.There were no similarities with either the megablast (high similarity) or the blastn (lower similarity) search. C.Similar sequences were found only with the megablast (high similarity) search. D.Similar sequences were found with both the megablast (high similarity) and the blastn (lower similarity) searches.

A.Similar sequences were found only with the blastn (lower similarity) search.

One of the key features of BLAST is that it permits you to make quantitative comparisons of sequence similarities (alignments) between your query sequence and every other sequence in the database. The quantity that is most frequently reported in a statistical comparison of sequence alignments is the E value (expectation value). The E value is the probability that by chance there is another sequence with a better alignment to your query sequence than that particular hit. Scroll to the Descriptions section of your results and examine the E values for your hits. How do the E values change as you go from the top of the list of hits to the bottom? A.The E values get larger. B.The E values get smaller. C.The E values remain the same

A.The E values get larger.

Traditionally, zoologists have placed birds in their own class, Aves. More recently, molecular evidence has shown that birds are more closely related to reptiles than their anatomy reveals. Genetically, birds are more closely related to crocodiles than crocodiles are to turtles. Thus, bird anatomy has become highly modified as they have adapted to flight, without their genes having undergone nearly as much change. Taxonomically, what should be done with the birds? A.The birds should be reclassified, and their new taxon should be the subclass Aves. Genetic similarity trumps morphological dissimilarity in cases where morphological traits are uninformative. B.The traditional stance is correct. Such dramatic morphological change as undergone by birds merits that the birds be placed in their own order, separate from the reptiles. C.The classification scheme should remain the same because of historical precedence. D.The rest of the reptiles should be reclassified as a subclass within the class Aves.

A.The birds should be reclassified, and their new taxon should be the subclass Aves. Genetic similarity trumps morphological dissimilarity in cases where morphological traits are uninformative.

Select the four statements about Plasmodium that are true. A.The complete life cycle of Plasmodium requires two hosts. B.Inside an infected mosquito, haploid gametes fuse, forming a haploid zygote that develops into an oocyst. C.Plasmodium cells are transferred to humans through mosquito saliva. D.Inside an infected mosquito, haploid gametes fuse, forming a diploid zygote that develops into an oocyst. E.Plasmodium cells infect two specific types of cells in humans. F.The life cycle of Plasmodium involves only haploid forms. G.When a mosquito bites a human with malaria, diploid Plasmodium cells enter the mosquito

A.The complete life cycle of Plasmodium requires two hosts. C.Plasmodium cells are transferred to humans through mosquito saliva. D.Inside an infected mosquito, haploid gametes fuse, forming a diploid zygote that develops into an oocyst. E.Plasmodium cells infect two specific types of cells in humans.

Other than the transport of materials, what is another function that vascular tissue performs in a leaf? A.The tissue functions as a skeleton that reinforces the shape of the leaf. B.The tissue contains the cells that perform photosynthesis. C.The tissue regulates the opening and closing of pores in stomata complexes. D.The tissue stores sugars produced by photosynthesis. E.The tissue contains a labyrinth of air spaces that allows for gas exchange

A.The tissue functions as a skeleton that reinforces the shape of the leaf.

Unequal crossing over during prophase I can result in one sister chromosome with a deletion and another with a duplication. A mutated form of hemoglobin, so-called hemoglobin Lepore, exists in the human population. Hemoglobin Lepore has a deleted series of amino acids. If this mutated form was caused by unequal crossing over, what would be an expected consequence? A.There should also be persons whose hemoglobin contains two copies of the series of amino acids that is deleted in hemoglobin Lepore. B.If it is still maintained in the human population, hemoglobin Lepore must be selected for in evolution. C.The deleted region must be located in a different area of the individual's genome. D.The deleted gene must have undergone exon shuffling. E.Each of the genes in the hemoglobin gene family must show the same deletion.

A.There should also be persons whose hemoglobin contains two copies of the series of amino acids that is deleted in hemoglobin Lepore.

Go back to the results page and scroll to the Descriptions section. By examining the information in the Description column of the Descriptions section, it should be clear that your query sequence is most similar to sequences obtained from the fungus Fusarium oxysporum or other closely related fungal species. Other than the genus and species information, what characteristics do most of the top hit sequences share? Select the two best answers. A.They contain a sequence of an internal transcribed spacer. B.They contain a sequence of an intergenic spacer. C.They contain a ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence. D.They contain a genomic DNA sequence.

A.They contain a sequence of an internal transcribed spacer. C.They contain a ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence.

Why did the researchers include five bacterial species in the comparison matrix? A.They wanted to identify which bacterium is most closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria. B.They wanted to identify how many of the five bacterial species have rRNA genes. C.One of the species was a test, and the other four were controls. D.They wanted to identify the evolutionary relationships among the five bacterial species

A.They wanted to identify which bacterium is most closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. Which of the following represents the true significance of the finding that the cyanelles of P. chromatophora stem from a different type of cyanobacterium than gave rise to chloroplasts? A.This finding indicates that there is a second evolutionary lineage of photosynthetic eukaryotes. B.This finding is the strongest evidence yet for the theory of endosymbiosis. C.This finding is an example of the phenomenon known as "serial endosymbiosis." D.This finding represents the first time that primary endosymbiosis has been directly observed. E.This finding is the first evidence that eukaryotic cells do not necessarily digest prokaryotic cells that manage to gain access to their cytoplasm.

A.This finding indicates that there is a second evolutionary lineage of photosynthetic eukaryotes.

Why do some cells have a dash rather than a value? A.Those cells would compare one species to itself. B.Those cells would duplicate comparisons shown elsewhere in the matrix. C.Those comparisons were not made by the researchers.

A.Those cells would compare one species to itself.

How do transposons differ from retrotransposons? Select all that apply. A.Transposons may or may not leave a copy behind at the original site, whereas retrotransposons always leave a copy behind at the original site. B.Transposons move by means of a DNA intermediate, whereas retrotransposons move by means of an RNA intermediate. C.Retrotransposons reverse the effects of transposons.

A.Transposons may or may not leave a copy behind at the original site, whereas retrotransposons always leave a copy behind at the original site. B.Transposons move by means of a DNA intermediate, whereas retrotransposons move by means of an RNA intermediate.

Neutral theory proposes that A.a significant proportion of mutations are not acted upon by natural selection. B.molecular clocks are more reliable when the surrounding pH is close to 7.0. C.most mutations of highly conserved DNA sequences should have no functional effect. D.DNA is less susceptible to mutation when it codes for amino acid sequences whose side groups (or R groups) have a neutral electrical charge. E.DNA is less susceptible to mutation when it codes for amino acid sequences whose side groups (or R groups) have a neutral pH.

A.a significant proportion of mutations are not acted upon by natural selection.

Which of the following pairs are the best examples of homologous structures? A.bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb B.owl wing and hornet wing C.eyelessness in the Australian mole and eyelessness in the North American mole D.bat wing and bird wing

A.bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb

Which three groups contain large algae known as seaweeds? A.brown algae, red algae, and green algae B.chlorophytes, charophyceans, and red algae C.plants, fungi, and choanoflagellates D.dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and green algae E.diatoms, golden algae, and brown algae

A.brown algae, red algae, and green algae

Figure shows a diagram of blocks of genes on human chromosome 16 and the locations of blocks of similar genes on four chromosomes of the mouse. The movement of these blocks suggests that Use the following figure to answer the next question. A.chromosomal translocations have moved blocks of sequences to other chromosomes. B.higher mammals have more convergence of gene sequences related in function. C.during evolutionary time, these sequences have separated and have returned to their original positions. D.DNA sequences within these blocks have become increasingly divergent. E.sequences represented have duplicated at least three times.

A.chromosomal translocations have moved blocks of sequences to other chromosomes.

Which of the following pairs of protists and their characteristics is mismatched? A.ciliates-red tide organisms B.golden algae-planktonic producers C.euglenozoans-unicellular flagellates D.entamoebas-ingestive heterotrophs E.apicomplexans-internal parasites

A.ciliates-red tide organisms

A microarray known as a GeneChip, with most of the human protein-coding genetic sequences, has been developed to aid in the study of human cancer by first comparing two to three subsets of cancer subtypes. What kind of information might be gleaned from this GeneChip to aid in cancer prevention? that could alert patients to what kind of cancer they were likely to acquire B.information about which parent might have provided a patient with cancer-causing genes C.information on cancer epidemiology in the United States or elsewhere D.evidence that might suggest how best to treat a person's cancer with chemotherapy E.information about whether or not a patient has this type of cancer prior to treatment that could alert patients to what kind of cancer they were likely to acquire

The cells of _____ and _____ have modified mitochondria. A.diplomonads ...parabasalids B.fungi ... stramenopiles C.dinoflagellates ... metazoans D.chlorophytes ... ciliates E.euglenozoans ... alveolates

A.diplomonads ...parabasalids Correct. The cells of diplomonads and parabasalids have modified or reduced mitochondria

A multigene family is composed of A.genes whose sequences are very similar and that probably arose by duplication. B.a gene whose exons can be spliced in a number of different ways. C.the many tandem repeats such as those found in centromeres and telomeres. D.a highly conserved gene found in a number of different species. E.multiple genes whose products must be coordinately expressed.

A.genes whose sequences are very similar and that probably arose by duplication.

The most important feature that permits a gene to act as a molecular clock is A.having a reliable average rate of mutation. B.its recent origin by a gene-duplication event. C.its being acted upon by natural selection. D.having a larger proportion of exonic DNA than of intronic DNA. E.having a large number of base pairs.

A.having a reliable average rate of mutation.

Cladograms (a type of phylogenetic tree) constructed from evidence from molecular systematics are based on similarities in A.mutations to homologous genes. B.biochemical pathways. C.habitat and lifestyle choices. D.morphology. E.the pattern of embryological development.

A.mutations to homologous genes.

In humans, the embryonic and fetal forms of hemoglobin have a higher affinity for oxygen than that of adults. This is due to A.nonidentical genes that produce different versions of globins during development. B.identical genes that generate many copies of the ribosomes needed for fetal globin production. C.histone proteins changing shape during embryonic development. D.the attachment of methyl groups to cytosine following birth, which changes the type of hemoglobin produced. E.pseudogenes, which interfere with gene expression in adults.

A.nonidentical genes that produce different versions of globins during development.

Molecular clocks are based on the idea that _____. A.on average neutral mutations arise at a constant rate B.mutations occur once every generation C.molecules resonate at a certain frequency that can be measured D.directional selection occurs at a constant rate E.advantageous mutations arise at a constant rate

A.on average neutral mutations arise at a constant rate

Which group is incorrectly paired with its description? algae-acquired plastids by secondary endosymbiosis B.rhizarians-morphologically diverse group defined by DNA similarities C.apicomplexans-parasites with intricate life cycles D.diplomonads-protists with modified mitochondria E.diatoms-important producers in aquatic communities algae-acquired plastids by secondary endosymbiosis

Advantages of using algae as a biofuel include _______. Select all that apply. A.replacing fossil fuels with a renewable source of energy B.decreasing the ecological impact of drilling for fossil fuels C.producing fuel in a wider range of geographic areas D.preserving jobs in the fossil fuel extraction industry

A.replacing fossil fuels with a renewable source of energy B.decreasing the ecological impact of drilling for fossil fuels C.producing fuel in a wider range of geographic areas

Plastids that are surrounded by more than two membranes are evidence of A.secondary endosymbiosis. B.budding of the plastids from the nuclear envelope. C.evolution from mitochondria. D.fusion of plastids. E.origin of the plastids from archaea.

A.secondary endosymbiosis.

The legless condition that is observed in several groups of extant reptiles is the result of A.several instances of the legless condition arising independently of each other. B.their common ancestor having been legless. C.a shared adaptation to an arboreal (living in trees) lifestyle. D.individual lizards adapting to a fossorial (living in burrows) lifestyle during their lifetimes.

A.several instances of the legless condition arising independently of each other.

The relative lengths of the frog and mouse branches in the phylogeny in Figure 26.12 in your textbook indicate that A.the homolog has evolved more slowly in mice. B.frogs evolved before mice. C.mice evolved before frogs. D.the genes of frogs and mice have only coincidental homoplasies. E.the homolog has evolved more rapidly in mice.

A.the homolog has evolved more slowly in mice.

Dr. Cattolico's work has resulted in _______. A.the identification of several algae species as potential sources of biofuel B.the production of enough biodiesel to replace gasoline in the state of Washington C.the isolation of an algal protein that can be converted into a lipid D.pond scum clean-up and water quality improvements

A.the identification of several algae species as potential sources of biofuel

The term homoplasy is most applicable to which of the following features? A.the legless condition found in various lineages of extant lizards B.the five-digit condition of human hands and bat wings C.the β hemoglobin genes of mice and of humans D.the bones of bat forelimbs and the bones of bird forelimbs E.the fur that covers Australian moles and North American moles

A.the legless condition found in various lineages of extant lizards

The comparison between the number of human genes and those of other animal species has led to many conclusions, including A.the number of proteins expressed by the human genome is far more than the number of its genes. B.most human DNA consists of genes for protein, tRNA, rRNA, and miRNA. C.the genomes of other organisms are most significantly smaller than the human genome. D.the density of the human genome is far higher than in most other animals.

A.the number of proteins expressed by the human genome is far more than the number of its genes.

One of the characteristics of retrotransposons is that One of the characteristics of retrotransposons is that A.they code for an enzyme that synthesizes DNA using an RNA template. B.they generally move by a cut-and-paste mechanism. C.they are found only in animal cells. D.their amplification is dependent on a retrovirus. E.they contribute a significant portion of the genetic variability seen within a population of gametes

A.they code for an enzyme that synthesizes DNA using an RNA template.

Bioinformatics includes all of the following except Bioinformatics includes all of the following except A.using molecular biology to combine DNA from two different sources in a test tube. B.developing computer-based tools for genome analysis. C.using mathematical tools to make sense of biological systems. D.using computer programs to align DNA sequences. E.analyzing protein interactions in a species.

A.using molecular biology to combine DNA from two different sources in a test tube.

How is a physical map of the genome of an organism achieved? A.using restriction enzyme cutting sites B.using recombination frequency C.using sequencing of nucleotides D.using very high-powered microscopy E.using DNA fingerprinting via electrophoresis

A.using restriction enzyme cutting sites

In which section of the search results can you find nucleotide-by-nucleotide comparisons between your query sequence and similar database sequences? Graphic Summary Descriptions Alignments


The members of _____ are characterized by cells with small membrane-bounded cavities under their cell membranes. Stramenopila Chlorophyta Mycetozoa Alveolata Rhodophyta


Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. The genome of modern chloroplasts is roughly 50% the size of the genome of the cyanobacterium from which it is thought to have been derived. In comparison, the genome of P. chromatophora's cyanelle is only slightly reduced relative to the size of the genome of the cyanobacterium from which it is thought to have been derived. What is a valid hypothesis that can be drawn from this comparison? A. Lytic phage infections have targeted the chloroplast genome more often than the P. chromatophora genome. B. P. chromatophora's cyanelle is the result of an evolutionarily recent endosymbiosis. C. The genome of the chloroplast ancestor contained many more introns that could be lost without harm, compared to the cyanelle's genome. D. All three of the hypotheses above are valid. E.only A and B are correct.

B. P. chromatophora's cyanelle is the result of an evolutionarily recent endosymbiosis.

Select the correct statement about plant growth. A.Plant growth and form is determined solely by genetic factors. B.A plant may produce juvenile and adult leaves at the same time. C.Nonwoody plants grow by primary growth, whereas woody plants grow by secondary growth

B.A plant may produce juvenile and adult leaves at the same time.

Why do researchers use rRNA in investigations of relationships between taxa that diverged hundreds of millions of years ago? A.rRNA mutates rapidly. B.DNA coding for rRNA changes relatively slowly. C.rRNA cannot mutate. D.rRNA is never the nucleic acid chosen for comparisons. E.rRNA is traditionally the nucleic acid chosen for recent comparisons.

B.DNA coding for rRNA changes relatively slowly.

What are Hox genes? A.Hox genes regulate flower development. B.Hox genes encode transcription factors with a DNA-binding domain called a homeo box, and regulate development of the vertebrate body plan. C.Hox genes regulate sex determination in mammals. D.Hox genes are transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences called homeodomains. E.Hox encode transcription factors that respond to steroids.

B.Hox genes encode transcription factors with a DNA-binding domain called a homeo box, and regulate development of the vertebrate body plan. Hox genes and their functions have been highly conserved throughout the animal kingdom.

Use your browser's Find function to locate accession number FN397219.1. Click on the Description , or find the accession number again in the Alignments section. Note that FN397219.1 is from an uncultured (unidentified) species of fungus, but appears to contain the same rRNA sequences as the AY259214.1 sequence you examined in Part F. Recall that the alignment of your query sequence with the AY259214.1 sequence in Part F had 10 nucleotide differences and 0 gaps (139/149 identities). How does the alignment of the FN397219.1 sequence to your query sequence compare to the alignment of the AY259214.1 sequence you examined in Part F? A.The two alignments are identical. B.In the FN397219.1 alignment, there are the same number of nucleotide differences but more gaps. C.In the FN397219.1 alignment, there are more nucleotide differences but the same number of gaps. D.In the FN397219.1 alignment, there are more nucleotide differences and more gaps. E.In the FN397219.1 alignment, there are fewer nucleotide differences and fewer gaps.

B.In the FN397219.1 alignment, there are the same number of nucleotide differences but more gaps.

Similar to most amoebozoans, the forams and the radiolarians also have pseudopods, as do some of the white blood cells of animals (monocytes). If one were to erect a taxon that included all organisms that have cells with pseudopods, what would be true of such a taxon? A.It would include all eukaryotes. B.It would be polyphyletic. C.It would be monophyletic. D.It would be paraphyletic.

B.It would be polyphyletic.

Which of these are homologous structures? A.There are no homologous plant structures. B.Ivy leaf and pine needle C.Plant root and plant leaf

B.Ivy leaf and pine needle

Which of the following statements is false? A.A preprophase band determines where a cell plate will form in a dividing cell. B.Plant cells differentiate because the cytoskeleton determines which genes will be turned "on" and "off." C.Arabidopsis was the first plant to have its genome sequenced. D.Homeotic genes often control morphogenesis. E.The way in which a plant cell differentiates is determined by the cell's position in the developing plant body.

B.Plant cells differentiate because the cytoskeleton determines which genes will be turned "on" and "off."

How do retrotransposons differ from other transposons? A.Retrotransposons have retained the ability to move about a genome, an ability that has been lost by other transposons. B.Retrotransposons move via an RNA transcript, whereas other transposons do not. C.Retrotransposons have lost the ability to move about a genome. D.Only retrotransposons can affect gene expression. E.Retrotransposons are likely to be the remains of a viral infection.

B.Retrotransposons move via an RNA transcript, whereas other transposons do not.

Which of the following is a true statement? A.Secondary growth is a common feature of eudicot leaves. B.Secondary growth is produced by both the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. C.Primary growth and secondary growth alternate in the life cycle of a plant. D.Plants with secondary growth are typically the smallest ones in an ecosystem. E.Flowers may have secondary growth.

B.Secondary growth is produced by both the vascular cambium and the cork cambium.

Now that you understand what E values mean, you can determine which hit or hits represent the best match(es) to your query sequence. Which statement best describes the results shown in the Descriptions section? A.Only one hit derived from Fusarium oxysporum is the best match to the query sequence. B.Several hits derived from Fusarium oxysporum are best matches to the query sequence. C.Only one hit derived from Fusarium redolens is the best match to the query sequence. D.Several hits derived from Fusarium redolens are best matches to the query sequence.

B.Several hits derived from Fusarium oxysporum are best matches to the query sequence.

Which of the following is true? A.Slime molds colonized land after plants and animals. B.Slime molds colonized land before plants and animals. C.Slime molds colonized land before plants, but after animals. D.Slime molds colonized land before animals, but after plants.

B.Slime molds colonized land before plants and animals.

Which of the following is true? A.No species of slime mold form colonies. B.Some species of slime molds form colonies. C.Slime molds form colonies only for reproduction. D.All species of slime mold form colonies.

B.Some species of slime molds form colonies.

Which of the following is true of all horizontally oriented phylogenetic trees, where time advances to the right? A.The more branch points there are, the fewer taxa are likely to be represented. B.The common ancestor represented by the rightmost branch point existed more recently in time than the common ancestors represented at branch points located to the left. C.The fewer branch points that occur between two taxa, the more divergent their DNA sequences should be. D.Each branch point represents a point in absolute time. E.Organisms represented at the base of such trees are descendants of those represented at higher levels.

B.The common ancestor represented by the rightmost branch point existed more recently in time than the common ancestors represented at branch points located to the left.

Why is the outdated term "junk DNA" a misnomer for noncoding regions of the human genome? A.So-called "junk DNA" is transcribed into rRNA and tRNA. B.The conservation of "junk DNA" sequences in diverse genomes suggests that they have important functions. C.Most areas of the human genome once called "junk DNA" actually do code for protein.

B.The conservation of "junk DNA" sequences in diverse genomes suggests that they have important functions.

Living diatoms contain brownish plastids. If global warming causes blooms of diatoms in the surface waters of Earth's oceans, how might this be harmful to the animals that build coral reefs? A.The coral animals may die from overeating the plentiful diatoms, with their cases of silica. B.The coral animals' endosymbiotic dinoflagellates may get "shaded out" by the diatoms. C.The coral animals, which capture planktonic organisms, may be outcompeted by the diatoms. D.The diatoms' photosynthetic output may over-oxygenate the water.

B.The coral animals' endosymbiotic dinoflagellates may get "shaded out" by the diatoms.

You are a mammalogist and you discover a new species you believe is closely related to the hyrax, elephant, and manatee. Which of the following would most likely be true? A.The male of the newly discovered species has no testes. B.The male of the newly discovered species has testes inside of its body. C.The male of the newly discovered species has one testis inside its body and one outside. D.The male of the newly discovered species has testes outside of its body.

B.The male of the newly discovered species has testes inside of its body.

Based on the phylogenetic tree in Figure 28.3 in your textbook, which of the following statements is correct? A.The most recent common ancestor of Chromalveolata is older than that of Rhizaria. B.The most basal (first to diverge) eukaryotic supergroup cannot be determined. C.Excavata is the most basal eukaryotic supergroup. D.The most recent common ancestor of red algae and land plants is older than that of nucleariids and fungi. E.The most recent common ancestor of Excavata is older than that of Chromalveolata.

B.The most basal (first to diverge) eukaryotic supergroup cannot be determined.

Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of related groups of organisms. Organisms are grouped into taxa based on homologous characteristics, shared traits that result from common ancestry. Which statement is true? A.Ancestral traits are always simpler than derived traits. B.The term "monophyletic" refers to a taxon that includes an ancestral species and all of its descendants. C.Homologous structures look the same and serve the same function, but they differ in evolutionary origin and structure.

B.The term "monophyletic" refers to a taxon that includes an ancestral species and all of its descendants.

Which of the following is characteristic of ciliates? A.They can exchange genetic material with other ciliates by the process of mitosis. B.They are often multinucleate. C.They use pseudopods as locomotory structures or as feeding structures. D.Most live as solitary autotrophs in fresh water. E.They are relatively specialized cells.

B.They are often multinucleate.

Why are some cells shaded gray, with no value? A.Those cells would compare one species to itself. B.Those cells would duplicate comparisons shown elsewhere in the matrix. C.Those comparisons were not made by the researchers

B.Those cells would duplicate comparisons shown elsewhere in the matrix.

Identify the correct statement(s) about transposable elements. Select all that apply. A.Transposable elements are called "jumping genes" because they detach from their location in DNA before reattaching in a different location. B.Transposable elements and related sequences make up 44% of the human genome. C.Telomeric simple sequence DNA is made up of transposable elements.

B.Transposable elements and related sequences make up 44% of the human genome.

The phase change of an apical meristem from the juvenile to the mature vegetative phase is often revealed by A.a change in the orientation of preprophase bands and cytoplasmic microtubules in lateral meristems. B.a change in the morphology of the leaves produced. C.the activation of floral meristem identity genes. D.the initiation of secondary growth. E.the formation of lateral roots.

B.a change in the morphology of the leaves produced.

The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. A P. bursaria cell that has lost its zoochlorellae is said to be aposymbiotic. It might be able to replenish its contingent of zoochlorellae by ingesting them without subsequently digesting them. Which of the following situations would be most favorable to the reestablishment of resident zoochlorellae, assuming compatible Chlorella are present in P. bursaria's habitat? A.abundant light, no bacterial prey B.abundant light, abundant bacterial prey light, no bacterial prey light, abundant bacterial prey

B.abundant light, abundant bacterial prey

Diatoms are encased in Petri-platelike cases (valves) made of translucent hydrated silica whose thickness can be varied. The material used to store excess calories can also be varied. At certain times, diatoms store excess calories in the form of the liquid polysaccharide, laminarin, and at other times as oil. The following are data concerning the density (specific gravity) of various components of diatoms, and of their environment. Specific Gravities of Materials Relevant to Diatoms Material Specific Gravity (kg/m3) Pure water 1,000 Seawater 1,026 Hydrated silica 2,250 Liquid laminarin 1,500 Diatom oil 910 Using dead diatoms to "pump" CO2 to the seafloor is feasible only if dead diatoms sink quickly. Consequently, application of mineral fertilizers, such as iron, should be most effective at times when diatom valves A.are thickest, and oil is being produced rather than laminarin. B.are thickest, and laminarin is being produced rather than oil. C.are thinnest, and laminarin is being produced rather than oil. D.are thinnest, and oil is being produced rather than laminarin.

B.are thickest, and laminarin is being produced rather than oil.

Which protists are in the same eukaryotic supergroup as land plants? algae B.both red algae and green algae C.brown algae D.dinoflagellates algae

B.both red algae and green algae

To apply parsimony to constructing a phylogenetic tree, A.choose the tree with the fewest branch points. B.choose the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary changes, in either DNA sequences or morphology. C.choose the tree that assumes all evolutionary changes are equally probable. D.choose the tree in which the branch points are based on as many shared derived characters as possible. E.base phylogenetic trees only on the fossil record, as this provides the simplest explanation for evolution

B.choose the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary changes, in either DNA sequences or morphology.

When does exon shuffling occur? A.during faulty DNA repair B.during meiotic recombination C.during post-translational modification of proteins D.during DNA replication E.during splicing of DNA

B.during meiotic recombination

Homeotic genes A.are found only in Drosophila and other arthropods. B.encode transcription factors that control the expression of genes responsible for the organism's development. C.encode proteins that form anatomical structures in the fly. D.are the only genes that contain the homeobox domain. E.are responsible for patterning during plant development.

B.encode transcription factors that control the expression of genes responsible for the organism's development.

Species that are not closely related and that do not share many anatomical similarities can still be placed together on the same phylogenetic tree by comparing their A.plasmids. B.homologous genes that are highly conserved. C.mitochondrial genomes. D.homologous genes that are poorly conserved.

B.homologous genes that are highly conserved.

When technology is available, the next step in Dr. Cattolico's research will be _______. A.purchasing more coolers to store additional flasks B.increasing the amount of algae grown at one time C.adjusting the amount of light needed to grow algae D.reducing the cost of growing algae by decreasing nutrient requirements

B.increasing the amount of algae grown at one time

For mapping studies of genomes, most of which were far along before 2000, the three-stage method was often used. Which of the following is the usual order in which the stages were performed, assuming some overlap of the three? A.physical map, linkage map, sequencing B.linkage map, physical map, sequencing of fragments C.cytogenetic linkage, sequencing, physical map D.genetic map, sequencing of fragments, physical map E.sequencing of entire genome, physical map, genetic map

B.linkage map, physical map, sequencing of fragments

The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. The motility that permits P. bursaria to move toward a light source is provided by A.contractile vacuoles. B.many cilia. C.pseudopods. D.a single flagellum featuring the 9 + 2 pattern. E.a single flagellum composed of the protein, flagellin.

B.many cilia

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. If the mitosomes of Giardia contain no DNA, yet are descendants of what were once free-living organisms, then where are we likely to find the genes that encode their structures, and what accounts for their current location there? A.nucleus; S phase B.nucleus; horizontal gene transfer C.plasmids; conjugation D.plasmids; transformation

B.nucleus; horizontal gene transfer

Linnaeus was a "fixist" who believed that species remained fixed in the form in which they had been created. Linnaeus would have been uncomfortable with A.the scientific discipline known as taxonomy. B.phylogenies. C.a hierarchical classification scheme. D.classifying organisms using the morphospecies concept. nested, ever-more inclusive categories of organisms.


Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. Unlike most excavates, Giardia trophozoites have no oral groove and are unable to form food vacuoles. Thus, we should expect its nutrition (mostly glucose) to come from A.osmosis involving aquaporins. B.plasma membrane proteins that are transporters or pumps. C.endosymbiotic cyanobacteria. D.its mitosomes. E.the ventral disk by which it adheres to the intestinal lining

B.plasma membrane proteins that are transporters or pumps.

Cellular differentiation and morphogenesis in plants depends primarily on _____. A.symmetrical cell division B.regulation of gene expression C.clonal analysis D.changes in the genomes of different cells in different parts of the plant E.developmental phase changes

B.regulation of gene expression

Identify the three main categories of hits in terms of similarity to the query sequence. (For help approaching this question, see Hint 1.) A.sequences that are similar to the last 75 amino acids of the query sequence B.sequences that are similar to the last 170 amino acids of the query sequence C.sequences that are similar to the entire length of the query sequence D.sequences that are similar to the first 75 amino acids of the query sequence E.sequences that are similar to the first 170 amino acids of the query sequence

B.sequences that are similar to the last 170 amino acids of the query sequence C.sequences that are similar to the entire length of the query sequence D.sequences that are similar to the first 75 amino acids of the query sequence

Which of the following can be duplicated in a genome? A.DNA sequences below a minimum size only B.sequences, chromosomes, or sets of chromosomes C.entire chromosomes only D.entire sets of chromosomes only E.DNA sequences above a minimum size only

B.sequences, chromosomes, or sets of chromosomes

What is metagenomics? A.the sequence of one or two representative genes from several species B.sequencing DNA from a group of species from the same ecosystem C.genomics as applied to a species that most typifies the average phenotype of its genus D.the sequencing of only the most highly conserved genes in a lineage E.genomics as applied to an entire phylum

B.sequencing DNA from a group of species from the same ecosystem

When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is considered most important for classification? A.analogous primitive characters B.shared derived characters C.the number of homoplasies D.overall phenotypic similarity E.shared primitive characters

B.shared derived characters

What important criterion was used in the late 1960s to distinguish between the three multicellular eukaryotic kingdoms of the five-kingdom classification system? A.the biogeographic province where each first appears B.the nutritional modes they employ C.the geological stratum in which fossils first appear D.the number of cells present in individual organisms E.the features of their embryos

B.the nutritional modes they employ

The polarity of a plant is established when A.cotyledons form at the shoot end of the embryo. B.the zygote divides. C.the shoot-root axis is established in the embryo. D.the shoot first breaks through the soil into the light as the seed germinates. E.the primary root breaks through the seed coat.

B.the zygote divides.

Fragments of DNA have been extracted from the remnants of extinct woolly mammoths, amplified, and sequenced. These can now be used to A.introduce into relatives, such as elephants, certain mammoth traits. B.understand the evolutionary relationships among members of related taxa. the relationships among woolly mammoths and other wool-producers. D.appreciate the reasons why mammoths went extinct. E.clone live woolly mammoths.

B.understand the evolutionary relationships among members of related taxa.

Prokaryotic cells are found in the domain(s) _____. Bacteria and Archaea Bacteria and Eukarya Bacteria and Protista Bacteria Protista and Archaea

Bacteria and Archaea

Which tissue(s) make(s) up the bark of the woody stem shown here? Both secondary phloem and periderm Only woody epidermis Only layers of periderm

Both secondary phloem and periderm Bark includes all tissues external to the vascular cambium, including secondary phloem, the most recent periderm, and all the older layers of periderm. Read about the cork cambium and the production of peridermand and the layers of bark.

Which of the following statements concerning protists is true? A.Euglenozoans that are mixotrophic lack functional chloroplasts. B.All apicomplexans are autotrophic. C.All protists have mitochondria, though in some species they are much reduced and known by different names. D.All slime molds have an amoeboid stage that may be followed by a stage during which spores are produced. E.The primary organism that transmits malaria to humans by its bite is the tsetse fly.

C.All protists have mitochondria, though in some species they are much reduced and known by different names.

Which of the following is typically true regarding gestation time in mammals? A.The size of a mammal and its gestation length are too variable to make a conclusion. B.Gestation length is equal for all species of mammals. C.As size increases, gestation length increases. D.As size increases, gestation length decreases.

C.As size increases, gestation length increases.

Why might the cricket genome have 11 times as many base pairs as that of Drosophila melanogaster? A.The two insect species evolved at very different geologic eras. B.Drosophila are more complex organisms. C.Crickets must have more noncoding DNA. D.Crickets have higher gene density. E.Crickets must make many more proteins.

C.Crickets must have more noncoding DNA.

Coral bleaching, which causes high coral mortality, has been occurring widely in coral reefs. Coral bleaching actually refers to the death of symbiotic dinoflagellates living within the corals. Why does coral bleaching cause the corals to die? A.Dinoflagellates protect the corals from UV radiation. B.Dinoflagellates protect the corals from pathogenic bacteria. C.Dinoflagellates provide nutrients from the products of photosynthesis to the corals in exchange for a safe place to live. D.Dinoflagellates attract zooplankton and other prey that the corals eat. E.Dinoflagellates secrete the calcium carbonate that forms the "exoskeleton" of coral animals.

C.Dinoflagellates provide nutrients from the products of photosynthesis to the corals in exchange for a safe place to live.

Which statement represents the best explanation for the observation that the nuclear DNA of wolves and domestic dogs has a very high degree of sequence homology? A.Dogs and wolves are both members of the order Carnivora. B.Dogs and wolves have very similar morphologies. C.Dogs and wolves shared a common ancestor very recently. D.Dogs and wolves belong to the same order.

C.Dogs and wolves shared a common ancestor very recently.

Select the correct statement(s) about genome size and density. Select all that apply. A.Within eukaryotes, genome size is a reliable predictor of phenotypic complexity. B.Eukaryotes have higher gene densities than prokaryotes. C.Eukaryotic genomes are larger than prokaryotic genomes.

C.Eukaryotic genomes are larger than prokaryotic genomes.

Why is the filamentous morphology of the water molds considered a case of convergent evolution with fungi? A.Water molds evolved from filamentous fungi. B.Body shape reflects ancestor-descendant relationships among organisms. C.In both cases, filamentous shape is an adaptation for the absorptive nutritional mode of a decomposer. D.Filamentous body shape is evolutionarily ancestral for all eukaryotes. E.Both the first and second responses above are correct.

C.In both cases, filamentous shape is an adaptation for the absorptive nutritional mode of a decomposer.

An individual mixotroph loses its plastids, yet continues to survive. Which of the following most likely accounts for its continued survival? A.It must have gained extra mitochondria when it lost its plastids. B.It relies on photosystems that float freely in its cytosol. C.It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption. D.It is protected by a case made of silica. E.It has an endospore.

C.It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption.

Which of the following statements about the vascular cambium is true? A.It is a type of apical meristem. B.It develops into cork cells on the outside of the cortex. C.It is a layer of undifferentiated cells that develops into secondary xylem and phloem. D.It is located between the primary xylem and cortex.

C.It is a layer of undifferentiated cells that develops into secondary xylem and phloem.

There is some evidence that reptiles called cynodonts may have had whisker-like hairs around their mouths. If true, then what can be properly said of hair? A.It is a shared derived character of the amniote clade, and not of the mammal clade. B.It is a shared ancestral character of the amniote clade, but only if cynodonts are reclassified as mammals. C.It is a shared derived character of the mammals, but only if cynodonts are reclassified as mammals. D.It is a shared derived character of mammals, even if cynodonts continue to be classified as reptiles.

C.It is a shared derived character of the mammals, but only if cynodonts are reclassified as mammals.

Select the correct statement about photosynthesis by primary producers. A.Land plants carry out over 80% of the world's photosynthesis. B.Cyanobacteria carry out more of the world's photosynthesis than protists do. C.Photosynthetic protists and prokaryotes carry out the majority of the photosynthesis in aquatic communities.

C.Photosynthetic protists and prokaryotes carry out the majority of the photosynthesis in aquatic communities.

Select the correct statement about phylogenetic trees. A.Phylogenetic trees always show increased branching, representing increased diversity over time. B.All phylogenetic trees are similarly shaped. C.Phylogenetic trees may expand quickly to maximum width and then narrow over time.

C.Phylogenetic trees may expand quickly to maximum width and then narrow over time.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. In contrast, chimpanzees have 24 pairs of chromosomes and lack any pair resembling the long human chromosome 2 pair; instead, chimpanzees have two pairs of medium-sized chromosomes. What is the most likely explanation for these differences in the human and chimpanzee genomes? A.The common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees had 23 pairs of chromosomes, but when chimpanzees evolved, one of the chromosomes broke in half. B.Chromosome breakage resulted in additional centromeres being made, allowing meiosis to proceed successfully. C.The common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees had 24 pairs of chromosomes, and at some point in the human lineage, two chromosomes fused end to end, providing some selective advantage. D.Transposable elements transferred significantly large segments of the chromosomes to new locations. E.At some point in evolution, human ancestors and chimpanzee ancestors were able to mate and produce fertile offspring, making a new species.

C.The common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees had 24 pairs of chromosomes, and at some point in the human lineage, two chromosomes fused end to end, providing some selective advantage.

What characteristic of short tandem repeat DNA makes it useful for DNA fingerprinting? A.Every racial and ethnic group has inherited different short tandem repeats. B.The sequence of DNA that is repeated varies significantly from individual to individual. C.The number of repeats varies widely from person to person or animal to animal. D.The sequence variation is acted upon differently by natural selection in different environments.

C.The number of repeats varies widely from person to person or animal to animal.

The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. Theoretically, P.bursaria can obtain zoochlorella either vertically (via the asexual reproduction of its mother cell) or horizontally (by ingesting free-living Chlorella from its habitat). Consider a P. bursaria cell containing zoochlorellae, but whose habitat lacks free-living Chlorella. If this cell subsequently undergoes many generations of asexual reproduction, if all of its daughter cells contain roughly the same number of zoochlorellae as it had originally contained, and if the zoochlorellae are all haploid and identical in appearance, then what is true? A.The zoochlorellae also reproduced asexually, at a decreasing rate over time. B.The zoochlorellae reproduced sexually, undergoing heteromorphic alternation of generations. C.The zoochlorellae also reproduced asexually, at a fairly constant rate over time. D.The zoochlorellae reproduced sexually, undergoing isomorphic alternation of generations. E.The zoochlorellae also reproduced asexually, at an increasing rate over time.

C.The zoochlorellae also reproduced asexually, at a fairly constant rate over time.

What advantage do organisms that reproduce sexually have over organisms that reproduce asexually? A.Their offspring can exist in both haploid and diploid stages. B.Their offspring may have more mutations. C.Their offspring may be more adaptable to changes in the environment. D.Their offspring are bigger and better able to reproduce.

C.Their offspring may be more adaptable to changes in the environment.

Paralogous genes that have lost the function of coding for any functional gene product are known as "pseudogenes." Which of these is a valid prediction regarding the fate of pseudogenes over evolutionary time? A.They will ultimately regain their original function. B.They will be highly conserved. C.They will have relatively high mutation rates. D.They will be preserved by natural selection. E.They will be transformed into orthologous genes

C.They will have relatively high mutation rates.

Why do plants need secondary growth? A.To produce a more extensive root system B.To grow taller C.To provide structural support for the plant D.To produce new leaves

C.To provide structural support for the plant

In a comparison of birds and mammals, having four limbs is A.a character useful for sorting bird species. B.a shared derived character. C.a shared ancestral character. D.a character useful for distinguishing birds from mammals. example of analogy rather than homology.

C.a shared ancestral character.

Shoot elongation in a growing bud is due primarily to A.cell division at the shoot apical meristem and cell elongation directly below the shoot apical meristem. B.cell elongation directly below the shoot apical meristem. C.cell elongation localized in each internode. D.cell division localized in each internode. E.cell division at the shoot apical meristem.

C.cell elongation localized in each internode.

A phylogenetic tree constructed using sequence differences in mitochondrial DNA would be most valid for discerning the evolutionary relatedness of A.mosses and ferns. B.sharks and dolphins. C.chimpanzees and humans. D.fungi and animals. E.archaeans and bacteria.

C.chimpanzees and humans.

Which of the following most correctly describes the whole-genome shotgun technique for sequencing a genome? A.cloning large genome fragments into very large vectors such as YACs, followed by sequencing B.genetic mapping followed immediately by sequencing C.cloning fragments from many copies of an entire chromosome, sequencing the fragments, and then ordering the sequences D.cloning the whole genome directly, from one end to the other E.physical mapping followed immediately by sequencing

C.cloning fragments from many copies of an entire chromosome, sequencing the fragments, and then ordering the sequences

Animals that possess homologous structures probably _____. A.are the result of similar environmental pressures in different evolutionary lineages B.have increased genetic diversity C.evolved from the same ancestor D.are not related E.are the result of convergent evolution

C.evolved from the same ancestor

Bioinformatics can be used to scan sequences for probable genes looking for start and stop sites for transcription and for translation, for probable splice sites, and for sequences known to be found in other known genes. Such sequences containing these elements are called A.multigene families. B.proteomes. C.expressed sequence tags. D.cDNA. E.short tandem repeats.

C.expressed sequence tags.

The team is looking for an organism that _______. A.has the greatest carbohydrate production B.grows fast and has high density in the flask C.grows fast and produces high-quality lipids D.can use artificial light for photosynthesis

C.grows fast and produces high-quality lipids

Root hairs are important to a plant because they _____. A.develop into lateral roots the root slide between soil particles C.increase the surface area for absorption D.protect the plant from freezing E.protect the plant from soil microbes

C.increase the surface area for absorption

What is the function of cork? A.regulating the opening and closing of stomata B.providing cells for secondary growth C.insulation and waterproofing D.providing cells for primary growth E.providing a site for photosynthesis

C.insulation and waterproofing

Cellular differentiation is responsible for _____. A.cell division in the apical meristem B.elongation of cells in the zone of elongation of a root daughter cell becoming a sieve tube whereas the other becomes a companion cell D.only one daughter cell remaining meristematic when a vascular cambium cell divides E.increasing the number of meristematic cells daughter cell becoming a sieve tube whereas the other becomes a companion cell

Based on the ABC hypothesis, what would be the structure of a flower from the outermost whorl that had normal expression of genes A and C and expression of gene B in all four whorls? A.carpel-carpel-carpel-carpel B.sepal-sepal-carpel-carpel C.petal-petal-stamen-stamen D.sepal-carpel-carpel-sepal E.carpel-petal-petal-carpel


Which of the following is (are) problematic when the goal is to construct phylogenies that accurately reflect evolutionary history? A.monophyletic taxa B.polyphyletic taxa and monophyletic taxa C.polyphyletic taxa and paraphyletic taxa D.paraphyletic taxa E.polyphyletic taxa F.All of the choices are correct.

C.polyphyletic taxa and paraphyletic taxa

A person working with plants may reduce the inhibition of apical dominance by auxin via which of the following? A.fertilizing B.treating the plants with auxins C.pruning shoot tips D.feeding the plants nutrients E.deep watering of the roots

C.pruning shoot tips

The best classification system is that which most closely A.reflects the basic separation of prokaryotes from eukaryotes. B.conforms to traditional, Linnaean taxonomic practices. C.reflects evolutionary history. D.unites organisms that possess similar morphologies.

C.reflects evolutionary history.

Which part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals taken up from the soil? A.sections of the root that have secondary xylem roots C.root hairs D.the thick parts of the roots near the base of the stem E.root cap

C.root hairs

What effect does "pinching back" have on a houseplant? A.produces a plant that will grow taller B.inhibits the growth of lateral buds C.stimulates lateral buds to grow D.increases apical dominance E.increases the flow of auxin down the shoot

C.stimulates lateral buds to grow

What does the value 61 signify about the comparable rRNA gene sequences in Comamonas testosteroni and Escherichia coli? A.that 61 nucleotides are the same in both species B.that 61 nucleotides are different between the two species C.that 61% of the 617 nucleotide positions are the same in both species D.that 61% of the 617 nucleotide positions are different between the two species

C.that 61% of the 617 nucleotide positions are the same in both species

Which kind of DNA should provide the best molecular clock for determining the evolutionary relatedness of several species whose common ancestor became extinct billions of years ago? A.exonic DNA that codes for a noncrucial part of a polypeptide B.paralogous DNA that has lost its function (i.e., no longer codes for functional gene product) C.that coding for ribosomal RNA D.intronic DNA belonging to a gene whose product performs a crucial function E.mitochondrial DNA

C.that coding for ribosomal RNA

The rRNA gene of A. tumefaciens is most similar to the wheat mitochondrial rRNA gene. What does that suggest? A.that the alpha proteobacteria are more closely related to wheat than the other bacterial taxa B.that the beta proteobacteria are more closely related to wheat than the other bacterial taxa C.that the alpha proteobacteria are more closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria than the other bacterial taxa D.that the beta proteobacteria are more closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria than the other bacterial taxa

C.that the alpha proteobacteria are more closely related to the ancestor of mitochondria than the other bacterial taxa

What is proteomics? A.the totality of the functional possibilities of a single protein B.the linkage of each gene to a particular protein C.the study of the full protein set encoded by a genome D.the study of how a single gene activates many proteins E.the study of how amino acids are ordered in a protein

C.the study of the full protein set encoded by a genome

What was the main goal of the Human Genome Project (HGP)? compare the genomes of a large number of individuals from different parts of the world find cures for human genetic disorders map all the human genes and determine the nucleotide sequence of the entire human genome map and sequence the genomes of important research organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster develop new technologies for studying DNA map all the human genes and determine the nucleotide sequence of the entire human genome

Which pair of alternatives is highlighted by the life cycle of the cellular slime molds, such as Dictyostelium? A.prokaryotic or eukaryotic B.diploid or haploid C.unicellular or multicellular D.autotroph or heterotroph

C.unicellular or multicellular

Which group of organisms (ciliates, animals, or plants) has the most complex cells? Animals Plants Ciliates

Ciliates Single-celled protists are justifiably considered the simplest eukaryotes, but at the cellular level, many protists are very complex. For example, the single cell of a ciliate such as Paramecium is much more complex than any one cell in your body. Read about structural and functional diversity in protists.

Which of the following arthropods has two distinct life stages? squat lobster king crab coconut crab hermit crab

Coconut crab

Which process is not an example of consumption? Predation. Commensalism. Parasitism. Herbivory.

Commensalism. Commensalism is a type of species interaction in which one participant benefits and the other participant is not affected by the interaction.

This figure shows the life cycle of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum. In this figure, what does the green arrow represent? Both conjugation and reproduction Reproduction Conjugation

Conjugation Conjugation in ciliates is sexual, resulting in the production of two genetically novel individuals combining the genes of two parents. It is not reproduction, because no additional individuals are produced, although it is followed by reproduction. Read about ciliates.

If organisms A, B, and C belong to the same class but to different orders and if organisms D, E, and F belong to the same order but to different families, which of the following pairs of organisms would be expected to show the greatest degree of structural homology? A and B A and C B and D C and F D and F

D and F

Which of the following is true of secondary endosymbiosis? A.It is indicated by the presence of a double membrane surrounding the endymbiont. B.An organism containing one endosymbiont engulfs another organism, and that organism becomes an endosymbiont. C.It is indicated by the presence of a nucleomorph. D.An organism containing an endosymbiont is engulfed by another organism and becomes an endosymbiont. E.It is indicated by the presence of a mixotroph.

D.An organism containing an endosymbiont is engulfed by another organism and becomes an endosymbiont.

Which of the following is a correct statement about slime molds? A.Cellular slime molds have haploid zygotes. B.Cellular slime molds have fruiting bodies that function in sexual reproduction. C.In plasmodial slime molds, the haploid condition is the dominant part of the life cycle. D.Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated. E.Cytoplasmic streaming helps distribute nutrients and oxygen in cellular slime molds.

D.Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated.

How does the haploid form of Ulva "switch" to its diploid form? A.Sporophytes undergo meiosis to produce spores that germinate into diploid adults. B.Gametophytes produce cells that undergo meiosis and produce spores that germinate into diploid adults. C.Sporophytes produce cells that undergo mitosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote. D.Gametophytes produce cells that undergo mitosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote.

D.Gametophytes produce cells that undergo mitosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. If true, which of the following would be most important in determining whether P. chromatophora's cyanelle is still an endosymbiont, or is an organelle, as the term cyanelle implies? A.If P. chromatophora is less fit without its cyanelle than with it. B.If the magnesium-containing porphyrin ring in the cyanelle's chlorophyll molecules is built by the cyanelle, whereas the organic portion of the chlorophyll molecules is built by the host cercozoan. C.If the cyanelle is less fit without the host cercozoan than with it. D.If there has been movement of genes from the cyanelle genome to the nuclear genome, such that these genes are no longer present in the cyanelle genome. E.If there is ongoing metabolic cooperation between the cyanelle and the host cercozoan.

D.If there has been movement of genes from the cyanelle genome to the nuclear genome, such that these genes are no longer present in the cyanelle genome.

Traditionally, zoologists have placed birds in their own class, Aves. More recently, molecular evidence has shown that birds are more closely related to reptiles than their anatomy reveals. Genetically, birds are more closely related to crocodiles than crocodiles are to turtles. Thus, bird anatomy has become highly modified as they have adapted to flight, without their genes having undergone nearly as much change. For a proponent of PhyloCode classification, what is true of the reptile clade if birds are not included in it? A.PhyloCode does not concern itself with what is, or is not, a clade. B.It becomes a superclass, whereas the birds remain a class. C.It becomes a subclass, instead of a class. D.It becomes paraphyletic and, thus, an invalid reflection of evolutionary history.

D.It becomes paraphyletic and, thus, an invalid reflection of evolutionary history.

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. Given the putative ancestry of Giardia's mitosome, what should we predict is true of the mitosome? A.It contains 80S (eukaryotic) ribosomes. B.It has electron transport systems that use oxygen as the final electron acceptor. C.It contains microtubules, arranged in the "9 + 2 pattern." D.It has a double membrane. E.It has thylakoids.

D.It has a double membrane.

How has gene duplication played a critical role in evolution? A.It increases the likelihood of viral infection in cells. B.It increases the number of pseudogenes in the genome. C.It almost always introduces immediate benefits for the organism. D.It produces redundant copies of existing genes, which are then free to mutate and adopt new functions. E.It increases the amount of DNA in the genome.

D.It produces redundant copies of existing genes, which are then free to mutate and adopt new functions.

In order to determine the probable function of a particular sequence of DNA in humans, what might be the most reasonable approach? A.Mate two individuals heterozygous for the normal and mutated sequences. B.Genetically engineer a mouse with a copy of this sequence and examine its phenotype. C.Prepare a genetically engineered bacterial culture with the sequence inserted and assess which new protein is synthesized. D.Look for a reasonably identical sequence in another species, prepare a knockout of this sequence in that species, and look for the consequences.

D.Look for a reasonably identical sequence in another species, prepare a knockout of this sequence in that species, and look for the consequences.

Which of the following statements about the Plasmodium parasite is true? A.The diploid zygote moves from the infected human to the mosquito as part of the mosquito's blood meal. B.The diploid zygote undergoes meiosis and mitosis to produce haploid merozoites. C.Plasmodium cells in the mosquito's saliva target red blood cells in a human and produce offspring that infect liver cells. D.Merozoites live off the hemoglobin and nutrients in red blood cells and divide to produce more merozoites, destroying red blood cells in the process.

D.Merozoites live off the hemoglobin and nutrients in red blood cells and divide to produce more merozoites, destroying red blood cells in the process.

Why did the researchers choose only one plant (wheat) to include in the comparison matrix? A.Wheat is the plant that is most closely related to bacteria. B.Wheat is the only plant with mitochondrial rRNA genes. C.A comparison matrix with more than six species is too unwieldy. D.Only one source of mitochondrial rRNA was needed to represent all mitochondria.

D.Only one source of mitochondrial rRNA was needed to represent all mitochondria.

Which of the following is a true statement about growth in plants? A.Secondary growth occurs only in stems. B.Monocots have only primary growth, and eudicots have only secondary growth. C.Reproductive structures are produced by secondary growth. D.Some plants lack secondary growth. E.Primary growth is localized at meristems, while secondary growth is localized at buds.

D.Some plants lack secondary growth.

Which of the following statements about dinoflagellates is true? A.All known varieties are autotrophic. B.Their walls are usually composed of silica plates. C.Their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor, and are mined to serve as a filtering material. D.They possess two flagella. E.Many types lack mitochondria.

D.They possess two flagella.

By what mechanism might transposons contribute to gene duplication? A.Transposons may promote accidents in meiosis, leading to polyploidy. B.Transposons cause failure of chromosomes to segregate during mitosis. C.Transposon insertion may disrupt an exon. D.Transposons may promote unequal crossing over during meiosis. E.Transposons may lead to slippage of DNA polymerase during DNA replication

D.Transposons may promote unequal crossing over during meiosis. Illegitimate recombination between transposon sequences at different loci leads to chromosome rearrangements and gene deletions and duplications.

A recent study compared the H. sapiens genome with that of Neanderthals. The results of the study indicated that there was a mixing of the two genomes at some period in evolutionary history. The data that suggested this were A.Neanderthal Y chromosomes preserved in the modern population of males. B.mitochondrial sequences common to both groups. C.some Neanderthal sequences not found in humans. D.a number of modern H. sapiens with Neanderthal sequences.

D.a number of modern H. sapiens with Neanderthal sequences.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. The closest living relative of P. chromatophora is the heterotroph, P. ovalis. P. ovalis uses threadlike pseudopods to capture its prey, which it digests internally. Which of the following, if observed, would be the best reason for relabeling P. chromatophora as a mixotroph? A.a contractile vacuole B.a threadlike pseudopod C.a pigmented central vacuole, surrounded by a tonoplast D.a vacuole with food inside E.a secretory vesicle

D.a vacuole with food inside

One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is that A.root cells have cell walls and leaf cells do not. B.vascular tissue is found in roots but is absent from leaves. C.only leaves have phloem and only roots have xylem. D.a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent from roots. E.leaves have epidermal tissue but roots do not.

D.a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent from roots.

Nucleic acid sequences that undergo few changes over the course of evolutionary time are said to be conserved. Conserved sequences of nucleic acids A.are usually found in non-coding regions of DNA that are not influenced by natural selection . B.are proportionately more common in eukaryotic introns than in eukaryotic exons. C.include all mitochondrial DNA. D.are abundant in ribosomes. E.comprise a larger proportion of pre-mRNA (immature mRNA) than of mature mRNA

D.are abundant in ribosomes.

How is the supply of vascular cambium maintained? the differentiation of secondary xylem the differentiation of secondary phloem the differentiation of cork the division of its cells the differentiation of apical meristem the division of its cells

Which procedure is not required when the shotgun approach to sequencing is modified as sequencing by synthesis, in which many small fragments are sequenced simultaneously? A.sequencing each fragment B.ordering the sequences C.use of restriction enzymes D.cloning each fragment into a plasmid E.PCR amplification

D.cloning each fragment into a plasmid

Which of the following is correctly matched with its tissue system? A.phloem ... epidermis B.pith ... vascular tissue system C.xylem ... ground tissue system D.cortex ... ground tissue system E.guard cells ... ground tissue

D.cortex ... ground tissue system

The chloroplasts of land plants are thought to have been derived according to which evolutionary sequence? A.cyanobacteria → green algae → fungi → land plants B.cyanobacteria → red algae → green algae → land plants algae → brown algae → green algae → land plants D.cyanobacteria → green algae → land plants

D.cyanobacteria → green algae → land plants

The driving force that pushes the root tip through the soil is primarily A.continuous cell division in the root cap at the tip of the root. B.continuous cell division of root cap cells. C.the elongation of root hairs. D.elongation of cells behind the root apical meristem. E.continuous cell division just behind the root cap in the center of the apical meristem.

D.elongation of cells behind the root apical meristem.

What is gene annotation in bioinformatics? A.describing the functions of noncoding regions of the genome B.matching the corresponding phenotypes of different species C.comparing the protein sequences within a single phylum D.finding transcriptional start and stop sites, RNA splice sites, and ESTs in DNA sequences E.assigning names to newly discovered genes

D.finding transcriptional start and stop sites, RNA splice sites, and ESTs in DNA sequences

According to the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells, how did mitochondria originate? A.from the nuclear envelope folding outward and forming mitochondrial membranes B.when a protoeukaryote engaged in a symbiotic relationship with a protocell secondary endosymbiosis D.from engulfed, originally free-living proteobacteria E.from infoldings of the plasma membrane, coupled with mutations of genes for proteins in energy-transfer reactions

D.from engulfed, originally free-living proteobacteria

The work done by Dr. Rose Ann Cattolico and her assistants at the University of Washington involves _______. vehicles that use algae for fuel B.extracting chlorophyll from algae to learn how these organisms gain energy from light algae to photosynthesize at higher rates D.growing algae under different conditions and measuring their lipid production

D.growing algae under different conditions and measuring their lipid production

The reason that paralogous genes can diverge from each other within the same gene pool, whereas orthologous genes diverge only after gene pools are isolated from each other, is that A.polyploidy is a necessary precondition for the occurrence of sympatric speciation in the wild. B.having multiple copies of genes is essential for the occurrence of sympatric speciation in the wild. C.paralogous genes can occur only in diploid species; thus, they are absent from most prokaryotes. D.having an extra copy of a gene permits modifications to the copy without loss of the original gene product.

D.having an extra copy of a gene permits modifications to the copy without loss of the original gene product.

If we were to apply the most recent technique used to fight potato late blight to the fight against the malarial infection of humans, then we would A.use a "cocktail" of at least three different pesticides against Anopheles mosquitoes. B.increase the dosage of the least-expensive antimalarial drug administered to humans. C.increase the dosage of the most common pesticide used to kill Anopheles mosquitoes. D.insert genes from a Plasmodium-resistant strain of mosquito into Anopheles mosquitoes. E.introduce a predator of the malarial parasite into infected humans.

D.insert genes from a Plasmodium-resistant strain of mosquito into Anopheles mosquitoes.

The RP13 gene of chromosome 17 codes for a protein _____. A.involved in glucose transport B.that is a component of hair and nails the regulation of blood pressure D.involved in eye development E.involved in the determination of personality

D.involved in eye development

The TP53 gene of chromosome 17 codes for a protein _____. A.that plays a role in the digestive process B.that, in a particular variant, may play a role in Alzheimer's disease C.involved in glucose transport D.involved in the regulation of the cell cycle E.that is like a white blood cell protein

D.involved in the regulation of the cell cycle

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. Giardia's mitosome can be said to be "doubly degenerate," because it is a degenerate form of ________, an organelle that is itself a degenerate form of ________. A.mitochondrion; spirochete B.nucleus; bacterium C.chloroplast; cyanobacterium D.mitochondrion; proteobacterium E.nucleus; archaean

D.mitochondrion; proteobacterium

A researcher wants to determine the genetic relatedness of several breeds of dog (Canis lupus familiaris). The researcher should compare homologous sequences of this type of biochemical________-which can be described as ________. A.proteins; highly conserved B.fatty acids; highly conserved C.lipids; poorly conserved D.nucleic acids, poorly conserved E.amino acids; highly conserved

D.nucleic acids, poorly conserved

Which of the following is incorrectly paired with its structure and function? A.ground meristem-primary meristem that produces the ground tissue system B.periderm-protective coat of woody stems and roots C.mesophyll-parenchyma cells functioning in photosynthesis in leaves D.pericycle-waterproof ring of cells surrounding the central stele in roots E.sclerenchyma-supporting cells with thick secondary walls

D.pericycle-waterproof ring of cells surrounding the central stele in roots

Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). Consequently, the morphological similarities of these two species are probably due to A.inheritance of acquired characteristics. B.possession of shared primitive characters. C.inheritance of shared derived characters. D.possession of analogous structures. E.sexual selection.

D.possession of analogous structures.

Homeotic genes contain a homeobox sequence that is highly conserved among very diverse species. The homeobox is the code for that domain of a protein that binds to DNA in a regulatory developmental process. Which of the following would you then expect? A.that all organisms must have homeobox-containing genes B.that all organisms must have homeotic genes C.that homeoboxes cannot be expressed in nonhomeotic genes D.that homeotic genes are selectively expressed over developmental time E.that a homeobox-containing gene has to be a developmental regulator

D.that homeotic genes are selectively expressed over developmental time

If you were able to walk into an opening cut into the center of a large redwood tree, when you exit from the middle of the trunk (stem) outward, you would cross, in order, A.the summer wood, bark, and phloem. B.the secondary xylem, secondary phloem, and vascular cambium. C.the secondary xylem, cork cambium, phloem, and periderm. D.the annual rings, new xylem, vascular cambium, phloem, and bark. E.the vascular cambium, oldest xylem, and newest xylem.

D.the annual rings, new xylem, vascular cambium, phloem, and bark.

Figure shows a diagram of blocks of genes on human chromosome 16 and the locations of blocks of similar genes on four chromosomes of the mouse. Which of the following represents another example of the same phenomenon as that shown in above figure? A.the high frequency of polyploidy in many species of angiosperms B.the formation of several pseudogenes in the globin gene family subsequent to human divergence from other primates C.the difference in the numbers of chromosomes in five species of one genus of birds D.the apparent centric fusion between two chromosome pairs of primates such as chimps to form the ancestor of human chromosome 2

D.the apparent centric fusion between two chromosome pairs of primates such as chimps to form the ancestor of human chromosome 2

The number of genes correlates with _____. A.being higher in Archaea than in eukaryotes B.and is approximately equal to the number of different proteins that a species can make C.the size of the genome in eukaryotes D.the size of the genome in prokaryotes E.being much higher among Eubacteria than in Archaea

D.the size of the genome in prokaryotes

The various taxonomic levels (namely, genera, classes, etc.) of the hierarchical classification system differ from each other on the basis of widely the organisms assigned to each are distributed throughout the environment. B.morphological characters that are applicable to all organisms. C.the relative genome sizes of the organisms assigned to each. D.their inclusiveness.

D.their inclusiveness.

The best evidence for not classifying the slime molds as fungi comes from slime molds' choice of habitats. DNA sequences. nutritional modes. reproductive methods. physical appearance.

DNA sequences.

The pie chart in figure represents the relative frequencies of the following in the human genome: I. repetitive DNA unrelated to transposons II. repetitive DNA that includes transposons III. unique noncoding DNA IV. introns and regulatory sequences V. exons Which region includes Alu elements and LI sequences? E C D B A


What is the goal of comparative genomic studies? identify homologues in model organisms for genes involved in human disease study how genomes evolve identify genes that are important for evolution of a particular species study genetic variation within a species or a population E.All of the above are goals of comparative genomic studies.

E.All of the above are goals of comparative genomic studies.

Diatoms are mostly asexual members of the phytoplankton. Diatoms lack any organelles that might have the They obtain their nutrition from functional chloroplasts, and each diatom is encased within two porous, glasslike valves. Which question would be most important for one interested in the day-to-day survival of individual diatoms? A.How does carbon dioxide get into these protists with their glasslike valves? B.How do diatom sperm cells locate diatom egg cells? C.How do diatoms get transported from one location on the water's surface layers to another location on the surface? D.How do diatoms with their glasslike valves avoid being shattered by the action of waves? E.How do diatoms with their glasslike valves keep from sinking into poorly lit waters?

E.How do diatoms with their glasslike valves keep from sinking into poorly lit waters?

Which of the following is a representation of gene density? A.C. elegans has ~20,000 genes. B.Humans have 2,900 Mb per genome. C.Fritillaria has a genome 40 times the size of a human. D.Humans have 27,000 bp in introns. E.Humans have ~20,000 genes in 2,900 Mb

E.Humans have ~20,000 genes in 2,900 Mb

If the Archaeplastidae are eventually designated a kingdom, and if land plants are excluded from this kingdom, then what will be true of this new kingdom? A.It will be polyphyletic. B.It will be a true clade. C.It will more accurately depict evolutionary relationships than does the current taxonomy. D.It will be monophyletic. E.It will be paraphyletic.

E.It will be paraphyletic.

Choose the option that best describes the relationship between the cell wall thickness of parenchyma cells versus sclerenchyma cells. A.The cell walls of collenchyma cells are thicker than sclerenchyma or parenchyma cells. B.The cell walls of parenchyma cells are thicker than those of sclerenchyma cells. C.The cell walls of both types of cells are roughly equal. D.The thickness of the cell walls for both types of cells is too variable for a comparison to be made. E.The cell walls of parenchyma cells are thinner than those of sclerenchyma cells.

E.The cell walls of parenchyma cells are thinner than those of sclerenchyma cells.

Which observation supports the position of eukaryotes at the convergence of the "ring of life"? A.Only eukaryotes perform mitosis. B.Eukaryotes and archaeans both lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls. C.Circular chromosomes are present in both bacteria and archaeans. D.Introns are rare in both bacteria and archaeans. E.The nuclear genome of eukaryotes contains genes from archaeans and from bacteria.

E.The nuclear genome of eukaryotes contains genes from archaeans and from bacteria.

Why has the kingdom Protista been abandoned? A.Some protists are multicellular. B.The kingdom Protista is polyphyletic. C.Some protists are more closely related to plants, animals, or fungi than they are to other protists. D.Some protists are as small as prokaryotes. E.The second and third answers are correct.

E.The second and third answers are correct.

Biologists suspect that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochon-dria before plastids partly because A.mitochondrial proteins are synthesized on cytosolic ribo-somes, whereas plastids utilize their own ribosomes. B.mitochondrial DNA is less similar to prokaryotic DNA than is plastid DNA. C.the products of photosynthesis could not be metabolized without mitochondrial enzymes. D.without mitochondrial CO2 production, photosynthesis could not occur. E.all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids.

E.all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids.

Which of the following are actual mutualistic partnerships that involve a protist and a host organism? A.dinoflagellates-reef-building coral animals B.algae-certain foraminiferans C.Trichomonas-humans D.cellulose-digesting gut protists-wood-eating termites E.all except that involving humans

E.all except that involving humans

Totipotency is a term used to describe a cell's ability to give rise to a complete new organism. In plants, this means that A.plant development is not under genetic control. B.a cell's environment has no effect on its differentiation. C.sexual reproduction is not necessary in plants. D.the cells of shoots and the cells of roots have different genes. E.cell differentiation depends largely on the control of gene expression.

E.cell differentiation depends largely on the control of gene expression.

BLAST is a computational tool used by genome biologists to _____. A.align genetic maps based on recombination frequencies to physical maps of chromosomes B.identify sites in the DNA where restriction endonucleases cut C.assemble short overlapping DNA sequences into long contiguous DNA sequences called contigs D.disassemble a genomic DNA sequence into small segments a given DNA or protein sequence to all other DNA or protein sequences in a database a given DNA or protein sequence to all other DNA or protein sequences in a database BLAST is the key tool used to compare newly sequenced DNA and proteins to previously sequenced DNA and proteins.

Use the following information to help you answer the next question. Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. Several of the different globin genes are expressed in humans, but at different times in development. What mechanism could allow for this? A.pseudogene activation B.intron activation C.differential translation of mRNAs D.exon shuffling E.differential gene regulation over time

E.differential gene regulation over time

Which of the following are two groups that are adapted to anaerobic conditions and contain modified mitochondria that lack DNA? A.dinoflagellates and diatoms B.chlorophytes and radiolarians C.apicomplexans and forams D.gymnamoebas and slime molds E.diplomonads and parabasalids

E.diplomonads and parabasalids

Axillary buds not form a vascular connection with the primary shoot. B.grow immediately into shoot branches. C.are composed of a series of internodes lacking nodes. D.are initiated by the cork cambium. E.have dormant meristematic cells.

E.have dormant meristematic cells.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. A crucial photosynthetic gene of the cyanobacterium that gave rise to the cyanelle is called psaE. This gene is present in the nuclear genome of the cercozoan, but is not in the genome of the cyanelle. This is evidence of A.reciprocal mutations in the cyanelle and nuclear genomes. B.transduction by a phage that infects both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. C.the origin of photosynthesis in protists. D.genetic recombination involving a protist and an archaean. E.horizontal gene transfer from bacterium to eukaryotes.

E.horizontal gene transfer from bacterium to eukaryotes.

In life cycles with an alternation of generations, multicellular haploid forms alternate with A.multicellular haploid forms. B.unicellular haploid forms. C.multicellular polyploid forms. D.unicellular diploid forms. E.multicellular diploid forms.

E.multicellular diploid forms.

Which of these would, if it had acted upon a gene, prevent this gene from acting as a reliable molecular clock? A.genetic drift B.mutations within introns C.most substitution mutations involving an exonic codon's third position D.neutral mutations E.natural selection

E.natural selection

What is bioinformatics? A.a procedure that uses software to order DNA sequences in a variety of comparable ways programs available from NIH to design and synthesize genes C.a technique using 3-D images of genes to predict how and when they will be expressed D.a series of search programs that allow a student to identify which labs around the world are trying to sequence the genome of a given species E.the application of computational methods to the storage and analysis of biological data

E.the application of computational methods to the storage and analysis of biological data

Which of the following is a characteristic of the water molds (oomycetes)? A.zoospores that are spread by breezes B.the same nutritional mode as possessed by cyanobacteria C.a feeding Plasmodium D.a morphological similarity to fungi that is the result of common ancestry E.the presence of filamentous feeding structures

E.the presence of filamentous feeding structures

A human is classified in domain _____ and kingdom _____. Eukarya ... Fungi Eukarya ... Protista Eukarya ... Plantae Eukarya ... Animalia Bacteria ... Archaea

Eukarya ... Animalia

A rose bush is classified in domain _____ and kingdom _____. \ Eukarya ... Fungi Eukarya ... Protista Eukarya ... Plantae Eukarya ... Animalia Bacteria ... Archaea

Eukarya ... Plantae

True or false? Organisms that exhibit alternation of generations reproduce sexually in the diploid stage. True False


True or false? Primary growth can occur at both the apical and lateral meristems at the tips of the roots and stems in a plant. True False


Members of which kingdom have cell walls and are all heterotrophic? Fungi Animalia Monera Plantae Protista


You may have guessed from the Descriptions section that Fusarium is a fungus. One way to confirm this, and to obtain other useful information about each of your hits, is to click on an accession number in the Descriptions section. Find a description containing the name Fusarium oxysporum or F. oxysporum and click on its accession number. This will take you to the GenBank record for that particular sequence. (GenBank is a large gene database.) Scroll through this record to see the types of information that are included. Notice that one type of information listed is the SOURCE ORGANISM. Below the species name is the hierarchical classification of the organism (domain, kingdom, subkingdom, phylum, etc.). Fusarium is in the domain Eukaryota and kingdom Fungi -- it is a fungus. Go back to the results page. Other than Fusarium, there is another genus in the list of 100 best hits--Hypocreales. Click on an accession number associated with Hypocreales to see its GenBank record. (Open Hint 1 if you have trouble finding a hit with this genus.) Which kingdom does Hypocreales belong to? Animalia Fungi Eukaryota Dikarya


Which of these genes codes for a protein that plays a role in growth? gastrin DCP1 SCLC6A4 KRTHA1 GH1


Which term describes the multicellular haploid form of a protist that shows alternation of generations? Sporophyte Gametophyte Zygote Spore


Which structure mediates the attachment of spores to a surface on which to grow? Chloroplast Holdfast Sporophyte Flagella


The following question is based on parts of a growing primary root. I. root cap II. zone of elongation III. zone of cell division IV. zone of cell differentiation V. apical meristem Which of the following is the correct sequence from the growing tips of the root upward? II, IV, I, V, III III, V, I, II, IV IV, II, III, I, V I, II, V, III, IV I, V, III, II, IV


Which of these genes codes for a protein that plays a role in white blood cell function? DCP1 KRTHA1 MPO GLUT4 RP13


Which form of Plasmodium is the immediate cause of anemia in humans? Sporozoites. Gametocytes. Merozoites. Diploid zygote.


Which of the features below are found in all protist lineages? Mitochondria Plastids Organelles that arose by secondary endosymbiosis.

Mitochondria Scientists used to think that some groups of protists lacked mitochondria, but they have since discovered that many of these protists have at least modified mitochondria. Read about the diplomonads and parabasalids.

In the five-kingdom system, prokaryotes are placed in the kingdom _____. Protista Animalia Fungi Plantae Monera


Which kingdom has been replaced with two domains? Fungi Protista Plantae Animalia Monera


In Figure 26.4 in your textbook, which similarly inclusive taxon descended from the same common ancestor as Canidae? Mustelidae Canis Felidae Carnivora Lutra


Which species interaction applies to bees that harvest nectar and pollen from flowers? Commensalism. Mutualism. Consumption. Competition

Mutualism. Both participants benefit from this interaction: Bees acquire food and flowers are pollinated

You are given five test tubes, each containing an unknown protist, and your task is to read the following description and match these five protists to the correct test tube. In test tube 1, you observe an organism feeding. Your sketch of the organism looks very similar to the figure. When light, especially red and blue light, is shone on the tubes, oxygen bubbles accumulate on the inside of test tubes 2 and 3. Chemical analysis of test tube 3 indicates the presence of substantial amounts of silica. Chemical analysis of test tube 2 indicates the presence of a chemical that is toxic to fish and humans. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tubes 2, 4, and 5 reveals the presence of permanent, membrane-bounded sacs just under the plasma membrane. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tube 4 reveals the presence of an apicoplast in each. Microscopic analysis of the contents in test tube 5 reveals the presence of one large nucleus and several small nuclei in each organism. Test tube 3 contains Plasmodium. Entamoeba. Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate). Navicula (diatom). Paramecium.

Navicula (diatom).

You are given five test tubes, each containing an unknown protist, and your task is to read the following description and match these five protists to the correct test tube. In test tube 1, you observe an organism feeding. Your sketch of the organism looks very similar to the figure. When light, especially red and blue light, is shone on the tubes, oxygen bubbles accumulate on the inside of test tubes 2 and 3. Chemical analysis of test tube 3 indicates the presence of substantial amounts of silica. Chemical analysis of test tube 2 indicates the presence of a chemical that is toxic to fish and humans. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tubes 2, 4, and 5 reveals the presence of permanent, membrane-bounded sacs just under the plasma membrane. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tube 4 reveals the presence of an apicoplast in each. Microscopic analysis of the contents in test tube 5 reveals the presence of one large nucleus and several small nuclei in each organism. Test tube 5 contains Paramecium. Plasmodium. Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate). Entamoeba. Navicula (diatom).


You are given five test tubes, each containing an unknown protist, and your task is to read the following description and match these five protists to the correct test tube. In test tube 1, you observe an organism feeding. Your sketch of the organism looks very similar to the figure. When light, especially red and blue light, is shone on the tubes, oxygen bubbles accumulate on the inside of test tubes 2 and 3. Chemical analysis of test tube 3 indicates the presence of substantial amounts of silica. Chemical analysis of test tube 2 indicates the presence of a chemical that is toxic to fish and humans. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tubes 2, 4, and 5 reveals the presence of permanent, membrane-bounded sacs just under the plasma membrane. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tube 4 reveals the presence of an apicoplast in each. Microscopic analysis of the contents in test tube 5 reveals the presence of one large nucleus and several small nuclei in each organism. Test tube 2 contains Navicula (diatom). Plasmodium. Paramecium. Entamoeba. Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate)

Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate)

_____ are eukaryotic autotrophs that float near the surface of water and are the basis of the food chain. Zooplankton Slime molds Phytoplankton Cyanobacteria Symbionts


Which eukaryotic kingdom includes members that are the result of endosymbioses that included an ancient proteobacterium and an ancient cyanobacterium? Plantae Fungi Animalia Protista Monera


You are given five test tubes, each containing an unknown protist, and your task is to read the following description and match these five protists to the correct test tube. In test tube 1, you observe an organism feeding. Your sketch of the organism looks very similar to the figure. When light, especially red and blue light, is shone on the tubes, oxygen bubbles accumulate on the inside of test tubes 2 and 3. Chemical analysis of test tube 3 indicates the presence of substantial amounts of silica. Chemical analysis of test tube 2 indicates the presence of a chemical that is toxic to fish and humans. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tubes 2, 4, and 5 reveals the presence of permanent, membrane-bounded sacs just under the plasma membrane. Microscopic analysis of organisms in test tube 4 reveals the presence of an apicoplast in each. Microscopic analysis of the contents in test tube 5 reveals the presence of one large nucleus and several small nuclei in each organism. Test tube 4 contains Plasmodium. Navicula (diatom). Pfiesteria (dinoflagellate). Entamoeba. Paramecium.


Which of the following parts of a plant remains on the plant even after several years of growth? Primary xylem Primary phloem Cortex Epidermis

Primary xylem

In the five-kingdom system, which kingdom consists primarily of unicellular eukaryotes? Fungi Protista Plantae Animalia Monera


Which eukaryotic kingdom is polyphyletic, and therefore unacceptable, based on cladistics? Fungi Animalia Plantae Protista Monera


Which structure determines the direction of root growth by sensing gravity? Mucigel Pith Root cap Root hairs

Root cap

Which group is characterized by cells with fine hairlike projections on their flagella? Alveolata Euglenozoa Stramenopila Rhodophyta Metazoa


Which term describes the fusion of two gametes to form a diploid zygote? Syngamy Meiosis Mitosis Alternation of generations


True or false? Plant growth involves both the production of new cells by mitosis and the expansion of cell volume. True False


True or false? One example of a coevolutionary arms race is when faster deer evolve and favor wolves and cougars that have stronger eyesight and senses of smell. True False

True A coevolutionary arms race involves two species that influence each other's evolution; faster deer favor predators with stronger eyesight and senses of smell to track them.

Which of the following is not a type of primary meristematic cell found in apical meristems? Vascular cambium Procambium Ground meristem Protoderm

Vascular cambium

_____ provides cells for secondary growth. Secondary phloem Secondary xylem Vascular cambium The root Apical meristem

Vascular cambium

_______ is to xylem as ________ is to phloem. Cortex; pith Sclerenchyma cell; collenchyma cell Vessel element; sieve-tube member Vascular cambium; cork cambium Apical meristem; vascular cambium

Vessel element; sieve-tube member

What process is most important in the expansion of plant cells? Mitotic cell division The synthesis of protein-rich cytoplasm Water uptake

Water uptake

Three living species X, Y, and Z share a common ancestor T, as do extinct species U and V. A grouping that consists of species T, X, Y, and Z (but not U or V) makes up a polyphyletic group. a paraphyletic group. a valid taxon. an ingroup, with species U as the outgroup. a monophyletic clade.

a paraphyletic group.

Which of the following cell types retains the ability to undergo cell division? a stem fiber a sclereid a tracheid a parenchyma cell 2 mm from the tip of a root a functional sieve tube element

a parenchyma cell 2 mm from the tip of a root

Which of the following arise, directly or indirectly, from meristematic activity? leaves tubers dermal tissue secondary xylem all of the above

all of the above

Systematists have used a wide variety of traits to reconstruct the phylogenies of particular groups of organisms. Which one of the following traits produces a good estimates of phylogeny? behavioral traits molecular traits biochemical traits gross morphological traits all of the above traits combined

all of the above traits combined

Stemonitis is a slime mold. Which of the following is it most closely related to? a plant a slug a fungus an amoeba

an amoeba

You are designing an artificial drug-delivery "cell" that can penetrate animal cells. Which of these protist structures should provide the most likely avenue for research along these lines? excavated feeding grooves mitosomes apical complex pseudopods nucleomorphs

apical complex

Plasmodium, the parasitic organism that causes malaria, is a _____. apicomplexan diatom entamoeba ciliate plasmodial slime molds


Green algae differ from land plants in that many green algae are unicellular. have plastids. have alternation of generations. have cell walls containing cellulose. are heterotrophs.

are unicellular.

Water is most likely to enter a mesophyll cell coupled to ion transport. covalently bound to sugars. as a gas. as a liquid. via endocytosis

as a liquid.

Which of the following has been replacing DDT? malathion chlorpyrifos bendiocarb dieldrin


Use the following information to help you answer the next question. Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. How might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another? Use the following information to help you answer the next question. by deletion followed by insertion by transcription followed by recombination by chromosomal translocation by normal mitotic recombination between sister chromatids by normal meiotic recombination

by chromosomal translocation

Vascular plant tissue includes all of the following cell types except sieve cells. companion cells. cambium cells. vessel elements. tracheids

cambium cells.

Most of the growth of a plant body is the result of morphogenesis. cell elongation. reproduction. cell division. cell differentiation.

cell elongation

At which level in the hierarchy of plant structure is the polarity of a plant determined? organs tissues whole plant body cells Because of their developmental plasticity (a plant's response to the environment), plants do not exhibit polarity


Stramenopiles include all of the following groups EXCEPT ______. brown algae cellular slime molds diatoms water molds golden algae

cellular slime molds

You discover a new species of slime mold that has a spore and stalk consisting of many cells. Which group does it belong with? acellular slime molds intracellular slime molds cellular slime molds extracellular slime molds

cellular slime molds

Vascular cambium forms wood toward the stem's _____ and secondary phloem toward the stem's _____. top ... bottom center ... center surface ... center surface ... surface center ... surface

center ... surface

Which of the following was derived from an ancestral cyanobacterium? mitosome chloroplast mitochondrion hydrogenosome Two of the responses above are correct.


A paramecium is a(n) _____. metazoan ciliate diatom dinoflagellate apicomplexan


All of the organisms classified as _____ move and feed using cilia. diplomonads apicomplexans ciliates diatoms dinoflagellates


You are given an unknown organism to identify. It is unicellular and heterotrophic. It is motile, using many short extensions of the cytoplasm, each featuring the 9 + 2 filament pattern. It has well-developed organelles and three nuclei, one large and two small. This organism is most likely to be a member of which group? radiolarians foraminiferans ciliates slime molds kinetoplastids


Which of the following taxonomic categories contains all the others listed here? class species genus family order


Diatoms are encased in Petri-platelike cases (valves) made of translucent hydrated silica whose thickness can be varied. The material used to store excess calories can also be varied. At certain times, diatoms store excess calories in the form of the liquid polysaccharide, laminarin, and at other times as oil. The following are data concerning the density (specific gravity) of various components of diatoms, and of their environment. Specific Gravities of Materials Relevant to Diatoms Material Specific Gravity (kg/m3) Pure water 1,000 Seawater 1,026 Hydrated silica 2,250 Liquid laminarin 1,500 Diatom oil 910 Judging from the table and given that water's density and, consequently, its buoyancy decrease at warmer temperatures, in which environment should diatoms (and other suspended particles) sink most slowly? cold fresh water cold seawater warm seawater warm brackish water warm fresh water

cold seawater

Which of the following have unevenly thickened primary walls that support young, growing parts of the plant? tracheids and vessel elements collenchyma cells parenchyma cells sclerenchyma cells sieve-tube elements

collenchyma cells

The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. A P. bursaria cell that has lost its zoochlorellae is aposymbiotic. If aposymbiotic cells have population growth rates the same as those of healthy, zoochlorella-containing P. bursaria in well-lit environments with plenty of prey items, then such an observation would be consistent with which type of relationship? commensalistic mutualistic predator-prey parasitic toxic


Which structure is incorrectly paired with its tissue system? tracheid-vascular tissue root hair-dermal tissue companion cell-ground tissue palisade parenchyma-ground tissue guard cell-dermal tissue

companion cell-ground tissue

Which process results in genetic recombination, but is separate from the process by which the population size of Paramecium increases? meiotic division mitotic division budding binary fission conjugation


As the epidermis is pushed outward and sloughed off, it is replaced by tissues produced by the _____. suberin pith cork cambium vascular cambium lenticels

cork cambium

Archaeplastids, which include red and green algae and land plants, are thought to have descended from a heterotrophic protist that engulfed a(n) _____. slime mold alpha proteobacterium cyanobacterium apicomplexan archaean extremophile


Which of the following is correctly described as a primary producer? radiolarian kinetoplastid oomycete apicomplexan diatom


You are given the task of designing an aquatic protist that is a primary producer. It cannot swim on its own, yet must stay in well-lit surface waters. It must be resistant to physical damage from wave action. It should be most similar to a(n) dinoflagellate. radiolarian. diatom. red alga. apicomplexan.


Which of these groups is characterized by glasslike walls containing silica? plasmodial slime molds brown algae diplomonads plants diatoms


A sign on the beach states, "Beach Closed. Red Tide." The organisms interfering with your use of this beach are probably _____. amoebas ciliates diatoms dinoflagellates species of red algae


Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. The cysts of Giardia are most analogous to the endospores of bacteria. nuclei of archaeans. mitochondria of ancestral diplomonads. capsids of viruses.

endospores of bacteria.

All protists are mixotrophic. symbionts. unicellular. monophyletic. eukaryotic.


Two eukaryotic proteins have one domain in common but are otherwise very different. Which of the following processes is most likely to have contributed to this similarity? RNA splicing histone modification exon shuffling random point mutations gene duplication

exon shuffling

One major advantage of using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system for studies of plant form and function is its large seeds. high tolerance to stress. high mutation rate. fast generation time. exceptionally large genome.

fast generation time.

A snail-like, coiled, porous test (shell) of calcium carbonate is characteristic of which group? radiolarians gymnamoebas foraminiferans diatoms


Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. The closest living relative of P. chromatophora is the heterotroph, P. ovalis. What type of evidence permits biologists to make this claim about relatedness? fossil biochemical morphological ecological genetic


The primary growth of a plant adds _____ and secondary growth adds _____. girth ... height branching ... flowers height ... girth branching ... girth height ... branching

height ... girth

A large seaweed that floats freely on the surface of deep bodies of water would be expected to lack which of the following? holdfasts gel-forming polysaccharides thalli bladders


The common ancestors of birds and mammals were very early (stem) reptiles, which almost certainly possessed three-chambered hearts (two atria, one ventricle). Birds and mammals, however, are alike in having four-chambered hearts (two atria, two ventricles). The four-chambered hearts of birds and mammals are best described as homoplasies. molecular homologies. the result of shared ancestry. structural homologies. vestiges.


If, someday, an archaean cell is discovered whose rRNA sequence is more similar to that of humans than the sequence of mouse rRNA is to that of humans, the best explanation for this apparent discrepancy would be coevolution of humans and that archaean. common ancestry. homology. retro-evolution by humans. homoplasy.


Which process could have allowed the nucleomorphs of chlorarachniophytes to be reduced, without the net loss of any genetic information? conjugation phagocytosis meiosis horizontal gene transfer binary fission

horizontal gene transfer

Which process occurred frequently in the early history of the three domains on Earth, and makes determining phylogenetic relationships of that time difficult? meiosis alternative RNA splicing mitosis horizontal gene transfer binary fission

horizontal gene transfer

Compared to most animals, the growth of most plants is best described as derivative. indeterminate. weedy. primary. perennial.


Which of these groups consist of parasitic flagellated cells, such as Trypanosoma, the organism that causes sleeping sickness? kinetoplastids diatoms metazoans ciliates brown algae


When you eat Brussels sprouts, what are you eating? petioles large axillary buds storage roots storage leaves immature flowers

large axillary buds

Diatoms are encased in Petri-platelike cases (valves) made of translucent hydrated silica whose thickness can be varied. The material used to store excess calories can also be varied. At certain times, diatoms store excess calories in the form of the liquid polysaccharide, laminarin, and at other times as oil. The following are data concerning the density (specific gravity) of various components of diatoms, and of their environment. Specific Gravities of Materials Relevant to Diatoms Material Specific Gravity (kg/m3) Pure water 1,000 Seawater 1,026 Hydrated silica 2,250 Liquid laminarin 1,500 Diatom oil 910 Water's density and, consequently, its buoyancy decrease at warmer temperatures. Based on this consideration and using data from the table, at which time of year should one expect diatoms to be storing excess calories mostly as oil? late fall mid-winter late summer early spring

late summer

Secondary growth NEVER occurs in _____. stems and leaves leaves roots and leaves stems roots


Land plants are composed of all of the following tissue types except ground tissue. epidermal. mesodermal. meristematic. vascular.


The lakes of northern Minnesota are home to many similar species of damselflies of the genus Enallagma that have apparently undergone speciation from ancestral stock since the last glacial retreat about 10,000 years ago. Sequencing which of the following would probably be most useful in sorting out evolutionary relationships among these closely related species? conserved regions of nuclear DNA small nuclear RNA mitochondrial DNA ribosomal RNA amino acids in proteins

mitochondrial DNA

The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. Which term most accurately describes the nutritional mode of healthy P. bursaria? photoautotroph chemoautotroph chemoheterotroph mixotroph photoheterotroph


What kind of evidence has recently made it necessary to assign the prokaryotes to either of two different domains, rather than assigning all prokaryotes to the same kingdom? anatomical behavioral molecular ecological nutritional


The importance of computers and of computer software to modern cladistics is most closely linked to advances in Linnaean classification. fossil discovery techniques. radiometric dating. molecular genetics. light microscopy.

molecular genetics.

By definition a clade is _____. paraphyletic monophyletic analogous polyphyletic parsimonious


When it acts upon a gene, which of the following processes consequently makes that gene an accurate molecular clock? mutation reverse transcription transcription proofreading directional natural selection


The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. Which term best describes the symbiotic relationship of well-fed P. bursaria to their zoochlorellae? mutualistic predatory commensal parasitic pathogenic


The question refers to the following description. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae in two ways: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae will die; and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. Which term accurately describes the behavior of Paramecium species that lack zoochlorellae in an aquarium with light coming from one side only? positive chemotaxis negative phototaxis positive phototaxis negative chemotaxis

negative phototaxis

There is(are) _____ eukaryotic domain(s). one two three four five


Which mutation should least require realignment of homologous regions of a gene that is common to several related species? three-base deletion one-base deletion four-base insertion one-base substitution three-base insertion

one-base substitution

Which of these groups includes both aquatic decomposers and the parasites responsible for late potato blight? plants oomycetes diatoms plasmodial slime molds red algae


Concerning growth in genome size over evolutionary time, which of these is least associated with the others? gene duplications orthologous genes gene families paralogous genes

orthologous genes

In leaves, chloroplasts are found in _____. xylem cuticle phloem guard cells palisade mesophyll

palisade mesophyll

A student examining leaf cross sections under a microscope finds many loosely packed cells with relatively thin cell walls. The cells have numerous chloroplasts. What type of cells are they? collenchyma parenchyma xylem endodermis sclerenchyma


Which of the following root tissues gives rise to lateral roots? phloem pericycle cortex epidermis endodermis


Golden algae, brown algae, red algae, chlorophytes, and charophyceans are some examples of protists that are _____. photoheterotrophic photosynthetic chemoautotrophic decomposers chemoheterotrophic


Charles Darwin raised ____________, which inspired some of his ideas regarding natural selection. dogs cows pigeons pigs


Which of the following is derived from the ground tissue system? cuticle pith phloem periderm root hair


Plants contain meristems whose major function is to produce more cells. absorb ions. attract pollinators. photosynthesize. produce flowers.

produce more cells.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. P. chromatophora secretes around itself a test, or case, of plates made of silica. Which of the following is another rhizarian that would be in competition with P. chromatophora for the silica needed to make these plates, assuming limited quantities of silica in the environment? all other rhizaria radiolarians all other amoeboid cells foraminiferans diatoms


Reinforced, threadlike pseudopods that can perform phagocytosis are generally characteristic of which group? oomycetes radiolarians and forams gymnamoebas amoeboid stage of cellular slime molds entamoebas

radiolarians and forams

A biologist discovers an alga that is marine, multicellular, and lives at a depth reached only by blue light. This alga probably belongs to which group? red algae brown algae dinoflagellates golden algae green algae

red algae

Which of these algal groups possess a photosynthetic pigment that allows them to live in deep water? green algae diatoms brown algae metazoans red algae

red algae

Cells produced by lateral meristems are known as secondary tissues. pith. dermal and ground tissue. shoots and roots. lateral tissues.

secondary tissues.

Heartwood and sapwood consist of secondary phloem. periderm. bark. secondary xylem. cork.

secondary xylem

What tissue makes up most of the wood of a tree? vascular cambium secondary xylem primary xylem secondary phloem mesophyll cells

secondary xylem

A mutation allows only A gene activity in a developing flower. Which flower part(s) will develop in this plant? both sepals and petals petals sepals carpels stamens


Fossil evidence indicates that some dinosaurs had feathers. If birds are indeed descended from dinosaurs, feathers are what kind of character? shared derived character polyphyletic character cladistic character shared ancestral character analogous character

shared ancestral character

Which of the following cells transport sugars over long distances? sieve-tube elements parenchyma cells tracheids and vessel elements sclerenchyma cells collenchyma cells

sieve-tube elements

You are researching the reproduction of slime molds. Which of the following do you study? eggs seeds spores buds


CO2 enters the inner spaces of the leaf through the stoma. walls of guard cells. epidermal trichomes. phloem. cuticle.


Pores on the leaf surface that function in gas exchange are called stomata. sclereids. hairs. phloem cells. xylem cells.


Which supergroup is currently the most controversial in terms of the hypothesis for its origin? the excavates the rhizaria the unikonts the archaeplastida the chromalveolates

the chromalveolates

Which cells are no longer capable of carrying out the process of DNA transcription? meristematic cells glandular cells companion cells tracheids mature mesophyll cells


Which of the following are most responsible for supporting mature, nongrowing parts of the plant? sieve-tube elements trichomes collenchyma cells tracheids and vessel elements parenchyma cells

tracheids and vessel elements

Only mutations that involve chromosomal rearrangements can result in the fusion of two different genes, which could code for a chimeric protein such as the BCR-ABL protein. Simple point mutations--insertion, deletion, or replacement of a single nucleotide--do not result in the fusion of two different genes. Which type of chromosomal rearrangement accounts for the creation of the gene that encodes the BCR-ABL chimeric protein? (For a review of the four different types of chromosomal rearrangements, see Hint 1.) inversion deletion duplication translocation

translocation The normal BCR and ABL genes are located on chromosomes 22 and 9, respectively. The only type of mutation that can lead to the fusion of genes from two different (nonhomologous) chromosomes is a translocation.

Paulinella chromatophora is one of the few cercozoans that is autotrophic, carrying out aerobic photosynthesis with its two elongated "cyanelles." The cyanelles are contained within vesicles of the host cell, and each is derived from a cyanobacterium, though not the same type of cyanobacterium that gave rise to the chloroplasts of algae and plants. Including the membrane of the surrounding vesicle, how many phospholipid (NOT lipopolysaccharide) bilayers should be found around each cyanelle, and which one of these bilayers should have photosystems embedded in it? two; innermost three; outermost three; innermost two; outermost three; middle

two; innermost

Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite of humans and other mammals that causes intestinal ailments in most people who ingest the cysts. Upon ingestion, each cyst releases two motile cells, called trophozoites. These attach to the small intestine's lining via a ventral adhesive disk. The trophozoites anaerobically metabolize glucose from the host's intestinal contents to produce ATP. Reproduction is completely asexual, occurring by longitudinal binary fission of trophozoites, with each daughter cell receiving two, haploid nuclei (n = 5). A trophozoite will often encyst as it passes into the large intestine by secreting around itself a case that is resistant to cold, heat, and dehydration. Infection usually occurs by drinking untreated water that contains cysts. The trophozoites of Giardia were first observed in 1681 in the diarrhea stools of the first known person to view protists with a microscope, a person named Robert Koch. Isaac Newton. Louis Pasteur. van Leeuwenhoek. Robert Hooke.

van Leeuwenhoek.

Additional vascular tissue produced as secondary growth in a root originates from which cells? vascular cambium apical meristem phloem endodermis xylem

vascular cambium

If you were using cladistics to build a phylogenetic tree of cats, which of the following would be the best outgroup? wolf tiger domestic cat lion leopard


A plant has the following characteristics: a taproot system, several growth rings evident in a cross section of the stem, and a layer of bark around the outside. Which of the following best describes the plant? woody annual herbaceous monocot woody eudicot woody monocot herbaceous eudicot

woody eudicot

Cell division in the vascular cambium adds to the girth of a tree by adding new _____ to the layer's interior and _____ to the layer's exterior. xylem ... cortex pith ... xylem and phloem xylem ... phloem xylem and phloem ... bark phloem ... xylem

xylem ... phloem

Suppose George Washington completely removed the bark from around the base of a cherry tree but was stopped by his father before cutting the tree down. The leaves retained their normal appearance for several weeks, but the tree eventually died. The tissue(s) that George left functional was/were the cork cambium. companion and sieve-tube members. phloem. cortex. xylem.


A vessel element would likely lose its protoplast in which section of a root? zone of cell division zone of differentiation root cap zone of elongation apical meristem

zone of differentiation

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