Chapters: 6-10 (Quizzes)

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75 degrees

A projectile is launched from ground level at 15° above the horizontal and lands downrange. What other projection angle for the same speed would produce the same down-range distance?

50 m/s

A projectile is launched vertically upward at 50 m/s. If air resistance is negligible, its speed upon returning to its starting point is


A ring, a disk, and a solid sphere begin rolling down a hill together. Which reaches the bottom first?


A same-size iron ball and wooden ball are dropped simultaneously from a tower and reach the ground at the same time. The iron ball has a greater

50 W

A toy elevator is raised from the ground floor to the second floor in 20 seconds. The power needed using 1000 J of work, is

vertical component

Nellie tosses a ball upward at an angle. Assuming no air resistance, which component of velocity changes with time?


On a balanced seesaw, a boy three times as heavy as his partner sits ___ the distance from the fulcrum

tangential velocities

Planets would crash into the Sun if it weren't for their

all of the above

The air in this room has Weight. Energy Mass All of the above None of the above

6 kg m/s

The change in momentum that occurs when a 1.0 kg ball traveling at 4.0 m/s strikes a wall and bounces back at 2.0 m/s is

2 m/s

The circumference of a bicycle wheel is 2 meters. If it rotates at 1 revolution per second then its linear speed is

Above a place of support

The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa doesn't topple over because its center of gravity is

shrinking radius

The force of gravity acting on you will increase if you stand on the planet with a

Elliptical Orbit

The force of gravity does work on a satellite when it is in

Closest to the Sun

The kinetic energy of a planet is maximum when it is

16 kg

The mass of a ball moving at 3 m/s with a momentum of 48 kg m/s is


The unit kilowatt-hour is a unit of

40 J

The work done in pushing a TV set a distance of 2 m with an average force of 20 N is

parts of a body

Tidal forces in general are the result of unequal forces acting on different

2.0 J

A 1-kg ball dropped from 2 m rebounds only 1.5 m after hitting the ground. The amount of energy converted to heat is about more than

1/3 m/s

A 1-kg glider and a 2-kg glider both slide toward each other at 1 m/s on an air track. They collide and stick. The combined mass moves at

80 J

A 2-kg ball is held 4 m above the ground. Relative to the ground its potential energy is

1 m/s

A 2-kg rifle that is suspended by strings fires a 0.01-kg bullet at 200 m/s. The recoil velocity of the rifle is about

600 m

A bullet is fired horizontally with an initial velocity of 300 m/s from a 20-m high tower. If air resistance is negligible, the bullet hits downrange about

4 X greater

A flywheel's diameter is twice that of another of the same shape and mass. Rotational inertia of the larger flywheel is

electrical force

A force that determines the chemical properties of an atom is an

The one dropped

A hunter on level ground fires a bullet at an angle of 10 degrees above the horizontal while simultaneously dropping another bullet from the level of the rifle. Which bullet will hit the ground first?

2000 N

A hydraulic jack is used to lift objects such as automobiles. If the input force is 200 N over a distance of 1 meter, the output force over a distance of 0.1 meter is ideally


A pair of helium nuclei fused together produces

Both forces are the same

A very massive object A and a less massive object B move toward each other under the influence of gravity. Which force, if either, is greater? The force on B The force on A Both forces are the same.

cube; sun

According to Kepler, the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the ___ of the planet's average distance from the ___

gravitational force

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting objects, the greater the ___ ___ between them

One Quarter

According to Newton, when the distance between two interacting objects doubles, the gravitational force is


An element is distinct because of its number of

Has different numbers of neutrons for the same element

An isotope is simply an atom that

Rotates Faster

As a huge rotating cloud of particles in space gravitate together forming an increasingly dense ball, it shrinks in size and

direction of motion

Centripetal force does no work on a circularly-moving object because centripetal force has no component in the

16 X

Compared to the mass of a hydrogen atom, the mass of an oxygen atom is ___ as great

All of the above

Compared with a force, a torque involves Leverage Rotation Distance from an axis of rotation All of the above

5000 J

Danny Diver weighs 500 N and steps off a diving board 10 m above the water. Danny hits the water with kinetic energy of

Remain the same

Earth is presently accelerating toward the Sun (centripetal acceleration). If the Sun collapsed into a black hole, this acceleration would

entire universe

Earth's gravitational field extends both inside and outside Earth and throughout the ___ ___

Force & torque must be 0

For a system in mechanical equilibrium, the resultant

62.8 m/min

If you're on a Ferris wheel at a carnival, seated 10 m from the Ferris wheel's axis that makes a complete rotation each minute, your linear speed is

Very Weak

In comparison with other fundamental forces, the universal gravitational constant G indicates that gravity is

Corresponding change in momentum

It is correct to say that impulse is equal to a

Time of contact is increased

To catch a fast-moving ball, you extend your hand forward before contact with the ball and let it ride backward in the direction of the ball's motion. Doing this reduces the force of contact on your hand principally because the


Two billiard balls having the same mass and speed roll toward each other. What is their combined momentum after they meet?

4X The Kinetic Energy

Two identical golf carts move at different speeds. The faster cart has twice the speed and therefore has

30 degrees

Two projectiles are fired from ground level at equal speeds but different angles. One is fired at an angle of 30° and the other at 60°. Neglecting air resistance, the projectile to hit the ground first will be the one fired at


When Joshua brakes his speeding bicycle to a stop, kinetic energy is transformed to


When bullets are fired from an airplane in the forward direction, the momentum of the airplane is

Released by the reaction

When carbon and oxygen atoms combine, energy is

9 X

When the distance between two stars decreases by one-third, the force between them increases to ___ as much

Both the same

Whether a truck comes to a stop by crashing into a haystack or a brick wall, the impulse is


Which is the smallest particle? Quark Neutron Proton Atom Molecule


Which of the following is NOT a compound? Air Ammonia Water alt All are compounds


Which of the following is a gas? Carbon Lithium Sodium Neon

Both Require The Same

Which task requires more work? Lifting the 25-kg sack 4 meters Lifting the 50-kg sack 2 meters Both require the same Need more information

All of the above

You experience weightlessness In the absence of a supporting surface. Momentarily when you step off a chair. In a freely falling elevator. All of the above

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