Chapters 7+8

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What is a theoretical framework

-Broad general explanation -Shows relationships between concepts -Based on one existing theory

Conceptual framework

-Develops when no existing theory fits -Helps explain relationships between concepts -Based on more than one theory -Concepts related in logical manner -Less well-developed structure -May result in another theory

Orem's Self Care Model

-Dorothea Orem early 1950s Concepts and Constructs ◦Self Care ◦Self-Care Agency ◦Self-Care Demand ◦Self- Care Deficit ◦Nursing Agency ◦Nursing System Theory was derived from a model ◦Theory of Nursing Systems ◦Theory of Self-Care Deficit ◦Theory of Self Care

Rogers's Science of Unitary Human Beings

-Martha Rogers presented her ideas in a book in 1970 -Humans and environment are energy fields -Each human field is unique -Constant change, increasing complexity and diversity -Person is "a unified whole"


-Think about it as how "you view the world" philosophical worldview, or a set of beliefs about nature and reality that shape decisions and practices


-a set of concepts that describes or explains phenomena in a systematic way

grand nursing theories

-addresses a broad range of phenomena in the environment or in the experiences of humans -contains constructs that are abstract and difficult to test empirically


-alphabetical listing of books, journals, and other things -helps give you info on where to find/access sources

What is a primary source?

-an account of a research study that is written by the original investigators

Middle range theories

-have a much more narrow focus -easier to measure and test

practice theories

-have the most specific and narrow scope of application to nursing practice -produce specific nursing practice guidance for specific patient care situations

Neuman's System Model

-holistic care -person is subject to environmental stressors that are intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extrapersonal -client is protected from stressors by the "defense line". when the defense lines are penetrated, the internal lines of resistance are activated to stabilize the client system

What is a construct

-words that are used to describe phenomenon that cannot be directly observed -examples: compassion, wellness, mental health

grand theories a. are complex and broad in scope b. look at a piece of reality and contain clearly defined variables c. produce specific directions or guidelines for practice d. formulate nursing protocols on specific units


most research articles that appear in the journal Nursing Research are examples of what? a. primary sources b. secondary sources c. meta-analysis studies d. systematic reviews


which statement regarding theory is false? a. it proves the relationship between variables it describes the relationship between variables c. it explains the relationship between variables d. it contains propositional statements

A a theory is never proven to be true

For a qualitative study, when is the literature review used?

A literature review is used AFTER conducting a study -this is so you can see how your findings relate to what has already been found out

For a quantitative study, when is the literature review done?

A literature review is used BEFORE conducting a study -this is done before so that you can find a theoretical or conceptual framework that will guide the study

What is a secondary source?

A summary or description of a research study written by someone other than the study investigator(s)

Which statement is true? a. due to concerns of plagiarism, a research study should never be a replication of another study. b. research is an ongoing process that builds on previous knowledge c. classic information rarely supports new research projects d. an original research study does not need a literature review


Which theory was developed by a nurse? a. social cognitive theory b. uncertainty in illness theory c. hierarchy of needs theory d. job satisfaction theory


broad representations of the relationships of concepts and propositions of interest to nursing are called a. theoretical frameworks b. conceptual models c. conceptual frameworks d. practice models


A philosophical worldview or a set of beliefs about nature and reality that shape decisions and practices is called a a. framework b. theory c. paradigm d. metaparadigm


Which statement is true about databases? a. online databases are not available to the general public b. all databases are online c. databases, catalogs, and search engines are categories of finding tools d. databases only include published articles


which search engine is the most helpful for finding scholarly articles? A. bing b. scirus c. google scholar d. web crawler


which database provides the most comprehensive research study results on a particular healthcare intervention? a. MEDLINE B. CINAHL C. CINAHL PLUS D. Cochrane Database



Digital object identifier -include this in the citation so you can go back and find the article easily -it is a unique number assigned to each article to provide a persistent link to its location on the internet

which questions help critique a literature review? choose all that apply. a. based on defined methodology, are all sources of the review critically analyzed and synthesized? b. are both supporting and opposing theory and research discussed c. does the review flow logically from the purposes of the study? d. are sources cited fully and correctly? e. all of the above help critique literature review


This is a symbolic representation of some phenomenon or phenomena


What is grey literature?

Research that has not been commercially published.


The building blocks of a theory -word, picture, or mental idea of a phenomena -concepts can be abstract or concrete

What is the purpose of a literature review?

The purpose of a literature review is to: -establish a theoretical framework for your topic / subject area. -define key terms, definitions and terminology. -identify studies, models, case studies etc supporting your topic. -define / establish your area of study, ie your research topic.


What a certain group of people holds to be true -core set of concepts and constructs that are interdependent and uniquely define a discipline

What nonprofit library source helps you to search many libraries simultaneously for an item and request a cop through your library's interlibrary loan or document delivery services?


which is not a part of building a search strategy? a. discovering whether the topic has already been researched b. writing a research question and thesis statement c. determining a set of terms and phrases to use for your search d. considering whether your topic should include date parameters



brief summaries of articles

What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? a. a primary source is a type of study that was first identified by the finding tool and the secondary sources are identified next b. primary sources are included in literature reviews but secondary sources are not important c. an article written by the research who conducted a study is a primary source and a secondary source is an article that summarizes and comments on the study d. a summary of research done on your study topic is a primary source and the original study is a secondary source


an example of a middle range theory is a. orem's self care deficit theory B. parse's human becoming theory c. pender's health promotion model d. roy's adaptation model


nursing research has used which reasoning process? a. inductive b. deductive c. both inductive and deductive d. neither inductive nor deductive


which of the following is not one of the common concepts that are included in nearly all of the nursing conceptual models? a. person b. environment c. death d. health


you are trying to help a patient stop consuming foods that are high in complex carbohydrates. which model/theory would probably be most appropriate? a. anxiety theory b. adult learning theory c. health belief model d. healthcare system model


What does it mean to synthesize info for a literature review?

combine the points, inferences or arguments from the different sources to provide the readers with information about existing research on your topic

Which structure serves as the impetus of the formulation of a theory, conceptual or theoretical?


which structure links concepts selected from several theories from previous research results or from the researcher's own experiences?



concerned with how individuals interpret their experiences

Which is not a true statement about grey literature? a. grey literature is also called gray literature b. dissertations are not examples of grey literature c. grey literature is included in some databases d. grey literature is published in scholarly journals


statements that have been repeatedly tested and have not been disproved are called a. critical social theory b. propositions c. concepts d. empirical generalizations


which is considered an inappropriate way to ask a librarian for assistance? a. visit the lib and ask to speak to a librarian b. email a specific librarian or use the online ask a librarian service c. make an appt in advance d. call the librarian at home before your literature review is due


What does it mean to evaluate for a literature review?

do a comprehensive search to see what you find out about your topic, strengths and weaknesses

When a similar pattern of events is found in the empirical data of a number of different studies

empirical generalization

critical social theory

encourages examination of how individuals or groups of individuals are situated within a social context, and how a particular position in society affects the individual or group of individuals

A conceptual framework helps (explain / show) relationships between concepts


T/F Theories are facts

false, theories are always speculative and never considered to be true or proven

What type of source (primary, secondary, grey) is meant to make technical material or research findings more easily understood by a lay audience?

grey literature

Roy's Adaptation Model

humans are viewed as biopsychosocial adaptive systems who cope with environmental change through the process of adaptation


humans construct knowledge from a foundation of current knowledge

Parallel search

looking at the reference list or bibliography of another source...will help you find additional sources you should include in your own literature review

deductive reasoning

moves from general to specific -theory -hypothesis -empirical testing

Inductive Reasoning

moves from specific to general 1) empirical data 2) theory

"bacteria causes disease" is an example of what?

propositional statement

Inductive reasoning is used in ___________ research


Deductive reasoning is used in (qualitative / quantitative) research



reference materials on periodicals & books

Propositional statement

shows the relationship between concepts -may assert that two phenomena tend to vary together -may assert that one variable causes another variable Ex: "Drilling for oil caused dinosaurs to become extinct."


the belief that absolute truth or a universal experience of reality does not exist postpositist believe that human beings have differing perspectives of realty; all science has a subjective component

theory practice gap

the belief that many nursing theories are too abstract and removed from the reality of nursing practice

which has a more well developed structure, a conceptual or theoretical framework?


What are examples of a concept

time, knowledge, steam, food

What does it mean to analyze for a literature review?

to determine what evidence or info is given in each source to support the points, inferences, or arguments about your topic

When is a conceptual framework used?

used when no existing theory fits


worldview that the truth about a phenomenon can be discovered through the scientific method -positivist strive to discover explanations through the scientific method of observation, empiricism, and quantitative measurement

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