Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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12-52 Who do they decide will go with Charlie?

Grandpa Joe

9-34 Who was awake when Charlie came home from school?

Grandpa Joe

8-32 Who found the 4th Golden Ticket?

Mike Teavee

7-27 ridiculous

absurd; preposterous; causing or deserving ridicule

8-31 Where does she put her gum while she eats?

behind her ear

2-11 enormous

immense; huge; vast

11-42 damp

slightly wet

2-12 What story is Grandpa Joe going to tell at the end of chapter 2?

the story of Prince Pondicherry

13-54 Who came with the other 4 children?

their moms and dads

4-18 How do the chocolates and sweets get out of the factory?

they come out through a special trap door

5-20 How will the children be selected?

they have to find a Golden Ticket inside of a chocolate bar

3-14 What does Grandpa Joe say about the workers at the factory?

they never come out

3-13 nibble

to bite or chew gently or bit by bit

6-24 roast

to cook with dry heat (as in an oven)

3-13 What did Wonka tell the prince?

to eat it quickly because it wouldn't last long

4-16 gobble

to swallow or eat greedily

13-55 glimpse

to take a brief look : see momentarily or incompletely

13-56 dreadful

very disagreeable, unpleasant, or shocking

8-33 What did Mike do all day?

watch TV

10-37 drifting [drift]

wind-driven snow, rain, cloud, or smoke

11-47 Did Grandpa Joe think Charlie was playing a joke?


4-19 What was the newspaper headline?

"Wonka Factory To Be Opened At Last To A Lucky Few"

13-56 What time did the clock strike at the end of chapter 13?

10 o'clock

14-58,59 What order did the kids to into the factory?

1st-Augustus; 2nd-Veruca; 3rd-Violet; 4th-Mike 'TV'; 5th-Charlie

1-4 How many people live in Charlie's house?


2-9 How old is Grandpa Joe?

96 1/2

6-21 Who found the 1st Golden Ticket?

Augustus Gloop

2-8 What did the grandparents look forward to?

Charlie coming in and talking with them

11-44 What happened next?

Charlie found a Golden Ticket

10-38 Why was there less food now?

Charlie's dad lost his job

12-51 When is Charlie supposed to go to Wonka's factory?

February 1st

1-5 Where did Mr. Bucket work?

Toothpaste factory

6-24 Who found the 2nd Golden Ticket?

Veruca Salt

8-30 Who found the 3rd Golden Ticket?

Violet Beauregarde

9-35 What kind did Charlie buy?

Wonka's Nutty Crunch Surprise

7-26 What did Charlie get for his birthday?

Wonka's Whipple Scrumptious Fudge Delight Bar

9-36 peals [peal]

[a loud sound or series of sounds]

6-24 eagerly [eager]

[anxious; moved by a strong and urgent desire or interest]

1-6 desperately [desperate]

[being beyond or almost beyond hope]

5-20 muttered [mutter]


4-17 securely [secure]

[safe; trustworthy; dependable; sure]

3-14 cleverness [clever]

[showing wit or imagination; intelligent]

14-61 muffled [muffle]

[to deaden the sound of]

7-29 shrugged [shrug]

[to draw or hunch up the shoulders usually to express doubt, uncertainty, or lack of interest]

14-60 enraptured [enrapture]

[to fill with delight]

9-35 rummaging [rummage]

[to make an active search especially by moving, turning, or looking through the contents of a place or container]

8-29 announced [announce]

[to make known publicly; proclaim]

7-27 crackly [crackle]

[to make small sharp sudden repeated noises]

1-6 satisfying [satisfy]

[to meet the needs of; fulfill]

5-21 glistening [glisten]

[to shine by reflection with a soft luster or sparkle]

2-8 shriveled [shrivel]

[to shrink and become dry and wrinkled]

14-58 seizing [seize]

[to take hold of suddenly or with force : CLUTCH]

1-7 belching [belch]

[to throw out or be thrown out violently]

10-38 trudging [trudge]

[to walk or march steadily and usually with much effort]

5-19 bulletin

a brief public notice usually from an informed or official source

9-35 What did Grandpa give Charlie?

a coin/money

10-41 What caught Charlie's eye on his way home from school?

a dollar bill

4-18 trap door

a lifting or sliding door covering or hiding an opening in a roof, ceiling, or floor

3-12 What did the prince ask Wonka to build?

a palace made out of chocolate

12-53 pandemonium

a wild uproar; tumult

12-49 document

a written or printed paper giving information about or proof of something

14-62 hollow

an empty space within something : HOLE

14-57 Describe Willy Wonka's outfit.

black top hat, plum/purple coat, green pants, gray gloves

10-42 What did Charlie decide to do with the money?

buy a chocolate bar and give the rest to his mother

9-35 What did he want Charlie to do?

buy another Wonka bar

10-40 incidentally

by the way; apart from that

14-57 jerky

characterized by abrupt stops and starts

13-55 What was Violet Beauregarde still doing?

chewing gum

1-6 What food did Charlie long for more than anything else?


11-43 blissful

complete happiness; joy

8-32 despicable

deserving to be despised (to consider beneath one's notice or respect : to feel scorn and dislike for)

11-45 peculiar

different from the usual or normal

4-15 jealous

feeling mean resentment toward a rival or competitor

5-19 How many children will Wonka let into his factory?


8-33 absolute

free from restraint or limitation

8-31 What did Violet adore?


10-42 luscious

having a delicious taste or smell; delightful

11-44 What did Charlie do with his change?

he bought one more chocolate ba

15-63 The Chocolate Room was the _ (fill in the blank) of the whole business.


3-13 What happened to the palace?

it melted

12-49 What did Grandpa Joe do?

jumped out of bed and started to dance

8-34 How many Golden Tickets are left at the end of chapter 8?

just 1

10-40 wisdom

learning acquired over a period of time; knowledge

11-44 How long did it take Charlie to eat the chocolate bar?

less than 1/2 minute

4-17 What could people see in the windows of the factory?

mysterious small dark shadows

5-21 Does Charlie feel hopeful about finding a Golden Ticket?


7-29 Did Charlie's bar of chocolate have a Golden Ticket?


9-36 Did they find a Golden Ticket?


1-5 When did Charlie get chocolate?

once a year; on his birthday

8-31 How old was her current piece of gum?

over three months old

6-24 What kind of factory did Mr. Salt own?

peanut shelling

1-4,5 Describe their house.

small. wooden with 2 rooms and only 1 bed off the floor

12-51 overexcite

so as to be too much or too great

4-15 Why did Wonka suddenly ask all of his workers to leave?

some of them were spies for the other chocolate makers

4-16 column

something resembling a column (an upright pillar, typically cylindrical and made of stone or concrete, supporting an arch, or other structure or standing alone as a monument) in form

11-42 delight

something that gives great pleasure

13-53 What is the weather like in this chapter?

sunny, but snow still on the ground; very cold

11-45 What did people start saying to Charlie?

that they would buy the Golden Ticket from him

14-63 What room did they finally come to after all of the turning?

the Chocolate Room

8-31 possession

the act of possessing or holding as one's own; ownership

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