Chart C - Verbs

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What is a Linking Verb

A linking verb makes an assertion by joining two words Jesus is God Test: the verb can be replaced with an "=" without changing the meaning

What is a Transitive Verb

A transitive verb transfers the action from the subject to an object Jesus loves me Test: The verb is followed by a noun which does not rename the subject

What is a verb?

A verb is a word that asserts an action, shows a state of being, links two words together, or helps another verb. Ask, what is being said about the subject?

What is a Intransitive Verb

An intransitive verb does not transfer the action from the subject to an object Jesus Wept Test: if there is no direct object the verb is intransitive

Mood (Subjunctive)

Implies condition contrary to fact or expresses a wish. If only your bed were made. I wish my bed were made.

4 Verb Types

Intransitive Transitive Linking Helping

Mood (Indicative)

Makes a statement or asks a question Beds get messy while you sleep. Did you make your bed?


Present, Past, Future




Simple, Perfect, Progressive, Perfect Progressive


Singular or Plural

Mood (Imperative)

States a command Make up your bed.

12 Verb Tenses

Time (3) x Form (4)

Voice (Active)

subject performs the action I love

Voice (Passive)

subject receives the action I am loved

2nd Person


Helping Verbs

do, does, did, has, have, had, am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been, may, must, might, should, could, would, shall, will, can

Linking Verbs

feel, become, remain, taste, seem, appear, look, sound, stay, smell, grow, am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been


form of "to be" + present participle

Perfect Progressive

form of "to have" + "been" + present participle


form of "to have" + present participle

3rd Person

he, she, it, they

What is a Helping Verb

A helping verb helps another verb assert action, being, or existence Jesus was weeping Test: there will be another verb in the sentence

Present Progressive

I am playing

Past Perfect Progressive

I had been playing

Past Perfect

I had played

Present Perfect Progressive

I have been playing

Present Perfect

I have played

1st Person

I or we

Present Simple

I play

Past Simple

I played

Future Progressive

I shall be playing

Future Perfect Progressive

I shall have been playing

Future Perfect

I shall have played

Future Simple

I shall play

Past Progressive

I was playing

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