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Plants capture approximately _______________ of the sun's energy while other trophic levels capture about ____________________ of the energy available to them in their food. -10%; 1% -1%; 10% -60%; 10% -10%; 60%

-1%; 10%

Before a new shopping center can be built on previously undeveloped land, the builders must submit a proposal to the local government for approval. Which statement identifies an environmental concern associated with the development of the shopping center? -Building the center would decrease resources needed by local organisms. -The new shopping center would increase competition with already existing businesses. -The new shopping center would increase the biodiversity of the area. -Building the center would decrease the amount of pollution in the area.

-Building the center would decrease resources needed by local organisms.

Which of the following is a difference between a food chain and a food web? -Food chains involve only plants, while food webs involve animals. Food chains involve only plants, while food webs involve both plants and animals. -Food chains are linear and food webs are complex. -Food chains include decomposers, but food webs do not. -Food chains involve plants and animals, but food webs involve only animals.

-Food chains are linear and food webs are complex

Which habitat would have greater species diversity? Habitat 1: Species A-10; Species B- 10; Species C- 10. Habitat 2: Species A-1; Species B-1; Species C- 28. -Neither; Habitat 1 and Habitat 2 have equal species richness -Neither; Habitat 1 and Habitat 2 have equal diversity -Habitat 2 -Habitat 1

-Habitat 1

Which observation could lead to the conclusion that an object is non-living? -It passes on hereditary information only through asexual reproduction. -It cannot perform metabolic processes. -It carries out synthesis. -It is composed of at least one cell, but does not have tissues.

-It cannot perform metabolic processes.

Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems? -It helps populations adapt to ecological changes. -It allows animals to feed exclusively from one type of plant. -It reduces the number of insects in a given ecosystem. -It increases at each level of the food chain.

-It helps populations adapt to ecological changes.

Which trophic level is incorrectly defined? -Producers- autotrophs -Carnivores- secondary or tertiary consumers -Omnivores- molds, yeasts and mushrooms -Herbivores- primary consumers -Decomposers- microbial heterotrophs

-Omnivores- molds, yeasts and mushrooms

Two organisms live in close association with one another. One benefits while the other is unaware of the first organism but is harmed by it. The relationship is best described as: -Mutualism -Predation -Parasitism -Commensalism -Competition


Typhoid fever, a disease that causes headaches, digestive upset, and a high fever, is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. Typhoid can be spread from person to person by contaminated water or food or by a lack of cleanliness. Since the 19th century, the number of individuals infected with this disease has decreased. Which statement best explains why the number of people with this disease and other bacterial diseases has decreased over the last 100 years? -Public health officials have placed better controls on the use of the toxic substances that cause these diseases. -Personal habits, such as hand washing, have greatly reduced contamination from bacteria. -Scientists have corrected the damaged genes that cause typhoid fever and other infectious diseases. -Typhoid fever, like most other bacterial diseases, is often caused by a lack of proper nutrition.

-Personal habits, such as hand washing, have greatly reduced contamination from bacteria.

What is the role of stem cells with regard to the function of adult tissues and organs? -Stem cells are determined cells that reside in fully differentiated tissues and can, when needed, differentiate to supply new cells for growth of that tissue. -Stem cells are differentiated cells that have yet to express the genes and proteins characteristic of their differentiated state, and do so when needed for repair of tissues and organs. -Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that divide asymmetrically, giving rise to one daughter that remains a stem cell and one daughter that will differentiate to replace damaged and worn out cells in the adult tissue or organ. -Stem cells are embryonic cells that persist in the adult, and can give rise to all of the cell types in the body.

-Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that divide asymmetrically, giving rise to one daughter that remains a stem cell and one daughter that will differentiate to replace damaged and worn out cells in the adult tissue or organ.

A researcher concludes from a 10-year study that the biodiversity of an ecosystem had increased. Which set of observations represents evidence for this claim? -There were fewer niches for decomposers and less stability. -There were fewer niches for consumers and greater cycling of materials. -There were more niches and greater stability in the ecosystem. -There were more niches and less energy lost as heat in the ecosystem.

-There were more niches and greater stability in the ecosystem.

Which type of pathogenic microbe causes AIDS? -a single-celled protist -a multicellular fungus -a bacterium -a virus

-a virus

When getting a vaccination, which substance is injected into the body? -a weakened form of a virus -bacteria to combat a pathogen -white blood cells to engulf a pathogen -antibiotics to kill a virus

-a weakened form of a virus

The concentration of potassium is higher in red blood cells than in the surrounding blood plasma. This higher concentration is maintained by the process of -circulation -excretion -diffusion -active transport

-active transport

If the concentration of sodium is greater outside a cell than inside the cell, which process could move sodium out of the cell? -diffusion across the membrane -diffusion through a protein channel -active transport using a protein pump -active transport through the phospholipids in the membrane

-active transport through the phospholipids in the membrane

A chemical was added to hand sanitizers and dish detergents to kill bacteria. Certain species of bacteria are no longer killed by this chemical. One likely reason for the decreased effectiveness of this chemical is that these bacteria have: -after exposure, a mutation for resistance -slower metabolic rates -an adaptation to a different niche -been selectively bred for survival by use of the chemical

-after exposure, a mutation for resistance

Disadvantages to group living in animals include ___________. -interference with reproduction -all of the answer choices are correct -none of the answer choices are correct -increased chance of disease and parasites -increased competition for resources

-all of the answer choices are correct

In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into -mesoderm -ectoderm -all of the answer choices are correct -endoderm

-all of the answer choices are correct

A benefit of animals living in a group include which of the following? -helping to raise offspring -all of the the answer choices are correct -none of the answer choices are correct -protection against predators -finding and procuring food

-all of the the answer choices are correct

Burmese pythons are large snakes that have been introduced into the Florida Everglades ecosystem. Burmese pythons and alligators hunt the same prey. One likely effect of the introduction of the pythons is that -alligators will have more prey available -none of the answer choices are correct -alligator populations will decline -pythons will become native to the Everglades -pythons will become an endangered species

-alligator populations will decline

The inability of an organism to produce certain proteins can occur when an organism is lacking an enzyme needed to combine -biological catalysts -simple sugars -amino acids -oxygen molecules

-amino acids

According to the trophic cascade hypothesis, the removal of carnivores from an ecosystem may result in: -a decline in the number of herbivores and a decline in the amount of vegetation -an increase in the number of herbivores and a decrease in the amount of vegetation -an increase in the number of herbivores and an increase in the amount of vegetation -a decline in the number of herbivores and an increase in the amount of vegetation

-an increase in the number of herbivores and a decrease in the amount of vegetation

In living cells, chemical processes, such as synthesis, all require the action of -specialized antibiotics -biological catalysts -salts -hormones

-biological catalysts

The basic structure of a virus contains: -both a nucleic acid AND a protein coat -a protein coat -a cell wall -both a nucleic acid AND a cell wall -a nucleic acid

-both a nucleic acid AND a protein coat

Goats depend on autotrophs for the production of: -both oxygen and glucose -oxygen -neither oxygen or glucose -goats are autotrophs -glucose

-both oxygen and glucose

How is the distance to a food source communicated by a dancing honeybee? -bees can't communicate the distance -by the tempo or degree of vigor of the dance -by which direction it turns -by the length of the straight run portion of the dance -by the direction it waggles its abdomen

-by the length of the straight run portion of the dance

Which of the following chemicals enters living organisms primarily from the atmosphere rather than from rocks or soil? -sulfur -phosphorus -nitrogen -carbon -calcium


In the carbon cycle, both terrestrial and aquatic organisms exchange _________ with the atmosphere. -carbon dioxide -glucose -oxygen gas -methane (CH4) -carbon monoxide

-carbon dioxide

Bacteria and humans are similar in that they both: -are single-celled -contain genetic material -carry out autotrophic nutrition -lack cell organelles

-contain genetic material

Which of the following would be most effective in slowing the loss of biodiversity? -freezing fertilized eggs of endangered animals in case the species become extinct in the wild -creating large parks/preserves in biodiversity hotspots -requiring every country to maintain a seed bank -setting aside small plots of land in a variety of ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands, and marshes

-creating large parks/preserves in biodiversity hotspots

The process of converting nitrate to nitrogen gas and nitrous oxide is called: -eutrophication -denitrification -nitrogen fixation -transpiration -ammonification


In an embryo, the formation of many types of tissues and organs occurs as a result of the process of -gene recombination -differentiation -genetic sorting -fertilization


Pneumocystis is an organism normally found in the human lungs that can cause pneumonia. It seldom causes problems in individuals with healthy immune systems. However, people with AIDS sometimes become seriously ill with pneumonia. This is most likely due to the fact that individuals with AIDS have -inherited a tendency to contract pneumonia -difficulty fighting off infections -an allergy to this organism -hormones that strengthen the infection

-difficulty fighting off infections

When would exposure to a potentially harmful substance be most likely to damage many organs in a developing embryo? -during meiosis in both males and females -during the formation of the zygote -during the last three months of pregnancy -during the early stages of pregnancy

-during the early stages of pregnancy

Every ecosystem is characterized by which fundamental phenomena? -water and soil -evaporation and precipitation -energy and matter -energy flow and matter cycling -a balance in energy production and energy loss

-energy flow and matter cycling

With every energy transformation, some energy is degraded into a less available form such as ___________ . -heat -calories -biomass -fossil fuels -chemical energy


An experiment was carried out to answer the question "Does the pH of water affect the growth of radish plants?" Two groups of ten radish plants were set up. One group was watered with water having a pH of 3.0, and the other group was watered with water having a pH of 7.0. Both groups of plants received the same amount and intensity of light, the same amount of water, and they were grown in the same type of soil. The heights of the radish plants were measured every 2 days for a period of 2 weeks. What was the dependent variable in this experiment? -temperature of the water -pH of the water -heights of the plants -type of soil

-heights of the plants

In 2011 and 2012, scientists working on the Banana River in Florida recorded a dramatic increase in the number of manatee deaths. Over the past 50 years, this area has also seen the human population increase by more than 500,000 people. It is believed that pollution from numerous sewage tanks leaked into the water, eliminating the manatees' food source, replacing it with an alga that is toxic to the manatee. This is an example of: -human actions altering ecosystems with serious consequences -the effect of increased biodiversity on an ecosystem -none of the answer choices are correct -direct harvesting in an ecosystem -a natural cycle in an ecosystem

-human actions altering ecosystems with serious consequences

Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems? -it increases at each level of the food chain -it allows animals to feed permanently from one type of plant -it reduces the number of insects in a given ecosystem -it helps populations adapt to ecological changes

-it helps populations adapt to ecological changes

In the human body, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen that can be transported to cells. Breathing in too much carbon monoxide will most likely result in the production of -more DNA -less glucose -more protein -less ATP

-less ATP

Some plants increase in height due to changes in specialized regions of cells in the tips of their branches. The processes that result in these changes include -meiosis, gamete formation, and differentiation -mitosis, cell growth, and differentiation -mitosis, zygote formation, and cloning -meiosis, cell growth, and cloning

-mitosis, cell growth, and differentiation

It is recommended that people avoid excessive use of tanning beds. Exposure to the radiation emitted by tanning beds can cause skin cancer. This cancer is the direct result of a -change in a fat molecule -mutation in a transport protein -change in a starch molecule -mutation in the genetic material

-mutation in the genetic material

A virus takes over the ____________ of the host cell when it reproduces. -metabolic machinery -osmotic functions -respiratory pathway -mitochondria -nucleus


Which process uses energy to combine inorganic molecules to synthesize organic molecules? -digestion -photosynthesis -decomposition -respiration


Which process will result in a gain of energy in an ecosystem? -ATP synthesis in fungi -respiration in maple tree cells -photosynthesis in algae cells -digestion in hummingbirds

-photosynthesis in algae cells

The function of a specific enzyme is most directly influenced by its -physical shape -stored energy -molecular size -carrying capacity

-physical shape

The term (pi) in the Shannon-Wiener index is the -number of species in the community -distribution of vegetative biomass among vertical layers -number of life-forms in the community -proportion of each species in the community

-proportion of each species in the community

A function of cell membranes in humans is the -synthesis of the amino acids -production of energy -replication of genetic material -recognition of certain chemicals

-recognition of certain chemicals

An experiment was carried out to answer the question "Does the pH of water affect the growth of radish plants?" Two groups of ten radish plants were set up. One group was watered with water having a pH of 3.0, and the other group was watered with water having a pH of 7.0. Both groups of plants received the same amount and intensity of light, the same amount of water, and they were grown in the same type of soil. The heights of the radish plants were measured every 2 days for a period of 2 weeks. Which activity might help to increase the validity of this experiment? -placing one set of plants in sunlight and one in darkness -using the same pH for both groups of plants -using two different types of radish seeds in each group -repeating the experiment several times

-repeating the experiment several times

Before a cell divides, an exact copy of each chromosome is made by the process of -replication -mutation -genetic engineering -recombination


Photosynthesis and respiration are alike in that they both -occur within mitochondria -result in the production of glucose molecules -require the sun as a direct source of energy -require specific catalysts

-require specific catalysts

Even though human proteins are synthesized from only 20 different amino acids, there are thousands of different proteins found in human cells. This great variety of proteins is possible because the -size of a specific amino acid can vary within a protein -sequence and number of amino acids can be different in each protein -same amino acid can have many different properties -chemical composition of a specific amino acid can vary

-sequence and number of amino acids can be different in each protein

The major reservoir for phosphorus is/are: -soil and rocks -aquifers -clouds -the atmosphere -the sun

-soil and rocks

A fully functioning enzyme molecule is arranged in a (tertiary structure) complex three-dimensional shape. This shape determines the -pH of all body systems -temperature of the products of the reaction it regulates -specific type of molecule it interacts with during a reaction -rate at which the enzyme breaks down during a reaction it regulates

-specific type of molecule it interacts with during a reaction

In the formula for biotic potential (dN/dt = riN), what does N stand for? -the intrinsic rate of natural increase of the population -the carrying capacity of the environment -the age distribution of the population -the number of individuals in the population -the change in time

-the number of individuals in the population

What causes a logistic growth curve to level off? -the population shifts from a clumped to a uniformly spaced dispersion -the population stops reproducing -the logistic growth curve never levels off -the reproduction rate decreases and the mortality rate increases -mortality decreases in the population

-the reproduction rate decreases and the mortality rate increases

What is the function of erythropoietin treatment for anemia as a result of kidney disease? -to raise the levels of hemoglobin -to lower the levels of hemoglobin -to stimulate differentiation of connective tissue in bone marrow -to stimulate differentiation of red blood cells in bone marrow

-to stimulate differentiation of red blood cells in bone marrow

Unlike embryonic stem cells, the stem cells in a human adult, child or infant can differentiate into only a limited number of kinds of cells. This is an example of -reducing deaths from infectious diseases -totipotent stem cells -multipotent stem cells -pluripotent stem cells

-totipotent stem cells

The cytoplasm in a single-celled organism and the circulatory system in a human both: -transport substances throughout the organism -break down molecules into smaller components -distribute blood to all of the parts of the organism -release energy to be used by the organism

-transport substances throughout the organism

A cell in the leaf of a corn plant contains more chloroplasts than a cell in the stem of a corn plant. Based on this observation, it can be inferred that, when compared to the cell in the stem, the cell in the leaf -produces fewer proteins -uses more carbon dioxide -has a higher chromosome count -synthesizes less sugar

-uses more carbon dioxide

When does the growth rate of a natural population equal zero? -when mortality is greater than natality -when N/K is exactly one -when N/K equals zero -when N nears the carrying capacity of the habitat

-when N/K is exactly one

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