Checks and Balances, Articles of Confederation, Government Chapter 2: The Constitution (Use this One)

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A voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules is called a a) confederation b) social contract c) syndicate d) constitution


According to "Federalist #51" it is important to guard the society against the oppression of a) the rulers b) the majority c) foreign nations d) the wealthy classes e) both a and b


Legislative Branch - Who?

Makes laws

Legislative Branch- What?

override a veto, with a 2/3rds vote

Legislative Branch-Checks?


One of the main actions of the 2nd Continental Congress was a) to establish an army and appoint a commander in chief b) to sign a treaty with Britain prohibiting armed conflict c) to sign a treaty with France to declare war on Britain d) the creation of a unitary government in America e) to bring the remaining seven colonies into the Congress


Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson

Collecting taxes

Power denied to the Federal Government under the Articles of Confederation

determine peace & war; decide disputes between states; establish and regulate interstate post offices.

Powers granted to the federal government under the Articles of Confederation.


Ratification of the Constitution was to occur by a) approval of the thirteen state legislatures b) approval by nine out of thirteen state conventions c) approval of thirteen state legislatures and two-thirds of Congress d) approval by popular vote in nine states e) none of the above

The States

Under the Articles of Confederation who had the final authority in all matters?


Under the supremacy clause of the Constitution a) state laws can't conflict with city ordinances b) federal laws can't conflict with state laws c) state and local laws are superior to the state's constitution d) local, sate, and federal laws can't conflict with the Constitution e) none of the above


Washington, Madison, and Hamilton

During the American Revolution.

When were the Articles of Confederation ratified?


Which groups are involved in proposing and ratifying amendments to the Constitution a) states, president, and Congress b) Senate, Supreme Court, and HOR c) Congress, president, and people d) Senate, HOR, and states e) HOR, president, and Senate

The Northwest Ordinance

Which important legislation was passed while the Articles of Confederation were in effect?


Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation? a) Congress lacked the power to collect taxes directly from the people b) there was no executive branch c) Congress lacked the power to coin money d) each state had one vote regardless of size e) all the above


Which of the following was not true of the Articles of Confederation? a) Congress was a unicameral body b) The national government did not have an executive branch c) The states retained most of the power d) The president was chosen by Congress e) There was no system of national courts

Executive and Judicial

Which two branches of government did the federal government lack under the Articles of Confederation?

to form a stronger government

Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced by the U.S. Constitution?

supremacy doctrine

a doctrine that asserts the priority of national law over state laws; principle is rooted in Article VI of the Constitution, which provides that the Constitution, the laws passed by the national government under its constitutional powers, and all treaties constitute the supreme law of the land


a group of people occupying a specific area and organized under one government; may be either a nation or a subunit of a nation

electoral college

a group of persons called electors selected by the voters in each state and the D.C.; group officially elects the president and vice president of the US; the number of electors in each state is equal to the number of each stat;s representatives in both chambers of Congress; 23rd amendment to the Constitution grants DC as many electors as the state with the smallest population

representative assembly

a legislature composed of individuals who represent the population

checks and balances

a major principle of the American system of government whereby each branch of government can check the actions of the others


a political system in which states or regional governments retain ultimate authority except for those powers they expressly delegate to a central government; a voluntary association of independent states, in which the member states agree to limit restraints on their freedom of action

executive order

a rule or regulation issued by the president that has the effect of law; implemented and give administrative effect to provisions in the U.S. Constitution, treaties, or statutes

Madisonian model

a structure of government proposed by James Madison in which the powers of the government are separated into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial; no branch had enough power to dominate the others; Congress=pass laws; president=enforce and administer laws; Court=interpret laws in individual circumstances

federal system

a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional, or subdivisional, governments; each level must have some domain in which its policies are dominant and some genuine political or constitutional guarantee of its authority

social contract

a voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules


against Constitution, because they thought it would be the death of liberty


against national bank


an individual who opposed the ratification of the new Constitution in 1787; opposed to a strong central government

executive agreement

an international agreement between chiefs of state that does not require legislative approval

limited government

belief that government has ONLY POWERS GIVEN TO IT BY THE PEOPLE


believed that without a strong constitution, the country would become chaos

virginia plan

bicameral, # of delegates determined by population

bill of attainder

cannot punish people without a trial

Shay's Rebellion

conflict in Massachusettes that demonstrated the need to change the Articles

federalist papers

defended new government created under constitution

3/5 compromise

determined how states would count slaves for population and taxing


division of government power between national government and sub-governments

checks and balances

each branch subjected to restraints by other two branches


feared that federal governments would crush local governments


feared the government more than the people


feared the people in control

Connecticut Compromise

the compromise between the New Jersey and Virginia Plans that created one chamber of Congress based on population and one chamber, representing each state equally; a.k.a. Great Compromise


the name given to one who was in favor of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and the creation of a federal union with a strong central government - more knowledgeable than Anti-Federalists

judicial review

the power of the Supreme Court and other courts to declare unconstitutional federal or state laws and other acts of government

separation of powers

the principle of dividing governmental powers among different branches of government

The Large States

"Article V. In determining questions in the United States in Congress assembled, each state shall have one vote." Read the above quote from the Articles of Confederation, which group would most likely be unhappy with Article V of the Articles of Confederation?


"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal" are the first words of the a) US Constitution b) Declaration of Independence c) Magna Carta d) United Nations Charter e) Bill of Rights


# of states in the Articles of Confederation.

unicameral legislature

(one body) a legislature with only one legislative chamber, as opposed to a bicameral (two-chamber) legislature, such as the U.S. Congress; Nebraska is the only state to have this type of legislature

bicameral legislature

(two-chamber); a legislature made up of two parts called chambers; U.S. Congress (HOR and Senate) is a ___________ legislature


A colonists' fury over taxation climaxed in a) the French and Indian War b) the First Continental Congress c) the appointment of the USA president d) the Boston Tea Party e) none of the above


A constitutional amendment can be proposed by a) National convention called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of the state legislatures b) a 2/3 vote in each chamber of Congress c) the legislatures in 2/3 the states d) majority vote in both chambers of Congress, provided the amendment is not vetoed by the president e) both a and b


A constitutional amendment can be ratified by a) a positive vote in conventions in 3/4 of the states b) a positive vote in the legislatures of 3/4 of the states c) a 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress d) the legislatures in 2/3 of the states e) both a and b

Declare laws unconstitutional



All of the following were compromises in the Constitution EXCEPT that a) there was no ban on the importation of slaves before 1808 b) there were to be no export taxes on goods leaving the US c) slavery was outlawed d) representation in the HOR was based on a state's population e) states were equally represented in the Senate

Courts, Executive / President

Articles of Confederation did not establish...


At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a) delegates talked openly with other people to let them know what was happening at the convention b) most delegates represented the poor farmers and the tradesmen c) there were few important leaders of the country in attendance d) all the states were represented e) there were different views among the delegates about the powers that should be given to the national government


Because most Americans feared strong governments like King George's, they created the Articles of Confederation to be _______.


Compared to the Articles of Confederation, the federal government under the Constitution is a) stronger b) weaker c) unchanged d0 more like Great Britain's constitution e) little different from the Articles


Executive Branch-Checks?

enforces/carries out laws

Executive Branch-What?

President, Vice President, all assistants

Executive Branch-Who?

Each state received one vote.

How did voting work in Congress under the Articles of Confederation?


How many branches of government were created under the Articles of Confederation?

interprets/applies law

Judicial Branch-What?

All Federal Courts

Judicial Branch-Who?


Taxes that the British attempted to impose in the years leading up to the Revolution included all of the following EXCEPT a) the Sugar Act, which imposed a tax on sugar b) the Stamp Act, which taxed, among other things, legal documents c) duties on glass, lead, and paint d) a tax on ta e) an income tax


Taxes were imposed on the colonists to A. pay for the coronation of King George III B. pay for the establishment of more colonies C. pay the costs of Britain's defense of the colonies during the French & Indian War D. purchase Canada (Quebec) from the French E. none of the above


The 1st Continental Congress a) was called by the colonies to seek independence from Britain b) called for the abdication of King George III c) asked the colonies to boycott British trade and raise troops d) was ignored by the British e) was only attended by delegates from six colonies


The Anti-Federalists advocated a) the status quo b) a strong central government c) the new Constitution d) an end to slavery e) both b and c

"a firm league of friendship"

The Articles of Confederation weak government can be best described as ...


The Bill of Rights is an example of the way in which government power is a) dictatorial b) limited c) delegated to the states d) without controls e) always right


The Bill of Rights was important for ratification of the Constitution because a) all state constitutions had such rights, and this would have made the US constitution void without a national bill b) such rights were stipulated int he Articles of Confederation c) some states would not have voted to ratify the Constitution without the promise of the Bill of Rights d) none of the above e) all of the above


The ConnecticutCompromise a) was advanced by the delegates from Georgia b) proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate c) was presented too late to be considered d) was proposed by Texas e) proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote


The Constitutional Convention in 1787 was brought on by the a) tyranny of the British king b) request of President Washington c) failure of the Articles of Confederation d) publication of the Declaration of Independence e) end of the Revolutionary War


The Federalists advocated a) the status quo b) return to the Articles of Confederation c) ratification of the new Constitution d) strong state government system e) both a and b

feared concentration of power in national government

The authors of the Articles of Confederation...


The concept of checks and balances allows a) each branch of government to be able to check the actions of others b) the president to veto judicial decisions c) the president to pass laws during a time of crisis d) Congress the power to select justices of the Supreme Court e) both a and c


The concept of separation of powers was included in the Constitution to prevent a) disputes between the federal and state governments b) the imposition of export taxes c) a major dispute over power between the House and the Senate d) disputes over power between Congress and the president e) tyranny either of the majority or the minority

Articles of Confederation

The first Constitution of the United States


The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written by a) John Locke b) John Adams c) Thomas Jefferson d) George Washington e) Benjamin Frankline


The group that actually elects the president of the United States is called a) the Presidential Election Commission b) the Congressional Election Forum c) the Association of State Legislatures d) the Electoral College e) the Electorate at large


The only method used so far to propose an amendment to the Constitution is a) the popular vote of the people b) a 2/3 vote in favor of it by both houses of Congress c) state legislatures or conventions in 3/4 of the states d) a national convention e) a proposal by the president


The power of the Supreme Court to declare actions of the other branches of government to be unconstitutional is known as a) judicial review b) judicial activism c) legislative ratification d) the supremacy doctrine e) the Madisonian model


The right to carry a gun in places like school campuses and churches is a) addressed by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution b) addressed by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution c) addressed by the 5th Amendment to the Constitution d) addressed by the 8th Amendment to the Constitution e) not addressed by the Constitution


The supremacy doctrine asserts the superiority of a) large states over small states b) non-slave states over slave states c) national law over state law d) natural law over man-made law e) none of the above


The term "confederation" or "confederal" refers to a a) system in which most power is with the central government b) a voluntary association in which states have most of the power c) a system in which state and local governments have equal power with the central government d) national legislature e) the southern states where slavery was legal


Thomas Pain's pamphlet "Common Sense" advocated a) the formation of a new government that would still be loyal to the king b) establishment of a government that would limit further immigration c) an end of hostilities toward Britain d) the idea that a government of our own is our natural right e) the repeal of all taxes including those the colonists had imposed on themselves


formal approval

popular sovereignty

government belongs to the people and must be BASED ON CONSENT


had George Washington on their side, which was a large advantage


instead of constitution, wanted a bill of rights


legal process where alleged criminals is surrendered to a state where the crime allegedly was committed


looked like negative critics with no plan


loose view of constitution


lost the fight due to disorganization


majority of the people associated with this group


not many were associated with this group

separation of powers

power divided between 3 branches

The Northwest Ordinance

provided the basis for governing much of western territory. the law created a new territory north of the Ohio River which would eventually be divided into three to five states.

writ of habeas corpus

requires government to explain why prisoner is being held

commerce and slave trade compromise

resolved diffs btwn. north and south - congress banned from taxing exports and from banning slave trade for 20 years

ex post facto laws

retroactive criminal laws prohibited

natural rights

rights derived from people's basic moral sense supersede authority of government

natural rights

rights held to be inherent in natural law, not dependent on governments; John Locke stated that natural law, being superior to human law, specifies certain rights of "life, liberty, and property." ; rights were altered to become "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," are asserted in the Declaration of Independence


strict view of constitution


strong federal government wanted


support from elitists and the rich


supported national bank


supported the constitution

new jersey plan

unicameral, each state has equal votes


very organized and national

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