Chem. 101 Chp. 3

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Rank the following atoms in order of decreasing size (i.e., largest to smallest): Rb, F, Mg, B, N.

A) Rg.> Mg.> B.> F.> N or D) Mg. > Rg. > B > N > F

Which of the following elements has the smallest first ionization energy? Ionization generally increases across a period and decreases down a group.

A) S or E) Cs

What is a main group element? Califonium Holmium Bismuth

Bismuth main group elements are elements that belong to the s and p blocks of the periodic table.

What is the noble gas core in the electron configuration for Sb?

Kr The noble gas core for a given element is the last noble gas filled in the periodic table prior to the given element. Here, the last noble gas prior to Sb is Kr, so that is its noble gas core. *Go to the last element on the RT in the line before the given element in the question*

Valence electrons in which of the following atoms experience the greatest effective nuclear charge (Zeff)? Effective nuclear charge increases up and to the right of the periodic table as the attraction between the valence electrons and the nucleus increases while the negative contribution from shielding decreases. You need to choose an element above Ar.

Ne - Neon The Zeff increases from left to right in the periodic table.

Which of the following sets of elements and symbols is paired correctly? Gold Gd Socium Na Silicon Si

Silicon Si

Which of the following elements would be chemically similar to calcium (Ca)?


A ground state atom of Mg could not have any electrons with which of the following configurations?

n = 3, ℓ = 1, mℓ = 0, ms = +½ A ground state Mg atom has the electronic structure 1s²2s²2p⁶3s². The highest-energy orbital in this atom is 3s, which represents the quantum numbers n = 3, ℓ = 0. Of the options given, the set of quantum numbers with n = 3, ℓ = 1 is higher in energy than the highest occupied atomic orbital, so a ground state atom of Mg could not have any electrons with the set of quantum numbers n = 3, ℓ = 1, mℓ = 0, ms = +½.

Group 18 elements were called the noble gases originally because

they were believed to be 'too noble' to react with other elements.

How many electrons in an atom can have the following quantum numbers? n = 4, ℓ = 2, mℓ = -2, ms = +½

this set describes a single electron.

Which quantum state (n,ℓ,mℓ) is NOT possible?

(3,0,1) The value for mℓ must be between -ℓ and ℓ, so if ℓ = 0, mℓ must 0 as well. As such, the quantum state (n = 3, ℓ = 0, mℓ = 1) is not possible.

What is the frequency of a photon if the energy is 7.26 × 10⁻¹⁹ J? (h = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J • s)

1.10 × 10¹⁵ s⁻¹ The relationship between energy and frequency E=hv The given value of energy and Planck's constant 7.26×10−19J=(6.626×10−34J⋅s)(ν) 1.10 × 10¹⁵ s⁻¹

How many electrons in an atom can have the following quantum numbers? n = 3, ℓ = 2

10 The Pauli exclusion principle states that each electron in a given atom must be represented by a unique set of four quantum numbers (n, ℓ, mℓ, ms). Here, only two of the quantum numbers are specified. The maximum number of possible electrons in an atom is dictated by the quantum number ℓ, which in this case equals 2. The value for the quantum number mℓ must be between -ℓ and ℓ, which means mℓ can equal -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. Because each of these values of mℓ has corresponding values n = 3 and ℓ = 2, this represents 5 unique orbitals. The fourth quantum number, ms, can equal +1/2 or -1/2, meaning each orbital can contain two electrons with unique sets of four quantum numbers. Since there are 5 orbitals with the capacity for 2 electrons each, there can be 10 electrons in the atom with n = 3 and ℓ = 2.

What is the electron configuration of K⁺?

1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶ The element K is in the first column of the periodic table (meaning it is in the s block) and the fourth row, so its electron configuration will end with 4s¹. The electron configuration of K is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s¹. However, the K⁺ ion has one fewer electron (due to its positive charge), so the highest-energy electron must be removed from K to create K⁺, meaning its electron configuration will be 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶.

Which of the following represents the electron configuration of P³⁻?

1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶ element P is a main-group element on the right-hand side of the periodic table (meaning it is in the p block) and the third row, so its electron configuration will end with 3p. The electron configuration of P is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p³. However, the P³⁻ ion has three additional electrons (due to its charge of 3-), so three electrons must be added to the atom, resulting in the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶

The ground state electron configuration of a Se

1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴ The element Se is a main-group element on the right-hand side of the periodic table (meaning it is in the p block) and the fourth row, so its electron configuration will end with 4p. The electron configuration of Se is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴.

Which of the following is the electron configuration of a neutral K atom?

1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s¹ element K is in the first column of the periodic table (meaning it is in the s block) and the fourth row, so its electron configuration will end with 4s¹. The electron configuration of K is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s¹.

Which of the following orbitals can exist? 2p 3d 3f 4d 162p

3f Atomic orbitals are described by their principal quantum number (n) followed by a letter that corresponds to the value for the angular momentum quantum number (ℓ), which corresponds to the following values: s = 0, p = 1, d = 2, f = 3. According to the rules governing acceptable quantum numbers, the value for ℓ can only be as high as n-1. Based on these rules, the 3f orbital (n = 3, ℓ = 3) cannot exist.

For which atomic orbital does n = 3 and ℓ = 1?

3p Atomic orbitals are described by their principal quantum number (n) followed by a letter that corresponds to the value for the angular momentum quantum number (ℓ). Here, n = 3, so the atomic orbital symbol will begin with 3. The quantum number ℓ = 1 (s = 0, p = 1, d = 2, f = 3), which corresponds to p. Therefore, this is a 3p atomic orbital.

Which sublevel is filled last? 3d 4s 4p 5s

4d According to the Aufbau principle, the order in which atomic orbitals are filled is as follows: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, ... Of the options given, the 4d orbital is at the highest energy, and therefore it will be filled with electrons last.

How many orbitals are allowed in the subshell when ℓ = 2?

5 given atom must be represented by a unique set of four quantum numbers (n, ℓ, mℓ, ms). The value for the quantum number mℓ must be between -ℓ and ℓ, which means mℓ can equal -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. Because each of these values of mℓ has corresponding value of ℓ = 2, this represents 5 unique orbitals.

A photon has a frequency of 8.63 × 10⁸ Hz. What is the energy of this photon? (h = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J • s)

5.71 × 10⁻²⁵ J Energy (E) of a photon is equal to the product is equal to its frequency (v) and Planck's Constant (h) and h=6.626x10 E−34 J⋅s E=hv =(6.626x10 E−34 J⋅s) (8.63 x 10 E8 s E-1) =5.72 x 10 ^-25 J

For an atom of carbon, which ionization will exhibit a very large increase in the energy relative to the preceding ionization?

5th The fifth ionization of carbon will see a large increase in the energy required as this ionization will be removing a core electron.

In a ground state atom of Ar how many electrons total will have the quantum number l=0?

6 A ground state atom of Ar has the electron structure 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶. The quantum number ℓ = 0 applies to s orbitals, and Ar has three completely filled s orbitals (2 electrons each), meaning that 6 total electrons will have the quantum number ℓ = 0.

What quantum mechanics principle states that electrons are added to atomic orbitals with the same energy so that each orbital is singularly occupied with electrons having the same spin?

Hund's Hund's rule states that electrons are added to the atomic orbitals with the same energy levels (degenerate orbitals) in such a way that each orbital is occupied by a single electron with the same spin (either +½ or -½) before any orbital can be occupied by two electrons.

who developed the earliest form of the periodic table?


Which of the following groups of elements tend to form cations?


Which element has the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d⁵?

Mn electron configuration ends with 3d, meaning it is an element in the d block. Because elements in the d block have the quantum number n one less than their row in the periodic table, this element will be in the fourth row. Because it ends in 3d⁵, it will be the fifth element in the fourth row d block, meaning it must be Mn

Which of the following atom(s) below has/have five valence electrons?

N - Nitrogen Elements in Group 15 have 5 valence electrons.

Which of the following ions has the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶?

N^3- The electron configuration of 1s²2s²2p⁶ corresponds to Ne, so other elements must either gain or lose electrons to attain this same configuration. Of the options given, N³⁻ has this same electron configuration, since its typical configuration of 1s²2s²2p³ gains three additional electrons to become 1s²2s²2p⁶.

Which of the following elements would have a very different electron affinity value compared to the others? Al Ne Mg N O

Ne - Neon Noble gases are highly unlikely to accept an extra electron to make an anion. The electron affinity is the change in energy when an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom to form an ion. It would require a lot of energy to do this for neon because it is a noble gas with a full octet.

What is the atomic symbol for the element in Group 5A (15) and the fifth period?


Which of the following is not a Alkaline or Alkali Earth Metal? Rb Ra Sc Ca


A student draws the orbital diagram below for the 3d electrons in a V atom. What, if anything, is incorrect about the drawing?

Violates Hund's Rule Hund's rule states that electrons are added to the atomic orbitals with the same energy levels (degenerate orbitals) in such a way that each orbital is occupied by a single electron with the same spin (either +½ or -½) before any orbital can be occupied by two electrons. In this student's diagram, one of the orbitals has two electrons while three orbitals at equal energies contain zero electrons, which is in violation of Hund's rule.

All of the following pairs of ions are isoelectronic except which one?

either C) Fe 2+ and Mn 3+ or D) K+ and Ca2+

The halogens tend to form anions because

gaining electrons will fill their octet faster than losing them gaining electrons will fill their octet faster than losing them.

Elements that are most similar in their properties are found _____

in the same group

An electron is shown to occupy a d orbital. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers can describe this electron?

n = 3, ℓ = 2, mℓ = -2 A d orbital is represented by the quantum number ℓ = 2 ( s = 0, p = 1, d = 2, f = 3). The only option that meets this criterion is the set n = 3, ℓ = 2, mℓ = -2.

Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not allowed?

n = 4, ℓ = 0, mℓ = -1 According to the rules governing acceptable quantum numbers, the value for mℓ must be between -ℓ and ℓ, so if ℓ = 0, the only possible value for mℓ is 0. Therefore, the set {n = 4, ℓ = 0, mℓ = -1} is not allowed.

How many core electrons does an atom of beryllium (Be) contain?

2 Be has four electrons and an electron configuration of 1s²2s². The electrons in the 1st shell are in the core and the electrons in the outer shell are valence electrons.

Which of the following pairs have the same total number of electrons?

A) Cl- and Ca+ or E) F- and Li+

What happens to the energy of a photon if the wavelength is doubled?

Energy is reduced by one-half E=hc/y

What element is the largest on the periodic table?

Francium (Fr) Francium is the furthest down and to the left of this group and would be predicted to to be the largest element of the whole periodic table.

What group (G) and period (P) does the element molybdenum (Mo) belong to?

G = 6. P = 5 6th column (Group 6) and the fifth row (Period 5) of the periodic table

Which of the following forms of radiation has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma Rays The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from radiation with the shortest wavelength (highest frequency) to longest wavelength (lowest frequency). Of the various types of radiation, gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.

Which element has the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p²?

Ge electron configuration ends with 4p, meaning it is an element in the p block (a main group element on the right-hand side of the periodic table) in the fourth row. The 2 in 4p² indicates that it is the second element in this row, so the element must be Ge.

Which of the following numbered groups on the periodic table represents the noble gases? Group 16 Group 1 Group 18 Group 15

Group 18

Consider these electron transitions in a hydrogen atom: I. n = 3 → n = 1 II. n = 2 → n = 1

I. n = 3 → n = 1 Electron transitions from higher to lower energy states represent an emission of energy. The greater the separation of energy states, the greater the amount of energy released upon transition to the lower energy state.

Which of the following radii comparisons is correct?

In3+ < In + The greater the positive charge, the smaller the size for a given element. Cations are always smaller than the neutral atom from which it is derived. Anions are always larger than the neutral atom from which it is derived. Therefore, the smaller ion in a pair will be the one with fewer electrons.

Which of the following is a Halogen? Copper Sodium Selenium Iodine


Which periodic trend quantifies the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a neutral, gaseous atom?

Ionization Engery Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a neutral, gaseous atom.

What is the noble gas core in the electron configuration for Ru?

Kr The noble gas core for a given element is the last noble gas filled in the periodic table prior to the given element. Here, the last noble gas prior to Ru is Kr, so that is its noble gas core.

Who stated states that no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers?

Pauli Exclusion Principle The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two electrons in a given atom can share the same set of four quantum numbers (n, ℓ, mℓ, ms).

What is the atomic symbol for the element in Group 4B (4) and the fourth period?


Two electrons can simultaneously occupy the same (n,ℓ,mℓ) orbital. True or False?

True The fourth quantum number, the spin number (ms), allows for two electrons to have the same n, ℓ, mℓ quantum numbers, but different values for ms.

Which element is classified as a transition metal? As V Ca Na

V Transition metals are found in columns 3-12 of the periodic table. Vanadium is a transition metal found in column 5.

Which of the following is the electron configuration for In?

[Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p¹ element In is a main-group element on the right-hand side of the periodic table (meaning it is in the p block) and the fifth row, so its electron configuration will end with 5p. The last noble gas filled prior to In is Kr, so the electron configuration of In is [Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p¹.

Because electron energy level are quantized which is true: l) Atomic emission spectra are a series of discrete lines ll) Atomic emission spectra are continuous lll.) Electrons may only occupy a discrete set of energy level lV) Electrons may occupy a continuous range of energy levels

l) and lll) The quantization of electron energy levels leads to a set of discrete transitions between those levels, which produces a set of discrete emission lines at specific wavelengths of light.

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