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Which of the following feels warmest to the touch

100 C water in a tea cup

What would be the mass of a solution if 1g of sugar is dissolved in 20g of water?


A 1.0 g of solid iodine is placed in a tube and the tube is sealed after all of the air is removed the tube and the solid iodine have a combined mass of 27.0 g. The tube is then heated until all of the iodine evaporates, filling the tube with iodine gas. After heating, the total mass will be

27.0 g

Which tempo is the freezing point of water at sea level.

273 k

Which of the following contains the most energy (heat)

50 C water in a bathtub

Which graph best represents the relationship between the pressure of a gas and the volume of that gas.


Electrolysis with a Hoffman apparatus can be used to separate this substance

A compound

This substance can be separated using distillation

A mixture

Energy is transferred from the blank to the blank

Alcohol to the water.

Which of the following experiments should result in a decrease of mass

Alka-Seltzer dissolved in water

Which of the following is not one of the four main concepts of Daltons theory

All atoms of a give element have different properties

The substance consists of two or more elements in a defined mass ratio

Any compound

What is the reason for the answer to question 14

At first the energy supplied goes into changing the phase of water

A single unit of a monatomic element is called a blank; a single unit of a compound is called a blank

Atom; molecule

Which graph best represents the pressure of a gas and the kelvin temp of that gas


Which graph best represents the relationship between the pressure of a gas and the inverse volume of that gas


Which graph best represents the relationship between the pressure of a gas and the number of gas particles


What instrument is used to determine the mass of an object


During region C of the graph above, the energy being absorbed by the system is

Being transferred into the phase accounts

During region B of the graph, the amount of phase energy stored in the system is

C. Remaining the dsame


Cannot be broken down into a simple substance by physical or chemical means. Smalles particle of this is called an atom

Which of the following is not a diatomic element

Carbon C

pure substance

Composition is fixed or definite always made up of the same elements in the same mass ratio. Intrinsic physical properties are also fixed


Composition is variable. Physical properties vary depending on exact composition

Which graph best represents the relationship between the pressure of a gas and the Celsius temp of that gas


Density formula

D= m/v

As temp decreased the average energy kinetic of gas particles


From point B to point C the amount of phase energy stored in the system is


From point C to point D of the graph above the energy being released is


No matter how much oxygen is available, 12g of carbon always combines with 32 g of oxygen. This illustrates the law of

Definite proporytions

Who proposed the first atomic view of matter


What property of matter determines wether an object will sink or float


The circle on the left shows a magnified view of a very small portion of liquid water in a closed container. What would the magnified view show after the water evaporates?


This substance cannot be broken down by physical or chemical means


Which of the following statements describes the importance of the Empedocles theory of matter

Empedocles was among the first to suggest that some substances, which appeared pure, were actually composed of different elements

Explain two different reasons why ethanol is used in a thermometer

Ethanol's boiling point is lower and its freezing point is lower. Therefore it gives the thermometer a larger scale of temperatures to measure or read. Ethanol freezing is -114 C and boiling is 78C

Which term best describes the process by which particles escape from the surface of a non-boiling liquid and enter the gaseous state


T OR F. Energy is composed of matter, which can be transferred into or out of a system


True or false. When a match burns some matter is destroyed


Each of these flasks shown below contains the dame number of particles in which would the pressure be the lowest.

Flask 1

Particles of a gas are always spread farther apart than a solid.


Which of the following is not true of gas particles

Gas particles store less energy than when the particles are in a liquid.

Which of the following terms describes a mixture that has a non uniform appearance and composition


When a sample of liquid is cooled from 60 C to 20 C the amount of thermal energy stored in the system


As atmospheric pressure increases the column of mercury in a standard barometer

Increases in height

During region A of the graph, the amount of phase energy stored in the system is

Increasing A

During region B in the graph, the energy being absorbed by the system is

Increasing the speed of the water particles

Water is different from many other substances beause

It it less dense as a solid than a liquid

What is the name of the property of matter, which is responsible for the way a typical alcohol thermometer functions in the situation described


The gram (g) is a unit used to measure



Mass per unit volume

Law of Conservation of Mass

Matter is not created nor destroyed in any chemical or physical change

Matter changing from a solid to a liquid is called



Mixture with more than one phase and variable properties in different parts of the sample.

Iron combines with oxygen and water from the air to form rust. If an iron nail were placed in a beaker and allowed to rust for a month, one should find that the rusty nails mass is

More than the original nail.

In which position of the graph above is both a solid and a liquid present

None of the above

The pressure exerted by a gas in a container depends on

Number/force of collisions between gas molecules and the walls of the container.


Particles are independent, very far apart, with no attractive forces between them. Fill total volume of the container


Particles constantly make and break temporary attractions between each other. Particles can slip and slide over one another and take the shape of the bottom of the container

Which of the following is not a unit used to measure pressure


During region C of the graph, the amount of thermal energy stored in the system is

Remaining the same

From point A to Point B the amount of phase energy stored in the system is

Remaining the sane

While a sample of water is boiling the amount of thermal energy stored in the system

Remains constant

A blank has a fixed shape and volume with particles closely packed together with limited movement


Particles are in motion in

Solids liquids and gases

Which substances is are composed of particles.

Solids, Liquids, Gas


Strong attractive force between particles lock them into a fixed arrangement


Substances with definite composition that can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical methods

T or F heating Q is the energy transfer mechanism that describes how energy is transferred via microscopic particle collisions


Compare the the volumes and densities of a 10 g and a 50 g pieces of lead.

The 10 g piece would have a smaller volume but an identical density to the 50 g piece.


The amount of space an object takes up

A piece of aluminum is cut in half. How does the density of one half compare to the density of the original piece.

The density of each half is equal to the density of the original piece.

Energy is always transferring from the fast particle to the slow particle.

The fast particle to the slow particle.

Describe the changes in motion of the alcohol particles

The glass particles and alcohol particles collide with the water particles. This causes the alcohol particles to slow down.

The density of an object is

The mass divided by the volume

A piece of aluminum is cut in half. How does the mass of one half compare to the mass of the original piece?

The mass of each half is less than the mass of the original piece.

A gallon of milk is taken from India's de the refine gator where the temp is 13 C and is placed onto the kitchen table where the temp is 23 C. What happens to the speed of the milk particles.

The milk particles speed up

A small block of solid aluminum is heated from 0 C 32 F to 5 C 41 F in 5 min using a hot plate. The hot plate provides a constant rate of heat output at this time. Choose the graph above which best describes the change in temp of the aluminum as a function of time neglecting any heat loss to the environment.

The temp rises at a constant rate (D)

A sample of water in a pan is brought to a boil. Which of the following is true when boiling occurs?

The temperature of the boiling water remains constant

Which of the following statements is true concerning chemical reactons

The total mass of the products in a chemical reaction is exactly equal to the mass of the reactants

A piece of aluminum is cut in half. How does the volume of one half compare to the volume of the original piece?

The volume of each half is less than the volume of the original piece.

When solid water melts to liquid water

The water absorbs energy from the surrondings

Describe the changes in motion of the water particles

The water particles collide with the glass particles and alcohol particles this causes the water particles to speed up

Equal masses of water and alcohol both at 25C are heated at the same rate under identical conditions. After 3 minutes the temp of the alcohol is 50 C. It took 5 min for the water to reach 50 C. Which of the following is true once the water and alcohol have both reached 50 C

The water received more energy than the alcohol because for the same temperature change water requires more energy

How is energy transferred from one particle to another particle?

Through particle collision, fast to slow is the way particles transfer

What's the diameter of the titanium wire. Wire is cylindrical shape.

V=Pie r2h

Particles with a solid

Vibrate about in fixed positions

The cubic centimeter (cm3) is a unit used to measure


Water is not used in thermometers becasue

Water freezes at 0 C a relatively high temp

In the water displacement method for finding volume

You subtract the intial volume from the final volume.

law of definite proportions

a given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by mass

homogenous mixture (solution)

a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout

Dalton's Theory

all matter is made up of individual particles called atoms, which cannot be divided

12 grams of carbon react with 32 grams of oxygen to form exactly 44 grams of carbon dioxide. This is a good example of

law of conservation of mass

The composition of this substance is variable; its physical properties depend on the composition.



the amount of force exerted per unit area of a surface

A mixture of solid water and liquid water is heated from 0 C to 5 C in five minutes using a hot plate. The hot plate provides a constant rate of heat output during this time. Choose the graph which best describes the change in temp of the water as a function of time, neglecting any heat loss to the enviroment

the temp stays constant for a while the rises (A)

When gaseous water condenses to liquid water

the water releases energy to the surroundings

Assume a beaker of pure water has been boiling for 30 minutes. What is in the bubbles in the boiling water?

water vapor

A glass of cold milk sometimes forms a coat of water on the outside of the glass (often referred to as 'sweat'). How does most of the water get there?

water vapor condenses from the air

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