Chem Ch 14 Macromolecules

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Enzymes may speed up reaction by a factor of


Nylon 6,6

2 monomers (through condensation polymerization) Adipic acid Hexamethylene diamine Used in textile fibre. It has a combination of high strength, elasticity, toughness, and abrasion resistance.


A large molecule consisting of many identical or similar molecular units, called monomers, covalently joined together in a chain. E.g. Nucleic acids Plastics.


A large molecule made up by repetition of smaller and simpler units known as monomers. They maybe linear, branched or interconnected.


A type of starch stored in the body; it can be converted to or from glucose. Found in liver and muscles. Also called animal starch.


A very large organic molecule composed of many smaller molecules or repeating units called monomers. They maybe organic or inorganic.

Hydrolysis of glycerides

By lipase enzyme converted into fatty acids and glycerol.



Derived proteins

Derived from simple and conjugated. E.g. Peptones, oligopeptides, polypeptides, proteoses enzymes. They may be of types Regulatory or hormonal Structural Transport Genetic

Epoxy resin

Fundamentally polyethers. Condensation of epichlorohydrin with diphenylol propane. Mainly used in coating materials (painted on things like thermal power stations, industrial materials, dams, bridges ) which give toughness, strength, flexibility,adhesion and chemical resistance.

Inorganic Macromolecules

Giant molecules like diamond, graphite, and sand.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Glycerol esters which contain high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. Also called oils. (CH)n

Thermosetting polymers

Have cross links holding the polymer chains together that do not break when heated. They become hard on heating and can not be softened again. It decomposes on heating instead of melting. E.g. Synthetic varnish, epoxy resins.

Saponification number

It represents the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify 1 g of fat or oil under the conditions specified. E.g 1 mol glycerol tripalmitate (mol.wt 807) requires 168,000 mg KOH. 1g of it will require 168000/807= 208. So it's saponification number is 208.


Most abundant animal sterol. In animal tissues and few higher plants. Free form Esterified form in blood, animal tissues, yolks etc. Excess deposits plaque in arteries.


Most important source of carbs in human diet. Polymer of alpha-D-glucose. Natural occuring contains 10-20% amylose and 80-90% amylopectin


Naturally occuring hormones. Parent nucleus has component perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene. It has 3 six C rings. 1 five C ring. Total 17 C. E.g. Cholesterol, male and female sex hormones, ergosterol, hormones of adrenal cortex.

cofactors and coenzymes

Nonprotein molecules that participate in catalysis Usually by carrying charge through ionization, protonation, deprotonation Usually kept in small quantities

degree of polymerization

Number of molecules connected in a chain. Long chains indicate a high degree of polymerization and a high degree of fiber strength. E.g. In linear polythene -(-CH2-CH2-)- is repeated unit.

condensation polymerization

Polymerisation in which molecules are joined together through condensation reactions. Mutual reaction of two functional groups. Usually water or methanol is removed. It takes place at both ends of the growing chain.


Polystyrene is a synthetic aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene. Polystyrene can be solid or foamed. General-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and rather brittle. It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight. It is used in the manufacture of food containers, cosmetic bottles, toys, and packing materials.

Polyester Resin

Product of reaction of an alcohol (ethane 1,2 diol) and aromatic bi functional acids (benzene 1,4 di carboxylic acid). stiff, hard, brittle unless reinforced, electrical insulator, resists chemicals well. Used for bonding of materials and casting. Often blended with cotton in summer and wool in winter. Also used to make water tanks.

Compound or conjugated proteins

Protein is attached to some non protein groups called prosthetic groups. E.g. Phospho proteins with phosphoric acid. Lipoproteins with lipid substances like cholesterol, lecithin and fatty acids.

Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)

Raised in heart diseases.

Alkaline phosphatase

Raised in rickets and obstructive jaundice

Saturated fatty acids

Solid or semi solid at room temperature. Also known as fats. Glycerides in which long change saturated acid components predominate. (CH2)n


Soluble in water. Gives deep blue colour with Iodine.


Sterol of fungi and yeasts. Converted into vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol due to irradiation with UV rays.


Sugar cane


The hydrolysis of an oil or fat in the presence of a base to form salt of fatty acid or soap and glycerol.


The most abundant bio molecules on earth. Hydrate of carbon Name is derived from the fact that the first compound studied had general formula Cx(H2O)y Polyhydroxy compounds of aldehydes and ketones. Commonly called sugars.


The most abundant carbohydrate. Cotton 99% Woody parts of trees 50% Polymer of beta-D-glucose

Organic Macromolecules

These maybe biopolymers (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates) or synthetic polymers (plastics, rubber, synthetic fibres).


Treatment of blood cancer in children.


Triester of glycerol. Also called triglycerides M.P. Depends on extent of unsaturated fatty acid components.

addition polymerization

Type of polymerization in which monomers are coupled through their multiple bonds. It is a free radical addition reaction. Involves initiation, propagation and termination. Catalysed by thermal or photochemical decomposition or organic peroxides to give free radicals. E.g. Polymerisation of styrene.


Type of reaction where small molecules called monomers join together to form long molecules called polymers (plastic).

Hardening of oils

Unsaturated glycerides react with hydrogen in presence of a metal catalyst (Ni) to give saturated glycerides. Oil into fat.

In RNA, thymine is replaced by

Uracil (U) so A and U pair


Used to locally stop bleeding.


a hexose sugar found especially in honey and fruit. It is used as a sweetening agent in confectionery and as a substitute of cane sugar.


a type of carbohydrate and the preferred source of energy for the brain and central nervous system. Also called dextrose/blood sugar/grape sugar. Small quantities in human blood and urine.

rancidity in fats

chemical decomposition of fats, oils, and other lipids (oxidative or hydrolytic reaction turns lipids rancid) which releases foul smelling aldehyde and fatty acids. Oil from sea animals which contain larger no. of unsaturated deteriorate quickly.

Simple proteins

contain only amino acids. 25-35% of human body protein. Globulin found in animals. Lactoglobin in muscles and in plants. Legumin and collagen in connective tissues.


glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose


milk sugar, glucose + galactose Does not occur in plants.


organic compounds, including the fats, oils, waxes, sterols, and triglycerides, that are insoluble in water, but soluble in non-polar organic solvents. Naturally occurring organic compounds of animals and plants origin which belong to a very heterogeneous group of substances.

thermoplastic polymers

polyethylene materials that can be easily remelted and reprocessed. It can be softened on heating and hardened on cooling repeatedly with little change in its properties. E.g. PVC pipes, plastic toys.


protein portion of an enzyme

Acrylic resin

used in the manufacture of plastics, paints for car industry, and water based resistance paint. Most acrylic fibres are based on acrylonitrile. E.g. Methylmethacrylate Acrylic acid Butyl acrylate

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