CHEM EXAM #3 (10, 11, methanol, vitamins)

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Identify the sulfate ion. S2- so3^2- so2- s04^-2 SO-

The last letters of the name indicate whether it is a positive cation or negative anion. SO4^2-

what is methanol used for

antifreeze, solvent, fuel, and as a denaturant for ethanol


application of intermolecular forces - usually uses sodium alginate - calcium ions act as fasteners, snapping carbohydrate chains together to form a large molecule network in the form of impermeable gel around water solution EX: tide pods

treatment of methanol poisoning

fomepizole or ethanol both drugs act to reduce the action of alcohol dehydrogenase on methanol by means of competitive inhibition, and the methanol is excreted by the kidneys rather than transformed into toxic metabolites - also sodium bicarbonate

amphiphilic molecules

have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups polar and nonpolar regions

molecules of fats and oils are both _____

triglycerides contain 3 ester functional groups

symptoms of methanol toxicity

- blood levels peak at 30-90 minutes following ingestion Symptoms: staggering blurred vision, impaired judgement and reflexes, drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain

Sous Vide cooking

- water as the medium for cooking - food placed in vacuum sealed bag in water - cook at a precise temperature (uniform heating)- can't overcook - prevents overheating - can be dangerous if BPA seeps out of plastic into food

tongue map

-Tip of tongue most sensitive to sweet, umami, and salty -Sides and back of tongue most receptive to bitter and sour

Classes of plasma lipoproteins

-Very-low-density lipoproteins(VLDLs): deliver triglycerides from liver to adipose and muscle -Low-density lipoproteins (LDL): delivers cholesterol to nonhepatic tissue, big contributor to coronary disease -High-density lipoproteins: carry cholesterol to liver Chylomicrons: Transport dietary triacylglycerols (fats) from intestine to the liver and to adipose tissue

Methanol is toxic by 2 mechanisms

1. methanol (whether it enters the body by ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through skin) can be fatal due to its CNS depressant properties (similar to ethanol) 2. Metabolized to formic acid: methanol is converted to formaldehyde via alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and formaldehyde is converted to form acid (formate) via aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)

Here is a recipe for apple pie using the metric system to describe the amounts of ingredients that are needed. Using the Internet (e.g.,, convert the metric units into the indicated cooking units of cups, teaspoons, and tablespoons. (Round your answers to the nearest ¼ cup and/or ¼ teaspoon/tablespoon.)

1.5 kg of sliced apples: 8¼ cups 150 g granulated sugar: 3/4 cup 25 mL cornstarch: 1 3/4 tablespoons 4 mL ground cinnamon: 3/4 teaspoons 40 g butter: 2 3/4 tablespoons

Boiling point of water

100 degrees Celsius and 212 degrees Fahrenheit When the vapor pressure of the liquid exceeds that of the external air pressure

How much methanol is toxic

10mL: of pure methanol can cause permanent blindness by destruction of optic nerve 30mL: potentially fatal 100mL: median lethal dose

1 cal= ____ J

4.184 J


Although there are cases of malnourished and undernourished people in the U.S., 69% of the adult population is classified as overweight with almost half of that population classified as obese. Obesity and its related adverse health effects are overtaking smoking as the No. 1 cause of death in the United States.


CH3OH simplest alcohol, colorless, volatile, flammable, distinctive odor, highly toxic and unfit for consumption


Calories are often used to express the energy released when food is metabolized. 1 calorie (cal) is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1.0 g of water by 1°C.

Major subtypes of steroids:

Cholesterol help stabilize biological membranes Sex hormones (ex: estrogen, testosterone, progesterone) •control development secondary sexual characteristics and some aspects of behavior Mineralocorticoids (ex: aldosterone) •help regulate fluid/water balance by regulating Na+/ and K+ concentrations in blood Glucocorticoids (ex: cortisol) •help regulate blood levels of energy nutrients and help control the body's response to stress (including the immune and inflammatory response) •Vitamin D - (steroid nucleus ring "B" is opened)


Conjugated proteins that contain lipids and amino acids Help suspend lipids (excess fat and cholesterol) and transport them through the bloodstream Classes of plasma lipoproteins

The first law of thermodynamics

Energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed. ex energy from pan to egg

Microwave cooking

Has lower energy than IR and visible light, but higher energy than radio waves - energy in microwaves not sufficient enough to cause bond breakage in molecules, it instead causes molecular rotations - when the molecules bump into each other from rotating it causes heat because of frictional forces

Rank the following aqueous salt solutions in order of boiling point, from the lowest to highest.

Lowest boiling point 1.0 M NaCl (aq) 0.1 M NaCl (aq) 0.5 M KCl (aq) Highest Boiling point 1.0 M CaCl2 (aq) 2.0M CaCl2 (aq)


Mayonnaise, milk and oil in water contain amphiliic molecules

Vitamin A

Retinol- only occurs in animal world - extensively unsaturated hydrocarbon (B- carotene) - found in plant world in the form of provitamin in a group of pigments called carotenes - beta carotene =divides vitamin A in half and get 2 vitamin A - deficiency of vitamin A can lead to blindness

Group the following acids as strong or weak by dragging them to the appropriate area.

Strong acids: hydrochloric acid hydrobromic acid nitric acid sulfuric acid Weak Acids: Acetic Acid Formic acid chlorous acid hydrofluoric acid hydrocyanic acid


Sucrose (table sugar) is an example of a disaccharide, formed by joining two monosaccharide units. In forming a sucrose molecule, an alpha-glucose and beta-fructose are connected by a C-O-C linkage, formed when a water molecule is produced. This is another type of condensation reaction, which was described in Chapter 9 for the synthesis of polyesters.

triglyceride formation

The formation of a triglyceride is made from 3 molecules of stearic (fatty) acid and one glycerol molecule:

biological roles of vitamin D

Vitamin D- bone development and repair a bone if you break- calcium in bones' -Bone mineralization -Immune cell differentiation -More likely to develop cancer -Neurodetergeration -More common in women X2 (same as altizmers disease) -We make vitamin D in our skin with exposure to the sun -Only vitamin human body can make

Prostaglandins (made from lipids)

a family of compounds that have the 20-carbon skeleton of prostanoic acid - first detected in seminal fluid.. from prostate The metabolic precursor is arachidonic acid (20 carbon atoms: 4 double bonds)


a group of lipids that have fused-ring structure of 3 six-membered rings, and 1 five-membered ring.


a natural process that occurs via the anaerobic metabolism of sugar in the presence of microorganisms such as yeast - sugars such as glucose or fructose (sugars) are converted into molecules that provide organism with energy (ATP) - by products are ethanol (C2H5OH) and carbon dioxide

Trytophan (chocolate)

amino acid, also in turkey; precursor for serotonin which chemically makes you happier


an a- linkage primary carbohydrate component in potatoes - can digest

Vitamin E

antioxidant- traps free radicals as result of oxidation by O2 of unsaturated hydrocarbon chains in membrane phospholipids

Flavanols (chocolate)

antioxidants; triggers health and a healthy heart


are compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The best-known dietary carbohydrates are sugars (like glucose) and starch. Carbohydrates have a 2:1 ratio of H to O atoms (like water).

Vitamin K

blood clotting long unsaturated hydrocarbon side consists of repeating isoprene units - long polymer with a ring system at end

What an alternate way to process taste?

brain signals may also be triggered by ions passing through an ion channel, such as sodium or chloride ions, or protons from an acidic food product


can measure concretely - numbers temp, pressure

energy usefulness in order

carbohydrates fats proteins

B- linkage

cellulose - primary fibrous component in cell walls of plants - cannot digest

dietary fat

cellulose- fibrous part of plants


changes in textures, color, firmness, etc judgements

Smoking of meats

collagen converts to gelatin. Gelatin is more water soluble which gives a desirable tender meat product - the smoke ring( the pink discoloration due to smoking) forms because nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from the smoke interact with meat and forms acidic enviroment

Carbonated beverages

contain dissolved carbon dioxide. The concentration of the dissolved liquid is related to the pressure of gas over the liquid

unsaturated fats

contains one or more C-to C double bonds between carbon atoms

Henry's law

describes the relationship between the pressure of a gas and the concentration of gas dissolved in the liquid C= kP C= concentration of gas in the liquid (molarity: mol/L or M) k= henry's law constant (mol/atm) P= pressure of gas above the solution (atm)

saturated fats

fats that are solid at room temperature (bacon greese) - contain only c-c double bonds between carbon atoms

Keone bodies

formation occurs when the amount of acetyl-coA produced is excessive compared with amount of oxaloacetate available to react with it When does this happen: - intake high in lipids and low in carbohydrates - diabetes not suitably controlled - starvation Ketone bodies are: acetone, b-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate •Formed principally in liver mitochondria •Can be used as a fuel in most tissues and organs


gets muscles of digestive tract something to push on to move through system

properties of fats

greasy, slippery, soft, low-melting, water insoluble solids can be animal origins: butter, cheese, cream, whole milk, and certain meats and fish can be vegetable origin: oils,olive oil, corn, nuts, same as animal fats but liquid

heating curve of water

heat is used to convert water between phases the temp of water doesn't change until phase change is complete. - energy is used to break or form intermolecular forces during a reversible phase change. Instead of altering the kinetic energy of the water molecule themselves

Boiling point of water in low vs high elevations

high elevations (lower pressure)= lower boiling rate


hydrogenation without trans fats - scrambles fatty acids on two or more triglycerides - perform process with a low-melting triglyceride (an oil) and a high melting point triglyceride ( a fat), the result is a mixture with an intermediate melting point - utilizes a catalyst (base or enzyme)


in brewing coffees and teas we extract compounds from a solid (leaves or beans) - pouring hot water over roasted coffee beans initiates diverse chemical reactions that yields products (Diff coffee flavors)

Why is methanol toxic

in large quantities it is metabolized first to formaldehyde then to formic acid or formate salts which are poisonous the central nervous system and may cause blindness, coma, and death


is a receptor antagonist: it keeps the receptor from doing what it is supposed to - caffeine fits in the same receptor as adenosine- which stimulates brain activity and constricts blood vessels Adenosine: forces you to slow down, makes you sleepy, dilates blood vessels

Why is formate toxic

it inhibits mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, causing hypoxia at the cellular level, and metabolic acidosis, among a variety of other metabolic disturbances

why is water a good solvent

its high latent heat -it absorbs large amounts of heat before undergoing a phase change from liquid to gas

Calculate the concentration in mol/L, M, of an aqueous sugar solution with a concentration of 20.5% (w/w) and density of 1.050 g/mL at 25°C . The molecular weight of sugar is 342.30 g/mol. Report your answer to three significant figures.

let there be 100g of the solution mass of sugar = 100 x 20.5/100 = 20.5g moles of sugar: 20.5/ 342.30 = 0.059889 mol volume of solution: 100/1.050 = 95.34ml 0.0598889/95.24 = 0.63 mol

Vitamins Are divided into two classes

lipid-soluble (A, D, E, K) Water- soluble (C, B vitamins

Oils are triglycerides that are

liquid at room temperature

fatty acids

long hydrocarbon chain generally containing an even number of carbon atoms (12-24) & a carboxylic acid group (-COOH or -CO2H) at the end of the chain


made up of amino acids and use them to build new proteins - muscle tissue, enzymes, antibodies

trans fat

man made: artificially manipulate melting point, add or take away double bonds - cis isomers- same side of double bond - trans isomer, H atoms are on the opposite side of double bond. Trans fats raise the level of triglycerides and "bad" cholesterol in blood, leading to heart disease. The molecular shape of trans fatty acids are similar to saturated fats


mass/volume need to have some units when comparing

How do we process taste?

molecules in food interact with macromolecule sensors on the tongue (lock and key). This binding then triggers a particular signal to the brain

What helps determine density

more space between


nitrates (NO2-, NO3-) are used to kill bacteria due to their antioxidant properties. The nitrates and nitrites further break down into the meat into nitric oxide (NO), which binds to iron in hemoglobin and prevents further oxidation of meat - a process of osmosis


not enough of the right nutrients


not enough quantity of food

role of vitamin A

participation of visual in rod cells - the active molecule: retina - retinal forms with an imine with -NH2 groups of the protein opsin to form the visual pigment called rhodopsin - the primary chemical event of vision in rod cells is absorption of light by rhodopsin followed by isomerization of the 11-cis double bond to the 11-trans double bond - clarity of vision not color

why is a tongue map inaccurate?

recent research indicates that the entire tongue can sense all 6 taste senses more or less equally


reduces C =C to C-C bonds by adding H2 across the double bond. A metal catalyst is required - transformed from oil into a semisolid fat

Drying or curing

removes water so bacteria can no longer live on it

Mailiard Reaction

responsible for the browning of foods - occurs at high temperatures, featuring a chemical reaction from the functional group in sugars (carbohydrates), and amino acids (building blocks of proteins) in foods


short term energy storage


single sugar such as glucose and fructose, consist of a single ring. The difference between alpha and beta glucose arises from the position of a single hydroxyl group

Fats are triglycerides that are _____ at room temperature


Why does water have high latent heat?

strong hydrogen bonding between neighboring water molecules

anandomide (chocolate)

the natural neurotransmitter that activates cannabinoid receptors - THC


the products of fermentation are purified by distillation which vaporizes a liquid and collects the condensate - graduulay heat mixture and once you get boiling points of certain chemicals you throw away

Specific gravity

the ratio of density of a solution to the density of pure solvent (usually water)

limiting reagent

the thing you run out of first; indicates how many of the product you can make

types of lipids

triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids


used to determine the sugar content, which relates to the density of the solution. - dividing between light and dark light - can measure how much alcohol you can make by fermenting sugar

Bronchodilator (chocolate)

used to open air passages, helps you smell better; heightens experience, heart rate taste

Choose the solids that will float on pure water and drag them onto the water.

water has a density of 1 g/cm3 so anything less will float 0.96 g/cm3 0.91 g/cm3 1.00 g/cm3

composition of the human body

water: 56% Proteins: 21% Fats: 15% Minerals :5% carbohydrates: 2% vitamins: 1% on average a 150 pound person will contain 90 lbs of water and 30 lbs of fat

What does adding salt to water do

widens the range in which water stays a liquid - lower freeze temp


• Compounds also derived from arachidonic acid • Found in white blood cells (leukocytes) • Consists of 3 conjugated double bonds • An important property is constriction of smooth muscles, especially in the lungs - involved in immune response - made from fatty acids


1kcal 100 calories

The "perfect" quesadilla can be made with two large flour tortillas (200 g per tortilla) and 1 cup of cheese (50 g). Identify the limiting reagent and excess reagent in making quesadillas with the ingredients shown below:

450g = excess reagent 10 tortillas = limiting reagent

Vitamin D

A group of structurally related compounds that are involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism -•the most abundant form in the circulatory system is vitamin D3 - body decides in last step of 18 step process if its going to be vitamin D or protein - clips ring in middle and opens up to make vitamin D

Theobromine (chocolate)

A vasodilator dilates blood vessels; lowers blood pressure, duertic and heart stimulate

Is an aqueous solution of HBr acid, basic, or neutral?



An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation.

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