Chem final prep part 2

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Below is the reaction for the formation of tungsten metal from tungsten ore. The reaction is at equilibrium. WO3(s) + 3H2(g) <--> W(s) + 3H2O(g) ΔH > 0 What is the effect on [H2O] when H2(g) is added? A. increases B. decreases C. stays the same


what is the expected charge on As and the electron configuration for that ion? A. As-3, [Kr] B. As-5, [Kr] C. As+5, [Ar] D. As+5, [Kr]4d10 E. As+3, [Ar]5s2.4d10

A or D

what is the preferred structure for CHO2-1? A. A B. B C. C D. D

A or D

naphthalene (C10H8) is found in mothballs. The enthalpy of sublimation is +72.6 kJ/mol. What is the value of ΔH for the reaction below? 4C10H8(g) --> 4C10H8(s) A. -72.6 kj B. +72.6 kj C. -290.4 kj D. +290.4 kj


three molecules with labeled atoms are shown below. choose the combination below in which h-bonding can occur. A. Nz-Hd B. Ox-He C. Hb-H3 D. Oy-Ha


using the table of bond enthalpies, what is the value of ΔH° for the reaction of 2 mol H2 with 1 mol O2? 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. +441 kj/mol reaction B. -485 kj/mol reaction C. +5 kj/mol reaction D. -834 kj/mol reaction


what are the most + and most - oxidation states of R? A. +2, -4 B. +4, -4 C. +4, -6 D. +2, -2


what is expected charge on Cs and the electron configuration for that ion? A. Cs-7, [Xe]6s2.5d10.6p6 B. Cs+1, [Xe] C. Cs-7, [Rn] D. Cs+1, [Rn]


what is the equilibrium expression? 2H2S(g) + 3O2(g) <--> 2SO2(g) + 2H2O(l) A. K=[SO2]^2/([H2S]^2+[O2]^3) B. K=[SO2]^2/([H2S]^2x[O2]^3) C. K=([SO2]^2x[H2O]^2)/([H2S]^2x[O2]^3) D. K=2[SO2]^2/(2[H2S]x2[O2]) E. K=[H2S]^2x[O2]^3/[SO2]^2


what is the ionic formula for this compound? A. Ca2F3 B. CaF2 C. Ca8F14 D. CF


what is the pH when [HClO4]= 2.45x10^-3 M? A. 1.61 B. 2.61 C. 3 D. 6.01


what is the pressure of the trapped gas in the bulb? A. 1016 atm B. 1.34 atm C. 516 atm D. 0.89 atm


what is the value of ΔH of 0.33 mol of N2(g) reacts? N2(g) + 3H2(g) -> 2NH3(g) ΔH~-97 kj/mol rxn A. -294 kj B. -32 kj C. -97 kj D. +32 kj E. + 97 kj


what is the value of ΔH° based upon the amount of H2 in the balloon? (~1.0 L in balloon) 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. -19.8 kj B. -9.9 kj C. -243 kj D. -485 kj


when 0.041 mol of H2 are reacting, how many mols of O2 are reacting? 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. 0.082 mol O2 B. 0.205 mol O2 C. 0.041 mol O2 D. 1.0 mol O2


when heat is added, the concentration of Cl- _____? AgCl(s) + 2NH3(aq) <--> Aq(NH3)2+1(aq) + Cl-(aq) ΔH<0 A. increases B. decreases C. stays the same


which compartment is the cathode? how many electrons are transferred? which way do the electrons travel? A. A, 6, left B. A, 3, left C. B, 6, right D. B, 3, right


which one (a-h) represents the absorption of red light? A. a B. b C. c D. d E. e F. f G. g H. h


which solution has a lower pH? A. [H3O+]=1x10^-5M B. [OH-]=1x10^-10M


which type of cell is appropriate for the redox reaction below? 2Na+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) --> 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) A. galvanic B. electrolytic


you are throwing a beach party. wanting to be authentic, you decide you need salt water in your 700 liter swimming pool. if a typical [NaCl]=0.600 M, how many grams of NaCl do you need? (NaCl is 58.44 g/mol) (volume x concentration=moles) A. 420 grams B. 24500 grams C. 40900 grams D. 35.0 grams


pick the large and smallest atoms. O, Si, Br, Na, Cs, Ne A. Large Cs, Small O B. Large Br, Small Ne C. Large Cs, Small Ne D. Large Na, Small Br


pick the strongest acid. A. HIO4 B. HIO C. HBrO4 D. HBrO


pick the weakest acid. A. A B. B C. C D. D


using the rules for quantum numbers, select the set that is not allowed. A. n=3, l=2, ml=-1, ms=+1/2 B. n=25, l=1, ml=0, ms=-1/2 C. n=4, l=2, ml=-3, ms=+1/2 D. n=10, l=4, ml=-4, ms=-1/2


vodka is 35 volume % alcohol, which means it is approximately 27.6 grams C2H6O in 100 mL solution. What is [C2H6O] in vodka? (C2H6O is 46.08 g/mol) A. 599 M B. 0.276 M C. 5.99 M D. 2.76 M E. 0.35 M


what are the concentrations of cation, anion, and total ion when 0.60 moles of Na2SO4 is dissolved in 3 liters of water? A. [cat]=0.40, [an]=0.60, [ion]=1.20 M B. [cat]=1.20, [an]=0.60, [ion]=1.80 M C. [cat]=0.40, [an]=0.20, [ion]=0.60 M D. [cat]=0.40, [an]=1.00, [ion]=1.40 M


what is the conjugate acid of ClO3-1? A. HClO3-1 B. H2ClO3-1 C. HClO3


what is the name of (NH4)3PO4? A. triammonium phosphate B. ammonia phosphate C. ammonium phosphate D. ammonium phosphite


what is the oxidation state of each C in C2H4Br2? A. +6 B. +3 C. -1 D. -2


what is the value of ΔS for the reaction below? O2(g) + 4NO2(g) <--> 2N2O5 A. ΔS~0 B. ΔS>0 C. ΔS<0


what neutral compound is formed between Q and S? A. QS2 B. SQ C. S2Q D. SQ2


which arrow (g-l) represents sublimation? A. g B. h C. i D. j E. k F. l


which interaction is π* (pi antibonding)? A. A B. B C. C D. D


which letter (a-f) represents a boiling point? A. a B. b C. c D. d E. e F. f


which letter represents the π bond(s) in ethyne? A. A B. B C. C D. D


which material below is a semiconductor? A. A B. B C. C


which one (a-h) is the lowest energy absorption? A. a B. b C. c D. d E. e F. f G. g H. h


which set has the most repulsive force? A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E


write the net reaction or none for the following: a lead bar is placed in bromine and water. A. Pb+2(aq) + Br-(aq) --> PbBr2(s) B. 2Br-(aq) + Pb(s) --> Br2(;) + Pb+2(aq) C. Br2(l) + Pb(s) --> 2Br-(aq) + Pb+2(aq) D. 2Br-(aq) + Pb2+(aq) --> Br2(l) + Pb(s) E. none


decide if each of the following substances would be more soluble in water or hexane: LiC2H3O2, CH3CH2CH3 A. hexane, hexane B. hexane, water C. water, hexane D. water, water


determine the algebraic signs of ΔH and ΔS for the phase change: I2(s)->I2(g) A. ΔH>0, ΔS<0 B. ΔH<0, ΔS<0 C. ΔH>0, ΔS>0 D. ΔH<0, ΔS>0


does CH3CH3OH or CH3OCH3 have a higher boiling point and why? A. CH3CH3OH, dispersion B. CH3CH3OH, dipolar C. CH3CH3OH, h-bond D. CH3OCH3, dipolar E. CH3OCH3, h-bond


give the indicated bond angle A. A=<109, B=109, C=109 B. A=120, B=120, C=109 C. A=<109, B=120, C=109 D. A=90, B=120, C=90


give the shape about the center A. A: trigonal planar, B: trigonal pyramidal, C: tetrahedral B. tetrahedral, B: tetrahedral, C: tetrahedral C. A: trigonal pyramidal, B: trigonal planar, C: tetrahedral


how many electrons are transferred? 2Fe(s) + 3Cl2(g) --> 2Fe+3(aq) + 6Cl-1(aq) A. 3 B. 12 C. 6 D. 2


if [OH-]=0.000001 M, what is the [H3O+], pH and acidity/basicity? A. 1e-8, 6, acidic B. 1e-6, 6, acidic C. 1e-8, 8, basic D. 1e-6, 8 acidic


a solution of carbonic acid is mixed with a solution of sodium sulfide. A. HCO3- + S-2 <--> CO3-2 + HS- B. H2CO3 + S-2 --> CO3-2 + H2S C. H2CO3 + S-2 <--> HCO3- + HS- D. H2CO3 + S-2 --> HCO3- + HS-


a system has 200 J of work done of it, and releases 125 J of heat. what is Esystem, Esurroundings, and Euniverse? A. +325 J, -325 J, 0 J B. -325 J, +325 J, 0 J C. -75 J, +75 J, 0 J D. +75 J, -75 J, 0 J


assume the Bohr model to calculate the radius of the n=2 level of the B+4 ion. A. what is Z again B. 35.42 pm C. 52.92 pm D. 42.35 pm


choose the value of ΔG and Eact (forward): A. ΔG=+2 kj, Eact: +10 kj B. ΔG=+2 kj, Eact: +8 kj C. ΔG=-6 kj, Eact: +10 kj D. ΔG=-6 kj, Eact: +2 kj E. ΔG=-6 kj, Eact: -2 kj


decide if each of the following substance would be soluble in water or hexane: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2COONa, NH4Cl A. hexane, hexane B. hexane, water C. water, hexane D. water, water


determine the polarity A. polar, polar B. polar, non polar C. non polar, polar D. non polar, non polar


does CCl4 or CF2Br2 have a higher boiling point and why? A. CCl4, dispersion B. CCl4, dipolar C. CF2Br2, dispersion D. CF2Br2, dipolar


estimate ΔH for the following reaction. C2H2(g) + 2Br2(g) -> C2H2Br2(g) A. -102 kj/mol reaction B. -384 kj/mol reaction C. -438 kj/mol reaction D. -245 kj/mol reaction E. +102 kj/mol reaction


for the transition 4d->5p, select the value of n+l and the type of transition. A. 6->6, emission B. 6->6, neither C. 4->5, absorption D. 6->6, absorption


how many electron regions are around the lettered atoms? (make sure you octet) A. A=2, B=2 B. A=3, B=2 C. A=2, B=4 D. A=3, B=4


how many moles of AlCl3 can be made, how many moles of Al are left over and how many moles of Cl2 are left over? Al(s) + 3Cl2(g) --> 2AlCl3(s) A. 6 mol AlCl3, 0 mol Al, 0 mol Cl2 B. 6 mol AlCl3, 0 mol Al, 2 mol Cl2 C. 2 mol AlCl3, 2 mol Al, 0 mol Cl2 D. 4 mol AlCl3, 2 mol Al, 0 mol Cl2


how many moles of P are in 128 g of P? A. 2.13e-22 mol P B. 8.53 mol P C. 2.49e24 mol P D. 4.13 mol P


how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in 17O-2? A. 8p, 9n, 6e B. 16p, 1n, 9e C. 8p, 10n, 9e D. 8p, 9n, 10e


identify the fermi level A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F


if the balloon is ~1.0 liter in volume, how many moles of H2 react? (we assume the balloon is at 1 atm of pressure and 25 degrees C) 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. 0.487 mol H2 B. 0.00040 mol H2 C. 0.0049 mol H2 D. 0.041 mol H2


is the following compound molecular or ionic: CrS3? what is the appropriate name? A. molecular, chromium trisulfide B. ionic, chromium trisulfide C. molecular, chromium (vi) sulfide D. ionic, chromium (vi) sulfide


lewis structure: chlorite ion ClO2-1 (use formal charge) A. A B. B C. C D. D


pick the most and least electronegative atoms. O, Si, Br, Na, Cs, Ne A. most Ne, least Na B. most Ne, least Cs C. most O, least Na D. most O, least Cs


pick the strongest base. A. HSO4-1 B. HSO3-1 C. HSeO4-1 D. HSeO3-1


select the coefficients that balance the reactions: ____S8 + ____O2 --> _____SO3 A. 2, 6, 4 B. 1, 6, 4 C. 1, 24, 8 D. 1, 12, 8


Electrolyte or non-electrolyte? NH4C2H3O2, HCl A. electrolyte, electrolyte B. electrolyte, non-electrolyte C. non-electrolyte, electrolyte D. non-electrolyte, non-electrolyte


Now that you have the best structure of bromate, what is the bond angle, molecular shape, and hybridization? (structure D) A. <109, trigonal pyramidal, sp3 B. <109, tetrahedral, sp3 C. 120, trigonal planar, sp2 D. <120, trigonal pyramidal, sp3 E. 109, tetrahedral, s2p2


R-2(aq) + S+2(aq) --> R(s) + S(s) A. spontaneous B. non spontaneous


What is the concentration of acetate ions when 0.250 moles of barium acetate is dissolved in 200.0 mL of water? A. 2.50 M B. 5.00 M C. 0.00125 M D. 0.00250 M E. 1.25 M


an aqueous solution of sodium acetate. A. H2O + C2H3O2- <--> OH- + HC2H3O2 B. H3O+ + C2H3O2- --> H2O + HC2H3O2 C. HC2H3O2 + H2O <--> C2H3O2- + H3O+ D. H2O + C2H3O2- <--> H3O+ + HC2H3O2


assume the reaction is at equilibrium: when O2 is removed from the reaction, the amount of H2 will... 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same


assume the reaction is at equilibrium: when heat is added to the reaction, the amount of H2 will..... 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same


based on the reaction having a ΔH° value of -485 kj/mol, how can the reaction be described? 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. exothermic and hot B. endothermic and hot C. exothermic and cold D. endothermic and cold


choose the best reducing agent. A. R-2 B. R C. R+2 D. S E. S+4


choose the correct statement that describes the reaction below. 2H2S(g) + SO2(g) --> 3S(s) + 2H2O (l) ΔH=-147.2 kj/mol A. the reaction is extensive at low temperature B. the reaction is extensive at high temperature C. the reaction is extensive at any temperature D. the reaction is not extensive at any temperature


determine the C-O bond order for CHO2-1. think about how many preferred resonance structures exist and where the bond shifts. A. BO=3/2 B. BO=1 C. BO=4/3 D. BO=2


how many electron regions are around the lettered atoms? A. A=4, B=3, C=4 B. A=3, B=3, C=4 C. A=3, B=4, C=4 D. A=4, B=4, C=4


identify the net precipitation reaction that occurs (if any) when the solutions are mixed. iron (iii) chloride and sodium hydroxide A. Fe+3(aq) + 3OH-(aq) -> Fe(OH)3(s) B. Fe+3(aq) + OH3-1(aq) -> FeOH3(s) C. 2Fe+3(aq) + 3O-2(aq) -> Fe2-3(s) D. no precipitate forms


is the following compound molecular or ionic: SO3? what is the appropriate name? A. molecular, sulfur trioxide B. ionic, sulfur trioxide C. molecular, sulfur (vi) oxide D. ionic, sulfur (vi) oxide


select the substance with the higher melting point (in theory) and the reason why. A. SiO2, network covalent B. SO2, molecular dispersion forces C. SiO2, molecular dipolar forces D. SO2, molecular dipolar forces E. SiO2, ionic


the typical temperature in New Orleans in 30 degrees C and typical humidity is 75%. at what temperature will it rain? A. 25 C B. 33 C C. 47 C D. 23 C


using the rules for quantum numbers, select the set that is not allowed. A. n=4, l=4, ml=2, ms=+1/2 B. n=5, l=2, ml=0, ms=+1/2 C. n=3, l=2, ml=-1, ms=-1/2 D. n=1, l=0, ml=0, ms=+1/2


what is the conjugate base of H2O? A. OH- B. H3O+ C. O-2


what is the hybridization around the lettered atoms? A. A=sp3, B= sp2, C=sp3 B. A=sp3, B= sp3, C=sp3 C. A=sp2, B= sp2, C=sp3 D. A=s2p2, B= sp2, C=s2p2


what is the thermal energy in kj/mol of a substance at 70 degrees C? A. 2.85 kj/mol B. 2.85x10^3 kj/mol C. 5.8x10^2 kj/mol D. 343 kj/mol


what neutral compound is formed between Q and R? A. RQ2 B. R4Q2 C. R4Q6 D. R2Q3


when NH3 is added, the concentration of Cl- ______? AgCl(s) + 2NH3(aq) <--> Aq(NH3)2+1(aq) + Cl-(aq) ΔH<0 A. increases B. decreases C. stays the same


which liquid has the stronger intermolecular forces? A. A B. B


which solution has the lower pH? A. 0.1 M HA, pKa=3.2 B. 0.1 M HA, pKa=5.1


which is atom is a Lewis base? A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F

A and C

Below is the reaction for the formation of tungsten metal from tungsten ore. The reaction is at equilibrium. WO3(s) + 3H2(g) <--> W(s) + 3H2O(g) ΔH > 0 What is the effect on [H2O] when the reaction is cooled? A. increases B. decreases C. stays the same


Choose the correct IUPAC name for CrO3 A. chromium trioxide B. chromium (vi) oxide C. chromium (iii) oxide D. chromium (vi) trioxide


Choose the most electronegative atom from the choices below. A. Li B. N C. Sr D. Ne E. K


0.50 mole of O3 has how many molecules and how many O atoms? A. 0.5 molecules and 1.5 atoms B. 3.0e23 molecules and 9.0e23 atoms C. 3.03e23 molecules and 1.5 atoms D. 0.5 molecules and 9.0e23 atoms


the value of ΔS° for the reaction is: 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. ΔS°>0 B. ΔS°<0 C. ΔS°~0


NaClO in water is...? A. acidic B. basic C. neutral


Precipitation reaction:lead(II) perchlorate and aluminum sulfate A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E


What are the n and l quantum numbers for the highest energy electron in bromine? A. n=3, l=2 B. n=4, l=1 C. n=4, l=2 D. n=3, l=1 E. n=4, l=3


What is the bond order, and how many unpaired electrons are in CN-1? A. 3 bonds, 2 unpaired B. 3 bonds, 0 unpaired C. 2 bonds, 2 unpaired D. 2 bonds, 0 unpaired


Which diagram below has the largest forward rate constant? A. A B. B C. C


Which species below has the HIGHEST boiling point? A. C4H10 B. C3H7OH C. C3H6O D. C3H8 E. C2H5OH


a solution of sodium acetate is mixed with a solution of hydrochloric acid. A. HCl + C2H3O2- --> Cl- + HC2H3O2 B. H3O+ + C2H3O2- --> H2O + HC2H3O2 C. HClO + C2H3O2- --> ClO- + HC2H3O2 D. H3O+ + C2H3O2- <--> H2O + HC2H3O2


assume the reaction is at equilibrium: when H2O is removed from the reaction, the amount of H2 will... 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same


choose the structure(s) with the longest N to N and strongest N to N bond. A. Longest A, Strongest C B. Longest A, Strongest B C. Longest A, Strongest A D. Longest B, Strongest B E. Longest C, Strongest A


complete the acid-base reaction S-2 + HClO3 <--> A. H2S+ ClO3-1 B. Hs- + ClO3-1 C. H2S + ClO3-2 D. HS + ClO3-2


decide if each of the following substances would be more soluble in water or hexane: CH3CH2CH2OCH2CH2CH3, CH3OH A. hexane, hexane B. hexane, water C. water, hexane D. water, water


determine the average oxidation state of carbon Ising the oxidation state rules, and the individual oxidation states of the carbons using structure, C2H3FO2. A. Cavg= +2, C1=-1, C2=+3 B. Cavg= +1, C1=-1, C2=+3 C. Cavg= +1, C1=0, C2=0 D. Cavg= +2, C1=0, C2=+4


electrolyte or non-electrolyte K2SO4, CH3OH A. electrolyte, electrolyte B. electrolyte, non-electrolyte C. non-electrolyte, electrolyte D. non-electrolyte, non-electrolyte


give the angle about the labeled centers in nepatolactone α β γ A. α=109, β=~120, γ=180 B. α=109, β=~120, γ=~109 C. α=109, β=120, γ=120 D. α=90, β=120, γ=180


given CaO(s) + 3C(s) -> CaC2(s) + CO(g) ΔH° = + 465 kJ what is the ΔH° for the reaction below? 4CaC2(s) + 4CO(g) -> 4CaO(s) + 12C(s) A. -465 kj B. -4 x 465 kj C. 4 x 465 kj D. -12 x 465 kj E. +465/4 kj


how many atoms with sp hybridization, atoms with sp2 hybridization and unhybridized p orbitals are there in acrylonitrile? A. sp atoms=1, sp2 atoms=2, unhybridized p orbitals=4 B. sp atoms=2, sp2 atoms=2, unhybridized p orbitals=6 C. sp atoms=2, sp2 atoms=2, unhybridized p orbitals=4 D. sp atoms=1, sp2 atoms=2, unhybridized p orbitals=6


how many s, p, d, and f electrons are there in bromine? A. s=7, p=18, d=10, f=0 B. s=8, p=17, d=10, f=0 C. s=8, p=12, d=15, f=0 D. s=8, p=17, d=10, f=10


identify the net precipitation reaction that occurs (if any) when the solutions are mixed. potassium iodide and lead (ii) nitrate A. Pb+2(aq) + I2^+2(aq) --> PbI2(s) B. Pb+2(aq) + 2I-1(aq) --> PbI2(s) C. K+1(aq) + NO3-1(aq) --> KNO3(s) D. 3K+1(aq) + N-3(aq) --> K3N(s) E. no precipitate forms


link the container to the substance. A. A is CH3OCH3, B is CH3CH2OH B. A is CH3CH2OH, B is CH3OCH3


name HBrO A. hydrobromic acid B. hypobromous acid C. bromous acid D. hydrogen bromide oxide


pick the atoms with the highest first ionization energy and lowest first ionization energy. O, Si, Br, Na, Cs, Ne A. highest O, lowest Br B. highest Ne, lowest Cs C. highest Ne, lowest Na D. highest O, lowest Na


pick the metals that Sn could be galvanized with A. Cu and Pb B. Mg and Al C. Cu and Mg D. Al and Pb


pick the weakest base: A. A B. B C. C D. D


select the substance with the higher melting point (in theory) and the reason why. A. (NH4)2S, molecular dispersion forces B. MgS, ionic forces C. (NH4)2S, network covalent D. MgS, metallic E. (NH4)2S, ionic forces


the reaction is: 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. extensive at high temperatures B. extensive at low temperatures C. extensive at any temperature D. non-extensive at all temperatures


construct a galvanic cell using Ag+1/Ag and Cr+3/Cr What is the net redox reaction? A. Ag+1(aq) + Cr(s) --> Ag(s) + Cr+3(aq) B. Ag(s) + Cr+3(aq) --> Ag+1(aq) + Cr(s) C. 3Ag+1(aq) + Cr(s) --> 3Ag(s) + Cr+3(aq) D. 3Ag+1*(aq) + Cr+3(aq) --> 3Ag(s) + Cr(s)


0.35 mole of CF4 has ______ mol C atoms, _____ mol F atoms and _____ total mol atoms? A. 1, 4, 5 B. 0.35, 0.35, 0.75 C. 0.35, 1.40, 1.75 D. 0.35, 1.40, 0.35


Consider the formal charge distribution and net formal charge on the structures shown below. Choose the correct structure that is the best representation of N2O A. A B. B C. C D. D


How many grams of Fe2Cl3 can be produced with 75.0 grams of chlorine gas (Cl2) and an excess of Fe? (MW: Fe2Cl3= 218.1 g/mol) 4Fe(s) + 3Cl2(g) --> 2Fe2Cl3(s) A. 115.4 g Fe2Cl3 B. 76.9 g Fe2Cl3 C. 153.8 g Fe2Cl3 D. 307.6 g Fe2Cl3


If in the initial ​[reactant] = 1.0 M, which diagram represents ​[product] = ~ 1.0 M at equilibrium? A. A B. B C. C


Redox Reaction:an aluminum bar is added to a solution of CuBr2 A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E


What is the bond order, and. how many unpaired electrons are in NF? A. 3 bonds, 2 unpaired B. 3 bonds, 0 unpaired C. 2 bonds, 2 unpaired D. 2 bonds, 0 unpaired


What is the pressure of a 2.00 L container filled with 5.00 g of CL2 at 25 °C? A. 1.73 atm B. 656 atm C. 0.863 atm D. 0.0723 atm E. 87.4 atm


Which ions below are isolelectronic with Ar? i) Zr+2 ii) Br- iii) P-3 iv) Ca+2 v) Na+ A. i and iii B. iii and v C. iii and iv D. i and iv E. ii


a 22 L balloon wit 28 grams of air at 298 K is in a room at 1 atmosphere. the pressure in the room is increased to two atmospheres. What is the new volume? volume and pressure are _______ proportional. A. 11 L, directly B. 44 L, directly C. 11 L, inversely D. 44 L, inversely


assume the reaction is at equilibrium: when catalyst is added to the reaction, the amount of H2 will.... 2H2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2H2O(g) A. increase B. decrease C. stay the same


calculate the energy of an electron in joules for the n=2 level of the B+4 ion. A. -8.72e-18 J B. +1.36e-17 J C. -1.36-17 J D. +8.72-18 J


calculate the value of Ka for this reaction: HS- + HPO4-2 <--> H2S + PO4-3 A. 2.1x10^5 B. 2.7x10^-1 C. 4.8x10^-6 D. 3.7


choose all the following materials that can be added to 1.0 liter of water to make a solution that is 0.30 M in SO4^-2. i) 0.30 mol CaSO4 ii) 0.10 mol Al2(SO4)3 iii) 0.60 mol Li2SO4 iv) 0.30 mol (NH4)2SO4 v) 0.30 mol MgSO4 vi) 0.60 mol Ti(SO4)2 A. i, v B. i, ii, iv, v C. ii, iv, v D. i, iii, v, vi E. iv, v


What is the VALENCE electron configuration of In (atomic #49)? A. 5s2.4d10.5p1 B. 6s2.6p1 C. 5s2.4f14.4d10.5p1 D. 5s2.5p1 E. 5s2.5d10.5p1


Choose the best structure for BrO3-1 (Do not add or remove electrons to atoms in answer choices.) A. A B. B C. C D. D


Choose the picture that best represents a sigma anti-bonding (σ*) overlap A. A B. B C. C D. D


Determine the relative values of ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS when water freezes. A. ΔG>0, ΔH>0, ΔS<0 B. ΔG>0, ΔH<0, ΔS<0 C. ΔG<0, ΔH>0, ΔS>0 D. ΔG<0, ΔH<0, ΔS<0


How many σ and π bonds are there in acrylonitrile? A. 6 σ, 2 π B. 4 σ, 5 π C. 4 σ, 3 π D. 6 σ, 3 π


the Ksp values for Hg2^+2 compounds are shown below. if 0.10 mol of each compound is partially dissolved in 1 liter of water, which one will have the lowest [Hg2^+2]? A. Hg2Br2, Ksp=6.4x10^-23 B. Hg2F2, Ksp=3.1x10^-6 C. Hg2(SCN)2, Ksp=3.1x10^-20 D. Hg2(OH)2, Ksp=3.1x10^-26


what are the expected charges for P and Ca, when they form ions? A. P+3, Ca-2 B. P+5, Ca-6 C. P-3, Ca-6 D. P-3, Ca+2 E. P-5, Ca+6


what are the forward rate law and reverse rate law for the one step reaction shown? 2CO(g) + O2(g) <--> 2CO2(g) A. Rf=[CO]^2[O2], Rr=[CO2]^2 B. Rf=kf+2[CO]+[O2], Rr=kr+2[Co2] C. Rf=[CO][O2], Rr=[CO2] D. Rf=kf[CO]^2[O2], Rr=kr[CO2]^2


what are the full and valence electron configuration for Ti? A. [Ar]4s2.3d2,3d2 B. [Ar]4s2.4d2,3p2 C. [Ar]4s2.3p2,3p2 D. [Ar]4s2.3d2,4s2.3d2 E. [Ar]4s2.4d2,4d2


what change in potential does an electron experience when it moves from an initial potential of -0.8 V to a final potential at -0.3 V? is the change spontaneous or non-spontaneous? (Ecell=Efinal-Einital) (ΔG=-nFEcell) A. -1.1 V, non-spontaneous B. +1.1 V, spontaneous C. +0.5 V, non-spontaneous D. +0.5 V, spontaneous E. -0.5 V non-spontaneous


what is the anode 1/2 reaction? Ag+1(aq) + 1e- <--> Ag(s) E°=+0.80V Cr+3(aq) + 3e- <--> Cr(s) E°=-0.74V A. Ag+1 + 1e- <--> Ag B. Ag <--> Ag+1 + 1e- C. Cr+3 + 3e- <--> Cr D. Cr <--> Cr+3 + 3e-


what is the equilibrium concentration of Cl-1 in 1 liter solution that is 0.110 M in lead ion and contains 0.230 moles PbCl2? PbCl2(s) <--> Pb+2(aq) + 2Cl-1(aq) K=1.70x10^-5 A. 0.0000178 M B. 0.0000773 M C. 0.00596 M D. 0.0124 M


what is the expected charge on Ni and the electron configuration for that ion? A. Ni+8, [Ar]4s2 B. Ni+10, [Ar] C. Ni+2, [Ar]4d8 D. Ni+2, [Ar]3d8 E. Ni+2, [Ar]4s2.3d6


what is the hybridization, bond angle, and shape about element 2? A. sp2, 120, trigonal planar B. sp3, ~109, tetrahedral C. sp2, 120, trigonal pyramidal D. sp3, ~109, trigonal pyramidal


what is the name of TiBr4? A. titanium tetrabromide B. titanium tetrabromine C. titanium (iv) bromine D. titanium (iv) bromide


what is the reducing agent and oxidizing agent in the reaction below? 2Fe(s) + 3Cl2(g) --> 2Fe+3(aq) + 6Cl-1(aq) A. RA=Cl2, OA=Fe B. RA=Fe, OA=Fe+3 C. RA= Fe+3 OA=Cl-1 D. RA=Fe, OA=Cl2


what letter corresponds to the highest energy emission transition? A. n=4 --> n=5 B. n=4 --> n=3 C. n=1 --> n=2 D. n=3--> n=2 E. n=5 --> n=4


which bonds are exactly the same length? A. B and E B. A and D C. C and B D. C and D


which has the highest (most+) energy? A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E


which sample has the fewest atoms? A. 158 grams Se B. 0.5 mol S8 C. 0.3 mol NaNO3 D. 3x10^23 N2 molecules


Select an atom that is a Lewis acid A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F

D and F

estimate ΔH for combustion of methane, CH4. CH4(g) + 2O2(g) -> CO2(g) 2H2O(l) A. -74 kj/mol reaction B. -313 kj/mol reaction C. -1506 kj/mol reaction D. +118 kj/mol reaction E. -808 kj/mol reaction


how many moles of NaCl can be produced when 5 mol of Na react with 2 mol Cl2? A. 2 B. 5 C. 3.6 D. 7 E. 4


what is the Eact and forward, Eact reverse, and ΔG for the reaction coordinate diagram below? A. +14, +12, -2 kj/mol B. +2, +4, +2 kj/mol C. +16, +16, +2 kj/mol D. +12, +14, +2 kj/mol E. +14, +12, +2 kj/mol


which one (a-h) is the longest wavelength emission? A. a B. b C. c D. d E. e F. f G. g H. h


which one (a-h) is the highest energy emission? A. a B. b C. c D. d E. e F. f G. g H. h


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