Chem review test Chapter 1

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Mass is conserved when chemical changes occur.

(A) true

A quantitative observation is known as a(n)

(B) measurement

That large cars get fewer miles per gallon than small cars is _____.

(B) a quantitative observation

That professional basketball players are usually taller than six feet is _____.

(B) a quantitative observation

Science is _____.

(B) both a body of knowledge and a method of understanding the natural world.

It is more important to memorize the facts of chemistry than to be able to think problems through.

(B) false

The scientific method is applicable to all human problems.

(B) false

Theories are true.

(B) false

Of the following issues, which probably does not need a knowledge of chemistry to help find a solution?

(B) inflation

Chemistry is called the "central science" because _____.

(B) most natural phenomenon involve chemical changes

"Acid rain will erode marble statues" is an example of a scientific _____.

(B) observation

Stars are powered by nuclear fusion" is an example of a scientific _____.

(B) observation

Which of the following household chores probably does not need any knowledge of chemistry to do?

(B) sweeping the floor

That air from smoke-filled rooms is filtered and the residues analyzed is _____.

(C) an experiment

That damage to cars is determined by crashing them into stationary barriers is _____.

(C) an experiment

That mice are fed aspirin in proportion to their body weight is _____.

(C) an experiment

That Michael Jordan was the best basketball player is _____.

(C) an interpretation

That red apples are sweeter than green apples is _____.

(C) an interpretation

That red cars are more attractive than black cars is _____.

(C) an interpretation

Chemistry deals with _____ .

(C) both the nature of and the changes in materials

A(n) _____ is a possible explanation for a set of observations.

(C) hypothesis

"Acids react with bases" is an example of a scientific _____.

(C) law

A statement of generally observed behavior is known as a(n) _____.

(C) natural law

Something that can be witnessed and recorded is called a(n) _____.

(C) observation

Observations may be _____.

(D) both quantitative and qualitative

"Megadoses of vitamin C will prevent colds" is an example of a scientific _____.

(D) hypothesis

"Sulfur dioxide emission is the major source of acid rain" is an example of a scientific _____.

(D) hypothesis

"The planet Pluto was space debris captured by the sun's gravity" is an example of a scientific _____.

(D) hypothesis

Of the following, which is an interpretation?

(D) theory

Natural laws can be broken.

(B) false

"Green plants produce oxygen gas" is an example of a scientific _____.

(B) observation

That aspirin in the blood system reduces the ability of the blood to clot is _____.

(A) an observation

That there is less damage done to a car in a low-speed collision than in a high-speed collision is _____ .

(A) an observation

That waitresses who work in bars where smoking is allowed have a high incidence of breathing problems is _____.

(A) an observation

A(n) ______ is a test to gather more information to support or discredit a hypothesis.

(A) experiment

Baking a cake _____.

(A) involves chemistry

Growing flowers _____.

(A) involves chemistry

Reading a book _____.

(A) involves chemistry

Starting your car _____.

(A) involves chemistry

Surfing the Internet _____.

(A) involves chemistry

Taking an aspirin _____.

(A) involves chemistry

Walking around the block _____.

(A) involves chemistry

"What goes up must come down" is an example of a scientific _____.

(A) law

"The Earth revolves around the sun" is an example of a scientific _____.

(A) model

Of the following, which do not change as more information becomes available?

(A) observations

"CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) damage the ozone layer" is an example of a scientific _____.

(A) theory

"Man evolved from lower species of animals" is an example of a scientific _____.

(A) theory

A(n) _____ is a probable explanation for a set of observations or a set of tested hypotheses.

(A) theory

A hypothesis can become a theory if enough evidence is collected to support it.

(A) true

A theory is a good one if it can be used to predict behavior under different conditions.

(A) true

Experiments should be designed to provide new observations related to a hypothesis or theory.

(A) true

It is essential to learn the vocabulary of chemistry to be successful in this course.

(A) true

The study of chemistry involves strictly memorizing facts.

(B) false

That aspirin prevents heart attacks is _____.

(B) a hypothesis

That lowering speed limits results in fewer accidents is _____.

(B) a hypothesis

That second-hand smoke causes health problems is _____.

(B) a hypothesis

That apples are more than 90% water is _____.

(B) a quantitative observation

That basketballs are round is _____.

(A) a qualitative observation

That lemons are sour is _____.

(A) a qualitative observation

That white cars get dirty easily is _____.

(A) a qualitative observation

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