Chemistry Chapter 1

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The vertical columns on the periodic table are called a. periods b. rows c. groups d. elements


Two scientists are trying to determine the exact nature of the chemicals in a lava flow. They are working in the field of ______ chemistry.


Under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure, the particles in a gas are a. closely packed b. very far from one another c. held in fixed positions d. unevenly distributed


What happens to the energy in a substance when it changes state a. it is destroyed b. it is changes into mater c. it changes form, but is neither destroyed nor increased d. the energy remains unchanged

copper + water are the the reactants copper (II) oxide + hydrogen are the products

Differentiate between the reactants and the products in the reaction represented by the equation -- copper+water--> copper(II) oxide+hydrogen.

mass is the quantity of matter and weight is the force of gravity on matter

Distinguish between mass and weight.

a pure substance has a fixed composition a homogenous mixture is made up of two or more substances that keep their identities and can be separated

Explain the difference between a pure substance and a homogeneous mixture.

they change the identity of the object

Explain why flammability and combustibility are chemical properties.

many chemicals are in the human body and are needed for life (oxygen, water)

Explain why it is incorrect to assume that all chemicals are potentially dangerous or hazadarous. Give two examples of chemicals that are necessary for human life.


Gravel is an example of a (n) ______ mixture.

Iodine, nonmetal,gas at room temp,brittle

Identify as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid and give two physical properties for the element I


Identify as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid and give two physical properties for the element Sr

Arsenic,metalloid, semiconductor,

Identify as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid and give two physical properties for the element in group period 4 group 15


If a mixture is not uniform throughout, it is called a. homogenous b. heterogenous c. chemically bonded d. a solution


If a mixture is uniform in composition, it is said to be a. homogenous b. chemically bonded c. heterogenous d. a compound


In a bonfire, oxygen allows wood to combust, leaving behind ashes. In this process, oxygen and wood are the reactants, and ashes are the ______.

melting is physical because it is still metal burning is chemical because it changes identity

In one experiment, magnesium metal is melted. In a second experiment, magnesium metal is burned. Classify the change in each experiment as chemical or physical.


Inorganic chemistry is the study of a. non-carbon related compounds b. the chemistry of living things c. mathematical modeling d. the identification of the composition of materials


An alloy such as a gold ring is an example of a (n) ______ mixture.


A chemical can be defined as a. a toxic substance b. an unnatural additive c. any substance that has a definite composition d. any substance that is not alive


A chemical change occurs when a. dissolved minerals solidify to form a crystal b. ethanol is purified through distillation c. salt deposits form from evaporated seawater d. a leaf changes color in the fall


A chemistry student is studying the formation of quartz crystals. She is studying ______ chemistry.


A compound is a. a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler, stable substances b. a substance, made of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded, that can be broken down into simpler, stable substances c. the smallest unit of matter that maintains its chemical identity d. any substance, whether it is chemically bonded or not


A homogenous mixture is also called a. chemically bonded b. a compound c. a solution d. a solute


A measure of the quantity of matter is a. density b. weight c. volume d. mass


A mixture is a. a combination of pure substances bonded chemically b. any substance with a uniform composition c. a blend of any two or more kinds of matter, as long as each maintains its own unique properties d. any group of elements that are chemically bonded to one another


A nonmetal is usually a. brittle b. malleable c. a good conductor d. used to make jewelry


A sample of matter can be poured from container to container. It takes the shape of its container but only takes up a certain volume. Based on this information, the sample is in the ______ state.


A scientist is using mathematical models to to isolate a new chemical process. He is working in the field of ______ chemistry.


A scientist is working to determine the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy of a newly discovered mineral. She is working in the field of ______ chemistry.


A scientist is working to develop better dating methods for substances that contain carbon. He is working in the field of ______ chemistry.


A solid substance is a. always frozen regardless of its container b. always a crystal regardless of its container c. always the same shape regardless of its container d. always losing parties regardless of its container


A state of matter in which a material has no definite shape but has a definite volume is the ______ state a. gas b. liquid c. plasma d. solid


A team of scientists is working to discover how an enzyme affects blood cells in sheep. They are working in the field of ______ chemistry.


A true statement about mass is that a. mass is often measured with a spring sale b. mass is expressed in pounds c. as the force of Earth's gravity on an object increases, the object's mass increases d. mass is determined by comparing the mass of an object with a set of standard masses that are part of a balance


All known chemical elements are organized into groups based on similar chemical properties in the a. chemical chart b. periodic chart c. element table d. none of the above


An apple turning brown after being cut is an example of a ______ change.


An atom is a. the smallest unit of matter that maintains its chemical identity b. the smallest unit of a compound c. always made of carbon d. smaller than an electron


Any substance with a definite composition is a ______.


Applied research is carried out in order to a. solve a particular problem b. by accident c. to learn basic information d. in order to make money


Applied research is often performed to find the answer to a particular ______.


Basic research is performed to increase ______.


Basic research is usually performed a. to develop new products b. to understand an environmental problem c. to gain knowledge d. to solve a particular problem


Biochemistry is the study of a. properties, changes, and relationships between energy and matter b. the chemistry of living things c. crystals and minerals d. carbon-containing compounds


Iron and sulfur, when heated, form an iron sulfide that has different properties from either iron or sulfur. The formation of iron sulfide is an example of a ______ change.


It is easy to determine whether a substance is a metal if the substance is a. easy to break down into its components b. very hard c. very brittle d. a good electrical and heat conductor


Matter includes all of the following except a. air b. light c. smoke d. water vapor


Matter that has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape is in the ______ state.


Metalloids are often a. unreactive b. semiconductors c. lanthanides d. from outer space


Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen, both colorless gases, form a red-brown gas when mixed. Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen are called the a. products b. equilibria c. synthetics d. reactants


Noble gases are in Group 18, and are best known because they are a. unreactive b. excellent conductors c. rare d. reactants


Organic chemistry is the study of a. properties, changes, and relationships between energy and matter b. the chemistry of living things c. crystals and minerals d. carbon-containing compounds


Plasma is the fourth state of matter. In the plasma state a. atoms gain electrons b. atoms lose electrons c. atoms for molecules d. atomic nuclei break down


Some iron and sulfur are mixed together , then heated. When the result is cooled, the iron can no longer be separated from the surfer with a magnet. The result of heating the mixture was the formation of a(n) ______.


Technological development is performed to better our ______.


Technological development often occurs a. by accident b. long after the basic research is complete c. in order to learn basic information d. only to make money


The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called a. actinides b. families c. elements d. periods


The liquid state of matter can be described as a. having definite shape and definite volume b. having neither a definite shape and definite volume c. having lost electrons owing to energy content d. having a definite volume but not a definite shape


The melting of butter is a ______ change because it doesn't produce any new substances.


The only pure substance listed below is a. bread dough b. vinegar (5% acetic acid) c. vitamin c (ascorbic acid) d. seawater


The oxygen in air causes iron to rust. Iron and oxygen are ______ in this process, and rust is the product.

liquid state

The particles of a substance in the ______ are able to slide past each other.


The study of matter and changes that occur in matter best describes the science of ______.


The two most important properties of all matter are a. the ability to carry an electric current well and to hold electric charge b. taking up space and having mass c. being brittle and hard d. being malleable and ductile

elements, compounds

The two types of matter that are pure substances are ______ and ______.


When examining a mineral, hardness and color are two of the properties used for identification. Hardness and color are examples of ______ properties.

water boils into steam-physical vinegar & baking soda combine --> CO2 - chemical

When water boils, steam forms. When vinegar and baking soda combine, carbon dioxide gas is released. Which change is physical , and which is chemical?


Which of the following is an example of a heterogeneous mixture a. a gold ring b. seawater c. granite d. sucrose


Which of the following is an example of a homogeneous mixture a. air b. orange juice c. raw milk d. marble


Which of the following is an extensive property of matter a. melting point b. boiling point c. volume d. density


Which of the following is an intensive property of matter a. amount of energy b. density c. volume d. mass


Which of the following is not a chemical change a. rusting b. igniting c. melting d. burning


Which of the following is not a physical change a. grinding b. cutting c. melting d. burning

it expands (spreads out)

Why can a gas fill the entire volumes of its container?


a physical change occurs when a a. peach spoils b. silver bowls c. bracelet turns your wrist green d. glue gun melts a glue stick

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